August 25, 2021
Radio Wave

It is Time

It is Time [Podcast] (36 Minutes) – How do you convert people who are overcome by hatred? A Friend of Medjugorje explains this and something everyone needs to hear about – how peace is going to come to the world. And it is reason why we need to be prepared for it.

Episode Transcript




Today is Wednesday, August 25, 2021, and this is Radio WAVE.




This is Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje.



I’m looking forward the messages on the monthly 25th as you are, in anticipation as to what Our Lady’s going to say.


The news gets worse every day. We’re looking for something fresh that we can lay our eyes on and that our ears can hear.


Thank God that He sent Our Lady in 1981, that She could be with us in the trials that we go now.


The message Our Lady gave today through Marija, to you, just as much as to you as She does to Marija. She’s passing that out to the world. And what She says has a very, very profound meaning, far deeper than the news or whatever’s going on in the world.


She said today,


August 25, 2021

“Dear children! With joy…”


Immediately, I stopped. I underlined the word “joy.” J-O-Y. Did Our Lady just insult millions of people across the world? What do you think the people in Afghanistan would think about that? There’s fifteen thousand or so Americans there. Some of them know about Medjugorje. If they read the message today, they would say, “What’s She talking about? With joy She’s coming to the world?” She said, “…With joy…” So, She’s coming down from Heaven, and all the sadness and all the tragedies and all the difficulties, and She says, “…With…” It’s nice to hear about that You’re in joy. Look what everybody’s suffering, what they’re going through. Horrible, heinous things.


I didn’t go past the word “…joy…” Immediately, when I saw that, I said, “Our Lady is talking about the Secrets.”


“Dear children! With joy…”


There’s only one reason She would say that, is because She knows She’s getting close to release the Secrets which is going to break the back and crush the serpents. Amazing. I didn’t have to think about that. Our Lady can’t come to the world, “Oh, happy,” unless She’s coming with a joy that what She’s here for for forty years is about to unfold.


There’s more I want to say about this. I’m going to put that on hold so that you can hear the whole message, and I’ll go back through it with you.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 25, 2021 monthly message to the world:


“Dear children! With joy I am calling all of you, little children, who have responded to my call: be joy and peace. Witness with your lives Heaven, which I am bringing to you. It is time, little children, that you be a reflection of my love for all those who do not love and whose hearts hatred has conquered. Do not forget: I am with you and intercede for all of you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you His peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



Is this a mundane message that doesn’t say anything? It says everything!


“Dear children! With joy I am calling all of you, little children, who have responded to my call: be joy and peace…”


Is that another phrase in Her message that insults all these people suffering everywhere and all the things that’s happening across the world? She wants you to be joy and in peace? How?


“…Witness with your lives Heaven, which I am bringing to you…”


Our Lady’s bringing Heaven to you? Let’s read this sentence again. What is She saying?


“…Witness with your lives…”






When She says, “…which I am bringing to you…” and yet, you’re supposed to be showing Heaven. She’s calling you to witness with your lives Heaven. People like to be around people who it’s pleasant to be with. The more love, the more you’re likeable, the more people want to be with you because they’re feeling Heaven from your life. Our Lady’s not saying, “I’m bringing it to you.” “You be Heaven. And yes, I’m coming down to the earth. I’m bringing Heaven, because I’m Heaven.”


All the angels, when they came into our Bedroom on several apparitions through the years, Our Lady chose those angels out of billions to come down. One apparition, there were five baby angels. There were two on the right and two on the left and one above Her head. And they were matched. There were two on the right with black hair, two on the left with brown hair, and one above Our Lady who was blonde headed. They were about two years old. And Marija told us after the apparition that the angels count it as the greatest moment of their being to accompany Our Lady. They’re next to Heaven to the highest, to the point they can get. Think about that. Of all eternity, coming down to the Bedroom to accompany the Virgin Mary, they’re bragging about this for the next eternity. “I went down there during Her forty-year mission.” If they love being with Our Lady and what She brings to us, and you adopt the messages and become love, which is what Heaven’s about, you can change people’s heart, no matter how bad they are, how wicked they are. That’s what you have to become. Our Lady’s telling you that.


