May 5, 2022
Mejanomics Special

For Mother’s Day

[Podcast] (54 Minutes) – What if your husband is not converted? How about an unconverted boss? A Friend of Medjugorje shares a special message for Mother’s Day.

Episode Transcript



“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.




Mother’s Day is coming this Sunday. This broadcast tonight is something that I was going to play months ago. But something always came up, and I couldn’t do it. And I see now that Our Lady put it off on purpose for Mother’s Day. This is going to be a roller coaster.


Mother’s Day has something more important than just “Mother,” because there’s no mother if there’s no wife. Which is more important?


“Mother” connotates “children.” Our Lady said,


December 19, 1985

“…I wish in a special way on Christmas Day to give mothers my own Special Motherly blessing…”


That doesn’t sound fair. Why is She just giving it to the mothers? What is Our Lady saying with this?


She continues after saying, “…my own Special Motherly blessing…”


“…and Jesus will bless the rest with His own blessing…”


Why did Our Lady do that? So the little boys, little girls, husbands—She distinguished two groups. She didn’t just say, “a Motherly blessing.” She says,


“…I wish in a special way on Christmas Day…”


Why is God sending a Woman to save the world?


In the fifties, there was a proverbial saying that said, “Women make the world turn around.” But there’s something that’s happened. It’s going in another direction now. Our Lady just told us a message on April 25, 2022. She said,


“…I am looking at you and I see that you are lost…”


If mothers are not first good wives, they’re not good mothers. If you put motherhood over wifehood, you’re lowering your motherhood.


Our Lady’s giving this blessing for Christmas because that’s when Our Lady became a mother.


We have a lot of wives having babies, but they’re not good mothers if they put their children first over their husband. You weaken your motherhood.


That’s what I was referring to a little while ago: Women make the world turn around, except, for decades, we’re going in another direction.


I’ve told this story before. I was going to New York frequently working with ABC 20/20 and some other things in ABC. I got in a taxi, and the first thing I said to the taxi driver:


“How’s it going in New York?”


And he said,


“It depends on how short the girls’ skirts are.”


I was dumbfounded. That explained everything. The shorter the skirt, the worse it goes. The longer, the better it goes.


Where are we right now? We have mothers letting their daughters go out, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen years old, so immodest. Is that a good mother? And so many women today dress trashy. Spandex pants. They are unashamed. They are not poised. They’re not reserved. And just go out on the streets.


Our Lady gave a message about that. She told the visionaries, “Go out on the street and see who’s glorifying God.” (November 6, 1982)


Look at how the women are dressed. Trash. The men dress more modestly than the women.


Last Sunday, our pastor said he’s taking off for a week. He said, “I’m not going to the beach. These women are all naked.” He said it used to be just young people that dress naked. And he said, “Now, there’s my age, fifty years old.” He said their skin looks like dead chickens. He said, “I don’t get it.” And he’s right.


In Fatima, Our Lady said there will be fashions that will be very offensive to God. And also what happened in Fatima, Lucia asking in the first apparition, May 13, 1917, she asked Our Lady about two of her friends who recently died. She said one of them was in Heaven, and Amelia was in Purgatory until the end of the world.


Can you imagine how they dressed back then, the behavior back then, the culture demanded modesty and all these things? You think things have changed?


Marija, on my second trip to Medjugorje, I interviewed her. In responding to one of my questions to her about when she saw hell, she saw a seventeen-year-old girl falling down into hell. And the moment she touched the flames, she turned into an unknown beast.


We’ve lost the reality. We’re desensitized that we can do whatever we want to do, dress any way we want to do, talk any way we want to, putting the husband down, who represents God the Father, put him at the bottom of the totem pole beneath the kids.


Our Lady of Medjugorje repeatedly talks about the father and fatherhood—the good Father. The chair that the father sits in in the family is to be revered, no matter what kind of husband he is. It is sacred. And the wife can pull that down or lift it up. The more she lifts it up, the more she becomes a mother and more importance as a wife.


A lady asked me one time, she told her husband to shut up in front of the kids. She was asking my thoughts about it. I said to her,


“If you say one time in the lifetime of your children to your husband—one time—or even ‘Hush,’ you have done damage to your motherhood and to your wifehood, because the kids are going to do the same to you. They’ll tell you to shut up. You can never, never, ever tell a husband to shut up without that curse coming back on you.”


Because that’s what it is.


So, now, you understand why Our Lady says, “…I want to bless all the mothers on Christmas, and Jesus will bless the rest…” (December 19, 1985) Because if the mother’s right, she would be right as a wife. We’ve lost this.


And so, this Mother’s Day, for what you’re going to hear, plan for this Mother’s Day for an accounting of reflecting on what you are and what you are not.


I received a sermon from a Protestant pastor, John MacArthur. He’s excellent. He’s Biblical. He’s right, and it’s going to convict you.


