October 13, 2022


Episode Transcript

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

6 thoughts on “Elevator”

  1. State: AL
    Country: U.S.
    I have had Covid twice and apparently what I hoped was rebound may actually be long Covid. I would rather take my chances with this than ever get the jab.

    Someone I was very close to died a couple of weeks after getting his mandated dose. His wife found him dead in bed. His children were home and had to witness this horror. He was a 44-year-old life flight paramedic. He was in impecable shape. I mean 5’10” 185 lbs of lean muscle. He exercised daily. Dead within 2 weeks of the jab.

    An ICU doctor I am friends with ended up in his own ICU following the jab. He’s in his mid-30s and every organ in his body became inflamed. His kidneys were shutting down. He nearly died.

    I have an acquaintance whose 31-year-old brother died in his sleep one and a half weeks post-jab. He was perfectly healthy with no significant health history.

    It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. The jab is dangerous.

    “They” [the liars] cannot possibly know any long-term effects from the jab because “they” [the liars] can’t even tell us long-term effects from Covid, yet. The liars will never admit they have failed in this “vaccine”. “They” will not admit they have no idea what it is doing to our bodies. “They” certainly won’t admit to adding anthing to the vaccine.

    Anytime “they” start pushing something or repeating, I immediately reject it. It cannot be good or “they” wouldn’t have to push so hard.

    Liars ALL.

    Any good doctor will tell you like it is. They simply do not know and only time will tell. That’s it. That’s the only truth behind this diabolical, manmade, satan-inspired disease.

    Thank you to AFOM for this broadcast.

  2. I know if you took the vaccine listening to the elevator podcast may bring anxiety. Remember Jesus turned water into wine. Pray with the Blood of Jesus that he would do the same for you with the vaccine. Also another good prayer is the 1900 year old Prayer of St. Joseph. That prayer is on this website. It has a lot of prayer power. Unfortunately about 68 percent of Americans were tricked by the word vaccine, forced by their job requirements, or scared into taking it or wanted to see elder relatives so they took it to be around them also the church encouraged it, This vaccine was deceptive but pray for healing if you took the vaccine,

  3. Brother Raymond A.J.M. ZK7

    City: Bristol
    State: Connecticut
    Country: U.S.A.
    Dearest FOM: [THE] Post Modernist Elevator Man Of TODAY [IS] Satan Himself Taking Us DOWN To[THE]Nether-World Level On His LOW Rise Elevator System Of HELLFire And Brimstone Sub Basements Cesspool Of Turdish Consequences.!

  4. If you took the vaccine pray the 1900 year old St Joseph Prayer on this website. In my pieta book it states whoever read or hears the prayer will not have a sudden death, nor be drowned, NOR WILL POISIN TAKE FFECT UPON THEM, They will not be taken by the enemy nor burned in any fire nor defeated in battle. Make this prayer known everywhere. IMPRIMATUR MOST REV. GEORGE W AHR, BISHOP of TRENTON. (THIS STATEMENT IS in my Pieta Prayer book and has nothing to do with FRIEND OF MEDJUGORJE) I can vouch for this prayer of a Mother of 4 St Joseph saved my kids from fatalities at least 10 times. Worst case scenario we need prayer and this prayer is a great one on this website the 1900 year old ST JOSEPH Prayer,

  5. City: Gainesville
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Thank you for this message. I was convicted early on not to get the vaccine and thank God and Our Lady for it. I suffered a lot from the decision because none of my children agreed with me. I almost lost my best friend because of it. You have strengthened me in my resolve. It is especially diabolical that they keep promoting the vaccine for children. There are no facts because all the vaccines are experimental. Science has not caught up. The mandates are diabolical because they take away our fundamental rights. God bless and strengthen everyone who has resisted the lies. God grant us all clear vision going forward. God help us to understand and follow Your will. Amen. 🙏

  6. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    Thank you FOM for reminding us that everything that the world tells us is a lie. I mentioned this on a previous post some months ago but I had asked our priest for a special blessing because I was going on a business trip. This trip occured in August 2021. The priest asked me if I had received the shot (it’s not a vaccine so I refuse to call it that) and I responded “NO” because it went against my Christian beliefs. He looked at me with bewildered eyes. I guess I should say “lieing eyes” since he obviously was condoning the shot. I have given our priest a couple of transcripts of some of the broadcasts and the book, “They Fired the First Shot”. I feel it has made no impact. Nevertheless, I am very greatful for your mission work and how blessed we are to have you and our Blessed Mother. May God continue to bless each and everyone one of you.

