City: Massapequa
State: New York
Country: United States
Can you send me the words to the special blessing please.
Thank you and God bless you always 🙏❤
January 25, 2022
It’s Biblical
[Podcast] (33 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje gives a power-punched broadcast sharing the moment of history we are living at this time. This is a broadcast to rejuvenate and renew your “yes” to Our Lady.
Episode Transcript
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Broadcasting across the world, this is Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje.
And you are listening to Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje.
A Friend of Medjugorje is joining us. He is out of town right now, and he is working on a very important book that he’s been working on for quite some time. As a matter of fact, I’ll step back here for just a minute and give you a very short history.
A Friend of Medjugorje started to write this book in 1998. And it was released to the Caritas Field Angels in December, early December of 1998. And it was about the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. And I’ll just relate to you one story about this, is in the midst of getting this…It was, at the time, it was a Caritas Newsletter. But in the midst of getting this out and getting it to everybody, one morning, someone was up in front of Caritas, and they said that they saw the sun spinning. Everybody went running out. We were all in shipping packing orders, and everybody went running out. And the sun was coming up just over the Field, and it was this pulsating, brilliant, beautiful sun that was like pulsating from every direction.
When we talked about it at the time, we said that we knew that this was a sign that had to do with a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing about the Ten Secrets because there was a lot there about Fatima, and there was the whole thing with the miracle of the sun at Fatima. And here it was, this miracle took place in the midst of this writing going out for the very first time.
And so, here we are, now, today, 23 years later, and a Friend of Medjugorje is bringing this to completion in a whole picture. And so, that’s why he is secluded from Caritas right now. And so, we have the privilege of being able to have him on the broadcast with us today to speak to us about the message in the midst of him working on this very important book. So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje.
What would happen to us and what we think, if thirty days from now, Our Lady’s apparitions ended? We go through the period of the Secrets, quickly, and it’s over. And the people that’s born after that, and they grow up, and they’re fifteen years old, they’ll be told these stories of what was it like that the Virgin Mary coming down from Heaven, and giving us news, talking to us in real time! Who hasn’t thought about going two thousand years ago, imagining, in front of Jesus, or in the five thousand, when Jesus fed them, or the miracles that he did, and you saw it in real time? Those things can never be understood in the reality of a certain surrealness of how big it is. History, when you can review it, is not like being there, but it leaves a mystery, “What was it like to listen to Jesus?”
Our Lady’s coming down every day, on the 25th, giving a message. Ivan still some prayer group messages. And we’re used to it! We’ve been doing this for forty years, if you start at the beginning. Or twenty years ago, or even fifteen years ago. We get desensitized how big this is compared to what those generations after us are going to be asking us, “What was it like?” Can you contemplate when Jesus was telling the crowds fresh things that they’d never heard before, for a new time? Because Jesus was zero, B.C.—Before Christ—and after Jesus, after Christ.
So, all these things in the New Testament, and the Old Testament, and now we’ve got a third thing happening right now in preparation for the coming of Jesus. And that’s what She’s here for.
What would you tell your great grandchildren when this is over, and they’re old enough, maybe ten years, you’re still alive enough to tell them these stories, that Our Lady came down on December 26, 1982, and said,
“Excuse me for this…”
Our Lady speaking, to Mirjana,
“Excuse me for this, but you must realize that satan exists…”
See, we’ve forgotten the devil. We think it’s just man. We think what’s happening today, people are just angry. They have evil in them. No, it’s satan.
“…but you must realize that satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial…”
Wow. We’re still in this cycle, from 1982, and we see things in the Church we couldn’t even imagine back in 1982. The Church is very sick.
“…submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century…”
We know, and we believe very strongly, that happened now, the end of the century was 2017. But we’ve got an aftermath of the hurricane, or of the tornado.
In Alabama, we live in tornado alley. And if you go to these places, thirty minutes after, sunshine, no rain, and everything’s devastation. You wonder what happened.
So, now we see the aftermath of what, giving the devil permission for the Church for one century, what happens. You see the devastation. Everything’s continued.
Our Lady continues,
“…This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed…”
We are anticipating this. We are waiting for it. We are alive. We’re going to pass this to future generations. It’s going to be like thinking about Jesus two thousand years ago. We were there!