Say a quick short prayer, because you’re about to receive a dose of strong medicine, because remember, boys grow up influenced by their mothers, and if they become husbands, an they’re not what they should be, it came from the woman. It doesn’t matter if the father gives bad examples. Ronald Reagan’s dad was a drunk. Ronald Reagan’s mother always praised the husband, always made him respect him. And this man grew up with values, integrity, and a great man.


But if that mother was saying, “Your dad’s just a dead drunk.” “He’s a problem.” he wouldn’t have been what he was. He wouldn’t have been the President.


The woman has the power. The taxi driver, profound wisdom. “It depends on how short the girls’ skirts are.” That says everything.


So, do an inventory of your motherhood in light of your wifehood and see what you’ve got to work on the most.


Here is a strong sermon for women that you’ll hear now.




Tonight in our study of the Word of God, we come to a very important subject and a very important text, and I want to encourage you to open your Bible right now to 1 Peter chapter 3. In 1 Peter chapter 3, verses 1-7, we have the subject, “How to Win Your Unsaved Spouse.” This is a very instructive passage, a very important one, one that applies to all of us directly or indirectly because we are either married to an unsaved person, or we know someone who is and have the opportunity to share these truths, I trust, with them.


Now, as we approach the passage, let me just give you a basic grasp on the flow of thought in this epistle because it’s necessary for interpretation. One of the elements of Bible interpretation is context. You cannot interpret any given passage apart from the context of other passages in which it is said.


Now, Peter is writing to some Christians, Christians who are scattered and are undergoing certain persecutions. In fact, those persecutions are, in some cases, quite severe.


So, Peter is writing to persecuted Christians with the goal in mind of encouraging them, encouraging them on how to live in the midst of a hostile society, how to conduct yourselves in a world that is set against you.


Now, we find ourselves, as I said, in this middle section. We are discussing this whole matter of living in the world in such a way as to reach the world for Jesus Christ. It is important that we maintain our testimony.


Now, the bottom line is this, that if we are going to have an exemplary testimony in the world—the hostile world—and if we’re going to be used to win people to Christ, then our lives have to be characterized by a certain, basic characteristic.


What is it?


Would you notice verse 13. The first word: “submit.”


Verse 18: “servants be submissive.”


Chapter 3, verse 1: “Wives be submissive.”


Now, what Peter says it this: you’re going to be caught up in a hostile world, and that hostile world will manifest itself in all social relationships of which there are three primary ones: the government, the workplace, and the family. Those are the three. Those are the three social environments in which we live, going from the greater to the lesser.


The biggest social environment in which we live here is the United States of America, and we are, therefore, answerable to the government and the government of the state as well and the city and the local municipalities and so forth.


The next arena of social relationship in which we exist is our workplace. We have responsibility within our employment to submit ourselves to those in authority over us.


The smallest location of our social involvement is in the family. And in each case, he says, “submit.”


In verse 13 of chapter 2, he says submit to the government.


In verse 18 of chapter 2, he says submit to your employer.


And in chapter 3 verse 1, in regard to marriage, he says submit to your partner.


The bottom line in our testimony in this society in which we live is submission. That’s the key word.


You’ll notice also in verse 7, it says, “You husbands, likewise…” And the “likewise” picks up the same thought of submission area of social responsibility: the family. And the question is:


What does a wife do when she is married to an unsaved husband?


What does a husband do when he is married to an unsaved wife?


Becoming a Christian can pose some serious problems today. It posed some serious problems then.


A woman becomes a Christian, and all of a sudden she feels superior to her husband. She feels like, now that she knows what the Bible teaches and belongs to God, she knows so much more than he does. How can he be the leader in the family? And she becomes indifferent to her own husband.


This can lead to great, serious problems.


So, that’s the issue. How then does a Christian wife relate to her unsaved husband? How is she to conduct herself to win that unsaved husband to Jesus Christ?


Let’s look at the answer here in our text.


Before we see what Peter tells her to do, let’s see what Peter doesn’t tell her to do, alright?


Number one: he doesn’t tell the Christian wife—please note this—to leave her husband. He doesn’t tell her that. In fact, the next verse, 1 Corinthians 7:14 says, “The unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife”! In other words, the blessing of God will spill over on that man just because God is blessing you, he’ll get the benefit!


Second thing he doesn’t say: he doesn’t tell her to preach at him. He doesn’t tell her to argue with him. He doesn’t tell her to harangue about the Gospel. He doesn’t tell her to stick evangelistic tracts under the pillow in his bed. He doesn’t tell her to badger him about the Gospel. He doesn’t tell her to call her pastor and have the pastor come to the house, some night when she knows he’s home alone, loaded with all his guns. Peter doesn’t tell her that. He doesn’t say glue Bible verses on the refrigerator. He doesn’t say anything like that.


