City: Roaring River
State: CT
Our group began in 2015 we have been praying as community and living as extended members for longer. We are located in NC zip code 28669. Looking forward to bringing others who are committed to Our Lady and the plan for forming prayer groups to come together. God bless to all those who are responding to the call of the Queen of Peace.
May 30, 2024
From Adam to Atom
[Podcast] (21 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje gives a staggering comparison, and he launches a new call, which was given to us by the Virgin Mary. A broadcast to act on.
Episode Transcript
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This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Have you ever wondered how many people have ever lived? BRB’s answer: 117 billion people. Modern homo-sapiens have been around for about two hundred twenty thousand years.
Since there is no demographic data for ninety-nine percent of this time, calculating the number of people who have ever lived is part science, part and art and a little guesswork too.
Over the years, human populations have boomed or busted, based on food availability, war and peace, medicine, disease and pandemics and even the weather.
Today, earth is home to eight billion people, nearly seven percent of the total number of people who have ever lived. By 2050, we estimate that the share of people who have ever lived will increase to eight percent with nearly 9.8 billion people living on earth.
If you line up that many people, who is the first? Adam.
It was stated twenty thousand years ago. As you heard today, we have eight billion people in the world.
This means that today, there is seven percent of the whole history of all mankind alive.
I want to break down something for you.
The United States of America has a population of 339 million people. This means the United States makes up four percent of the seven percent of the whole history of mankind.
That makes the entire United States population 3/1000ths of the entire history of mankind.
If you were to write the number of this three thousandth of the history of mankind, it would be .0003.
One person of this .0003 of the United States population alive today equals one hundred and seventeen billionth of all the history of mankind.
If you were to write that number, of one person, of one hundred seventeen billion it would eleven digits: .00000000117.
To put this in perspective, the average size of an atom is two billionth of a meter.
That is far more smaller than an atom, a billionth of the meter. So if you were to write that number, it would be: .0000000002.
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By now, you’re wondering why I say all these things.
I am saying something about “YOU” as an individual and who “YOU” are. And in the time you are at.
If the whole history of mankind’s population of a hundred and seventeen billion was one meter in size, each person in the United States alive today would be the size of an atom, divided fifty-eight times.
That means if you look at a graph, you, as an individual, your speck would be fifty-eight times smaller than an atom.
That’s pretty little. Because an atom is very small. Where am I going with this? It’s about you.
May 25, 2024, Our Lady said this:
“Dear children, in this time of grace…”
What? I’m saying the “what”, not Our Lady. She said, “…in this time of grace…”
Does Our Lady not know what is going on in the world today? Blessed Mother, the world is on the brink of being destroyed and you’re saying, “…in this time of grace…”
From today to the span back to Adam, you are in a place that nobody alive, out of the one hundred and seventeen billion people has the opportunity that you have.
So what is the opportunity?
We will define that opportunity. The May 24, 2024 message:
“Dear children, in this time of grace I am calling you to prayer with the heart. Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy. Little children, you are still far away. That is why, continue to convert anew and choose the way of holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
You in the graph, from now, today, all the way back to Adam and again, on the graph, fifty-eight times smaller than an atom in a time that never in history has been given a task direct to you. Through all history, not counting a few of the saints, who has had the opportunity for Our Lady to talk to them. That’s so rare. But Our Lady just asked YOU, create prayer groups. YOU are unique.
Since we are a few days passed May 25th, you have already read the message. Do you see the opportunity?
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The Virgin Mary comes down to tell you, individually, out of one hundred and seventeen billion people.
We don’t have history like this. So my question is to you, what are you going to do?
In the last five days, have you been thinking I’ve got to start a prayer group? Have you thought about that? Or has it already faded away.
This coming August 5th, Our Lady told us Her birthday, how old She was. She didn’t say it like most women say—I’m just 29. In 1984, She said in Medjugorje, “This is my 2,000th birthday.”
So what is coming out August 5th Our Lady will be 2040 years old. Out of the eight billion people alive today, you have a calling that will be stepping out of the eight billion people in the world.
You are unique. You’re calling is unique because out of the eight billion alive today in the world, that’s seven percent of the whole history of all mankind alive.
