June 30, 2022
Radio Wave Mejanomics

Make Nature Your Employer

[Podcast] (26 Minutes) – Originally aired on September 22, 2011, a Friend of Medjugorje gives us a science lesson, which is a God lesson – and what we can do to respond to how nature gives back.

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”





The prophetic nature of Our Lady’s messages is for the present, not for the future.


You know about the Secrets because She wants you to be shaken up to realize, get awake. Look at the signs, and act accordingly.




That was a Friend of Medjugorje from September 22, 2011.


Welcome to Mejanomics.


This broadcast is about a year and a half after a Friend of Medjugorje released the book It Ain’t Gonna Happen.


There was a lot of philosophy in this broadcast. In this short amount of time, a Friend of Medjugorje covers a lot of ground, and you’ll probably want to listen to it more than once just to be able to catch everything that he’s saying.


But the purpose of him giving you all of the philosophy that he gives you in the first several minutes is to tell you how you take that and actually do something with that way of thinking.


So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, September 22, 2011.




I was flying back yesterday from being out of the country for just a day or so, and on the way back, someone behind us, a husband and wife with a guy across the aisle, was speaking about what they were going to do in the future and what they were building. And he was making movies. And it just went on and on and on about this, and making money and all the things that they had planned with their future like there’s no tomorrow compared to what we see as far as the signs of the times.


And you just sit there and know and having the insight of Our Lady and what She shows us, and you think, it’s just like the days of Noah. They were eating, and they were drinking, and they were marrying right up to the time of the Flood.


And people don’t understand the economy today. They don’t understand the signs. They don’t realize what’s taking place. And really, they’re asleep. They’re asleep to God, because it’s easy to find. God gives us the signs. It’s there.


One of them is that all wealth comes from human labor. Nature’s abundant and gives the wealth. Man labors to retrieve whatever nature possesses. If you had choices of your employees, and if you made nature your employer, the payback is fantastic.


You can go out into nature without any money. You can labor with nature. It’ll pay you food, shelter, and all kinds of items necessary for your life, to handle even intricate things in life. Man, with his labor, can produce so much more than he can even use.


You grow a little garden, and it’s incredible the amount that comes back to you.


For example, you can take and store firewood for the winter. Yet, what does nature give you back for this labor? Just firewood?


You’ve got to remember in this, nature is abundant. There’s things hidden in nature. It’s a miracle.


Photosynthesis is a process that the chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight, turns it into nutrients, feeds back the tree. It’s done by the process of sunlight. Everything on earth depends on the sunlight.


And so, this wood that is made from sunlight, which is its energy source—not the soil. Soil only gives it the structure to anchor itself into the ground. What grows the tree is sunlight, through the process of photosynthesis.


So, for labor for firewood, man, does he only get just wood?


Nature stored up in a tree, say a hundred years old, would be 1911. All that sunlight’s stored there. Each day, through World War I, World War II, for a hundred years, nature worked for you and for the penance that you just give it a few hours-worth of labor to split the wood or to gather it.


So, what took nature a hundred years, you can put a few hours into it, and you’re talking about fantastic payback?


But that’s not all nature pays you with.


When you go to burn the wood, a real miracle takes place. It’s right in front of you.


The stored energy from the sun, each log releases its energy that came from the sun. Each log is the fire of the sun transferred and stored into the wood, stored for man to be used when his labor begets it in the beginning, just like you store something in the freezer.


It’s genius.


So, you don’t just have to labor for firewood. As a payment, nature gives far more abundantly that you could ever imagine, exceeding anything you can put into it.


We have a field near here that we cut down some of the trees because we wanted to put a garden there past Spring. So, we cut it down last year. There were several big trees on it. We saved them when we semi-cleared it a couple years ago. And my background’s in trees, and I studied that. I was a professional tree surgeon, had a license to do this, studied on my own. I didn’t go to college for it. You don’t have to. Just take the test and do it.


But one thing we found was very, very incredible. When we cut down all the major trees in there on this whole field, which used to be a cotton field. People used to have cabins out here. They all abandoned that. But the tree count on the rings dated to 1929. All those little seedlings began to grow in 1929.


What does that tell you?