Thirdly, he doesn’t tell her she is now equal to the man so she should demand her rights. He doesn’t say that either. She is equal, of course, to any other believer spiritually, but she still has a marital role to fulfill. In Christ there is neither male nor female. They are one. But in marriage, there is headship, and there is submission.


So, you say, “What does he tell her?” Well, let’s find out.


Verse 1:


“In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands, so that even if any of them are disobedient to the Word,” that is, they’re unsaved, “they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.”


That’s the basic point. He says if you want to win that husband to Christ, if you want to do all you can, and only God knows whether that will happen, but if you want to make the maximum impact on the life of an unsaved man, then be a submissive wife! That’s it.


If you want to make a maximum impact on the society in which you live, then be a model submissive citizen.


If you want to make the maximum impact in your job, then be a model, submissive employee.


And if you want to make a maximum impact on your unsaved husband, be a model, submissive wife.


It’s the same principle. Same principle.


Three specific duties are outlined here. Let’s look at them very briefly.


Number 1: Submission and intention. And that is verse 1.


“In the same manner…”


He says, or it could be translated, “Likewise,” In the same manner as who? Verse 13. The same manner as citizens submitting. Verse 18. The same manner as employees submitting. Here it says,


“In the same manner, [or likewise] you wives be submissive…”


[INAUDIBLE] means to be in subjection, to line up under. It’s used in military contexts. Realize that you have to take your place as subordinate of the leadership and the headship of your husband. This is God’s design for marriage. Women are not inferior in character. They are not inferior in intelligence. They are not inferior in virtue. They are not inferior in spirituality. They are not inferior in giftedness. They are not inferior in any way, period. They have been simply given a role that puts them in the place of submission to a headship, which is residing in their husband.


Please note this: “Be submissive to your own husbands.” And every time in the Bible such an injunction is made, always, it says, “your own husband.” Always, the possessive pronoun is there. The intensive, possessive pronoun.


“Be submissive to your own husband,” which speaks of the intimacy and the bonding of marriage. This is God’s design. That’s, of course, what 1 Corinthians 11 says. Christ, of course, is the head of man. God is the head of Christ. The man is the head of the woman. That’s what Paul wrote to Timothy: “I permit not women to teach nor to be in authority, not to take authority over men. They are to learn in all subjection.” 1 Timothy 2:11-14.


Now, the reason for this is so that, verse 1,


“…even if any of them are disobedient to the Word…”


By the way, it’s a first-class conditional in the Greek, which means it’s a reality. It could be translated, since they are disobedient to the Word.” It assumes that that is the case. And the “Word” here, I think, means the Gospel, the Word of Reconciliation, the Word of salvation. They are basically, unregenerate, disobedient to the Gospel. The issue is, submit to them anyway, just as you submit to government, just as you submit on the job, for the sake of their salvation.


Look at the end of verse 1:


“…in order that they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives…”


Now, please note this, he is not saying they will be saved without the Word. He’s not saying they will be saved without the Word. Not at all. Because back in 1 Peter 1, do you remember what he said in verse 23? “You have been born again not of seed which is perishable, but imperishable, that is, through the living and abiding Word of God.”


Salvation comes through the Word. What he saying here is, “that they may be won without a word.” Not the Word. They can only be won with the Word. But from the wife’s viewpoint, it is more important what you are than what you, what? Say. That’s the whole point. They are lost because they obey not the Word, but they might be saved without a word. What do you mean by that? Without conversation. Without harassment from the wife.


Simply by the behavior of their wives.


My, what a wonderful, wonderful insight. The lovely, gracious, gentle, submission of a Christian woman to her unsaved husband is the strongest evangelistic tool she has. It’s not what she says. It is what she is. The woman is to submit to her husband’s leadership. That is a God-designed principle.


“Wives, submit to your husbands.” Ephesians 5:22


“Wives submit to your husbands,” in each case, your own husband. Colossians 3:18.


The same thing comes from Paul in Titus 2:4 and 5. “Young women are to subject to their own husbands.” Again, that possessive pronoun is there every time such a statement is made. The woman is to submit to the husband’s leadership. This is the greatest tool of her evangelism: the virtue of her wifely character.


You might be interested to note, too, that this contributes to the happy marriage. Obviously, the Bible wouldn’t advocate it if it didn’t.


I was interested in reading a McGill University Department of Psychiatry report, and in the report from the Psychiatry Department of McGill, it says this:


“In the most successful marriages, the husband is emotionally stronger than the wife, and there is a clear-cut division of authority and responsibility between them. It was noted that marriages in which wives were emotionally dependent on their husbands almost always produced happier, better adjusted children.”


End quote. Obviously that’s true because that’s consistent with God’s design.


The first duty of the wife, then, is submission. To put it another way, voluntary selflessness and dependence.


There’s a second responsibility in verse 2. Let’s call this faithfulness. Number 1 is submission. Number 2 is faithfulness.