In the United States of America, our population is three hundred and thirty-nine million people. That means, out of the eight billion, the United States makes up four percent of the seven percent of the whole history of mankind.
This may be confusing. My point to lay this out to you, you have the Virgin Mary coming down to the earth saying to “create prayer groups.”
Are you going to do it? Maybe I’ll get around to it?
You are asked right now to put together prayer groups. One hundred and ninety-five countries.
In our country we have something nobody else has got. Because Our Lady in the Field, July 3, 2012.
We have been consecrating the United States of America to Our Lady and She is accepting them. And finally we got the big message. She said, July 3, 2012, in the Field, through Marija. Our Lady said, and before I say it, are you going to do this?
“Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and me.”
You tell me, a hundred seventeen billion people has been given such a big task. No other nation has got that.
Marija and the other visionaries have been all over the world. Nobody has that. Your responsibility of all you who say I love Our Lady of Medjugorje. Then do something.
You can’t sit around and just say Rosaries. You get busy. You go to the priests. Make announcements. Call people together. Tell the Bishop “We want this.”
We’ve got this here in Alabama. It’s been asked for. From that July 3, on the eve of July 4th of our nation, you think She didn’t know the next day was the birthday of the United States of America? It’s ground zero.
Now, twelve years later,
“…Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy…”
I am going to ask you again. Are you going to do it? Are you going to think about it? Oh, you’re going to do it now? And you don’t do it?
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The problem that may stop you, how are you going to find people? We have a massive operation here at Caritas in the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages. It’s a beehive. I and Community’s—our work week often 85 hours.
You say, how do you do that? How you do it, you don’t get a lot of sleep. We immolate ourselves.
You can say, oh people don’t do that. Yes we do. We live for Our Lady, not for ourselves.
And we want to convey to you and convict you that you have to make steps now.
And because we have the ability, we’re putting something together right now, whatever state you are in of the 50 states, we’re putting together something that you can say, I want to start a prayer group.
We’re going to connect and make it possible to help to create prayer groups. A mandate from Heaven.
What we are going to do? Say you are from Idaho and Idaho, all the zip codes we are going to break those down, just like in every other state, Minnesota, Louisiana, the state you live in and the zip code that you live in. You’re going to be able to come to that.
For example, like we’re in Alabama. Our zip code here is 35147. If you are out there, you put your zip code, you can put your name there, your phone number or email, address to be contacted and people can find a prayer group connecting to your city, your zip code. There will be a listing and you connect to who is creating the prayer group.
What we are talking about is for people to step out and birth prayer groups. They need to be born.
What is being born is what Our Lady is asking for. For renewal. This step will help to connect everybody together. You can ask at the end of Mass. We have got a mandate from Heaven.
Do you want to do something about what is happening with the world? Man is creating a new world. January 25, 1997, She said:
“Dear children, I invite you to reflect on your future…”
We don’t have one. If you don’t go and start a prayer group, you have no future.
“I invite you to reflect about your future. You are creating a new world without God only with your own strength.”
She is saying something now to create something of the opposite of what we are.
“…you are creating a new world without God, only with your own strength, that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in the heart…”
May 25th, She just told us:
“…create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy…”
The January 25, 1997, I said to you, She said you are unsatisfied and without joy in the heart. But May 25th She says, “I am calling you to prayer with the heart…”
Twenty thousand years of people and you are in this time, a connection of Heaven to the world never seen before. Going back to January 25, 1997, She says about the time here:
“This time is my time.”
It is an amazing thing, imagining all the way back to Adam and everybody lined up to now, the last person with the child being birthed.
That’s a long line. That gives you a scope. Where is the speck, in that line, [that] is this moment, “this time”?
Are you going to let it pass? Or are you going to do something? It is going to take us a week, at least, to put this together to make it as simple as possible.
We have a hundred and twenty thousand people on our mailing list. It is too expensive to [mail to] everybody, so we have to the Field Angels.
We are underfunded to do what we need to do.
What is going to come out of the prayer groups you start and the one you join to?
You will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy.
Also, these prayer groups can be an arm of Caritas of a mission propagating the messages to the whole world.