I was astounded.


The Great Depression.


What did people do?


They abandoned the fields. They left it for industrialization. They went for the cities. They looked to see where they could find work.


Prophecy is not given to us to unveil the future. Prophecy is given to man in the present that he may make decisions for his future, thereby altering it. Otherwise, why would God give prophecy? All the prophets before Jesus Christ. All that was in preparation for His coming. They weren’t going to live there 300 years later when the prophet foretold it 300 years before that.


Our Lady’s not coming to tell us and give us signs and make us see things for us to change later. It’s to change now.


So, the value of prophecy is in the present, that you can see what’s coming and thereby make decisions in the present, accordingly.


So, when you work, just like the sun stored in the wood, your labor’s something of value. And there’s decisions to be made today about what you do, how you labor, what you’re laboring for.


This is what we do with the dollar, as far as storing value. The dollar itself is not worth anything. It’s a note of your labor. You worked this week. You receive a note, which like the sunlight in the wood, stores your labor.


When you want to release that labor in exchange for something else that somebody else has done or labored for you, transfer the dollar value’s release just like the wood releases when it’s burned, transferring nature’s sunlight, what it’s stored up for years. And so, what you save in your dollars, you’re storing your labors. The dollar has no value.


But also, man wants to make sure, just like the wood, all that sunlight stored, that his labor’s stored.


But the dollar’s not like the wood, simply because it has no intrinsic value. There’s no value in the dollar bill in and of itself. When it’s unbacked by precious metals, there’s no worth to it. Your labor stored in this can be eaten away by inflation, takings lost.


But just like in 1929, when everybody abandoned the field, the signs are showing us today that people are thinking, and they’re waking up, and they’re wanting to go back to the fields, because they’re seeing only wealth can be created by human labor, and wealth can be extracted only, really, from nature.


You say, “What about synthetics? We make this.”


Where do synthetics come from?


You say, “Okay, well, I want oil in my car today exchanged,” in that one-hour instant oil change, which turns into an hour nowadays.


He says, “Well, what do you want? You want synthetic oil or do you want regular oil?”


Where’d the synthetic come? It still comes from by-product of petroleum.


Nothing is not from nature. You don’t make it from thin air. And you can’t even say that because even air is something.


So, wealth is extracted by labor, and this is what we’ve forgotten.


So, just as in 1929, this field here shows a sign, prophetically to now, to us. It spoke from the past, when we went back and looked at that, that this field was abandoned in 1929. It’s an incredible thing.


And because people were looking forward to that, they were following the god of industrialization, not to say everything about industrialization is bad. It’s only bad when it becomes a god, which it did, and it has, just like electronics. It’s god. God’s not against the mechanical. He put the physics there for us to use. It’s Our Lady Who says, “…the West has made great civilization progress, but…as if they were their own creators.” (October, 1981)


Science is good because God is science. But science without God is not of God.


Money is okay. It’s good. But the love of money’s not.


So, we love the industrialization. Look what the human man has done. Humanism. We extract God from it and extract nature.


Well, nature’s a good employer. You’re the employee. And when you do that without God, nature’s boss is God, and it’ll turn on him, and we’re starting to see these signs of the times. We’re seeing these things that speak to us of the future. It’s telling us what to do in the present.


So, what will you do?


As man becomes more fearful of working for the dollar, working for his labor to be stored in this dollar, what will he do in the future? What are his decisions in the present? Look for something that has intrinsic value.


If you work, if I work, if your friends work for something, and they get something. They store it in that, the next day, the next day. And you go for five hundred days storing your labor, what do you want to store it in? Dollars or silver?


You see the genius of what God’s done?


You see those who lived through everything Biblically like our forefathers who wrote in the Constitution that the money that will be used by the United States Constitution is only gold and silver, and that we lie against that? We try to make something humanism. We run to the love of the industrial age, not using the industrial age.


And so, man’s fallen into a trap. He’s become God, and he’s gotten darkened and more darkened and more darkened. Why?


Romans 1, verses 18-32 tells you why.


Read it.


God abandons man, turning him over to himself.