Verse 2 says,


“As they observe your chaste and respectful behavior.”


Now, that’s a very basic spiritual truth for a marriage. He’s talking here about a pure life. What is chaste and respectful behavior mean? Well, it basically means irreproachable conduct. Faithful to her God, faithful to her husband. Don’t break trust. You want to win your unsaved husband? One: be submissive. Two: be faithful. That’s what chaste, respectful behavior means. It means you are pure.


Respectful, it means you have respect for him. You demonstrate that respect.


The third principle comes in verses 3-6, and it is modesty. You have submission and its intention, which is to bring him to Christ. You have faithfulness in verse 2, and then you have modesty.


Please notice verses 3, 4, 5, and 6. In verse 3, it says,


“Let not your adornment be merely external, braiding the hair and wearing gold jewelry or putting on dresses.”


Now, he comes to a very important matter for the Christian wife trying to win her unsaved husband. He says, look. The normal… I want to say this knowing there’s a risk involved. The normal preoccupation of women is with the outside. And I think we would all agree with that. Certainly, in our society, the normal preoccupation of women is with the outside. Adornment.


He says,


“Let not your adornment be merely external…”


You say, “Is he against combing hair?” I don’t think so. I don’t think so.


You say, “Is he against wearing gold jewelry?” I don’t think so. I don’t think he’s against that after all the beautiful, woman, the bride in Song of Solomon was bejeweled, and wonderfully so.


Is he against putting on dresses? No, I don’t think so.


What he is saying is, let not that be your incessant preoccupation to the disregard of the character inside.


This isn’t anything new. Listen to the Lord’s indictment of Israel in Isaiah 3. Listen to this. “In that day…” verse 18,


“…the Lord will take away the beauty of their anklets, headbands, crescent ornaments, dangling earrings, bracelets, veils, headdresses, ankle chains, sashes, perfume boxes, amulets, finger rings, nose rings, festal robes, outer tunics, cloaks, money purses, hand mirrors, undergarments, turbans and veils. Now will come about instead of sweet perfume, there will be a putrefaction; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of well-set hair, a plucked out scalp; instead of fine clothes, a dawning of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty.”


Pretty straightforward stuff, right?


Women have always tended—fallen women—to be preoccupied with the outside. But that’s not the true beauty. And I’ll promise you, ladies, that external beauty does not capture the heart of your husband if there’s nothing on the inside.


Peter doesn’t condemn all outward adornment, but what does he say? Verse 4:


“Let your adornment be the hidden person of the heart”!


That’s where the true beauty is. Hey, when you got married, it wasn’t long before you really weren’t too conscious of what she looked like. But you became very conscious of what she was like inside! That’s the true beauty. Christianity has always existed in a world of luxury and world of decadence. And Peter says, “Don’t you spend your time and money adorning your body.”


And you know, that’s a temptation. Here’s a woman. She’s got an unsaved husband. She doesn’t have much of a happy relationship with him, and so she simply turns the other direction and spends her life indulging herself to make her external beauty all that it possibly could be and more.


Peter says, “Don’t do that. That’s not how you win him to Christ.” If you’re going to be preoccupied, let it be the hidden person of the heart. What do you mean? I mean the inner person. The inner person. Character. Virtue.


1 Timothy 2:9

“I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, that is, they ought to be clothed in a modest way, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather, by means of good works as befits women making a claim to Godliness.”


1 Timothy 2:9 and 10. Work on the virtue of your life. Work on your character. That’ll make you far more beautiful.


By the way, the most beautiful women on the inside tend to be very beautiful on the outside. Have you noticed?


Have you ever noticed how makeup can’t change an ugly disposition? [LAUGHTER]


And have you noticed how makeup can’t enhance a beautiful disposition?


What is it that we are to do in adorning the inner person? Look again at verse 4:


“You are to adorn the inner person with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit.”


“Gentle” means “meek.” Quiet means just that. Peaceful, calm, in control. The word “spirit” means “disposition.” The most beautiful kind of woman is the woman with a meek, gentle, peaceful, calm, quiet disposition. That is the inner virtue that the woman is to pursue. And that is what wins the heart of a man. Not only that, would you notice, it is precious in the sight of Whom? Of God. It is highly valued by God.


Now, again, he’s not forbidding all outwards adornment. He is saying you must work on the inside. Do not confuse spirituality with tackiness or sloppiness. That, too, calls attention to the outside and betrays a heart unconcerned to reflect the beauty that God has given to a woman.


But the fact is, you are to be modest and to work on the inside. Look at verse 5. He gives an illustration.


“In this way, in former times, the holy women who also hoped in God used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands.”