“…Witness with your lives Heaven…”


Are you doing that? How do you do that?


You do that by receiving what She’s bringing to you. That was Her words.


“…Witness with your lives Heaven, which I am bringing to you…”


Then She confirms what I saw in the word “joy,” three words that are profound. She says,


“…It is time…”


Time for what? Time to bring peace. How’s that going to happen? Look at the world? I’m telling you, the joy and then the sentence that says, “…It is time…” that She knows that we are getting closer to the Secrets’ released.


Continuing with the message,


“…It is time, little children, that you be a reflection of my love…”


Meaning Heaven,


“…for all those who do not love and whose hearts hatred has conquered…”


There are people out there that have no love in their being, and their hearts have been infected with the puss of hatred. And it oozes from their being. Nobody wants to be around that. Nobody’s going to want to love somebody like that. But Our Lady is telling you to do that with your life because they have never experienced Heaven, and their behavior is diabolical, filled with hatred.


You have people so injured, so messed up how they grew up in the family where hatred was, which is incubating hatred. These people are growing up, and they’re crying out not to be a devil. Every time they try to get up, they can’t stand up. In their inner being, they want to be on the path of love.


What Our Lady’s wants us to understand, these people are weak. Nobody has witnessed with their life what Heaven really is. They don’t know love. But even the beast of a man, at his worst moment, that you witness to of your life, can pull goodness out of them.


Dylan and Eric walked into the school one morning and started shooting everybody. They were dressed Gothic. They were real dark. This is who Our Lady’s talking about. Hatred had conquered them. How can you penetrate that? How do you do that? Something profound happened in this event. They had already shot twenty-two people. Cassie was under a table. They asked her, “Do you believe in God?” She paused, closed her eyes, and she said, “Yes,” and they killed her. These two boys, conquered by hatred, continued their rampage. The first one killed in the school was Rachel. She was asked, when they came up, by Dylan and Eric, “Do you believe in God.” She said, “Yes,” and they killed her.


Up to those twenty-two people they killed already, no one received mercy, so filled with hatred that they had. And at that point, they discovered Todd. He had already been wounded. He was behind a desk when he was hit with some of the pellets of a shotgun. So, here are these two guys, see Todd wounded, and they put a gun to his head and taunted him, saying,


“Why should we let you live?”


And Todd answered them by saying,


“I have always been good to you.”


In a small moment of hesitation, the killers then backed off and left Todd and went on shooting and killing everybody else for thirty-two minutes.


Our Lady’s message is saying that. Your love, you being Heaven, can reach these people. Todd survived because he had been good to these boys, and they remembered that, and they were going to kill him. But they hesitated because of the good deeds he had given to them. They were able to pull out of these two beasts some goodness. And that’s why I said earlier, that even the most beast of man, you can draw out the goodness of them. That’s the challenge. That’s your mission of Our Lady, to go after these people. And if you’re not living what Heaven’s like, why would they want that? This is a reality. This really happened. Todd probably did something that was probably repugnant to him, because these people are crying out because they don’t believe in themselves. They don’t have anything in them to believe in themselves. Todd believed in them enough to be kind to them. And they don’t want to be a devil. Nobody wants that. And they’re trying to escape from that. You have to conquer hatred with love.



I’m not the devil you think that I am. It ain’t no excuse, but I’m just a man. I slipped and I fell. It got out of hand. But I’m not the devil you think that I am.


It wasn’t no gun they held to my head. I got caught up believing in lies that were said. And in a moment of weakness, I stumbled, and I made my bed.


I’m not the devil you think that I am. It ain’t no excuse, but I’m just a man. I slipped and I fell. It got out of hand. But I’m not the devil you think that I am.