“…Even now…”
Our Lady says,
“…he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive…”
How can he be losing power and become more aggressive? You get in a room, and a dog that’s mean, growling at you, and he’s hungry and you’re hungry, and you don’t eat for three days, and you think you’re going to try and eat that dog because you’re hungry, and you put him in a corner, he’s going to be more aggressive. That might be a weird analogy, but this is what we’re doing. We’re praying to crush satan. he is very aggressive.
Our Lady continues in the 1982,
“…he is destroying marriages, creating division among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder…”
And then, Our Lady says this:
“…You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, and especially community prayer…”
Community prayer is very powerful. The Community Our Lady called here at Caritas in the Bedroom, we feed on unity prayer. In other words, it strengthens us. Community prayer is important.
Our Lady continues with this statement, saying,
“…Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your [home], and restore the use of holy water.”
That’s a bizarre message that is fresh, the news from Heaven, telling us and explaining to us our time at this moment. And now we see it that now everything’s is disarray.
So, Our Lady came to us today and gave a message, a message from Heaven, and everybody gets used to it. “She’s saying the same old thing. Our Lady’s just buying time, so She’s got to say something to stay connected.” No. These messages are profound, and today, you may say, “Oh, She’s said this before.” No, She didn’t. There’s things in these things always that can speak to you. It’s a new language that the world’s population will be using when Jesus comes back. This new language of Our Lady will never run out its usefulness for us to be prepared for everything that comes from here. And that’s why Our Lady said these are the last apparitions on earth because after these apparitions, you will have everything that you will ever need. She’s given us tools, through Her voice, through Her message, for Her to communicate to you about whatever situation comes down the road to us. And that’s why She said, never in history of the whole world since its beginning, that messages have been given like this.
So, the words of Our Lady today that are important, profound, deep, speaking to you, you to the last man that’s going to live on earth.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2022 monthly message to the world:
“Dear children! Today I am calling you to return to personal prayer. Little children, do not forget that satan is strong and that he wants to attract all the more souls to himself. That is why, you be vigilant in prayer and resolute in the good. I am with you and am blessing all of you with my Motherly Blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“Oh, that message sounds like all the other messages. Our Lady said this before.” Really? Joan, what do you think about the message?
Well, our community is praying a novena right now that ends on Sunday, and it was motivated by a message that Our Lady gave. It was the August 25, 2011 message. So, we’ve been praying this particular message every single day, meditating on one line a day. And there’s several words in that message that are in this message today. So, for us, there’s a real alignment of what Our Lady said today and what you had asked the Community to be really penetrating in these days of our novena. We’re also doing a nine-day fast. And one other thing that happened was just yesterday, you contacted us and said you wanted us to, each of us in the Community, give each Community member the Special Blessing four times a day. So, throughout our day, just to strengthen the Community, we are to remember to give every member the Special Blessing.
So, we were actually doing that at Rosary time today at apparition time. After we finished our Rosary, when the bells rang, we silently, everyone present there in the Field, were silently giving each other the Special Blessing. So, that was pretty remarkable to hear Our Lady say,
“…I am with you and am blessing all of you with my Motherly Blessing…”
Because we were giving it to each other right at that exact moment She was giving this message to Marija. So, that was pretty awesome to read that.
So, for us, and to answer your question, if you’re living the message, the message is always fresh because it aligns with something in your life at that very moment. And we see this very strongly in today’s message.
Well, this is a beautiful thing as far as Our Lady’s Special Blessing. There’s power to it.
Right after Marija came from Fatima with four other people…she told me about the Special Blessing way back in the mid-80s. Our Lady told her, with the Special Blessing, to go out and give everybody the Special Blessing. They walked across the plaza in Fatima, where Our Lady appeared…They walked passed hundreds of people, giving the Special Blessing to them. We don’t what this Blessing has, but I believe it marks these people for future conversion.
So, when I asked at the beginning of this week to make a list of everybody in the Community, and four times a day, we do the whole list and give each one a Special Blessing. So, the numbers we have, that’s 120 Special Blessings we give a day. And if each one’s giving that through the Community, on our novena, we’re talking thousands of Special Blessings. And it’s not the number. But Our Lady says, “I don’t need a hundred Our Fathers. Just one prayed with the heart.”