Who were the holy women? Old Testament saints. They hoped in God. What does that mean? That they were true believers. He says, “I’m not telling you anything new, but in Old Testament times, those women set apart unto God who put their hope in God, used to adorn themselves,” in what way? Submissiveness to their husbands. That’s the proper adornment. They are the models to follow.


I think about that when I think about all the magazines. Patricia and I were walking through a market the other night, and I walked by the magazine rack, and I saw all these magazines. She commented on it. All these magazines with women on the front of them. I can’t even tell you the names of them. I remember “Self” was one of them. “Mademoiselle” was another one. And something woman, and this woman, and whatever. And every one… I didn’t see the picture of a man on any magazine. Every one of them had a picture of a woman. And we call those women “models,” don’t we? Models of what? [LAUGHTER] For mercy’s sake.


Models of virtue? No.

Models of character? No.

Models of purity? No.

Models of inner beauty? No.

Models of modesty? No.

Models of submissiveness? No.

Models of what?

They’re mannequins. Whatever there is that’s hanging on the outside, and there’s nothing on the inside that you’d want to follow, in most cases.


So, if you want a model, don’t buy “Mademoiselle.” Get your Bible and look for the holy women that were submissive to their own husbands. They are the models that you are to pattern your life after.


And he names one in verse 6: Sarah. Sarah is a model. She’s a model that you ought to look like. She’s a model that you ought to pattern your life after. Why? She obeyed Abraham. She’s a model of obedience. She called him, “Lord.” That wouldn’t be real popular today. [LAUGHTER] “Yes, lord. What do you want?” [LAUGHTER] You see how far you women have drifted? [LAUGHTER] It’s Biblical!


“Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him ‘Lord’”! “Master”! She’s the model! By the way, calling him is in the present participle, the present tense. Constantly calling him “Lord”! Constantly in submission to him!


But why does he choose Sarah here? Because of the next statement:


“You have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.”


He knows that if you’re a believer, you’re a child of Abraham by faith, right? You remember that, don’t you? Very clearly outlined in Romans 4:11-12 and Galatians 3. We are the children of Abraham by faith. And so, he’s just kind of tagging onto that and saying you not only will be the children of Abraham by faith, but you’ll be the children of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, by following her!


So, he’s saying Christian women who follow the pattern of Sarah can be called Sarah’s children as well as Abraham’s children. You’re not only children of faith, but you’re children of submission. You not only follow the faith of Abraham, but the submission of Sarah. If you do what is right. That’s what it says in verse 6. If you do what is right, without being frightened by any fear. What do you think that means?




I believe every single society since the Fall has tried to intimidate a woman who wanted to be submissive to her husband. I don’t think that’s new.


There are fears in being submissive, potential fears. If you’re a Christian wife, and you had an unsaved husband, you might be afraid to totally submit for fear of where it might lead you, into what sin it might result. You have to stop short of that.


But Peter says, “Don’t be intimidated. Don’t be frightened. Don’t be fearful. Just do what’s right, and what is right is to submit to your husband.” That’s the principle. It’s the principle of submission. It’s the principle of purity. It’s the principle of modesty. That’s how you win your husband without a word!


You want to win that unsaved spouse? Be submissive. Follow the beautiful pattern of Sarah, calling him “Lord,” doing what is right, be pure and faithful to him in the physical and the emotional area. Be modest. Decorate the inner beauty that may manifest itself on the outside and don’t get preoccupied with trying to fix the outside when the inside isn’t what it ought to be. That’s how you live as an alien and a stranger in a marriage, with the hope of influencing your husband for Christ.


Finally, verse 7. Turn the tables. How does a husband win an unsaved wife? That’s less frequent but does happen.


“You husbands, likewise…”


What do you mean “likewise,” Peter? “…you submit too.” There’s a submission on our part.


Go back and read Ephesians 5:21. “Submit yourselves to one another…” Wives to the husbands, husbands to the wives. We don’t submit to the authority of the wife. We don’t submit to the leadership of the wife, to the headship of the wife, but we do submit—listen to this—to the needs of the wife. We subordinate our own little world and our own little agenda to meet the needs of the woman who is our wife, even if she’s not a Christian.


Verse 7 says,


“You husbands, likewise…”


You have to submit just like the wife, just like the employee, just like the citizen.


He’s talking to Christian husbands, “You husbands…”


What should be his attitude? Three things.


Number 1, very briefly: consideration. Live with your wives in an understanding way. What do you mean? Sensitive to her needs, sensitive to her feelings. You fulfill that dimension. You are to be sacrificially sensitive to that unsaved woman. You are to be thoughtful. You are to be respectful. You are to nourish her in the words of Ephesians 5. Cherish her. Protect her.


Secondly: not only is there to be consideration, but there is to be chivalry. That’s a good old word, isn’t it? What does he say in verse 7? You have to live with her as with a weaker vessel since she is a woman. She’s a weaker vessel! What do you mean by that?