At the same time, the glory of God comes to us every day, and in the last message, or Mirjana’s message, that “…only the glory of God will remain…” (September 2, 2011) And in the latter part of that message, Our Lady says, “…I will remain with you…” She is God’s glory! God’s glory is manifested in nature, working in harmony with nature.


I was just in Ecuador. Some people were here in March. And all they did was rave about Alabama. It’s so incredible. They were here, and the event, the peace, what they felt, they were telling others who were having dinner together. They couldn’t believe it. They all said, “We’ve got to go to Alabama.”


But we work in league with nature. It is our employer. It gives forth what we give as labor for. And it pays us, not just ten to one, fifty to one, a hundredfold! One seed grows one plant that gives you a hundred seeds and then gives you the fruit besides that.


So, it gives you your seed for the next year. It gives you the fruit from it, be it tomatoes, peaches, whatever it may be. It’s abundant! And this is what God ordained in Genesis with man: “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat.”


And again, the scenario comes up, “But I don’t want to do that.” Well, then don’t do that. But transfer what your labor is as a doctor, or whatever occupation or scientist, whoever, or just a truck driver, transfer it into the property—the land—and have other people working with you. Be agrarian. Be in an agrarian way of life. That is the future security. It is the best place to be.


One man told me he was worth $500 million. He said, “Be in the food chain.” 1929, people still had to eat.


So, for homeland security for you, the place to be is in the food chain! Be independent of the food chain that’s been built up by the industrial age, the corporate farming, the chemical farming. And that’s not to condemn even chemicals with that, which everybody does today. Even the Amish, when they buy land, they’ll use chemicals to bring things under control. So, you don’t have to be Pharisaical about everything. You need to look at everything with reason.


It’s not the love of what you’re doing. It’s the love of God and how He takes care of your needs.


These are forgotten principles. This is what Our Lady was saying, “Jesus Christ is the light of common sense.” (December 2, 2007) And people can’t arrive at that point. The people on the plane yesterday behind me couldn’t arrive at the point of common sense. The stuff they were talking about was stupid. So stupid.


“Well, the future’s going to be this,” and movie-making and all…They don’t even know where we’re headed. It was a sickening conversation I was listening to. I just got up in the overhead bin, pulled my Bible out and just started reading. It’s nauseating. How can people be so blind? And even worse still, how can Medjugorje people be so blind that they still look the way they’re going, walking and talking the way, not changing the way.


The prophetic nature of Our Lady’s messages is for the present, not for the future.


You know about the Secrets because She wants you to be shaken up to realize, get awake. Look at the signs, and act accordingly.


So, if you want to store your labor—and again, human labor is in a way to create wealth.


You say, “Well, what if I work in an office that just pushes paper?” Well, you’re a surrogate on somebody’s labor. There may be a coal mining company mining coal out there. But even that coal’s really not worth anything, in the ground. The labor that extracts it.


Well, you say, “I do it with a tractor.” Well, somebody built the tractor.


You say, “Well, that was still on the assembly line.” Well, where did the steel to make the tractor come from? From the earth! None of his was here. Even synthetic stuff was not here five hundred years ago or before the Industrial Revolution. Everything is from the soil, and you’ll be surprised the gratification, the consolation of what this life will bring you.


And don’t think, “Oh, it’s hard and arduous.” Yes, people were buying farms in 1929 because they over farmed things. The Dust Bowl. They were reckless. They weren’t looking how God intended.


The Amish have the good principle with this. They’re content with growing forty bushels of corn an acre, while the commercial farm across the street is growing 200, 150, 125 bushels an acre.


Who’s over extracting?


They know to keep in the balance of nature, not to overdo it.


The other can turn into a dust bowl.


But if you’re working your soil the proper way, you’re doing it within what nature produces, because it’s going to produce way more than you can do. The other is just to make hordes of more money.


People can say, “Well, I feel condemned,” because we have a lot of big famers doing thousands of acres. You know, we’ve gone into that, but we still have to look at what we’re headed in the future. What will the future be like? And act accordingly.


That doesn’t mean, as a surgeon, you’ve got to quit being a surgeon, but you need to be transferring your created wealth, what you’re doing, into a system where your food chain is your food chain.