So, I caution, it’s just not the numbers. But we have this going within the Community, everybody gets hit with the Special Blessing all day long. The concept just came to me with this. I think it’s a beautiful thing. And want to do it, if Our Lady would mention something, today, about the Blessing. That’s exactly what She said.
“…I am…blessing all of you with my Motherly Blessing…”
She didn’t say it’s just a blessing, but Her Motherly Blessing.
Marija told me that this is a special thing from Her, the Motherly Blessing. And Our Lady’s different from Jesus, because She said one Christmas, “I will bless all the mothers on Christmas,” “…and Jesus will bless the rest…” She specifically said “…Motherly…” and Her Motherly Blessing. The way Our Lady says things is important.
So, this message today, if you’re having thoughts “It’s not historical. We’ve heard these things.” It is historical. Every single message.
“…I am with you and am blessing all of you with my Motherly Blessing…”
That’s no big deal? This is a big deal, not because that we’re doing the Special Blessing. It’s what She said! Why did Our Lady say that? Well, She said it. She could have said this:
“…I am with you…blessing all of you with my Motherly Blessing…”
Or, She could have said, “I am with you and blessing all of you with my Motherly blessings.” But that’s not what She said. What She said is,
“…I am with you and am blessing all of you…”
What does that mean? Why would She put “am” there. She didn’t have to do that. That could be dropped. But She’s adding the word in there. It doesn’t really mean nothing. You would think Our Lady would be more efficient with Her words. Instead of saying,
“…I am with you and…blessing all of you…”
Just drop the “am” and say, “…I am with you…blessing all of you…” Or, “I am blessing you and blessing all of you.” See, Our Lady has secrets there, little “candies” for us to look. But She puts things in Her words that are awesome, profound, and impacting if you pray for Her to reveal what She’s saying.
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Our Lady was at the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis, in reference to the Woman Who will crush the serpent’s head while he’s striking Her heel. We know that’s Our Lady. And also, not only is She at the beginning of the Bible, She’s at the very end, in the Book of Revelation right there at the end, in chapter 12, giving birth, pursued by the dragon.
So, what does this have to do with the message? Everything. Because God, at the beginning of the Bible, refers to Himself as “I AM.” And at the end of the Bible, in Revelation, God refers to Himself as “I AM.” So, what is the message with this? Our Lady says, “…I am…” She didn’t have to say a second “am.” God was born in Her. The Holy Spirit came in Her. She conceived God. The Trinity was inside of Her. She’s AM. “…I am with you…am blessing you…” That word says, “God has sent Me. I represent God. God is in Me.” The plans for the world today is “AM,” God. And Our Lady has that holiness in Her of what God is.
So, that word is incredible. When I read that today, “What did She say that for?” I prayed a little bit and started to look and realized,
“…I am with you and am blessing all of you…”
When the Mother, blessing, gives you a blessing, God is blessing you. She’s got that kind of authority and that kind of power, the power of God. You can say, “Oh, She’s not as powerful as God.” Our Lady’s already told us, “I can’t do anything. I have to pray for it. It’s from God.” But She gets whatever She wants, and She gets it.
So, here, this word is so important that the events of Medjugorje are far beyond what we can understand. We will never find the depth of it, because it’s a well that has no end. Her messages feed to us. How is that? In Genesis, He said to Abraham,
“I am the Lord Who brought you from Ur to give you this land as a possession.”
So, God’s given the land, the Promised Land, the future, to Abraham. Who? I AM is doing that. On the 40th Anniversary, June 25, 2021, Our Lady says,
“…decide for God…”
Who is I AM,
“…so that it may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
What does that have to do with anything? When I read that, it was forty years in the desert. But She’s been on the earth, bringing us to the Promised Land. I AM. She is. God gave it to Abraham, and we are to inherit the world. Our Lady’s not here for a failure. She’s here for resurrection. Her climax to make that happen, just like World War II, it couldn’t end. It kept going. It was getting worse. All the Nazis, the Japanese, all these things happened. And then out of nowhere, out of nowhere, an atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. The war’s over! It stops! That’s what the three Secrets are about. They are atomic bombs filled with grace that are going to explode across the world, annihilating great amount of evil, a springtime for Christianity. The latest and the greatest of the things that the world has seen in preparation, maybe for another century or two centuries, or whatever, until Jesus comes back. Because, you see how difficult it is now? And everybody right now is searching for their little piece of land. God wants to give it to you. She wants to give us to the earth. It’s going to be given to the humble, to the lowly, the un-boisterious, the people who are good.