Well, first of all, “weaker” is a comparative. What’s it compared to? Weak. So, just keep that in mind. She’s weaker, but you are what? Weak. [LAUGHTER] So, don’t get, you know, over confident about your great abilities. You’re weak. She’s weaker. What does it refer to? Physical, emotional, natural weakness. A woman is physically weaker. She must be protected. She must be provided for. She must be nourished. She must be cherished.


Whether you are in the government, seeing yourself as a citizen, on the job as an employee, in the home as a marriage partner, the role is always the same. You submit to God’s ordained pattern for that social relationship, and you live it out to the maximum to please God. And God will honor you as a testimony wherever you are.




We used to hear the verbiage, when someone was going to speak to a group, “Gentlemen and ladies,” A fine man be a gentleman. Where does that come from? It comes from the perspective of the woman—the mother—giving example to the husband.


The baby boy can learn to be a gentleman. How’s that? Because she raises the little boy a gentle boy who becomes a man—a gentleman.


If you’re lifting up the father, despite his faults, he’ll be a fine man.


When my first son was born, I went back to the hospital the next day. I got out of the car. I was walking behind a car. And this woman got out, and I heard her talking very ugly. And I said,


“Who are you talking to?”


She said to me, “My husband.”


And I said, “Oh, I thought you were talking to a dog.”


She looked like she was hit by a sledgehammer.


We hear from a lot of husbands. They don’t get the respect that they expect to get. Our Lady’s here to lift up fatherhood of what the woman’s supposed to be.


Many husbands tell us they can’t make their wife happy. She puts them down in front of people, even thinking their husband is dumb, and that she is not happy with anything with him.


Our Lady is here to change that disposition of the mother to be elevated to be a better wife.


You just heard all the Biblical teachings that you don’t hear from our bishops. And that’s what Our Lady keeps telling us: Go to the Word. Go to the Bible. I’ve never heard any bishop talk this way. You can learn from this because we’ve got flaws in the Church right now, as well as the Protestants have also.


This Mother’s Day needs to be a reflection to correct faults and be Biblical.


You should be proud of your husband, no matter what, and display that disposition for the kids to have the same.



Anyone else would shake my hand, wish me luck, be proud for a friend. But a jealous sky won’t share the sun when it feels threatened by everyone. Yeah, anyone else would open the door, help me find what I was looking for. When you smile there’s always a catch, like I didn’t earn everything I have.


Hey, hey, hey, why do you always wanna put me down? Hey, hey, hey, when I was cheering for you from the crowd? Whatever it is, whatever I’ve got, you want it all for yourself. Why can’t you be happy for anyone else?


‘Cause nobody else would make me feel dumb for being myself, for needing someone. And I can’t tell, are you ever sincere? Did they treat you like this when you showed up here?


Hey, hey, hey, why do you always wanna put me down? Hey, hey, hey, when I was cheering for you from the crowd? Whatever it is, whatever I’ve got, you want it all for yourself. Why can’t you be happy for anyone else?


Hey, hey, hey, why do you always wanna put me down? Hey, hey, hey, when I was cheering for you from the crowd? Whatever it is, you want it all, and you want everyone to see. Why can’t you be happy for me?


Why can’t you be happy for me? Why can’t you be happy for me? Why can’t you be happy for me?



I know many wives and mothers have been following us for years, and they’re trying to be better, and they want to be better. But we have a culture that’s reversed the roles.


Twenty-five years ago, or so, I wrote the book How to Change Your Husband. It canceled many divorces and improved thousands of marriages. But the culture fights everything in that book. And nobody’s untouched by it.


Our Lady’s called for us to be a witness. But Our Lady is coming here every day to witness to us. She said,


“…I lived your life when I was on the earth…” (January 2, 2015)


She submitted to Joseph. You can say, “Oh, well, he was a great man. He was very holy.” The whole Biblical principles you just heard, your submission can make your husband better by your behavior. Those principles are truth. Your husband’s not a dog, or you may say, “Well, I know. I treat him good.” But nobody’s untouched with the culture right now. You have to believe in it to bring reality that your husband could be a great husband.


All these principles you just heard are truth. It will happen. Our Lady wants it to happen. You do these things, and you can have a husband you can say, “I’ve got a good one.”



He’s a phone call to his parents. He’s a Bible by the bed. He’s the t-shirt that I’m wearing. He’s a song stuck in my head. He’s solid and he’s steady like the Allegheny runs. He knows just where he’s going, and he’s proud of where he’s from.


One of the good ones. He’s one of the good ones.


A love me like he should one, like he wrote the book one. The kind you find when you don’t even look one. Anybody can be good once, but he’s good all the time. He’s one of the good ones. And he’s all mine. He’s one of the good ones.


You’ll know him when you see him by the way he looks at me. You’d say he hung the moon. I’d say he hung the galaxy. Nobody does it better, oh the way he pulls me in. I’ve known a couple bad ones but they all led me to him.
He’s one of the good ones.


