The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
It’s easy to see the world is falling apart. If you get a $100 bill and a dollar bill, one’s printed one dollar, and the Fed prints the next one with $100 on it, what’s the difference in the paper? It’s what’s printed on it!
Did you know what the Fed wants to do right now, because we’re in so much trouble—we’re about to go under? They’re going to mint a platinum round, just like the Miraculous Medjugorje Round. And they’re going to use this to save the economy. And this platinum round, made out of platinum, only, really, one ounce is not much difference from gold…They’re going to put a value on this one round…A million dollars? Ten million dollars? No. A hundred million dollars? A billion dollars? No. They’re going to mint it with the value of one trillion dollars. How do you do that? And you don’t think we’re in trouble? Go research it! They want a one trillion-dollar round to keep the government going and pay all its bills. You say, “How can that be?” The same way a piece of paper says one dollar, and the next piece of paper says a hundred dollar-bill. This is not a joke. We’re in trouble. Everything’s deception, just like the vaccinations.
We see more evidence of why Our Lady’s here with us. You have all this pressure, all this force. “You’ve got to get vaccinated.” “You’ve got to do this.” “You can’t speak out against the schools.” “You’ve got to give your children over to the system.”
It’s very interesting that the most outspoken president of other countries in the world is the President of Croatia. Our Lady appeared in this region. Croatia’s president recently said, quote,
“No more vaccinations.”
What do you think about that? Is it because Our Lady’s wisdom is there?
Another president, Catholic, Brazil. He’s not getting a vaccination, and he’s not mandating the vaccination. You’ve got the citizens of Italy taking out to the streets. You’ve got whistle-blowers coming out now at this moment revealing people are dying from the vaccination. The governor of Florida, DeSantis, banned all mandatory vaccinations. You know what’s happening in Florida right now? It’s got a high population with lowest cases of corona. What does that say to you? It speaks very clear. You don’t need science because you’ve got reality. You’ve got New Zealand, because they’re isolated, they figured we could cut everything down and stop corona by shutting down. The President of New Zealand just said it’s not working. There is no more mask, no vaccination, no nothing.
A couple weeks ago, I listened to one of the broadcasts that was recorded back in March, and I was amazed what was said on there as far as where we are today. It re-reminded me of what I wrote in They Fired the First Shot, that evil, the more it gets exposed, has to go faster and faster and faster.
And so, this broadcast from last March is addressing now what was difficult for people to see in March. And so, today is Thursday, October 7th. We were so busy we didn’t have time to do a broadcast. So, this broadcast today, I realized, maybe just replay this because it’s so applicable. As I listened to it this afternoon, it became very clear that Our Lady planned this for this day because this is the feast day for the Rosary, for the winning of the Battle of Lepanto. Our Lady’s efficacy shows repeatedly that She’s in charge of you if you surrender everything to Her. Our Lady wants you to hear this tonight, and you’ll hear something in this broadcast that I didn’t remember two weeks ago, and here it is, on October 7th, we play this. And these are the signs that Our Lady says, “I am active in your life, even what you do.” Whether you’re going to the grocery store, you’re going to work, or you’re doing a broadcast. She wanted you to hear this on this date today. Open your heart and listen to Our Lady of what She wanted you to hear tonight. Be focused and alert and increase your attention span.
The pastor of a church in the Edmonton area is under arrest for violating public health orders, repeatedly holding sermons that exceed Alberta’s capacity limits.
This church near Edmonton has repeatedly violated public health orders, holding sermons that surpass the fifteen percent gathering capacity. Coates has been charged with breaching the Public Health Act and is due in court at the end of March.
While Premier Kenny was sending out his Ash Wednesday greetings, Pastor James Coates was locked up in an Alberta prison for exercising his charter freedoms of conscience, religion, association, expression and peaceful assembly.
Do you know it’s against the criminal code to obstruct a clergyman? I’m reading section 176. So, who’s guilty here?
Well, Danielle, no clergyman [INAUDIBLE] is obstructed from leading their congregation in worship in Alberta.
He’s in jail…
They’re all permitted to…
Hold on, hold on Tony. He’s in jail…
No, Danielle. Every…every…
…and he was not released because the court, the provision of the court was he had to agree not to go back to his church. That is standing in the way of this 176 provision in the criminal code.
Free Pastor Coates! Free Pastor Coates!
If in the communist country of Cuba, churches are open, and we are jailing our pastors?! What is happening to us?!
Even if you’re not Christian, pull back the camera a bit. Restaurants are allowed to be open. Big box stores like Wal-Mart and Costco. Throughout the entire time, liquor stores, marijuana stores. But the church has harsh limits on it.