Our Lady’s here to prepare for us, for a different time. She said today,
“…That is why, you be vigilant…”
What does She mean by that? She’s already talking about the devil. he wants to attract more souls to himself. he’s strong. Because we’ll forget about that. She actually says,
“…Little children, do not forget that satan is strong…”
We think it’s politicians. We think it’s Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or all these other people that are so wacked out. No, it’s the devil. Nobody’s talking about that. All the talk show hosts, never saying about the devil. They name the politicians. No, it’s the evil in these people. Our Lady says to rid the evil out of these people. It’s satan! That’s why She said today,
“…do not forget that satan is strong…”
I can’t remember hearing anybody, or in a writing, talking about this devil from those who tell us, debating things about what’s going on.
Vigilant means, “avoid danger.”
“…That is why, you be vigilant in prayer…”
If you’re praying, you see these things. You know something’s coming down the pike, and it’s not good. But Our Lady says, “…be…resolute in the good…” That’s your protection.
We all fail. We’re sinners. We know that. If not that, why would we not be going to Confession? Our Lady says go once a month. That’s being vigilant.
Of course, I’m out of town right now, and I’m going to daily Mass. I’m going to different churches. They’re not interested in Medjugorje. The priests aren’t into Medjugorje. Nobody does nothing with it. You would think, after forty years and forty or fifty million people going there, to Medjugorje, that that would spawning so many hundreds of millions. But we don’t see it. And a lot of people that’s gone to Medjugorje is worn out. They got tired of it. They don’t even follow it anymore. Our Lady said,
August 25, 2011
“…Many have responded…”
But then She cuts the numbers down by this:
“…Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call…”
“…those who do not want to hear or accept my call…” That means that there are people that are aware of it, but they don’t want to hear it. And there are also of the call.
“…Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call…”
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So, Our Lady’s looking for what She said today: “…prayer and resolute in…good…” And in this message, 2011, I just quoted,
“…Therefore, you who have said ‘yes,’ be strong and resolute…”
Jesus had a lot of people following Him. And Jesus had a lot of people that left Him immediately, even before the Crucifixion. The nature of man repeats itself through the centuries, and we’re seeing the same thing now. Things are being thinning out. Things are being vetted. Who’s really vigilant? Who is really praying?
Joan was talking about us doing a fast right now, and we’re going to the Cross every day. We’re doing Special Blessings four times a day for each person in the Community. And we’re doing other sacrifices. But we still have to do our chores. And we’ve got to keep up with our regular schedule of prayer and other sacrifices.
So, those of you who are listening, Our Lady says to you,
“…Therefore, you who have said ‘yes,’ be strong and resolute…”
And today,
“…That is why, you be vigilant in prayer and resolute in the good…”
I’m repeating that because you need to renew your “yes,” and that’s what our novena’s about. I don’t want to be part, I don’t want the Community to be part, and many of you out there that Our Lady puts you in the camp, part of the enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept Our Lady. It’s sad for Our Lady. And that’s what I’m referring to in going to these different churches. No interest in Medjugorje. No material out there. And the material I look at the racks, I see what’s on the different book racks. I go look and see what they’ve got. Most of it’s garbage. Nothing. Social justice. Garbage! I tell you, Our Lady has a difficult task to save the world. And only a few people are going to be there when the Secrets are striking.
People, I’m going to tell you, two thousand years ago was biblical as you can get. And two thousand years later, at this moment, is as biblical as you can get. The demons are here; the angels are here. The bad people and the good.
What I’ve been saying on this broadcast is to help you understand that you are living a biblical moment. When the Secrets are released, the only thing you’ve got to reference back to is two thousand years ago. And other things in the Bible when the land was given, and all the signs. And people are too worried about their life. Too much concern for things that are useless. The future is changing, biblically. You will see the things happen that will make you contemplate the Holy Bible.