There’s 10,000 reasons for you not to stay, and no one would blame you if you want it that way. It might take some time, but I’ll show you that I’m worth the wait.


I’m not the devil you think that I am. It ain’t no excuse, but I’m just a man. I slipped and I fell. It got out of hand. But I’m not the devil you think that I am. And I’ll spend forever, do all that I can, to prove I’m not the devil you think that I am. And I’m not the devil.



Before you continue, I just want to interject something.


We received a testimony today, and it was in regards to a period of time where a Friend of Medjugorje was very hated and despised by some people, and it was a period that lasted six or seven years where the persecution upon him especially was incredibly heavy and continuous, never stopping. And he always responded to it in love. I remember that there were times that we were, like, “We can’t take this anymore,” and his response to us is that, “We’re going to kill ‘em. Kill ‘em with love.” And so, that was always how he dealt with it. It was never where he allowed that bitterness, anger, hatred into his own heart.


Well, this testimony today was in regard to somebody who is related to one of the people in particularly that was one of the biggest persecutors to a Friend of Medjugorje. And I’m just going to read you one line, because this really shows how his decision to love against everything, how that affects people and how it pays off in a spiritual way.


So, this woman said that this friend of hers, She said,


“She doesn’t adore anyone on this earth, but she admires [a Friend of Medjugorje] and she admires Trump.”


So, again, I think this one line speaks tremendously of the affects of how, especially when darkness is so heavy over you, and you respond in light and love, how God can change hearts.



So, continuing, going through the message, word by word, Our Lady says,


“…It is time…”


We know She says, “…This…is my time…” But that’s different when you say, “…It is time…” In August 2, 2011, Our Lady said,


“…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…”


That’s 2011. We’re 2021. We’re seeing the manifestation completely, 100%, in that message.


Six months later, February 2, 2012, Our Lady says,


“…My children, pride has come to rule…”


From 2012, we jump to July 25, 2021. Our Lady says,


“…witness with your lives…”


And then She says,


“…God will heed your prayers and give you peace in this peaceless world where pride and selfishness reign…”


So, we go from


“…evil…wants…to rule…” 2011,


2012, “…pride has come to rule…”


2021, “…pride and selfishness [is reigning]


And then you go to August, 2021, today’s message. She says,


“…hatred has conquered…”




  1. “evil”
  2. “pride”
  3. “pride and selfishness [is reigning]


And fourthly, “…hatred has conquered…” Fresh words today. So, Our Lady says today in Her message,


“…Do not forget: I am with you and intercede for all of you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you His peace…”


Hatred vs. Peace. And Our Lady’s coming from Heaven, asking you to be Heaven, that Jesus is going to give His peace. So now, you can see why She said, “…With joy…” at the beginning of that message, with all the turmoil across the whole world. She’s about to give us peace. How can She do that? Through the Secrets. What are the Secrets going to be? It’s going to be something that crushes the serpent’s head. That’s what’s going to happen. And everything’s going to fall apart.


We’re supposed to be happy on earth, but you’ve got to ask your question, “Are you happy in this modern world?” All the conveniences, all the things, all the electronics, are you really happy? Do you need more? We’re still searching for something. What we’re searching for is peace. Peace is next to the earth, working with the earth. Agrarian. We’re too far away from the soil. Instead of dependent on God, we’re in fact independent from God and dependent on man on everything he gives us, and it’s all going away.


Everybody, in good times, find themselves longing for change. If everything’s so great in good times, why would you want change? And then, when bad times come, they’re in fear. The world is falling, and there’s no ground to land on.



Tell me somethin’, girl, are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin’ else you’re searchin’ for? I’m falling. In all the good times I find myself longin’ for change, and in the bad times I fear myself.


Tell me something, boy, aren’t you tired tryin’ to fill that void? Or do you need more? Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore? I’m falling. In all the good times I find myself longing for change. And in the bad times I fear myself.


