July 25, 2024
Radio Wave

I Can’t Keep From Crying

[Podcast] (26 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks of a special apparition and message from Our Lady, given on July 25, 2024, and how we win, every time with practical advice from Our Lady.

Episode Transcript


Holy Mother, where are you?
Tonight I feel broken in two
I’ve seen the stars fall from the sky
Holy Mother, can’t keep from crying

Oh, I need your help this time
Get me through this lonely night
Tell me, please, which way to turn
To find myself again

Holy Mother, hear my prayer
Somehow I know you’re still there
Send me please some peace of mind
Take away this pain

I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait any longer
I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait for you

Holy Mother, hear my cry
I’ve cursed your name a thousand times
I’ve felt the anger running through my soul
All I need is a hand to hold

Oh, I feel the end has come
No longer my legs will run
You know I would rather be
In your arms tonight

When my hands no longer play
My voice is still, I fade away
Holy mother, then I’ll be
Lying in, safe within your arms



Fifteen million people listened to this in the last five years. Our Lady is getting more known by people and as God, who has put Our Lady on the stage, this song tells all about it. The song said, “I can’t keep from crying.” Our Lady’s 25th message speaks to this. We have a description with the message and what happened today with Marija.




Our Lady of Medjugorje’s July 25, 2024 Monthly Message to the World:


“My dear children, with joy I have chosen you and am leading you, because in you, little children, I see people of faith, hope and prayer. May you, little children, be led by the pride that you are mine, and I am leading you to Him, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And I am with you so that peace may win in you and around you, because it is with this intention God sent me to you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


A Caritas Community member was present in Marija’s July 25, 2024, apparition and gave this following report:


“Tonight, Marija had her apparition in the Chapel of the Two Hearts. They prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and then one decade was prayed for Our Lady’s intentions for peace.


After the apparition when Marija read the message to all those present, she was visibly moved.  Marija said she thought this is one of the most beautiful messages Our Lady has ever given.


When Marija said Our Lady began by saying, “My Dear Children,” Marija stopped and was choked up for a moment.


Going on, when she read the sentence, “…in you, little children, I see people of faith, hope and prayer…,” Marija again stopped, put her hand on her heart and started to cry.


Marija struggled through the rest of the message, continuing to quietly cry, especially as she read the last lines, “…I am with you so that peace may win in you and around you, because it is with this intention God sent me to you…”


Marija said afterwards, “I often think that I am not worthy of this.”  Many people in the room were crying as well.


One person who could not stop crying said, “This message shows how much responsibility Our Lady has given us. Marija first, but also the rest of us. I need to do better. I have to do better.”




Our Lady said “…that peace may win…” What does win mean? It means there’s struggle.

And She goes on and says God’s intention was to send Our Lady to us and be among us.

There are several messages where Our Lady said “pride.”


July 25, 2021

“…God will heed your prayers and give you peace in this peaceless world where pride and selfishness reigns…”


The message I just quoted is negative.


In July 25, 2012, Our Lady says something about pride that is positive.


“…pray that God may give you the strength, hope and pride may always reign in your heart and life…”


Another time Our Lady said pride again, on February 2, 2012, and its negative:


“…you listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. My children, pride has come to rule…”


Another date, November 25, 1987 its negative again:


“…pray that satan does not entice you with his pride and deceptive strength…”


Our Lady wants us to win. She wants to win. Our Lady said February 20, 1985:


“…I give you advice. I would like you to try to conquer some fault each day…”


Conquer means to win.


“…to try to conquer some fault each day. If your fault is to get angry at everything, try each day to get angry less. If your fault is not to be able to obey, begin to obey. Or if you cannot stand those who do not please you, try on a given day to speak to them. If your fault is not to be able to stand up to an arrogant person, you should try to approach that person. If you desire the person to be humble, be humble yourself. Show that humility is worth more than pride…”


She continues,


“…Thus each day, try to go beyond and reject every vice from your heart. Find out which are the vices that you most need to reject. Strive as much as possible…”


That is what She said today. She is calling you to strive and by striving, you win.


June 22, 1985, Our Lady inspired Jelena, one of the locutionists, and She told Jelena to write down the prayer and to say it in her prayer group.


Petition to God

Oh God, our hearts are in deep obscurity

In spite of our link to Your heart

Our hearts are between You and satan

Do not permit it to be like that

Every time our hearts are divided

Between good and evil,

Let them be enlightened by Your light

And let them be unified

Never permit for there to be able to exist in us

Two loves

That there can never co-exist in us two faiths

And that there can never co-exist in us

Lying and sincerity,

Love and hatred,

Honesty and dishonesty

Humility and pride…

[End prayer]


This message today says, “God’s intention.”


And when He has that, He’s going to get that.


And that is why She said today, “…with joy I have chosen you and am leading you…”


And the biggest thing She says here, “…be led by the pride that you are mine…”


How many people out there knows about Our Lady? Are you bringing people to Our Lady? Or do you think you have to be quiet?


Everywhere I go, whom I am around, even traveling, I bring up the Virgin Mary. I am not looking for an opportunity to do that. I just take the opportunity to do it.


We’ve got 25 people in front of Caritas on highway 43. They are installing big pipes that are 8 feet high so that the water goes underneath the road.


They’ve got trackhoes, dozers, everything, all kinds of equipment out there.