“…Be ready, my children…”


So, the best way to be ready is to act on what you can act on today, make those decisions with, see prophetically what’s coming in the future, and by making those decisions, store your wealth, store your labor in something that you know will be there that you can use later.


The best way to store your wealth is in a pig, a garden, a tractor. A tractor’s a negative store of wealth because it depreciates. It goes down in value. A car’s a very negative store of wealth. The minute you buy it, you start losing the labor you put into it. You don’t have the same worth for it.


These are side things. These are not positive things of wealth.


You put it in land, you can always do that. You can always use that. You build a lake above the stream, and you have to pump electrically into it, it’s a negative. You get positive benefits from that, but it’s not completely in harmony with nature. If you can redivert the stream to fill your lake, and you invest in that, that holds value forty years from now. You don’t have to touch it because nature’s doing all the work.


Think differently.


Look at your situation, and put your wealth, transfer it, store it in whatever you have to do now because you can’t go get a pig today. You say, “I’m going to run to the market and get me a pig and put it in the backyard.”


But what you can do today is what we set this up for, which is the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round. Store your labor in it, and that labor will be there a year from now. Not the dollar. Not somewhere else.


I read an article a week ago saying that people were taking their money out of the stock markets. They’re doing this, and they’re just putting it in cash. Insane! Total insane! You put half a million dollars or a hundred thousand dollars in dollars today, what’s it going to be worth later? Just even a month from now. It’s losing, every day, a lot of value.


You put it in the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round, it holds its value. Not only does it hold its value, it’s got value with the economy of salvation for the salvation of souls.


If you’re going have what you store your labor, would you not want your labor to bring people to God?


That’s the genius of this thing. It serves a purpose of the earth, and it serves a purpose eternally.


You save $10,000 of your labor stored in the dollars, this time next year, is $8,000.


You put it in something that has intrinsic value, which is gold or silver—and we recommend silver because that’s the working man’s exchange, the gentleman’s exchange—it’s not only going to hold its value. It’s going to go up with inflation.


When people realize that the dollar has no value in itself, that the only intrinsic value they can store their labor or wealth that they’ve worked for in the past from their labor, is into silver or gold, again, then people run to that. Especially, they run to silver. They’re running to gold, but they’re still, there’s not enough people to understand, really, the intrinsic value side of this besides they listen to Mejanomics, which we, again, have moved 1.3 million ounces of this just in the last twelve months, making it one percent of all rounds sold throughout the world.


So, I say this only in the fact that, when people wake up, and they go into a panic, where are they going to run to put their money into if they’ve got extra money or if they can’t get rid of it? They want to get rid of it. What happened in hyper-inflation is people run to put their money in something that has some tangible value. I mean, it can be a gallon of milk. It goes in the morning from $5 to $10 to $50 by the end of the day. That’s what happens in hyper-inflation.


So, they run to put it into anything, which would be stupid, but people won’t have enough knowledge and wisdom to realize what value is that going to be. But they’ll want to put it in something tangible, a car, whatever, so, because it falls so quickly.


Now, even if it’s not hyper-inflation, we’ve already had experts that we’ve quoted on the air here that say we’re looking at twenty, thirty, forty, fifty percent, a hundred percent inflation in the next years coming. If that’s the case, even that, even though it won’t be the one day inflation where everything falls apart, those things, people are going to look to put their money into something of value.


So, it’s ludicrous for the thoughtful person to hear what I just said at the beginning of this program, that you don’t take your funds and do something logical with it, completely. And don’t graduate into it. Just do it.


We’ve had Field Angels that just take $100,000, all the money they had, and just did it. And again, it’s still transitional, because you want to be in the food chain. That’s…You want to have something that at least preserves it temporarily until you can get into that or start making your moves toward that. Whatever you have to do, whether you’re trying to build a company or whether you’re trying to do these things. Get to where you need to get to as quickly as possible, what you can put in something of intrinsic value to store your labor is utmost critical for the future.




So, that was a Friend of Medjugorje, September 22, 2011.


Before he closes in just a minute, to take what a Friend of Medjugorje has said already today and store your labor into something which will have intrinsic value, you can contact Century Silver Exchange for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round. This is the one-ounce silver piece which a Friend of Medjugorje designed for the dual-purpose of storing your wealth into something with intrinsic value, and also for the purpose of conversion.