I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in. I’ll never meet the ground. Crash through the surface, where they can’t hurt us. We’re far from the shallow now.


In the shallow, shallow. In the shallow, shallow. In the shallow, shallow. We’re far from the shallow now. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.


I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in. I’ll never meet the ground. Crash through the surface, where they can’t hurt us. We’re far from the shallow now.


In the shallow, shallow. In the shallow, shallow. In the shallow, shallow. We’re far from the shallow now.



We’re falling. There’s no ground to land upon. Our Lady’s our base. Our Lady is our foundation. There is very, very little in this world today that glorifies God. Having travelled the way I have, it is astounding how occupied people are, in their hearts, their eyes, how they dress. None of it glorifies God. Our Lady said once in a message to the visionaries in Medjugorje…And it was still primitive at that time. She said, “Go to the cities and look in the streets and count those who glorify God.” We’re in the Bible Belt, and almost all the girls and women dress trashy. It’s astounding the men are more modest. None of this glorifies God, and it’s going away.


So, Our Lady says,


“…I am with you and intercede for all of you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you His peace…”


When I read that, I underlined it the first time I read it, I said to myself, “How is He going to give peace?” The world can’t change except by a mandate, a divine intervention, which is exactly what the Secrets are coming for, coming from Heaven, Our Lady bringing them down, to intercept the destruction of the world. As She said,


August 2, 2011

“…you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…”


We are in this.


So, when She said these words today, “…give you His peace…” It can only happen one way: an interception by God Himself, through the Holy Virgin Mary.


Peace seems light years away right now. Everything’s in so much turmoil, so much difficulties. So, when is there peace? When does the calm come? The proverbial saying, the calm after the storm. The Secrets are a storm, and peace is always after the storm. “…It is time…” More than ever, Our Lady’s calling upon you.


You have to help people believe in themselves, because if they don’t believe in themselves, they’re not going to believe in you, and self-hatred grows. Dylan and Eric hated themselves before they hated everybody else. So, they killed everybody else, and when they finished that, they killed themselves. They hated what they did. They hated themselves. They were filled with it. Self-hatred. You have to have the heart of Our Lady in order to pass Her into somebody else.


“…Witness with your lives Heaven, which I am bringing to you…”


What Our Lady’s giving to you, you have to give to others, even if they’re beasts, because if they don’t believe in themselves, Our Lady won’t be able to get into their heart.


To simplify everything, really the biggest problem is people who don’t believe in themselves are weak, and they’re good vessels for satan. And what they see in their life is there’s no turning back.



Lonely, the path you have chosen, a restless road, no turning back. One day you will find your light again. Don’t you know? Don’t let go, be strong.


Follow your heart. Let your love lead through the darkness, back to a place you once knew. I believe, I believe, I believe in you. Follow your dreams. Be yourself an angel of kindness. There’s nothing that you cannot do. I believe, I believe, I believe in you.


Tout seul, tu t’en iras tout seul. Coeur ouvert à l’univers. Où suit ta quête sans regarder derrière. N’attends pas que le jour se lève.


Suis ton étoile. Vas jusqu’où ton rêve t’emporte, un jour tu le toucheras. Si tu crois, si tu crois, si tu crois en toi. Suis ta lumière, n’éteins pas la flamme que tu portes. Au fond de toi souviens toi. Que je crois, que je crois, que je crois en toi.


Someday I’ll find you. Someday you’ll find me too. And when I hold you close, I know that it’s true.


Follow your heart. Let your love lead through the darkness, back to a place you once knew. I believe, I believe, I believe in you. Follow your dreams. Be yourself an angel of kindness. There’s nothing that you cannot do. I believe, I believe, I believe in you.