And it isn’t the government’s responsibility to protect us from a virus. What’s their responsibility to protect our God-given rights?
What do you think about that? I would say, today, there’s not a lot of thinking going on, because everything thinks for you. The news gives you information. Your phone talks to you all the time. All the gadgets, all the electronics, all these things assail us. Visually, billboards, everything, all over the place. There’s no contemplation. Little reflection.
Why do you think Our Lady came? We just heard the reason. Wal-Mart’s open. Costco’s open. The pastor can’t preach? And because he went past the fifteen percent, he’s in jail. Nobody would have imagined that ten years ago, even five years ago. Our Lady’s been walking with us, since 1981, to bring us to holiness. At the same time, the world exposes itself for what it is. And we’re not supposed to call that out?
Our Lady came on January 8, 1987 and said,
“…The time has come when what my Lord desired has been fulfilled…”
I was just getting things cranked up. I remember where I was. I remember what I thought when I said this. “Mary, here it is, I’m giving up everything to go into Medjugorje, and now, you’re saying it’s over, it’s fulfilled.” She formed the six visionaries to March 1, 1984. And then She took a step differently. She began to give messages every Thursday for the villagers. And that continued all the way to January, 1987. So, She converted the visionaries. Then, She converted the parish. And now, She starts on another level, and now, we know what that was. The conversion of the world. It starts with a nucleus, and then the parish around the visionaries, and then it opened up to all through the world.
So, when She said, “fulfilled,” She meant She had the foundation now to launch of what God desired. And what is that?
She continues in that January 8, 1987 message,
“…I beseech you, [to] listen to my messages and live them, so I can guide you…”
We’ve got our deacons. We’ve got our priests. We’ve got our bishops. We’ve got our cardinals. We’ve got the pope. And She says, “I’m going to guide you”? The holy Church is there. But She saw more than what we saw. She can see behind the curtain. She knew where the direction of the Church was going. And if She didn’t build up a body of apostles, the Church would have ended. But Jesus said, the gates of hell will never prevail. This puts Medjugorje and what Our Lady’s doing in a huge category. It’s not just a Fatima thing. It’s not just a Miraculous Medal thing. It’s not just a Lourdes where you go get cured. All those were billboards to create a following of Our Lady, a devotion, that way She would be known and loved when She came to make the big show and the last show upon the earth.
So, those words,
“…I beseech you, listen to my messages…”
I’m not hearing them. You don’t hear the voice. Our Lady does not want you to reduce Her messages to reading. If you’re just reading these words, you’re going to say they’re repetitious. She wants you to hear Her talking to you. Don’t read Her messages; listen to Her messages. That’s Her words.
“…I beseech you, listen to my messages and live them, so I can guide you…”
From January 8th starts the first monthly message, January 25, 1987.
“…You are not able…”
What does that mean? Are you listening to that? You can’t do this. She’s telling them, “I’m telling you, you can’t do it.”
“…You are not able to comprehend how great your role is in God’s design…”
If She says that, and we’re listening to that, we have to take it for the words that She says it, that we won’t comprehend it.
Then, Our Lady says that,
“…in prayer you may be able to comprehend what God’s plan is in your regard…”
And then, She says,
“…[Do you realize] God has chosen each one of you, in order to use you in a great plan…”
We’re experiencing something never upon the earth before, and we’re seeing something evil we never have before. We have many good people in the Medjugorje world, many people that’s holy, really discerning correctly. They love Our Lady. And you can meet a Medjugorje person halfway around the world and be friends immediately like family. They can discern falsehood, untruths. But then, you have other people in the Medjugorje world that are snowflakes. They think Our Lady’s here only just to pray, fast, go to Mass, mind my own business, and not critique what’s happening in the world.
What’s happening today is what happened in Jesus’ day. He built a big following. But the closer to the Crucifixion, those who wanted to be Christians and following Jesus fell away from Him. And we see this in the Medjugorje world. There’s a division with the mentality that we’re not to call out evil. And if you do, they think it’s political. Political? Because we saw what’s in our country and what we’re doing now, what happened, the stealing of the election? And some are writing to us saying, “Take me off your mail list,” which we gladly do, “because you’re politicizing Our Lady.” Really? You don’t know Medjugorje.
