City: Toledo
State: Oh
Country: Usa
The church survived and faced centuries of psychotic nations. This time is no different. There is the legend from Rome first century. Mrytr Sophia was told to denounce her faith and join the empire or they will kill her three daughters named faith, hope and love. She refused. And that is why Our Lady came to help people in this time. The Empire of hell is robbing the youth of their gifts and lives so they can win at the ballot box and rule in the hell they created. Be prepared for dictators of 2024. Is it possible only Russia can save the Christian faith while Rome burns and Rome Georgia is lost without John Wisdom?
January 27, 2022
It’s Just Facts
[Podcast] (33 Minutes) – We share a Q&A with a Friend of Medjugorje in which he gives a multitude of answers ranging from every topic such as government, to church approval of Medjugorje, to the economy which is going to crash – all told 15 years ago!
Episode Transcript
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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
What this says here, “When once a republic becomes corrupted, there is no possibility to redeem the growing evils but by removing the corruption.” What the question is, is why republic when everything we’re talking about is democracy? Well, this is part of satan’s plan. We’re not a democracy. And see, that’s where we’ve had the revisionists change everything. “We need to spread democracy.” We don’t need to spread democracy. We need to spread republican forms of government.
That is a Friend of Medjugorje from December 2006.
Every Thursday, we come here to the Radio WAVE studio and share with you the words from a Friend of Medjugorje. As we mentioned on the 25th broadcast, he is working on a very important book right now, and for today’s broadcast, we wanted to take a step back to something that we’ve never really played before. This is actually from an encounter with a Friend of Medjugorje from December of 2006. This was right in the midst of the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. And we were intrigued by a lot of what he was saying because his terminology and a lot of the things that you hear him say today he was saying back then, fifteen years ago. It’s amazing all of the things that have happened since that period of time, and we see that a lot of his words were very prophetic. And again, we’ve brought this up before, but his view, his worldview, his discernment, is informed by the messages, and it’s incredible to hear him speak from fifteen years ago, and a lot of what he is saying, we are now, today, hear people repeating his words.
So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje from December 2006.
We don’t need to spread democracy. We need to spread republican forms of government. And what’s the difference? How can it be that ten thousand people vote for something and lose to ten thousand and one people? All the forefathers said one of the worst forms of government was a democracy. They said and had the belief, through history, and studying history, that democracies ended up tearing themselves to pieces. Democracies, actually, don’t work in the end. They don’t last. They end up in mob rule and bloodshed. And most people don’t know this. They’re not being educated this. We’re a republic. What is the difference?
A republic is guided by a set form of laws and rules we go by. In other words, just because, in a democracy, if ten thousand people say something doesn’t mean…Or rather, let’s say this. In a republic, because ten thousand people vote for something, and ten thousand and one people don’t if it’s not within the structure of the republic, it can’t be. In other words, it’s wrong to kill in our republic. So, you can’t have abortion in that. You can’t have euthanasia. You can’t have many things that’s taking place. But if it’s a democracy, or if we can change—or revisionists who change history—if they can change this to make everybody believe we’re a democracy, you can vote and say it’s okay, not only to kill the unborn, you can have a vote. Our Congress could vote and say it’s okay to murder anybody you want to.
Never. Never. Never. It’s a lie. And we’ve got a problem. We’ve let sources teach us this. We do things in a democratic way, yeah. We vote and we do that. But all that vote has to be within the confines of our Constitution and our law.
But the Declaration declares inalienable rights. There’s rights that a democracy takes away that our republic government can’t take away. It won’t take away. But we’ve quit following that, and that’s why we’re in trouble. So, we’ve got to go back to our republic, you know, and learn what a republic is. It’s much more than I can explain to you now, because it’s so close, and we’ve been so conditioned, we don’t even understand it anymore.
So, this democracy is a bad, bad form of government. You can’t have ten thousand and one people telling ten thousand other people what to do. They all have to abide by a set of rules of conduct and law.
Our Constitution, our Declaration. And the book will go into this. It doesn’t just talk about…It’s not just Constitution. It’s the Declaration. We’re in Declaration time. We’re not in Constitution time. And again, it’ll go into that.