They shut down the road to do this.


So, yesterday, I said we’ll give you lunch. We’ll give all 25 of you the best hamburgers you’ve ever tasted.


And we’ll give you gelato from Villaggio Colafrancesco.


They came up and ate. They loved it. What I like to do to introduce people to Our Lady, through their stomach.


We’ve got that on highway 280, Villaggio Colafrancesco, and we’ve got a lot of Protestants, nonbelievers, we are introducing to Our Lady.


We showed, while they were eating, on a screen, about the Cross. They were relaxed. They enjoyed it and we introduced these men to Our Lady.


Our Lady will give the grace if you step out. Our Lady wants you to do that.


So Our Lady, when She said today, “…I see people of faith, hope and prayer led by the pride that you are mine…”


What did you do today? What are you going to do tomorrow?


Always be ready. Have things in your car.


Our Lady wants you to spread Her messages and what She’s doing. It doesn’t matter if they reject it or even believe in it. When the secrets happen, they’ll go back to you. Tell me all about this.


It’s important to repeat that “…peace may win in you and around you because it is with this intention God sent me…”


Our Lady said June 25, 2007 a profound statement to contemplate:


“…God desires to convert the entire world and call it to salvation to the way towards Himself who is the beginning and the end of every being…”


I quoted this last week but it really hit me. If God is your beginning, you didn’t exist before that. Your soul didn’t. But one thing that is going to happen, your soul will never have an end. That is a lot to contemplate: forever, no end.


Tell people that Our Lady says “…this great grace that God gives you through my presence here…” Your loved ones or people that you know, its up to you to let them know of Our Lady’s presence.



We’ve got a big date coming up, August 5th, Our Lady’s 2040th birthday. It’s a big thing.

We’ve been talking to you about coming here in a place that is soaked with the grace of Our Lady.

This Valley of the Queen Mother is winning against the world.


As She says, “…with you so that peace may win.” We know that because She’s backed up that God says intentions to send Her.  You cannot have the residue soaked into the land of the grace of 213 apparitions here over a period of 36 years.


Come. We invite you again, while Our Lady is still here on the earth in a valley where your soul can rest and soak in the grace, in the Bedroom of the Apparitions, climb to the Cross and win against the world and the majesty, the Holy Mother and being at the Cross through the songs, through the mountains.


No matter how far you are. We’ll be doing things August 3rd through the 5th, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.




A Friend of Medjugorje has been inviting you to come to Caritas, come to the Bedroom of Apparitions, come to the Field of Apparitions and celebrate with us Our Lady’s 2040th birthday.


That is August 3rd, 4th and 5th which is a Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. If you come Friday, you’ll be sure to have the full Saturday with us.


We always have a special birthday celebration with Our Lady and we plan to be doing what we’ve done in the past.


We will also be doing the Patriotic Rosary on the 4th, which is also what we’ve been doing for the last several months in preparation for the November election on the 5th.


The Community is going to be fasting on bread and water three days before, so that would be July 31st, August 1st and August 2nd. Three days of fasting to follow in the witness of a Friend of Medjugorje to pray and fast to be able to give Our Lady a sinless day on Her birthday, August 5th.


And as he’s always said, that it is impossible to live unless you have plenty of prayer and fasting beforehand.


So we invite you to join us in those sacrificial days that we can truly have a beautiful celebration of Our Lady’s birthday.


We do hope that you will be able to come and if you are not able to come, at least do something where you in celebrating Our Lady’s birthday on August 5th.




After 43 years of apparitions, we take it for granted. People 20, 50 years, 100 years later, [will say] what were people thinking? We get used to something and we’re going to miss it when Her apparitions when God says is over. Drop everything you can do and come and be with Her.


We wish you Our Lady, we love you, goodnight.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

1 thought on “I Can’t Keep From Crying”


    City: LAREDO
    State: TEXAS
    Country: USA
    I am asking if you would please send these messages and the site To President Trump and Mrs. Melania Trump as well to the family. I feel the Trumps would appreciate the messages from Our Blessed Mother. Melania is Catholic and with all that has happened and the Miracle that was shown live broadcast ON TV of the bullet that nicked the tip of Mr. Trumps ear. I am sure that Our President will comment on this and ask for prayers of Thanks to Our Beautiful Mother Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ for saving his life. Thank You Lord and Blessed Mother for protecting Our President. When the message from Medjugorje is placed on my mail site I read every detail. I love My Blessed Mother with my whole heart and always ask for her protection for my whole family and friends, Amen. Rosanne W. Potts.

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1 thought on “I Can’t Keep From Crying”


    City: LAREDO
    State: TEXAS
    Country: USA
    I am asking if you would please send these messages and the site To President Trump and Mrs. Melania Trump as well to the family. I feel the Trumps would appreciate the messages from Our Blessed Mother. Melania is Catholic and with all that has happened and the Miracle that was shown live broadcast ON TV of the bullet that nicked the tip of Mr. Trumps ear. I am sure that Our President will comment on this and ask for prayers of Thanks to Our Beautiful Mother Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ for saving his life. Thank You Lord and Blessed Mother for protecting Our President. When the message from Medjugorje is placed on my mail site I read every detail. I love My Blessed Mother with my whole heart and always ask for her protection for my whole family and friends, Amen. Rosanne W. Potts.

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