November 2, 2016
“…my apostles will live, will conquer and will expose evil…”
We’re supposed to be doing this, and few people out there who are following Our Lady and think you’re just supposed to sit there and be a snowflake and just do your play, you’re off base. You’re off discernment. Our Lady came here for a great plan, January 25, ’87, and what was it? “…a great plan for the salvation of [the world]…” Our Lady wants to expose Governor Cuomo. Are you against that? Is that politicizing everything? This man brought in infected corona people into an old nursing home, killing people. That’s political? We’re supposed to bury that? We’re not supposed to talk about it? We’re commanded to do that. It is Our Lady, when She said, “…my apostles…will conquer…” means we have to do something. How are we going to do it? But you have the people say, “Oh, it’s just by prayer. It’s just by prayer. God’s going to do it.” No, God acts through man. Those people who cannot believe are in reality negating what Our Lady is here for: a great battle against the darkness by the light.
Our Lady’s messages, when you listen to them, and not read them, but listen to them by reading them, tells us to be aware what is happening around us, and we have to stop it. We have to fight it. Don’t tell me George Washington wasn’t chosen by God to break the United States of America from England. God is active in these things. For you who have that mentality that Our Lady’s not involved with these things, then explain the Battle of Lepanto. Our Lady was very involved with that, through the Rosary. Throughout history, we have this, and for you, now, to suppress Our Lady—and I say that, “suppress,” because She just said, February 25th, that word, “suppress wars.” Why would She come down from Heaven and say that, except She’s very involved with this? This is a cancerous mentality in Medjugorje people. Their numbers are very small, but it amazes me that they can’t see truth.
We’re in a very dangerous situation these days, very unstable. Those in office are collaborating with the enemy who wants to conquer us. Biden is collaborating with China. George Washington had the three perils. The last one was the red dragon, and it’s manifesting. They want to destroy us. They want to control us. They want to conquer us. And we’re supposed to expose those things.
We’re going to play a series of commercials about China and what their plans are.
America has long treated China as a friendly trading partner. But that partnership is unreliable.
The COVID-19 virus has exposed how much America is relying on critical products purchased from China. Our antibiotics, medical safety supplies and critical components for smart phones, computers and even military hardware are manufactured by Chinese companies. These companies are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, and these supplies can be cut off in an instant.
China is also expanding its influence in America by funding university agendas, and they have acquired majority ownership in 2,400 American companies in aerospace, energy, technology and other critical industries.
This soft power is designed to gain access to technology and resources and manipulate Americans and bury the truth about the real nature of the Chinese communist government.
Learn more about Chinese power and control of America at chinaownsus.com.
When a government controls the media, they can control what we see…and what you don’t see.
The Chinese government has a long history of censorship and is now expanding their influence. Hollywood has recently started censoring themselves in order to increase their chances of getting access to the Chinese market, adding positive references to China in films like Transformers 4 and The Martian.
But now, Chinese companies with ties to the Communist Party are buying up Hollywood studios and movie houses, amassing more power when it comes to what Americans see and don’t see. Is that what we want?
To learn more, visit chinaownsus.com.
I pledge allegiance to America’s debt and to the Chinese government that lends us money…
China produces 97% of our antibiotics. They ship us many of our generic drugs and billions in poorly regulated contaminated foods. We’re also vulnerable with our trillion-dollar debt to this Chinese Communist government. Should you trust China with your health? Should our government?
Get the facts at chinaownsus.com
A rising China is a positive development…
They’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what?
They’re not a competition for us…
We do not fear China’s rise…
Well, I think the biggest threat to our security is Russia…
China is going to eat our lunch? C’mon, man.
Rosemary Gibson, author of China Rx: Exposing America’s Risk of Dependence on China for Medicine. Do you know what’s rampant right now? IBS: irritable bowel syndrome. And no one understands why, all of a sudden, we have this huge thing everywhere. Many people are talking about it. They’ve got new medicines trying to fix it, and it doesn’t work. Many point back to antibiotics. Did you know 97% of all antibiotics come from China? These people are genius. Soft power. Sun Tzu said avoid fighting. You don’t want to kill your people, nor the people you want to conquer. You want to enslave them. And they’ve got a good plan. Ninety-seven percent of all antibiotics come from China.
The website, as you heard about, chinaownsus.com, when they say, “us,” they mean U.S. They say that we import billions of dollars of food from China. “Food made in China has been contaminated by aluminium, lead, cadmium and plastics.” They know this is in there. Poison the people. Poison your enemies.
“Eighty percent of the U.S. imports of rare-earth minerals comes from China, which are vital for smart phone, electric cars, defense and other technology.”
Did you know that China owns 8,200 U.S. movie theater screens? And they control it, so there won’t be any anti-China sentiments, but rather, a pro-message for China.