You say, “What’s this got to do with the messages? It’s politics.” We are to apply the messages of Our Lady to everything, and again, have that Christian worldview slant on what we are to think and how we are to think. We’ve let other people tell us how to think, and we don’t know how to think anymore. We’ve got everybody else doing our thinking. And that’s, hence why we’re in trouble. And when we feel something within our being, wanting to challenge that, we don’t have the verbiage or the education because we’ve been educated their way.
It’s too deep to go into. The book…It’s really simply written, but it’s very deep about what it goes into.
It’s the first crossover we know we can do that that would appeal to a lot of people because Protestants need it just as much as Catholics need it. Atheists need it just as much as Christians need it. There will be atheists that once they read it and understand it, knows it’s going to be to their advantage, just like many Jewish people who are orthodox Jews, want to live in a Christian nation, because they know they’ve got the maximum protection underneath those principles.
And so, we’ve got this, where you’re going to be able to talk about several different things and not even have to mention Our Lady, and Our Lady’s with it. And that’s what we have to do. We have to apply, again, to crossover that, we have to begin in all areas of life, apply that.
We’ve got a whole lot of writing to do about our food chain. We’ve got a whole lot of writing to do about the economy. All based in the messages. But a lot of the topics are going to be very appealing to a lot of people, very appealing. And that’s some of the things we’re trying to get to now.
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So, we’ve gone to a metamorphosis of, you know, the spiritual life, but it’s time to apply the spiritual life, just as our forefathers did…Sixty percent of the Constitution is directly from the Bible. Ninety percent of it is either directly or indirectly from it. They used Leviticus.
Do you read Bible quotes in the Constitution? No. But the principles are there, and that’s what we’ve had taken away from us.
So, it’s time to cross that over, and this book will be something, that we can’t do it. We need people out there that will do that, because it’s not going to be a one-month project. The next two years, this concept needs to be pushed, because it will result in change the more people that get it. It will change your thinking, and that’s the purpose of the book.
You want to read that question? On our site, Mej, somebody asked a question similar to that, which we’ll read that one too so we can answer it in the same way.
“I have difficulty, generally, with the apparitions at Medjugorje due to its condemnation by the bishops. Please explain why we should be disobedient to the Church about Medjugorje. My pastor also warned me that the Church has not approved this site of apparitions.”
But you’re asking more about being isolated in the parish, right Well, maybe I can answer both of those at the same time.
That’s part of the movement. When we first went to Medjugorje, we didn’t know anybody that knew about Medjugorje, so it’s up to your witness to spread that. That’s how, you have to go back and look and start. And that’s how a lot of people changed their nation. They started with very few people. Our Lady wants to make a worldwide movement of all of man across the world, all mankind. And that starts with you, and you may be the only one in your parish. But if you start addressing things and just go to holy hours, you start praying, God will run you across someone else, and from there, it starts. Most prayer groups start with one person, and from there, they attract somebody else, and then from there, it grows. So, that’s in addressing that.
In regards to the other question, what do we do about, are we being disobedient to the Church? How are they disobedient to the Church? A priest has warned, this question here, about Medjugorje is not approved. What kind of question is that? So what, Medjugorje’s not approved? What does that mean? Medjugorje doesn’t have to be approved. We would not have Fatima today if people didn’t follow it. It was, I think, a twelve-year period till approval happened, somewhere about that time, that people were going to Fatima and they were going praying. Had that happened, and nobody kept a loyalty and a devotion up, why would the Church look at it? What motivates the Church to look at it? Because people are following something. When people are following something, they eventually have to look at something and say, “We’ve got to take a look at it.” Any apparition that occurs and dies, you’ll never hear again about it. There’s no use for it. That’s, actually, the evidence that something’s not there.
I talked to a priest. It was last summer, who had a dramatic call to Medjugorje. He went there. And years later, he didn’t want anything to do with Medjugorje. I asked him if he believed in it. And he says, “Yes, I believe in it.”
I said, “Well, why don’t you want to go back?”
He said, “I don’t want to go back.”