Can you imagine if we had a budget of about $20,000 a month for nationwide radio broadcasts, where we could have commercials about Our Lady.
We’re talking about fishing. And we’re talking about catching a lot of fish. The prayer groups can be a part of that.
And we’re bringing a lot of people to Our Lady. The biggest news in the world is Our Lady’s moment coming to the earth.
Nobody knows about it. If we had the ability to do commercials about the Woman of Revelation and draw them to the materials that we’ve got to receive free material, we could be sweeping [in] everyday people.
satan, they propagate what they do. A company has got a product. They’re selling what they do. And they’re good at it.
We’ve got the infrastructure to do this. There are many people out there through prayer groups, you can fund these things, one hundred percent goes to commercials.
You’ve heard the commercials we make here. It convicts.
It’s time to get serious. Because satan is.
You cannot just sit in your corner and do your Rosaries. It’s prayer and also physical things. They go together. We physically work here. We kill ourselves.
And there are so many things we could be doing. And for you who have been here, you know what this place can produced.
Over the next few days, listen to this broadcast and reflect and accept what the challenge Our Lady calls you for.
The challenge is to defeat satan and save souls. We’ve got the mechanism, and it works.
We have people calling us every day. We want a thousand people. You are a part of Caritas. You are Caritas because if you love Our Lady, Caritas in Latin means Love.
We wish you Our Lady, we love you, Goodnight.
We’ll let you know on our site of what those things we are going to put together.
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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
8 thoughts on “From Adam to Atom”
State: Florida
Country: United States
You said, “If you love Our Lady”… and I DO love her very very much, that’s why I’m posting this comment.
I admit that I have been putting off starting my prayer group.
I received knowledge that I needed to start it back in January 2023, but wasn’t exactly sure how to do it. The call was absolutely clear. I wanted it to be perfect though, and in the error of wanting that, never got it started. Enough to the point that, since I knew Our Lady was calling me to this, I’ve gone to confession to apologize for not starting the group yet. It’s been a burden on my back. 🙁 I knew it was important To Her, but delayed.
I even reached out for church approval last year and received the okay to start the group. That was surprising actually, and I was glad.
My real hesitance was overbearing because I’m a person of ‘personal prayer’. It’s not in my nature to pray with others.
I mentioned to our priest, a Monsignor, that I wanted to start a prayer group to PRAY FOR OUR NATION. At our face-to-face meeting he finally said, “Yes, you can start your ministry”, but that made me even more nervous. Ministry.?!? I pictured myself speaking to our huge congregation and handing out flyers after mass but thought, I have no experience with any of this. With excuse after excuse, I’ve put it off. But now you’ve got a plan, and are willing to guide us on how to make it work.
I can no longer brush this aside and continue with ‘just my rosaries’, like you said. You’re right.
Sign me up. I will do my best to serve Our Lady and Our Lord, to save ourselves, our families, and our Nation. I urge others reading to do the same. Right away! Don’t delay like I did. The burden is too heavy to carry – satan is getting stronger every day, and we need to get stronger too.
My zip code is 33196. -
City: Chagrin Falls
State: Ohio
Country: US
We have had a prayer community for over 20 years. On our property, we have a chapel and hermitage. There are about 13 of us. Our zip code is 44023. We send out a daily newsletter and provide intercessory prayer for the intentions we receive. Come visit us in Ohio! -
State: None
Country: United Kingdom
Hi I live in the UK.Will you be able to do something similar for the UK?
Thank you for all the hard work you do.
A Friend of Medjugorje is building an infrastructure for the U.S. right now. He definitely wants to expand this. Pray that this can come about soon.
City: Hancock
State: Michigan
Country: USA
How do we start the prayer groups? How do we find the prayer groups? I’m pretty sure there are already other people praying to Our Lady in our area. Getting us all together to pray in smaller groups is the next step. Mary be with us in this process. Amen-
A Friend of Medjugorje is launching something very soon – be on the lookout for it.
City: Orange
State: Texas
Country: USA
Here in Orange,Texas we have a CSPG prayer group, that has been meeting since 2012.
St.Michael’s CSPG meets Twice a Month.
