February 17, 2023
Special World Report

Destroying America to Destroy the World: Part 5 of 5

[Podcast] (25 Minutes) – China, where everything is coming from and the Biblical reference to it. A Friend of Medjugorje shares another prophetic word for America.

Episode Transcript


We begin part five of the Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje. This broadcast originally aired separate from the first 4 parts. In light of recent world events, tonight’s broadcast is prophetic.




This is a Special World Report, with a Friend of Medjugorje



Image Our Lady’s messages to reality for the decades we’ve gotten to this point. She said in the early days, “The world is in a great whirlpool.” She said She’s here to save it. It does not know what sin it sinks in. So, for decades, you’d be at the top of the whirlpool, and it’s not near as fast as at the bottom. So many things on every level, on every front, is at the tip of the bottom of the whirlpool. Tornadoes are so severe, not so much up in the sky, but the tip. They’ve recorded six hundred mile and hour winds at that point, destroying everything.


So, we see an assault everywhere we turn. Things are happening so quickly that people are stunned. New York’s going back into another lockdown. Several restaurants spent tens of thousands of dollars so people could eat outside, and now, they’re not allowing that to take place. One restaurant has fifty-two employees. Last week, they had the shut the doors. All these people lost their job. Many of them said they can’t cover their mortgage. There’s a lot of reports of these people who are laid off are living in their cars. Why can’t they get another job? Because the infrastructure’s not there for it. We’re seeing, before our eyes, a message come to be, and that’s about everything passing, falling apart.


So, what falls apart, where do you go to for the infrastructure that gives you a job? There’s no system there. That’s what The Corona Vision is all about. These people can’t got back to their house because the evictions, moratorium, is over. They’re getting kicked out. We have to reflect, where are so many people going to be able to make a living? They can’t. There’s nothing there. There’s no ability to go to something else. Then we have to go back to Leviticus. Scriptures plainly reveal to us, as the end of the age approaches, God is going to break the pride because of our sins. Read Leviticus 26:19. It explains about all these things we’re seeing now. And we’re in a situation because of our sins. Do you want to work in your restaurants and keep them open on Sundays? Don’t expect you’ll be able to open for the next six days.


So, now we see the message, everything’s falling apart, is prophetic! These restaurants all across the nation and the world, many of them close on Monday and stay open on Sunday. What do you think God thinks about that? That it’s not glorifying His day, and they’re disappearing. What’s happening, though, is bigger than what I’m talking about now. We’re in Revelation.


Archbishop Vigano has put out another statement about the Jericho March. And we’ve talked about him. We know he believes in Medjugorje. He doesn’t speak about it, and I’ve told you before, I spent a week with him in Medjugorje. But we also have Cardinal Burke, who recently just gave a homily that covers the ground in what we’re in now and the dangers we face. When he was a bishop, I was speaking to him up in Wisconsin, and we exchanged things. So, I’ve been around these people. I flew to Rome to meet with him. And now, he’s a cardinal. He was very interested in the agrarian life, and he propagated that in Wisconsin. And actually, I met with him in Rome, at the Vatican, because of problems with bishops. Now, he’s back in Wisconsin, where we’re going to play an excerpt of what he just said on December 12th.





The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism, which has already brought destruction and death to the lives of so many, and which has threatened the foundations of our nation for decades, and now seems to seize the governing power over our nation.


To attain economic gains, we, as a nation, have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper. I speak of the United States of America, but evidently, many other nations are in the throes of a similar, most alarming, crisis.


Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus, about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information. What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces inimical to families and to the freedom of nations to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called, “Great Reset,” the new normal, which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.


Now, we are supposed to find in a disease and its prevention, the way to understand and direct our lives rather than in God and in His plan for our salvation. The response of many bishops and priests and of many faithful has manifested a woeful lack of sound catechesis. So many in the Church seem to have no understanding of how Christ continues His saving work in times of plague and of other disasters.