I said, “Why?”
He said, “Because I don’t want to do what the messages say to do. I have to fast. I don’t like fasting.”
He was honest with me and candid. The problem is, is a lot of these people, you go to pastors, and they say, “Well, it’s not Church approved.” What are they hiding behind? I mean, it doesn’t take a lot of evidence to realize the fruit of Medjugorje. What’s their agenda? I’m not deceived by this, “Oh, the Church hasn’t approved that.”
“Father, what are you hiding behind? What don’t you like about Medjugorje? What don’t you want to do?”
And that goes for any lay person that says that.
We are obedient to the Church in doing what we’re doing because the Church says private revelations can be spread. If there’s anybody disobedient, it’s the person presenting an argument against it, that we can’t do. The Church gives us this right. You have the right to spread the messages of Medjugorje, and nobody but the Church can stop that, and the Church has not stopped that. I don’t buy it that there’s any legitimacy to anybody, be it a layman, a priest, whoever, “Well, the Church hasn’t approved it.” Be honest and say, “I don’t approve it.” Who are you to give a judgment that the Church has not given yet? And that’s what that is. That’s a judgment, stealth answer. What amazes me more than anything is people go buy it. They say, “Oh, okay. I’ll be disobedient.” You’re not disobedient. You’re not disobeying anybody.
Is the bishop against Medjugorje, in Mostar? Certainly. But he does not have jurisdiction to rule whether Medjugorje’s approved or not. He’s got some legitimate gripes because there’s been disobedience in the parish house. It’s all legitimate. And that’s where the problem lies, and that spills over into Medjugorje. But the authority from the local bishop has been pulled to rule in this case. And the Vatican has not, has not, condemned Medjugorje. And until it does do that, and it will not do that. The Church will not condemn Medjugorje. Until it does do that—if it were to do that—you are free to spread it and have devotion to it. And nobody can stop you, because the Church laws give you the right to spread private revelations. Why is the Church never going to do that? The Church cannot allow something this big, in every diocese of the world, for twenty-five years, to grow and continue if it wasn’t going to already condemn it. So, it’s not going to happen.
And even if it did, in the beginning days, Joan of Arc was condemned. Several bishops and priests did that. A whole commission did that. She’s a saint of the Church. Medjugorje, it’s impossible for it to go that way now. And I’m convinced that it’s not important that the Church approve it. We don’t have to have official approval of Medjugorje.
Medjugorje is so big, it’s so beyond what we comprehend, that Our Lady doesn’t want ownership of this. Does God get tired? Does it sap some of His energy when He has to give the supernatural power for Her to come and appear upon the earth to the visionaries? That, “Woah, I’m tired after that.” Is He tired after twenty-five years of doing that? Is He sapped? If it was important to God to have Medjugorje approved, Our Lady could appear to the bishop in Mostar and straighten him out real quick. Read that message. That’s a message! Why has an apparition not been given to the local bishop? “Well, it doesn’t do any good to go to the bishop.” Well, Archbishop Frane Franic from Split went incognito to Medjugorje because he wanted to see. Nobody knew he was there. He went into the apparition room, knelt down, and Our Lady gave him an innerlocution! And he believed to his death, right there in Split, two and a half hours away from Mostar. It was not his jurisdiction, but he frequently…I met him there. I talked to him before he died.
God gave that to him, but not the Mostar bishop. And it’s not because he’s evil. Read the message. What is that saying? God doesn’t want that approved. Why? Because there’s many elements in the Church that would gravitate to Medjugorje to squash it. Our Lady, believe it or not, is coming for nonbelievers! Not just Catholics. It’s not a Catholic thing. Our Lady’s coming for Muslims! Our Lady’s coming for degradaded people who, when the Church approves it, “Oh, that’s a Catholic thing.” This may shake thoughts, but Our Lady doesn’t want the Church to approve Medjugorje. After twenty-five years, I think the bishop of Mostar would have been convinced, or even the pope. Medjugorje is in the most perfect situation to expand right now, because it’s within canon laws—private revelations—and there’s no structure over it. No structure to stop it. Medjugorje is free because it’s Our Lady’s plan, and She’s guiding it, and She’s come to draw the world out of the whirlpool it sinks in, of sin.