A love me like he should one, like he wrote the book one. The kind you find when you don’t even look one. Anybody can be good once, but he’s good all the time. He’s one of the good ones. And he’s all mine. He’s one of the good ones.


We should all find us one. They’re out there, minus one. Some of the good ones. Yeah, I got a good one.


A love me like he should one, like he wrote the book one. The kind you find when you don’t even look. Anybody can be good once, but he’s good all the time. He’s one of the good ones. And he’s all mine. He’s one of the good ones. He’s all mine.



Go on your knees.


Be repentant.


Evaluate all the years you’ve been married.


Go wash yourself in Confession before Mother’s Day and imitate Our Lady.


That’s your goal, and with that grace, your husband can become gold, and you’ll have a good one.


These Biblical principles are available to you if you put them in your life.


Our Lady is here first to change the woman, to change the man.


There are a lot of people out there that won’t like what I’m going to say; however, it’s Biblical.


Man was made for God; woman was made for man.


That truth goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.


We’ve been cursed, and the second Eve is with us to restore us.


Pray continually till Sunday and promise Our Lady you want to be more like Her, and you’ll win things that you’ve never had before.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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10 thoughts on “For Mother’s Day”

  1. City: Glasgow
    State: Scotland
    Country: UK
    This weekend I’d been asking God to guide me pertaining to relationship with my husband. I don’t always listen to the posts but I opened this one and behold!

    I love John McArthurs teachings, they aren’t pc so effective as they cut to the truth. As we know the truth will set us free.

    1. Leedell Scott

      City: Houston
      State: Texas
      Country: United States
      EVERYTHING IN THIS BROADCAST IS SPOT ON TRUE! I have been married to my beloved husband for 48 yrs this coming July, almost a half century. I’m Catholic and cling to Our Lady’s messages and my Beautiful Faith in God like the life preserver it truly is. My husband has a very secular world view of everything and doesn’t really “get” my “Religiosity” at all. I wasn’t always like this, however. When my husband and I met, I was very much what would be considered today a”liberal”, and my husband at the time was more in the conservative way. Over the years, Our Lady,brought me, with the Rosary in my hand , through a series of conversions. Today, I am full on devoted to Mary and Her Son, Jesus and my Catholic Faith. My husband today is of a very secular view and really could care less about any of my faith. Over the years and even now this has caused much strife and persecution from my Beloved husband, as he truly does not understand me. A book by a Friend Of Medjugorje called “How To Change Your Husband” and a protestant Bible Study about being submissive to your husband has truly saved my marriage, and radically changed my outlook on how to view my relationship with my Beloved. My husband, though he can’t see it right now is a Godly man. He is right where God needs him to be and I am happy to be at his side. So what do I do when I am attacked by someone whom I know better than anyone on this planet IS NOT A BAD PERSON AT ALL? Well, I know that satan wants my husband and I to be- enemies, BUT NOT ON MARY’S WATCH NOT NOW NOT EVER! Like Mary, I am supposed to be at his side not facing off to him. I run to the Adoration Chapel or get somewhere where I can get my NUMBER ONE WEAPON AGAINST satan, The Rosary, and pray, pray, pray! Mary has my husbands heart and IN GOD’S TIME HE WILL BE CHANGED INTO WHAT HE IS MEANT TO BE – A GODLY MAN!
      See, my husband and I are very flawed individuals sucked into this very ungodly world. The only real solution is Mary and her messages, living a Biblical way, me submitting to his authority as my husband. This has kept us together for almost 50 yrs. No, it’s not easy and no, he’s not converted (like St Monica for St Augustine it’s been at least 30 yrs I have been praying for his conversion) When it gets hard and I feel like “the roof is coming down over my head” instead of retaliating (THIS NEVER WORKS, EVEN IF IT’S NOT MY FAULT!) I state my position and get to Mary – Jesus as fast as I can. It may take more than a day or so, but in the end we always come back together. God through Mary has blessed us with two daughters, a son and six grandchildren. They, like my husband and I although not perfected in our faith as of yet, as we are still fallen in many ways are right where God wants us to be – Loved By Him And His Mother
      Special Blessings

  2. City: Scotland
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    Thank you Our Lady for your Blessing on Mother’s day.
    I understand how we can be led astray with all that is tempting in this world. Culture has a way of distorting things and making girls feel like they are more attractive if they dress like models which is a shame. This was a great lesson in humility. I would venture to say that it is never too late to follow these biblical principles. This is the first time I have ever had “submission” explained in a positive way according to God’s perfect plan. Thank you Friend if Medjugorje for telling it like it is.

  3. City: Akron
    State: OH
    Country: United States
    The word in the transcript that shows as [inaudible] is “Hupotassō “. (That means to be in subjection, to line up under…”). I was able to find his transcript on another website.