Isn’t that interesting? China? What are they? What is their symbol? The great red dragon. What does Revelation say? In chapter 12, after the Woman appears, another sign appeared in the sky. It was a huge, red dragon. We’re finding out, day by day, China controls everything. I remember, probably ten years ago, hearing Trump talk about China and what they were doing to us. There was no hint that he was going to run for President. He was so expert in this that he was saying they were going to eat us alive, basically. He was speaking about that even before ten years ago. And you don’t think he’s chosen? He’s got the knowledge for these things to understand? And you know the verse,


“Then the dragon stood before the Woman about to give birth, to devour Her Child when She gave birth.”


We are in a biblical moment. We spoke many times about this. But we don’t have to guess, because we’re in real time. You violate Sunday, everything you work for, you lose. I wrote about this, about Sunday, where it’s going to lead to, in the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. But we’ve got a shorter version called Troubles Befall You? You want to order this. You want to live by it, if you want to survive.


Jumping down Revelation,


“Then war broke out in Heaven. Michael and his angels battled against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.”


That’s August 2, 1981. You know that by now.


Drop down to verse nine:


“The huge dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and satan, who deceived the whole world…”


And I stop at that, because that’s what’s happening. China has deceived us. And referring back about ten years ago, hearing Trump saying things, that I realized we are funding a communist country to build up their power by our money. And they’re going to choke us. And that’s exactly what’s happening right now.


Revelation 14:


“But the Woman was given the two wings of the great eagle…”


And below that Scripture, it says,


“…Then the dragon become angry with the Woman and went off to wage war against the rest of Her offspring.”


Well, we can’t say this is what’s happening. Well, somewhere in the future, it’s going to happen, and the days we live now cannot be denied that everything Revelation talks about, buying or sell, could be here. It is here.


Secretary of State Pompeo just gave a talk. You will hear on this clip from Pompeo that he gave December 9, 2020, and he refers to just in the last couple days, he references something. Listen carefully, for this man who has a position to be in the know of what China is doing. It’s very revealing, and at the same time, very alarming. Listen to every word he says.




Now, it’s taken this country, and indeed, the entire free world, a long time to understand the trajectory that China is on today. In fact, we’re not quite there yet, everywhere in the world.


There’s no one to hold accountable for this. That’s not the important part. Because, for a long time, Republicans, Democrats, leaders all across academia, institutions, commercial space, thought that by trading and engaging with China, that the Chinese Communist Party would reform itself. It would loosen up. It would embrace economic and political freedom, and it would present less risk to freedom around the world.


But instead, that’s not what we got. Instead, the Chinese Communists used the wealth that was created this to tighten their grip on power, their grip on power over the Chinese people, and to build a high-tech, repressive state like the world has never seen. General Sec. Xi Jinping has made clear his intentions. You only have to listen to what he says. He says he wants total control at home and to make China the number one power abroad. And he’s well on his way to working on that project. He’s building up the people’s liberation army. He’s manipulating international organizations for Beijing’s benefit. And he’s engaging, as we have seen in T.V. only in these last two days, he’s engaging in a vast influence campaign all across the world. And that may, for some of you sitting at home today, seem like a long ways away and very ambitious touch for Xi Jinping to make, but I want to say, he has his eye on each and every one of us.




Who’s got their eye on each and every one of us? China’s premier? Who’s running him? They have evil intentions. The great red dragon has a head in the physical realm as well as in the spiritual realm. This isn’t your daddy’s daddy talking about the end of the world thirty years ago, forty years ago, fifty years ago. We are in real time, and you need to use this time well because Our Lady said to do that.


So, you get laid off tomorrow. How are you going to eat? What are you going to do? Where will you get your water? We have all the evidence here. My evidence for three decades plus, almost forty, was the messages. But you don’t even have to read the messages now to see we’re in big, big trouble.