Medjugorje is not supposed to be approved, at least now. Medjugorje is not supposed to be underneath those structures within the Church.
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Our Lady’s coming as Queen of the world. Our Lady’s not coming right now as Queen of the Catholic Church, “Give me a Catholic t-shirt. We own Mary.” “If you ain’t Catholic, you’re going to hell, Muslim.” You think it’s a mistake that She ended up in the Koran, and that Mohammed himself said She’s the greatest Woman who ever lived? Above his own daughter? Mohammed’s own daughter? The Virgin Mary’s held as the greatest Woman who ever existed, above his daughter named Fatima! What? Mohammed’s daughter’s named Fatima? What? Guadalupe. Where’d that name come from? From a Muslim river! What? A Muslim river? Guadalupe’s a Muslim name? What? Muslims have a devotion to Our Lady. They pray on beads! First time I saw one, I thought he had a Rosary. It’s beads! Read the message! It’s just a tweaking of illumination. Massive conversion. Massive conversion, to Who? To Her Son, Jesus.
There’s a lot of reasons the Church is not supposed to approve Medjugorje. I’ve never wanted the Church to approve it. I love my Church. I’m obedient to it. I’ll die Catholic. I’m a strong Catholic. But these apparitions are not to be underneath the Church at this time. Queen of all mankind and all peoples.
While we’re on this subject, I know there’s another question. This is from our Mej site again, a question from that. It says,
“I was told that the only official website that the St. James Church in Medjugorje has approved is their site. Does that mean that your website,, has not been approved? Can you please explain to me if your website has received approval from the church in Medjugorje?”
I’m not deceived by this question. What’s the motivation for something like this? Even if the asker is innocent, who put that up? Do you need approval to spread all these messages? Does She tell you to be an apostle, and I’ve got to go find out somebody somewhere and say, “Can I be an apostle”? We didn’t get our call from the structure in Medjugorje. We got a call straight from Our Lady, and that’s what people first have to understand. You are free to exercise the spreading of Medjugorje.
I addressed this before, and I want to cover this because, it’s like Oscar Wilde said, “People forgive everything except success.” And every time we start something, we meet tremendous resistance, and what’s behind it is jealousy, envy. We’re for everybody. Lord knows we can’t reach 6.5 billion people. Everybody’s got to be a part of it. We’re for all Medjugorje centers, however they do. But we’re not over them, and they’re not over us. But the instant someone starts being successful, somebody wants to say, “Oh, well, you’ve got to be approved.”
“Regarding approval, there’s a lack of understanding in regards to priestly jurisdiction and what the Church gives its members as Catholics in performing ministry. In regards to this question, the following needs to be understood.
“First of all, the Church has neither canonical laws nor requirements for Franciscans to approve those who spread private revelations, in this case, Our Lady’s messages. That permission comes from the laws of the Church. We support and respect the Church and who they put in the parish of Medjugorje. However, parish approval has no jurisdiction over our work and the spreading of Our Lady’s messages.
“We, in no way, express that we oppose the Franciscans. They’re in the parish, and we support all that is in their jurisdiction. As indicated, we are for everyone who sincerely spreads Our Lady’s messages. Rather, we have our mission, and it is structured in loyalty to the Church and its statutes, especially the right the Church gives us to promote private revelations.
“Cardinal Ratzinger [now pope] said in regards to ecclesiastical approval of private revelations, that it has three elements…”
And he gave this in relation to the third secret of Fatima being released in 2000 in June. He said,
“…One: the messages contain nothing contrary to the faith and morals…”
Our pope said that, the year 2000, in June.
“…Number two: it is lawful to make public…”
Canon law gives us the right. Number one was, nothing contrary to faith. Nothing’s been found contrary to the faith in the messages. And,
“…Number three: the faithful are authorized to accept it with prudence…”
We’re in compliance! You’ve heard it from the pope! You don’t need anything else.