Did you know that ninety-seven percent of high purity fentanyl comes from China? Not Mexico. Not South America. China! They discovered 500,000 food safety violations found by the Chinese government in just a nine-month period. And everybody here has immunity diseases and problems? The United States doesn’t make good medicine anymore. We dangerously are relying on China for our medicine.
It doesn’t stop at there. China Owns US reports that Americans, unknowingly, have invested three trillion dollars in China’s activities and their plans. They have been buying exchange trade funds—ETFs—in the pension plans of the ordinary Americans.
Chinese television reaches 78 million Americans. They control things like ibuprofen, ninety-five percent of it. It’s not just to make money. It’s to destroy you. Where did Corona come from? China! And Corona is surrounded with control, everything about it. And that’s what China wants to do, and people buy into it.
Are you thinking, when you hear all the news talking about vaccination? I heard the other day, this woman being interviewed, “Oh, I’m so happy! I just got my vaccination.” And the newscaster saying, on the radio, “What do you feel like? Isn’t it wonderful?” She says, “I feel wonderful!” He says, “Well congratulations!” This is over the top. The way they sell these things and pushing about vaccination, sometimes putting music behind it and everything, is self-identifying an agenda.
Yesterday, March 3rd, a twenty-eight-year-old mom, who was forced because of her employment, required a vaccination. And she texted her husband that she was in line for her second shot. She says, quote,
“I’m getting the Corona vaccine now. If anything happens to me, promise you will always be there for [their son]…”
And then she pauses,
“…like, if I go brain dead and can’t walk.”
You know what happened? She dropped dead. This is not isolated, people. This is everywhere. Start doing your research. Don’t depend on CNN, even Fox or any of the people. You have to start studying and looking and expose evil just for your own family. This vaccination stuff is diabolical. It’s coming from hell. And we heard about the Canadian pastor. What are they going to do if you refuse the vaccination? Nobody has the right to go against your person. That’s a violation. Our Lady wants you to know these things, through listening to the messages, because you’ve got to fight this system, and the system is the antichrist.
I’m finishing up Ten Secrets in the next few weeks. I need your prayers. It’s been written for twenty-four years. Our Lady’s shown me over and over, when I got ready to publish it, “Wait.” Because what I saw in an antichrist, before I even started twenty-four years ago, that She was here because the antichrist is here. And nobody would have said that five years ago, much less twenty, twenty-five, thirty years ago. That book’s going to expose, clearly, all the way back to the late ‘80s, why She’s here, but nobody else could see it, because I was listening to the messages. Everybody else was wanting to do testimonies, and, “Oh, how wonderful. This person converted.” That’s great. That’s beautiful. Okay. But Medjugorje is the message. Not the village. It’s the message. It’s the roadmap of identifying and not fall underneath the antichrist system. “Get your shot. Do this. Do that. Go here. Buy and sell.” It is here. No bishop’s going to do that.
They just came out yesterday in several places, like the Diocese of Little Rock, that we can’t really use the vaccinations and allow them because it was derived from cell lines of aborted babies. And there’s a moral concern, they say. And they say Johnson & Johnson used testing for the vaccination and also for use, the cell line, for the production of it. So, they say don’t use Johnson & Johnson. Use Pfizer and Moderna because they only use the derived cells for the testing but not in production. So, they say it’s morally okay to take the one with the least use of the cell line. Apostate. Bad teachings. The early Christians didn’t do that to save themselves for a morally good. Say, a father of a family, if you’re going to get killed because you believe in Christ. You say, “Well, I’ve got to take care of my family. I believe in Jesus, but I’ll say I don’t just so I can provide for my family.” This is the rationale they’ve got here. This is amazing. This is shocking. The letter from Bishop Taylor in Little Rock says,
“We should continue to insist that pharmaceutical companies stop using abortion-derived cell lines given the worldwide suffering of the pandemic it’s causing. We affirm, again, that being vaccinated can be an act of charity that serves the common good…”
Either you’re an idiot, or we’re an idiot. Speaking out of both sides of the mouth. But it’s for the common good to get a vaccination! Then we have to go with it. And he continues,
“…In practical terms, here in Arkansas, we are not currently giving a choice regarding which vaccine to receive…”
You said don’t use Johnson, but, what are you saying? Let’s find out. Let’s read this. Listen to this real carefully.
“…currently giving a choice regarding which vaccine to receive. Each place has only one option to offer. Therefore, unless this changes, Catholics here [in Arkansas] and in the interest of the common good, should receive whichever vaccine offered, including the Johnson & Johnson vaccine…”!
What in the world is happening to our Church? What’s happened to our bishops? How stupid, how ignorant can they get? Quote again,
“…If for reasons of personal conscience, any Catholic refuses a vaccine when it becomes available, that person has a moral obligation to do the utmost to avoid becoming a vehicle of transmission to others.”