We have the three perils that George Washington saw. In the third peril, a dark cloud comes over the ocean. And we know China’s color is red. If you’re not aware of what we’re talking about, George Washington had a vision in his tent, and it was recorded. And this is his description of the third peril.





…And taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then, my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass, there gleamed a dark, red light by which I saw hordes of armed men who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped int the volume of the cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up.




Everything taking place at this moment is connected to Our Lady and to the messages. She’s been preparing us for this. And even the Corona is a grace for us to start contemplating the reality of the situation we find.


The lockdowns in California are reporting that restaurant owners plead to local officials, saying, quote,


“We are going to die from poverty and depression.”


Our Lady doesn’t want that, and that’s why She’s been calling for a body of people to follow Her and to listen to Her and to act. Not just pray, fast and do penance and foster peace. That affects the spiritual realm. You have to manifest those things into physical. Those people, laid off, going into their cars, could never have imagined, just twelve months ago, they would be in that situation. Can you imagine where you’re going to be six months from now? And you’ve got investments, the stock markets, and all these things? And you’re dependent upon that? You’ve got dollars? This is the time to act. This broadcast is about Mejanomics because everything revolves around neither buying or sell. You have an opportunity now to take actions that you might not be able in a month from now or six months from now. These people living in their cars eventually will be in the streets. And you say, “Well, no matter what would happen, the restaurants will close.” Chick-fil-a’s still operating, and they’re making a profit. Why? Because they honor Sunday. And I want to repeat to you to get that booklet, Troubles Befall You?


Century Silver, I was just told that they have over 140 messages on the phone system. Why are so many people calling? Because Our Lady’s calling, and they’re starting to think. You need to think and make some immediate changes. You do not have time to wait.



You can recall, in 2008, when the crash happened. They were all hollering. The banks were screaming. And Bush rescued them with the government. They backed up the banks. The next crash coming, tomorrow, next month, twelve months, you’re going to bail it out with the money that you have in the stocks, the IRAs, your bonds, the money under your mattress, because even that’s going to disappear as far as its value, and the banks aren’t going to be hurt. They’re not going to lose. They never lose. Silver is the means to take it out of their hands in manipulation, and you’re taking it in your full control where they can’t touch it.


Where we are at this point in this broadcast, make sure you go back to the beginning and listen to Cardinal Burke about China—this guy’s very intelligent, very smart, very sharp—Pompeo, and so many other things being said. You can hear these things screaming at you to act. Our interest is to blow the trumpet that you can hear what we’re saying, and you can reflect and make decisions now in the green wood.



One last point I want to make. We’ve talked strongly about the vaccinations, the pandemic, how that’s being used by China. And interestingly enough, Sun Tzu, we look at him. He’s a Chinese warrior. So, they practice him, and they always tell you what they’re going to do. They always have a script.


We’re going to play you a short clip about a movie that was done in 2014, and they tell you, in this movie, in this script, exactly what’s taking place now.



[MAN 1]

…a world-changing, world-improving omni-virus. And we have taken that virus and imbedded it in the vaccine of the flu 


[MAN 2]

I knew it… [GASPS] I knew it!



You’ve created a panic, and now everybody’s begging for the vaccine…


[MAN 3]

No, no, no. Demanding it with all the entitlement of a first-world country.


[MAN 1]

Yes. And now, we have exactly what we want. Hundreds of millions of Americans lining up, offering us their arms, and letting us give them our creation.



I’m pretty sure, when every vaccinated person starts dying, they’ll trace it back to you, undetectable virus or not.


[MAN 1]

[INAUDIBLE] You’re all very sharp. Are you sure none of you would like to come and work for me? No? Better than dying a terrible, violent death. Then understand this. What we are doing is far bigger than death.


[MAN 2]

Wait. This virus is not deadly.



It looks pretty deadly.


[MAN 1]

Tell me this. What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? [PAUSE] Exactly. Everything I do is a cure for our current situation.


[MAN 2]

But how’s it a cure when you’re killing people?