“…Therefore, the okaying of private revelations or the spreading of its messages are not dependent on approval or disapproval by a local parish priest…”
That answers this question, “The priest says it’s not approved.” It doesn’t depend on that.
“…The Church has not granted this authority, nor does Rome even require us to seek such approval because of the criteria of spreading or following private revelations are already laid out by the Church. Therefore, the people are on equal footing with the parish priest to spread the message. That is why Our Lady encourages all to spread Her messages.”
On August 25, 1983, She says,
“I myself…”
I myself.
“…invited [you] here each one of you, for I need you to spread my messages [to] the entire world.”
January 10, 1985
“…I love you and I want you to spread my messages with [the] heart…”
“Everyone must understand that Medjugorje is not owned by a religious order or a community or individuals. We, in the Community of Caritas, realize that even if it was to our own detriment, we must always propagate and pass on Our Lady’s messages and be steadfast in this. He who knows the message, yet does not stand up for the message, will not stand at all. It is the message, and it is what Our Lady’s done, not man. Her plan, when held fast to, when stood up for, will secure one, anchor one that no storm can harm.”
We’ve always done that. We’ve always stood up, and we’ve always come through the storms standing up.
“Many have been blown away, never anchoring to the message of Our Lady’s plans, rather, to their message and to their plans—a foundation of sand. No one else can approve anyone else to promote the message or not promote the message. This mentality has choked Medjugorje and weakens Our Lady’s work. Our Lady calls everyone to spread the messages however they’re inspired.
“Medjugorje is not to be strangled by this damaging mentality. Medjugorje is to be freely expressed through the Holy Spirit, and those who prosper in grace will flourish in their mission and their endeavors, and they are not to be hindered, impeded, or have obstacles thrown in their way. God is big enough to rise up those He has chosen and cast down those who are not to be in the movement. Purity of intentions is the importance. Not to promote the message because of fear of position, and then to stymie others who do so because they don’t want them to flourish is a crime-yes, crime—of which sentence will inherit one’s own removal.
“Our Lady’s way is free. The way is not owned. The way is not to be controlled. Our Lady doesn’t need man’s approval for who works for Her or anywhere outside of Rome’s hierarchy to say one message is official or one message is not because it’s not to one’s liking. Hiding under the theological veil, when in reality, it’s because of concerns that the Church’s authority may react to the message, displays a total lack of confidence and belief in the apparitions and trust of Our Lady…”
We’ve seen that. We’ve seen reluctance to give the message because of what the hierarchy’s going to think about it. If Our Lady says it, it’s validated, why are we worried about that, if we believe in the apparition? We don’t have to worry about that.
“…Who should worry about repercussions that they may be because the position the Queen of Heaven says something or does not say something? No consideration should be given to the cost. These are private revelations, and the Church gives the right for them to be spread…”
Again, I state that.
“…To try to navigate for Medjugorje, ultimately, it’s approval by sanitizing and mundaning the events of Medjugorje displays a crisis of faith in these apparitions themselves. We, at Caritas, have never worried about what Our Lady does or says, and we promote it freely without qualifications because we have full faith in Her apparitions.
“It is Our Lady Who expects, chooses, and calls us to be missionaries to propagate the message to be Her apostles. Our Lady says to do so. She expects us to propagate it, not stymie it. It is Her words,
“February 25, 1995
‘Dear children! Today I invite you to become missionaries of my messages, which I am giving [you] here through this place that is dear to me…’”
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In ’85, She says,
“I am anxious for people to know what is happening in Medjugorje. Speak about it, so that [others] will be converted.”
And September 29, ’83,
“Preach my messages. Speak about the events at Medjugorje. Continue to increase your prayers.”
Now, I can continue on this. My point made is, we are free! And for years, we’ve listened to this mentality, objections, “Well, so-and-so says it’s not approved.” Bologna! You don’t have to stop at that! Roll over it! Roll over them! They don’t have the authority. They’re taking authority they do not have. You have authority to spread Our Lady’s messages! They don’t! And you stand with the Church! I’ve always been confounded why people keep seeking the Church to approve it before they’re going to do anything. The Church is going to approve it after the third admonition. You’re going to wait till then? They didn’t approve the Christ, the Pharisees didn’t. It’s been like this for the saints. So, we’ll continually have this problem. And until we realize that God doesn’t want this approved at this time, we’re going to struggle with it.