Didn’t know that I’d fall so hard, that my feet left the ground. Gravity don’t make no sense when you’re around. I come up against myself when demons in my head get loud. I don’t know how you do it, but you turn them down.
I slip and wonder who I’d be if I never found you, and you never found me. Well, I don’t want to see.
So, won’t you give me tonight and the rest of your life. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you. And when you open your eyes, I’ll be there by your side. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you. ‘Cause your love is biblical. Biblical, it’s biblical.
If you ever go to pieces, fall between the thunderclouds. I will put you back together. I won’t let you down.
I slip and wonder what I’d do if you never found me, and I never found you. I don’t know what I’d do.
So, won’t you give me tonight and the rest of your life. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you. And when you open your eyes, I’ll be there by your side. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you.
I want to have it all (I want to have it all). I want to have it all (I want to have it all). I want to have it, I want to have it all.
‘Cause your love is biblical. It’s biblical. It’s biblical.
So, won’t you give me tonight and the rest of your life. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you. So come on and give me tonight and the rest of your life. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you. And when you open your eyes, I’ll be there by your side. I want to have it all with you. I want to have it all with you. ‘Cause your love if biblical. It’s biblical. It’s biblical.
Our Lady was at the beginning of the Bible and at the end of the Bible. And She’s calling us, telling us all that matters in the end that is God and Her Son, because at our end on this life, we will come before Him, and every word She says, through Her messages is to prepare that moment.
Reflect on the last forty years with Our Lady. It is Biblical.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
This ends the Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
19 thoughts on “It’s Biblical”
Jane, the best thing to do is read this here – a Friend of Medjugorje explains the Special Blessing based on his conversation with Medjugorje visionary Marija:
City: Westminster
State: CO
Country: USA
Please send me the disks. I would like to understand more of Our Blessed Mother’s messages.-
Gloria, we received your request. Just please contact Caritas at 205-672-2000 – and ask to be signed up for the Radio Wave monthly subscription list. That way, you will have the CD’s sent directly to your doorstep. God bless!
City: Ala
State: Al
Country: Usa
Just beautiful, thank you for all that you and your community do. -
City: Bel Air
State: Maryland
Country: USA
My parents had a beautiful statue Our Blessed Mother in their bedroom. I have a few in our home. I am consecrated to Her, devoted to Her! I believe! I am a miracle of Medjugorje (Caritas) 2004. I live this miracle every day – every day of my life since. Now imagine if. Imagine if “A Friend of Medjugorje” hadn’t believed early on, hadn’t made the acquaintance of Marjia Lunetti, hadn’t offered to assist her and her husband causing them to come to their home here in the USA, hadn’t had Bedroom of Apparitions and Field of Apparitions for these past 40 years. Everything, everything, everyone, everyone of us are miracles of Our Lady in some way, all because of the miracles that caused Our Lady to come to America. Nothing happens by chance. What appears to be the worst of times here and ahead, will become the best of times soon. Believe, pray, remain faithful, be an example of Her and never, ever quit on her. May Our Lady of Medjugorje bless us all abundantly doing Her Will, Amen! -
City: Murfreesboro
State: TN
Country: United States
Thank you.. -
City: Delray Beach
State: FL
Country: United States
Blessings,A Friend of Medjugorje said the following about the 100 years of trial:
“We know, and we believe very strongly, that happened now, the end of the century was 2017.”
Can you please explain why 1917 to 2017 is the 100 years of trial for the church? What is this based on?
Thank you very much.
Fred, there were a lot of things which a Friend of Medjugorje released about the 100-year reign of satan, back in 2016 and 2017. Here is just one writing that might help:
Also, be sure to listen to the Radio Wave broadcast, At the Dawn of Our Lady’s Century:
City: Fulton
State: NY
Country: United States
I believe this coincides with Fatima. I’m sure a Caritas member will be able to give you a full answer on this.