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6 thoughts on “Elevator”

  1. State: AL
    Country: U.S.
    I have had Covid twice and apparently what I hoped was rebound may actually be long Covid. I would rather take my chances with this than ever get the jab.

    Someone I was very close to died a couple of weeks after getting his mandated dose. His wife found him dead in bed. His children were home and had to witness this horror. He was a 44-year-old life flight paramedic. He was in impecable shape. I mean 5’10” 185 lbs of lean muscle. He exercised daily. Dead within 2 weeks of the jab.

    An ICU doctor I am friends with ended up in his own ICU following the jab. He’s in his mid-30s and every organ in his body became inflamed. His kidneys were shutting down. He nearly died.

    I have an acquaintance whose 31-year-old brother died in his sleep one and a half weeks post-jab. He was perfectly healthy with no significant health history.

    It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. The jab is dangerous.

    “They” [the liars] cannot possibly know any long-term effects from the jab because “they” [the liars] can’t even tell us long-term effects from Covid, yet. The liars will never admit they have failed in this “vaccine”. “They” will not admit they have no idea what it is doing to our bodies. “They” certainly won’t admit to adding anthing to the vaccine.

    Anytime “they” start pushing something or repeating, I immediately reject it. It cannot be good or “they” wouldn’t have to push so hard.

    Liars ALL.

    Any good doctor will tell you like it is. They simply do not know and only time will tell. That’s it. That’s the only truth behind this diabolical, manmade, satan-inspired disease.

    Thank you to AFOM for this broadcast.

  2. I know if you took the vaccine listening to the elevator podcast may bring anxiety. Remember Jesus turned water into wine. Pray with the Blood of Jesus that he would do the same for you with the vaccine. Also another good prayer is the 1900 year old Prayer of St. Joseph. That prayer is on this website. It has a lot of prayer power. Unfortunately about 68 percent of Americans were tricked by the word vaccine, forced by their job requirements, or scared into taking it or wanted to see elder relatives so they took it to be around them also the church encouraged it, This vaccine was deceptive but pray for healing if you took the vaccine,

  3. Brother Raymond A.J.M. ZK7

    City: Bristol
    State: Connecticut
    Country: U.S.A.
    Dearest FOM: [THE] Post Modernist Elevator Man Of TODAY [IS] Satan Himself Taking Us DOWN To[THE]Nether-World Level On His LOW Rise Elevator System Of HELLFire And Brimstone Sub Basements Cesspool Of Turdish Consequences.!

  4. If you took the vaccine pray the 1900 year old St Joseph Prayer on this website. In my pieta book it states whoever read or hears the prayer will not have a sudden death, nor be drowned, NOR WILL POISIN TAKE FFECT UPON THEM, They will not be taken by the enemy nor burned in any fire nor defeated in battle. Make this prayer known everywhere. IMPRIMATUR MOST REV. GEORGE W AHR, BISHOP of TRENTON. (THIS STATEMENT IS in my Pieta Prayer book and has nothing to do with FRIEND OF MEDJUGORJE) I can vouch for this prayer of a Mother of 4 St Joseph saved my kids from fatalities at least 10 times. Worst case scenario we need prayer and this prayer is a great one on this website the 1900 year old ST JOSEPH Prayer,

  5. City: Gainesville
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Thank you for this message. I was convicted early on not to get the vaccine and thank God and Our Lady for it. I suffered a lot from the decision because none of my children agreed with me. I almost lost my best friend because of it. You have strengthened me in my resolve. It is especially diabolical that they keep promoting the vaccine for children. There are no facts because all the vaccines are experimental. Science has not caught up. The mandates are diabolical because they take away our fundamental rights. God bless and strengthen everyone who has resisted the lies. God grant us all clear vision going forward. God help us to understand and follow Your will. Amen. 🙏

  6. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    Thank you FOM for reminding us that everything that the world tells us is a lie. I mentioned this on a previous post some months ago but I had asked our priest for a special blessing because I was going on a business trip. This trip occured in August 2021. The priest asked me if I had received the shot (it’s not a vaccine so I refuse to call it that) and I responded “NO” because it went against my Christian beliefs. He looked at me with bewildered eyes. I guess I should say “lieing eyes” since he obviously was condoning the shot. I have given our priest a couple of transcripts of some of the broadcasts and the book, “They Fired the First Shot”. I feel it has made no impact. Nevertheless, I am very greatful for your mission work and how blessed we are to have you and our Blessed Mother. May God continue to bless each and everyone one of you.

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