I’ve got more I can say with it again, but I won’t go into it.
And you have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje from December 2006.
A lot has been said in the past twenty some-odd minutes. Before he closes, we just want to explain a little bit about what he is about to say. He’s going to take a question from somebody in the audience, and when he takes the question, and he gives the answer, it’s amazing to hear what he’s talking about. And keep in mind, this is fifteen years ago. This is before They Fired the First Shot. This is before It Ain’t Gonna Happen. This is before the New Communities Conferences and a lot of the things that have happened since that period of time. But to hear his answer and how he answers this person’s question is everything that Mejanomics is all about. And a Friend of Medjugorje explains certain things, and in answering the question, he actually says a lot of what we’re actually seeing happening right now, and it is amazing, in his answer, the direction he gives, how many of you have taken his advice.
And so, to conclude, here is a Friend of Medjugorje from December 2006.
The question is, is…She went to the feed store to buy food stock for her animals, and this woman said that the price is going up, and they were talking about it, and the reason it’s going up is because of a world food famine. The question is, are we doing anything to prepare for that. No. We’re not preparing for that. We didn’t prepare for Y2K. We believe Our Lady’s called us to live a life in simplicity, and that’s in the agrarian way of life. If you live an agrarian way of life, you have to prepare for your harvest and your hay the year before. The squirrels do it. Animals do it. Man is doing it at the grocery store. He’s got a paycheck. He goes and gets his can of soup. This is very dangerous. Very, very dangerous. Does it sound like I’m saying prepare? No. I think it’s wrong. People storing and hoarding food? This is wrong, wrong! A lot of people did this during Y2K. And they went back. They should have changed and went into the agrarian way of life.
This economy is going to crash. It is a given. You start researching it. Every expert out there knows, and they’re just buying time. The fact that it hasn’t thus far is mercy from God. He’s holding it up. How long could you last if the grocery stores emptied? There’s a fine line when I say that because you think, “Oh, I’ve got to go to the store…” It’s not a matter of getting a cupboard full of food. It’s a matter of having a way of life, that you’re drawing forth the fruits of the land. We did it for a virtuous reason to save money for the mission. We realized, though, now, that it was Our Lady’s inspiration to get us living the life we’re supposed to have. We can’t support a thousand people. We support ourselves. And this is really the path everybody needs to be on. And if you’ve got a house that’s worth 3, 5, $600,000 in a subdivision, dump it! If you’ve got equity, buy land! Get out, if you have to move into a mobile home. It’s the Godly way to live. It’s a joyful way to live. And don’t think you can just make it as your own one family. You need to share your land with other people. You need to allow other people come and stay on it, because you can’t be in an agrarian way of life by yourself. You can’t do it.
We hope, within the next year or two, which, we’re running out of time, to have a gathering of people across the country to show them how to establish community, how to build a community. You need to get in it. You need to find thirty families in a church who are singles and put thirty houses up and your pastures and your little dairy. You need to live that way, an agrarian way of life. The kids can run it! The fathers still can work outside. But if you’re raising your own food, the health, the joys, everything that comes with it, there’s all fruits from it.
But this famine, or whatever it is, you know, that was biblical, in biblical times, and it’s certainly going to be coming in the future. It’s not a doom and gloom prophecy. It’s just facts. It’s just facts. And again, do research. Don’t take it what the newspapers or…Everybody’s wanting to sell and get to the next point. But people in the know, know we have a massive, volatile, very dangerous situation that could happen tomorrow. And they know now it’s too big to fix. It’s not going to be fixed.
China, already, has said they want seventy percent of their foreign investments diversified in other things and metals, silver and gold. This is going to happen. And people think, “I can run. I’ve got to get anxious.” You’ve got to start praying. You’ve got to start building community.