Did you understand what he just said? You take even Johnson & Johnson’s, filled with the cell line of aborted babies, and that you don’t want to put that in your body, this bishop, and many of the other bishops going along with this, that, “that person has a moral obligation to do their utmost to avoid becoming a vehicle of transmission to others, especially the most vulnerable.” He can easily say and defend himself and say, “Oh, well, I’m talking about masks and social distance.” No. That’s not what that means. You should have said that if that’s what you mean. You mean because, just before that, you said it’s okay to get Johnson & Johnson for the common good. I am sick of this.
I’ve got another letter coming to the bishops. The last one was the atomic bomb. I don’t have time to write, but it’s coming, for this action of making apostates of your own people and yourself.
All this adds up to one thing: everything’s unstable. You have to look at things. You have to see what’s the devil behind it. You have to see what’s going to fall, because we know it’s going to, and everything is tied to money, the selling and the buying.
It’s critically important for you to listen to the message of Our Lady. Don’t ever say, “I read the messages.” That’s not what She’s looking for. Your homework is to look January 8, 1987 message and look at that message and listen to it. And your second lesson, January 25, 1987, because that’s the foundation of what we’re doing now, because it’s about the great plan for the salvation for the entire world, and you are chosen and have a plan, and God has use of you in order to implement this great plan.
For all you people who follow the messages and you want to be holy and all those who want to stay out of controversy and want to be holy, the real way to be holy is very simple. It’s to do what God’s will is for you. You can’t get more holy than what He calls you to. Just being a daily communicant doesn’t fly if God’s got another plan for you. Yes, it’s a good thing to go to Mass every day. But what are you doing the rest of the day? That’s what’s important. So, to be holy is to fulfil the message of the 25th where Our Lady said, “…[pray] to comprehend…[what] your role is in God’s design…” And that’s the maximum holy you can get to follow His will.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
4 thoughts on “Not A Lot of Thinking Going On”
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
Way way back in about 2005, long before Pope Francis’s time, the Vatican issued a statement along the lines of it is acceptable to receive a vaccine derived from cell lines of aborted babies due to the moral issue of the need to prevent transmission, while still pressing for ethical vaccines to be developed in their place at the same time. It was on the basis of that document that I and I daresay many other Catholics reconciled the ethical dilemma of the vaccine. That and the fact my husband wanting me to be vaccinated.
The 2005 document shows that the line of least resistance has been with us for years.
Please bear in mind that this document was written long long before coronavirus 2019 was even a ‘thing’:
City: Freehold
State: NJ
Country: US
Everything you are saying really resonates with me. From the beginning I knew….. to the end I know. Praying for someone to hear and know as well. I am amazed how so many just go on with life not seeing what is truly going on. Families are divided, governments divide finger pointing judgement sometimes all we can do is pray all day. Praying for resolution and solution when your hands and feet are tied and your voice is silenced. Exactly what I am experiencing in every aspect of life. We must have Peace, Joy, Love in our soul because when we do we can move mountains because God Wills it.
Praying Amen
City: Medford
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Many people in our parish have received the jab. I have tried to warn them not to take more shots, because this is a political agenda and the shot is a bioweapon. Many censored doctors I have followed for years and trust have said so. If I say something about the shot I get interrupted and called a conspiracy theorist. I had an appointment with a new doctor and she said I should get the vaccine because I’m 77 years old and have kidney disease. I asked her what’s in it. She said, “I’ve been a doctor for 35 years.” She couldn’t give me any information as the benefits versus risks. Unless I can be fully informed about the testing and facts from the insert in the vaccine box and since the shot is gene therapy experiment, and we’re the lab rats, I can’t take it. Unless a patient is fully informed they should not have to take it. If forced is against Nuremberg Code. When you sign up to get the jab, you agree to be traced and tracked for two years. The insert in the shots is totally blank for Moderna and Phiezer. Be very careful to pray and read about the shot.
City: Sonora
State: CA
Country: United States of America
A very powerful message pinpointing what may have been forgotten in Our Lady’s messages. We need to trust Her. She is a true follower of our Holy Catholic Church established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The true Church are the faithful believing followers and the Church may not include “The Vatican,” the Pope, the Bishops, unless they are acting through and with Jesus Christ our savior. The majority of that part of the Church are not part of the the Church established by Jesus Christ. Listen to Our Lady, the Mother of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Listen and believe her words. Thank you A Friend of Medjugorje for your continued and undying faith in the words of truth from Our Lady.