City: London
State: Wimbledon
Country: United Kingdom
To whom this letter will be read,
I am so very lucky to have a tall statue of “Our Lady” which came from Medjugorje some years ago my friend Fr Michael brought the statue himself I built a shrine for our Lady only to find that in the night an evil hand broke in many pieces the statue ! I remember picking up all the pieces of the statue and I made a promise in my head that I would put together again the statue some years later I found the bag containing the broken parts of Our Ladys Statue and began to rebuild the statue as I promised I would those years ago and now the statue sits in my bedroom along with a smaller statue of Out Lady Rosa Mystica and yet evil tries to invade my mind on most days but Our Lady is there with me even at times I don’t realise and evil will never win. Kevin -
City: Las Vegas
State: Nevada
There is currently a complete divide in my family over this entire “plandemic” and those who are for the vaccines and those who stand with Christ and Our Lady and refuse the vaccines. I woke up yesterday morning feeling a tremendous need to pray constantly. I kept begging Our Blessed Mother to help me stay humble, and loving, and not let the devil deceive me into losing my soul. Then guess what? Things suddenly got 10 times worse! I thought, “What is going on? What is the Lord trying to teach me right now? This is a test. How could it get this much worse?” So, I just gave everything over to Our Lord and Our Lady and said, “I give up. It’s in your hands. Do with me what you will. Even to death.” Then I got the message given January 25, 2022. This broadcast was my answer from Heaven. Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas community! -
State: New York
Country: United States
Dear Holy Mother! Today I am responding to your call to return to personal prayer. As your child, I will not forget that satan is strong and that he wants to attract all the more souls to himself. That is why, I’ll be vigilant in prayer and resolute in the good. I Am, be with you, bless all of us with your Motherly Blessing. Thank you for having given us your call.”
Dear Holy Mother, take my Fiat this day and wrap it in yours to embellish my poor sacrifices, weak prayers, and inconstancy. Lay all that I am, before the Grace of Your Son, as I place myself within your Maternal care, guide me ever closer to His sweet embrace.
Ask Your Son to use all that I am, including my many faults and mistakes, as He’s the only one who can make them beautiful, for His Kingdom.
Help me always to bring glory to our wonderful ABBA, may praise be ever upon my lips and heart.
Dear Heavenly Queen, you’ve forever been, the Humble Handmaid of God, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of Our Lord. I choose You today as my Heavenly Mother as well, thankful to understand that part of my inheritance is to become part of the True Family of God. I pray the world recognizes the help you’ve always been, pointing us always to follow your Son Jesus, being ever humble Yourself before Him.
Help make me as humble as You, help make my resolve as strong as Yours and help me to give everything I can ever be to love as You do.
Dear Jesus, You teach us, it’s all about love, Your Mother tells us, “Only Love Will Remain.” Dear Jesus I want to live with you forever, within your great love. Amen and May God Bless Everyone. -
City: Houma
State: LA
Country: United States
It is good to know we can give the Special Blessing more than once and it will be effective! I’ve also been praying for the successful completion of the 10 secrets book. How important it will be!!!
19 thoughts on “It’s Biblical”
City: Massapequa
State: New York
Country: United States
Can you send me the words to the special blessing please.
Thank you and God bless you always 🙏❤
Jane, the best thing to do is read this here – a Friend of Medjugorje explains the Special Blessing based on his conversation with Medjugorje visionary Marija:
City: Westminster
State: CO
Country: USA
Please send me the disks. I would like to understand more of Our Blessed Mother’s messages.
Gloria, we received your request. Just please contact Caritas at 205-672-2000 – and ask to be signed up for the Radio Wave monthly subscription list. That way, you will have the CD’s sent directly to your doorstep. God bless!
City: Ala
State: Al
Country: Usa
Just beautiful, thank you for all that you and your community do.
City: Bel Air
State: Maryland
Country: USA
My parents had a beautiful statue Our Blessed Mother in their bedroom. I have a few in our home. I am consecrated to Her, devoted to Her! I believe! I am a miracle of Medjugorje (Caritas) 2004. I live this miracle every day – every day of my life since. Now imagine if. Imagine if “A Friend of Medjugorje” hadn’t believed early on, hadn’t made the acquaintance of Marjia Lunetti, hadn’t offered to assist her and her husband causing them to come to their home here in the USA, hadn’t had Bedroom of Apparitions and Field of Apparitions for these past 40 years. Everything, everything, everyone, everyone of us are miracles of Our Lady in some way, all because of the miracles that caused Our Lady to come to America. Nothing happens by chance. What appears to be the worst of times here and ahead, will become the best of times soon. Believe, pray, remain faithful, be an example of Her and never, ever quit on her. May Our Lady of Medjugorje bless us all abundantly doing Her Will, Amen!