It has been such a Blessing to those who are in this prayer group, but also to those who come in contact with us. Answered prayers are frequent! One of our prayers has been to introduce The Patriotic Rosary to Our Catholic Community. We have received permission from our Pastor to Say Patriotic Rosary once a month at our Parish Church beginning July 7,2024! We are overjoyed!
There are 15 active members! We praying for those considering beginning prayer groups! We have truly been blessed by this CSPG and we hope others will experience the same! God Bless A Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community who have devoted their lives in spreading Our Lady’s messages. Also they are helping to start prayer groups devoted to spreading the messages!
Jeanette Hubert
8 thoughts on “From Adam to Atom”
City: Roaring River
State: CT
Our group began in 2015 we have been praying as community and living as extended members for longer. We are located in NC zip code 28669. Looking forward to bringing others who are committed to Our Lady and the plan for forming prayer groups to come together. God bless to all those who are responding to the call of the Queen of Peace.
State: Florida
Country: United States
You said, “If you love Our Lady”… and I DO love her very very much, that’s why I’m posting this comment.
I admit that I have been putting off starting my prayer group.
I received knowledge that I needed to start it back in January 2023, but wasn’t exactly sure how to do it. The call was absolutely clear. I wanted it to be perfect though, and in the error of wanting that, never got it started. Enough to the point that, since I knew Our Lady was calling me to this, I’ve gone to confession to apologize for not starting the group yet. It’s been a burden on my back. 🙁 I knew it was important To Her, but delayed.
I even reached out for church approval last year and received the okay to start the group. That was surprising actually, and I was glad.
My real hesitance was overbearing because I’m a person of ‘personal prayer’. It’s not in my nature to pray with others.
I mentioned to our priest, a Monsignor, that I wanted to start a prayer group to PRAY FOR OUR NATION. At our face-to-face meeting he finally said, “Yes, you can start your ministry”, but that made me even more nervous. Ministry.?!? I pictured myself speaking to our huge congregation and handing out flyers after mass but thought, I have no experience with any of this. With excuse after excuse, I’ve put it off. But now you’ve got a plan, and are willing to guide us on how to make it work.
I can no longer brush this aside and continue with ‘just my rosaries’, like you said. You’re right.
Sign me up. I will do my best to serve Our Lady and Our Lord, to save ourselves, our families, and our Nation. I urge others reading to do the same. Right away! Don’t delay like I did. The burden is too heavy to carry – satan is getting stronger every day, and we need to get stronger too.
My zip code is 33196.
City: Chagrin Falls
State: Ohio
Country: US
We have had a prayer community for over 20 years. On our property, we have a chapel and hermitage. There are about 13 of us. Our zip code is 44023. We send out a daily newsletter and provide intercessory prayer for the intentions we receive. Come visit us in Ohio!
State: None
Country: United Kingdom
Hi I live in the UK.
Will you be able to do something similar for the UK?
Thank you for all the hard work you do.
A Friend of Medjugorje is building an infrastructure for the U.S. right now. He definitely wants to expand this. Pray that this can come about soon.
City: Hancock
State: Michigan
Country: USA
How do we start the prayer groups? How do we find the prayer groups? I’m pretty sure there are already other people praying to Our Lady in our area. Getting us all together to pray in smaller groups is the next step. Mary be with us in this process. Amen
A Friend of Medjugorje is launching something very soon – be on the lookout for it.
City: Orange
State: Texas
Country: USA
Here in Orange,Texas we have a CSPG prayer group, that has been meeting since 2012.
St.Michael’s CSPG meets Twice a Month.
It has been such a Blessing to those who are in this prayer group, but also to those who come in contact with us. Answered prayers are frequent! One of our prayers has been to introduce The Patriotic Rosary to Our Catholic Community. We have received permission from our Pastor to Say Patriotic Rosary once a month at our Parish Church beginning July 7,2024! We are overjoyed!
There are 15 active members! We praying for those considering beginning prayer groups! We have truly been blessed by this CSPG and we hope others will experience the same! God Bless A Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community who have devoted their lives in spreading Our Lady’s messages. Also they are helping to start prayer groups devoted to spreading the messages!
Jeanette Hubert