I believe, I believe, I believe in you. I believe, I believe, I believe in you…



Our Lady gave a message that,


“…I do not leave you alone. I believe you can leave the way of sin and decide for holiness…”


I believe in Our Lady. I gave up everything for Her. That’s what She’s asking of you. She’s the Star. The part of this song that was spoken in French says,


“Follow your star. Go where your dream takes you. One day, you will touch it. You will believe, if you believe in yourself.”


We wish you Our Lady, and as always, we say the same, I love you in a special way. Good night.




This ends the Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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3 thoughts on “It is Time”

  1. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    I believe we are very near the secrets! If you read the Bible you know we are well into Revelations, how far I’m not certain but 2/3 of the way through for sure.
    Lastly one of my favorite songs is called “Hold Fast” by Mercy Me. Help is truly on the way!!

  2. City: Rio Rancho
    State: New Mexico
    Country: United States
    Yes. It is time. Be ready my children. It is heartbreaking to see so many things that do not glorify our God. It is time. Stay awake! Thank you our Lady for being with us. Guiding us out of darkness to the Light, Jesus.
    Thank you Caritas, Our Friend of Medjugorge. We wait and pray. Della

  3. City: Espanola
    State: NM
    Country: United States
    Thank you for this light. I wanted to share a song that I wrote to Jesus after going through difficult trials just recently. I myself was a weak vessel born out of fear which I’m still struggling to overcome. I can imagine many people are going through the same. This song is a prayer for Jesus to take us and keep us safe in His Sacred Heart.

    Set my feet on the path to follow, show me where to go
    Weak and wounded and brokenhearted
    Give me strength to grow

    I find myself wandering lost
    I know only that I don’t know
    I’m spiraling out of control
    Come save me and never let go

    Oh, Where would I be without You?
    How can I live without You?
    Bind my heart to live inside of Yours
    Breathe Your breath in me

    Set my feet on the path to follow
    Show me only Your Way
    Truth and Mercy come light my life up
    Cast the dark away

    My mind has me going astray
    My eyes have been fooled once again
    I run to Your arms hold me tight
    Come save me and never let go

    Oh, Where would I be without You?
    How can I live without You?
    Bind my heart to live inside of Yours
    Breathe Your breath in me

    Peace be with you,
    O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. Amen.

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3 thoughts on “It is Time”

  1. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    I believe we are very near the secrets! If you read the Bible you know we are well into Revelations, how far I’m not certain but 2/3 of the way through for sure.
    Lastly one of my favorite songs is called “Hold Fast” by Mercy Me. Help is truly on the way!!

  2. City: Rio Rancho
    State: New Mexico
    Country: United States
    Yes. It is time. Be ready my children. It is heartbreaking to see so many things that do not glorify our God. It is time. Stay awake! Thank you our Lady for being with us. Guiding us out of darkness to the Light, Jesus.
    Thank you Caritas, Our Friend of Medjugorge. We wait and pray. Della

  3. City: Espanola
    State: NM
    Country: United States
    Thank you for this light. I wanted to share a song that I wrote to Jesus after going through difficult trials just recently. I myself was a weak vessel born out of fear which I’m still struggling to overcome. I can imagine many people are going through the same. This song is a prayer for Jesus to take us and keep us safe in His Sacred Heart.

    Set my feet on the path to follow, show me where to go
    Weak and wounded and brokenhearted
    Give me strength to grow

    I find myself wandering lost
    I know only that I don’t know
    I’m spiraling out of control
    Come save me and never let go

    Oh, Where would I be without You?
    How can I live without You?
    Bind my heart to live inside of Yours
    Breathe Your breath in me

    Set my feet on the path to follow
    Show me only Your Way
    Truth and Mercy come light my life up
    Cast the dark away

    My mind has me going astray
    My eyes have been fooled once again
    I run to Your arms hold me tight
    Come save me and never let go

    Oh, Where would I be without You?
    How can I live without You?
    Bind my heart to live inside of Yours
    Breathe Your breath in me

    Peace be with you,
    O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. Amen.

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