City: Murfreesboro
State: TN
Country: United States
Thank you..
City: Delray Beach
State: FL
Country: United States
A Friend of Medjugorje said the following about the 100 years of trial:
“We know, and we believe very strongly, that happened now, the end of the century was 2017.”
Can you please explain why 1917 to 2017 is the 100 years of trial for the church? What is this based on?
Thank you very much.
Fred, there were a lot of things which a Friend of Medjugorje released about the 100-year reign of satan, back in 2016 and 2017. Here is just one writing that might help:
Also, be sure to listen to the Radio Wave broadcast, At the Dawn of Our Lady’s Century:
City: Fulton
State: NY
Country: United States
I believe this coincides with Fatima. I’m sure a Caritas member will be able to give you a full answer on this.
City: London
State: Wimbledon
Country: United Kingdom
To whom this letter will be read,
I am so very lucky to have a tall statue of “Our Lady” which came from Medjugorje some years ago my friend Fr Michael brought the statue himself I built a shrine for our Lady only to find that in the night an evil hand broke in many pieces the statue ! I remember picking up all the pieces of the statue and I made a promise in my head that I would put together again the statue some years later I found the bag containing the broken parts of Our Ladys Statue and began to rebuild the statue as I promised I would those years ago and now the statue sits in my bedroom along with a smaller statue of Out Lady Rosa Mystica and yet evil tries to invade my mind on most days but Our Lady is there with me even at times I don’t realise and evil will never win. Kevin
City: Las Vegas
State: Nevada
There is currently a complete divide in my family over this entire “plandemic” and those who are for the vaccines and those who stand with Christ and Our Lady and refuse the vaccines. I woke up yesterday morning feeling a tremendous need to pray constantly. I kept begging Our Blessed Mother to help me stay humble, and loving, and not let the devil deceive me into losing my soul. Then guess what? Things suddenly got 10 times worse! I thought, “What is going on? What is the Lord trying to teach me right now? This is a test. How could it get this much worse?” So, I just gave everything over to Our Lord and Our Lady and said, “I give up. It’s in your hands. Do with me what you will. Even to death.” Then I got the message given January 25, 2022. This broadcast was my answer from Heaven. Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas community!
State: New York
Country: United States
Dear Holy Mother! Today I am responding to your call to return to personal prayer. As your child, I will not forget that satan is strong and that he wants to attract all the more souls to himself. That is why, I’ll be vigilant in prayer and resolute in the good. I Am, be with you, bless all of us with your Motherly Blessing. Thank you for having given us your call.”
Dear Holy Mother, take my Fiat this day and wrap it in yours to embellish my poor sacrifices, weak prayers, and inconstancy. Lay all that I am, before the Grace of Your Son, as I place myself within your Maternal care, guide me ever closer to His sweet embrace.
Ask Your Son to use all that I am, including my many faults and mistakes, as He’s the only one who can make them beautiful, for His Kingdom.
Help me always to bring glory to our wonderful ABBA, may praise be ever upon my lips and heart.
Dear Heavenly Queen, you’ve forever been, the Humble Handmaid of God, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of Our Lord. I choose You today as my Heavenly Mother as well, thankful to understand that part of my inheritance is to become part of the True Family of God. I pray the world recognizes the help you’ve always been, pointing us always to follow your Son Jesus, being ever humble Yourself before Him.
Help make me as humble as You, help make my resolve as strong as Yours and help me to give everything I can ever be to love as You do.
Dear Jesus, You teach us, it’s all about love, Your Mother tells us, “Only Love Will Remain.” Dear Jesus I want to live with you forever, within your great love. Amen and May God Bless Everyone.
City: Houma
State: LA
Country: United States
It is good to know we can give the Special Blessing more than once and it will be effective! I’ve also been praying for the successful completion of the 10 secrets book. How important it will be!!!