You know, we could go on a long time about that subject, but you, you know, just looking here, what we’ve done, we didn’t do this to have an agrarian way of life. We did this, purely to live the way of Our Lady. She guided us to that.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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7 thoughts on “It’s Just Facts”
City: Fulton
State: NY
Country: United States
Dear Chuck, Our Faith, Hope and Love need to be Greater than those times, because satan was tied up when those events happened and Our Lady told us he’s been unleashed in our day. Our Lady offers a path through all of this, but we must choose to follow Her in order to prevail. We should keep a close eye on China. The Bible tells us there is a day when the, “Dragon gives his authority to the Beast.” This would be a certain sign to understand the times we’re living in, even for other Christians not following Medjugorje. Everything we’re seeing here in the USA is already amplified in China. Many of the policies the Left is trying to push are already implemented there. We’re told by Our Lady, if we follow Her call, we’ll understand the signs of the times, instead of having to wait for the Secrets, like many will require to Convert. We must bring as many hearts as possible close to Our Lady, while we can.
State: New York
Country: United States
Dear Holy Family, FOM’S recent discussion was titled, “It’s Biblical,” and now this from many years ago titled, “It’s Just Facts,” bares evidence of Truth Fom The Bible About Medjugorje.
1 John 4
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This spirit is of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world…”
Our Holy Mother’s is here as Our Lady of Medjugorje, the Woman of Revelation, She’s Ever Pointing Us To Her Son and is here giving us messages, unlike any other time on earth because the, “spirit of the antichrist,” was unleashed, along with satan on man. Our Lady warned us, January 1, 2001: “My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly blessing.” Has there ever been an Apparition, tested more than Medjugorje? Even today’s Technology is much more advanced than in any time of past Apparitions, so perhaps as FOM has told us in the Past, it serves God and Our Lady, for Us, to Personally Bear Witness Of Our Good Fruits From Medjugorje. Each of us in our own way has tested the Spirit, and those good results within us, must be witnessed to the rest of the world. We’re moving closer to the time when Our Lady’s, “Abundant Fruits of Medjugorje.”
will become a Witness of the Efficacy of Our Prayers, Placed In Our Mother’s Hands as the World Becomes Witness Of The Secrets. This Is What Our Queen reminds us of in these days, giving us the 5 Stones. Jesus gave us His Advocate, but we must have Faith to use Faith. After 40 Years, if Medjugorje were a Bad Tree Bearing Bad Fruit, it would be easily seen, but what we have in Truth is a Good Tree Bearing Good Fruit. Matthew 7:17
Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
The reason Our Church leaders have not recognized Medjugorje is because many have become like the Sadducees, missing Our Lady’s Visitation in these “Particular Times.” Many of them have Become Cowered of the Light, because they have let happen, or are a part of the Ugliness which resides within the Hierarchy of the Church Today. It is highly unlikely that many would Choose To Go To Their Death For Christ, Even Though they Wear the Red Robes as a symbol of their commitment to do so if required. The truth about our Church Today, is that it’s all Biblical and the Sifting occurring within it today, goes all the way to the very top. This is why Our Lady constantly asks us to pray for Our Shepherds, not just Priests. We need to pray for All Shepherds To Have A True Conversion , so all of them will become like Nicodemus, and not as the Sadducees many are. It’s no “Mystery Church,” where persecution may come upon True Christians, if Our Heavenly Mother, can’t stop them from becoming even more Worldly. needs to be your place to witness here in the comment section, the Good Fruits You’ve Received….It’s these Fruits which have Convicted the Hierarchy to Accept the Truth in the past and the same is true today. We are the Church, the Body of Christ, all Choosing to Love Our Lord and Follow in His Footsteps. Bear Witness in Good Faith, so You can be a Part of the Spreading of These Good Fruits From Caritas as well as the Fruits of Our Lady…..God Bless You All….Pray, pray, pray Amen -
City: Ontario
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Oldie but a goodie! Massive Conversions! Alleluia!