    As much as I don’t think any of us love the hard messages where we’re set straight, they’re still needed, so thank you.

  4. Apocalypse 21:5 And He sat on the throne and said, “Behold, I make all things new.” I don’t know if I’ll be alive to see this but God always keeps His promise.

  5. City: Ontario
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    To be honest with you a Friend of Medjugorje, these kind of broadcasts normally really tick me off. 🙂
    With that being said I quickly scanned through the script of this broadcast and am guilty of a couple of sins that I will confess. So, thank you for that. Happy Mother’s Day to Our Lady and to all you Mothers out there! xoxo

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10 thoughts on “For Mother’s Day”

  1. City: Glasgow
    State: Scotland
    Country: UK
    This weekend I’d been asking God to guide me pertaining to relationship with my husband. I don’t always listen to the posts but I opened this one and behold!

    I love John McArthurs teachings, they aren’t pc so effective as they cut to the truth. As we know the truth will set us free.

    1. Leedell Scott

      City: Houston
      State: Texas
      Country: United States
      EVERYTHING IN THIS BROADCAST IS SPOT ON TRUE! I have been married to my beloved husband for 48 yrs this coming July, almost a half century. I’m Catholic and cling to Our Lady’s messages and my Beautiful Faith in God like the life preserver it truly is. My husband has a very secular world view of everything and doesn’t really “get” my “Religiosity” at all. I wasn’t always like this, however. When my husband and I met, I was very much what would be considered today a”liberal”, and my husband at the time was more in the conservative way. Over the years, Our Lady,brought me, with the Rosary in my hand , through a series of conversions. Today, I am full on devoted to Mary and Her Son, Jesus and my Catholic Faith. My husband today is of a very secular view and really could care less about any of my faith. Over the years and even now this has caused much strife and persecution from my Beloved husband, as he truly does not understand me. A book by a Friend Of Medjugorje called “How To Change Your Husband” and a protestant Bible Study about being submissive to your husband has truly saved my marriage, and radically changed my outlook on how to view my relationship with my Beloved. My husband, though he can’t see it right now is a Godly man. He is right where God needs him to be and I am happy to be at his side. So what do I do when I am attacked by someone whom I know better than anyone on this planet IS NOT A BAD PERSON AT ALL? Well, I know that satan wants my husband and I to be- enemies, BUT NOT ON MARY’S WATCH NOT NOW NOT EVER! Like Mary, I am supposed to be at his side not facing off to him. I run to the Adoration Chapel or get somewhere where I can get my NUMBER ONE WEAPON AGAINST satan, The Rosary, and pray, pray, pray! Mary has my husbands heart and IN GOD’S TIME HE WILL BE CHANGED INTO WHAT HE IS MEANT TO BE – A GODLY MAN!
      See, my husband and I are very flawed individuals sucked into this very ungodly world. The only real solution is Mary and her messages, living a Biblical way, me submitting to his authority as my husband. This has kept us together for almost 50 yrs. No, it’s not easy and no, he’s not converted (like St Monica for St Augustine it’s been at least 30 yrs I have been praying for his conversion) When it gets hard and I feel like “the roof is coming down over my head” instead of retaliating (THIS NEVER WORKS, EVEN IF IT’S NOT MY FAULT!) I state my position and get to Mary – Jesus as fast as I can. It may take more than a day or so, but in the end we always come back together. God through Mary has blessed us with two daughters, a son and six grandchildren. They, like my husband and I although not perfected in our faith as of yet, as we are still fallen in many ways are right where God wants us to be – Loved By Him And His Mother
      Special Blessings

  2. City: Scotland
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    Thank you Our Lady for your Blessing on Mother’s day.
    I understand how we can be led astray with all that is tempting in this world. Culture has a way of distorting things and making girls feel like they are more attractive if they dress like models which is a shame. This was a great lesson in humility. I would venture to say that it is never too late to follow these biblical principles. This is the first time I have ever had “submission” explained in a positive way according to God’s perfect plan. Thank you Friend if Medjugorje for telling it like it is.

  3. City: Akron
    State: OH
    Country: United States
    The word in the transcript that shows as [inaudible] is “Hupotassō “. (That means to be in subjection, to line up under…”). I was able to find his transcript on another website.

    As much as I don’t think any of us love the hard messages where we’re set straight, they’re still needed, so thank you.

  4. Apocalypse 21:5 And He sat on the throne and said, “Behold, I make all things new.” I don’t know if I’ll be alive to see this but God always keeps His promise.

  5. City: Ontario
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    To be honest with you a Friend of Medjugorje, these kind of broadcasts normally really tick me off. 🙂
    With that being said I quickly scanned through the script of this broadcast and am guilty of a couple of sins that I will confess. So, thank you for that. Happy Mother’s Day to Our Lady and to all you Mothers out there! xoxo

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