You can reach Century Silver Exchange, toll-free, at 877-936-7686. Again, that number is 877-936-7686. You can also send a message at [email protected].


Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas of Birmingham. It bears its own expenses and pays incomes on its earnings. If there is any income left over at year-end, it may make a dividend distribution to Caritas to further its mission efforts.


And so, to conclude, here is a Friend of Medjugorje September 22, 2011.




Don’t think, “Okay, well this just sounds like it’s just secular talk.” No, this is Our Lady Who said, “…read…Matthew 6…” every Thursday. (March 1, 1984)


God’s people following Our Lady, minds are not to be darkened. And money powers things. Money powers the Church. Love of money de-powers it, and so, we lose power.


It’s not the money. It’s not the silver. It’s what you do with it. And if you’re going to do this, we’ve got the dual purpose of conversion with it.





The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “Make Nature Your Employer”

  1. City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, I am a practicing Catholic Senior Citizen living on my Social Security. I have no debts, own my home and my 2013 car, and some land close by. I have no credit cards anymore. I have been vegetarian for 45 plus years and have been diagnosed with MS since 1999. I take no pharmaceuticals and my health is good for 71. Since Biden took office, the economy is tanking and the cost of everything is skyrocketing. Since 2014, I have been an avid follower of Mejanomics. With the overturn of Roe vs Wade, my pastor is now gone the entire month of July. I pray, attend Mass, say the Rosary, do Eucharistic Benediction etc. It hurts to see the Pope allowing Nancy Pelosi to take Communion and the President allowed to want to codify Roe into law without consequence from his Cardinal in DC. The peasants in the pew like me are suffering to see the silence of the Bishops. Each month is getting harder & harder. I have no disposable income to invest in Century silver. I need prayers for me and the sinking middle class. It is hard to hear about preparation without funds. God bless FOM and Caritas for setting such good examples for the flock. I hope one day to be your Special Field Angel 😇. Safe travels and much success ♥️💐🙏 Susan

    1. Susan, you are already living the principles which God has placed in a Friend of Medjugorje’s heart and are very close to the truth. Being debt-free already has you ahead of many people. To help get you in a position ready for God to act, we recommend that you begin the 54 day Rosary Novena which a Friend of Medjugorje wrote to help people in situations just like yours. Real miracles have happened through this novena, by the grace of God. You can download the 54 day Rosary novena free here: https://medjugorje.com/54-day-rosary-novena/

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2 thoughts on “Make Nature Your Employer”

  1. City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, I am a practicing Catholic Senior Citizen living on my Social Security. I have no debts, own my home and my 2013 car, and some land close by. I have no credit cards anymore. I have been vegetarian for 45 plus years and have been diagnosed with MS since 1999. I take no pharmaceuticals and my health is good for 71. Since Biden took office, the economy is tanking and the cost of everything is skyrocketing. Since 2014, I have been an avid follower of Mejanomics. With the overturn of Roe vs Wade, my pastor is now gone the entire month of July. I pray, attend Mass, say the Rosary, do Eucharistic Benediction etc. It hurts to see the Pope allowing Nancy Pelosi to take Communion and the President allowed to want to codify Roe into law without consequence from his Cardinal in DC. The peasants in the pew like me are suffering to see the silence of the Bishops. Each month is getting harder & harder. I have no disposable income to invest in Century silver. I need prayers for me and the sinking middle class. It is hard to hear about preparation without funds. God bless FOM and Caritas for setting such good examples for the flock. I hope one day to be your Special Field Angel 😇. Safe travels and much success ♥️💐🙏 Susan

    1. Susan, you are already living the principles which God has placed in a Friend of Medjugorje’s heart and are very close to the truth. Being debt-free already has you ahead of many people. To help get you in a position ready for God to act, we recommend that you begin the 54 day Rosary Novena which a Friend of Medjugorje wrote to help people in situations just like yours. Real miracles have happened through this novena, by the grace of God. You can download the 54 day Rosary novena free here: https://medjugorje.com/54-day-rosary-novena/

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