7 thoughts on “It’s Just Facts”
City: Toledo
State: Oh
Country: Usa
The church survived and faced centuries of psychotic nations. This time is no different. There is the legend from Rome first century. Mrytr Sophia was told to denounce her faith and join the empire or they will kill her three daughters named faith, hope and love. She refused. And that is why Our Lady came to help people in this time. The Empire of hell is robbing the youth of their gifts and lives so they can win at the ballot box and rule in the hell they created. Be prepared for dictators of 2024. Is it possible only Russia can save the Christian faith while Rome burns and Rome Georgia is lost without John Wisdom?
City: Fulton
State: NY
Country: United States
Dear Chuck, Our Faith, Hope and Love need to be Greater than those times, because satan was tied up when those events happened and Our Lady told us he’s been unleashed in our day. Our Lady offers a path through all of this, but we must choose to follow Her in order to prevail. We should keep a close eye on China. The Bible tells us there is a day when the, “Dragon gives his authority to the Beast.” This would be a certain sign to understand the times we’re living in, even for other Christians not following Medjugorje. Everything we’re seeing here in the USA is already amplified in China. Many of the policies the Left is trying to push are already implemented there. We’re told by Our Lady, if we follow Her call, we’ll understand the signs of the times, instead of having to wait for the Secrets, like many will require to Convert. We must bring as many hearts as possible close to Our Lady, while we can.
State: New York
Country: United States
Dear Holy Family, FOM’S recent discussion was titled, “It’s Biblical,” and now this from many years ago titled, “It’s Just Facts,” bares evidence of Truth Fom The Bible About Medjugorje.
1 John 4
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This spirit is of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world…”
Our Holy Mother’s is here as Our Lady of Medjugorje, the Woman of Revelation, She’s Ever Pointing Us To Her Son and is here giving us messages, unlike any other time on earth because the, “spirit of the antichrist,” was unleashed, along with satan on man. Our Lady warned us, January 1, 2001: “My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly blessing.” Has there ever been an Apparition, tested more than Medjugorje? Even today’s Technology is much more advanced than in any time of past Apparitions, so perhaps as FOM has told us in the Past, it serves God and Our Lady, for Us, to Personally Bear Witness Of Our Good Fruits From Medjugorje. Each of us in our own way has tested the Spirit, and those good results within us, must be witnessed to the rest of the world. We’re moving closer to the time when Our Lady’s, “Abundant Fruits of Medjugorje.”
will become a Witness of the Efficacy of Our Prayers, Placed In Our Mother’s Hands as the World Becomes Witness Of The Secrets. This Is What Our Queen reminds us of in these days, giving us the 5 Stones. Jesus gave us His Advocate, but we must have Faith to use Faith. After 40 Years, if Medjugorje were a Bad Tree Bearing Bad Fruit, it would be easily seen, but what we have in Truth is a Good Tree Bearing Good Fruit. Matthew 7:17
Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
The reason Our Church leaders have not recognized Medjugorje is because many have become like the Sadducees, missing Our Lady’s Visitation in these “Particular Times.” Many of them have Become Cowered of the Light, because they have let happen, or are a part of the Ugliness which resides within the Hierarchy of the Church Today. It is highly unlikely that many would Choose To Go To Their Death For Christ, Even Though they Wear the Red Robes as a symbol of their commitment to do so if required. The truth about our Church Today, is that it’s all Biblical and the Sifting occurring within it today, goes all the way to the very top. This is why Our Lady constantly asks us to pray for Our Shepherds, not just Priests. We need to pray for All Shepherds To Have A True Conversion , so all of them will become like Nicodemus, and not as the Sadducees many are. It’s no “Mystery Church,” where persecution may come upon True Christians, if Our Heavenly Mother, can’t stop them from becoming even more Worldly. needs to be your place to witness here in the comment section, the Good Fruits You’ve Received….It’s these Fruits which have Convicted the Hierarchy to Accept the Truth in the past and the same is true today. We are the Church, the Body of Christ, all Choosing to Love Our Lord and Follow in His Footsteps. Bear Witness in Good Faith, so You can be a Part of the Spreading of These Good Fruits From Caritas as well as the Fruits of Our Lady…..God Bless You All….Pray, pray, pray Amen
City: Ontario
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Oldie but a goodie! Massive Conversions! Alleluia!