July 15, 2021

Edge of Time

Episode Transcript

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

8 thoughts on “Edge of Time”

  1. Thank you Mother Mary for being here with us and please help us all gather the strength and courage for these very difficult times. Please hear our prayers.

  2. Thank you Terry, I hope your doing well. God Bless America, and all the good we do and stand up for ,God keep on blessing our family’s we stand for freedom ,i think their are many that stands with you, so you are not alone Blessed Mother and King Jesus are moving, and if the Kingdom is coming so let it be, Our Heavenly Father wants holiness and their will be a remnant, the latter day saints “St Louis de Montfort”! To God be the Glory, in his will.

  3. The powers that be in country music have been blacklisting Aaron Lewis for years because he has been calling them out and not playing the liberal, pop country music they want. No Aaron you are not the only one.

  4. santos & Rosie Gonzales

    You’re not the only one but I feel that sometimes we all feel helpless and our Holy Mother is the only one that can intercede for us thru prayers, prayers, prayers. With our prayers only a new conservative administration can help us get out of this mess biden’s administration has gotten us in.
    satan is quickly destroying the people and our country as our Holy Mother warned us about.

  5. maryjane hudspeth

    Thank you for your love of God and our nation–the good old USA! We appreciate your good work. Blessings, maryJane

  6. Sserwanga Gabriel

    Please globalize the BVM appearances. I don’t imagine that She does this for USA only. Else the messages will be completely misunderstood!

    1. Sserwanga, maybe you are a new listener so there is alot of history to catch up on.

      A Friend of Medjugorje has revealed many things that Our Lady has done here in the USA through Her Medjugorje apparitions. These cannot possibly be explained in this short response. There is literally years of actions of Our Lady that show the United States is significant to Her plans. We would suggest that you begin by reading here:


    2. Just today 7/16 Germany is experiencing severe flooding with the death toll over 100. Look what is happening in Germany with pulling away from God’s Commandments. No angelic protection. And the news is already screaming climate change!! Heaven needs us to wake up.

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8 thoughts on “Edge of Time”

  1. Thank you Mother Mary for being here with us and please help us all gather the strength and courage for these very difficult times. Please hear our prayers.

  2. Thank you Terry, I hope your doing well. God Bless America, and all the good we do and stand up for ,God keep on blessing our family’s we stand for freedom ,i think their are many that stands with you, so you are not alone Blessed Mother and King Jesus are moving, and if the Kingdom is coming so let it be, Our Heavenly Father wants holiness and their will be a remnant, the latter day saints “St Louis de Montfort”! To God be the Glory, in his will.

  3. The powers that be in country music have been blacklisting Aaron Lewis for years because he has been calling them out and not playing the liberal, pop country music they want. No Aaron you are not the only one.

  4. santos & Rosie Gonzales

    You’re not the only one but I feel that sometimes we all feel helpless and our Holy Mother is the only one that can intercede for us thru prayers, prayers, prayers. With our prayers only a new conservative administration can help us get out of this mess biden’s administration has gotten us in.
    satan is quickly destroying the people and our country as our Holy Mother warned us about.

  5. maryjane hudspeth

    Thank you for your love of God and our nation–the good old USA! We appreciate your good work. Blessings, maryJane

  6. Sserwanga Gabriel

    Please globalize the BVM appearances. I don’t imagine that She does this for USA only. Else the messages will be completely misunderstood!

    1. Sserwanga, maybe you are a new listener so there is alot of history to catch up on.

      A Friend of Medjugorje has revealed many things that Our Lady has done here in the USA through Her Medjugorje apparitions. These cannot possibly be explained in this short response. There is literally years of actions of Our Lady that show the United States is significant to Her plans. We would suggest that you begin by reading here:


    2. Just today 7/16 Germany is experiencing severe flooding with the death toll over 100. Look what is happening in Germany with pulling away from God’s Commandments. No angelic protection. And the news is already screaming climate change!! Heaven needs us to wake up.

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