[MAN 3]

I told you. It does not kill. That was the amazing epiphany we had. We didn’t have to kill to accomplish our goal.



[MAN 1]

We intend to stop human reproduction for three generations. A busy, endless global assembly line of babies will grind to a halt.


[MAN 2]

You’re sterilizing people?


[MAN 1]

[ASSENTS] In the first five years, we’ll start to see major birth rate declines, as teenagers vaccinated stay at their child-bearing years.



You’re controlling the future of human civilization.




Did you hear what that said? “Americans lining up for the vaccination”! Are you not alarmed by every newscast all day long, everywhere, everybody’s talking about, “It’s the vaccination”? “You’re a hero if you get it.” What’s that about? No, it’s not going to kill you right now. They’ve just got to get you started and sterilizing. Did you hear the broadcast we already said, a Non-Thinker?, about Bill Gates sterilizing over a million people? He’s population control god, and his philosophy is being implemented.


But I’m not just giving something to you from a movie clip. I talked yesterday, probably forty-five minutes, with a friend in Italy. I told him about the United States, keeping the news from there because their news is not good what they have. We talked about the President, of Biden, all these things happening. And he said the destiny of the United States is not certain at this point. But Europe’s destiny is already set. And I thought he was going to say something positive. You know what he said? He said the minority is in control. The majority can’t vote to change things. Their course, their destiny, is set. And you know what he said? This is scary. He said, “Europe is not going to recover.” And he admitted that if the United States of America falls, the whole world will go.


We’re connected with people all over the world, and that debt will never be paid back. They’re so damaged from lockdowns, as we were talking about about the restaurants, that he was emphatically saying, “We’re not going to recover.” The only way that they can change is something through Our Lady. We can say, “Oh, yeah. She’s here, and everything’s going to be okay.” Really? Go back to 1991, June 25th. War came. You know what I told a friend of mine, walking around Medjugorje a year before that? A friend of mine, Cyril, who was French, spoke Croatian, we were coming back down Cross Mountain. We were walking down the road. And I told him, I said, “I don’t know why, because there’s certain things happening here in this village I see that’s not good. I think there’s going to be a war here.” And he asked me, “How do you know that?” I said, “I don’t know. I just feel this.” In twelve months, it happened. And it was a brutal war, and Our Lady’s appearing every day.


So, don’t think Our Lady’s here, and we’re going to have a fluffy time. We can’t tell you the details, but we can look at the news and the lies, and we can look at the reality. We can talk to somebody in Europe who’s living there telling, real time, what’s taking place, that the world is radically changing quickly. In one message, all these things I’ve said on this broadcast is encompassed in it, what you’re seeing. “…Everything…is passing…everything is falling…” Translation to you, is whatever you’re doing, glorify God. You quit working on Sundays. You better put yourself in a position because the only thing that’s going to survive, maybe even with injuries, what glorifies God.


These broadcasts are not a one-time listen. You have to absorb them. You have to enter into it because it’s all about the message, even if I’m not saying the words of the message.


With that, I wish you and pray for you to use this time well.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




This concludes the five-part series with a Friend of Medjugorje titled, Destroying America to Destroy the World. Sharing these broadcasts with friends and family can help change the world. Order this five part series by contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. When dialing from outside the United States dial 001-205-672-2000.

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4 thoughts on “Destroying America to Destroy the World: Part 5 of 5”

  1. State: Indiana
    Country: United States
    Thank you FOM & COB. This 5 part Special World Report was very powerful and enlightening. I have no doubt in mind that Our Lady is here with us and will guide us in the days to come through you. This movie that is mentioned in Part 5 seems very informative. I’m not sure if you can share the name of the movie or not, but if you are able I would very much like to watch it. Thank you once again for sharing this World Report. God Bless you all 🕊️✝️🕊️

  2. City: Caledonia
    State: Mn.
    Country: USA
    What movie was THAT. Our Lady said recently ” forgive those who INFLICT evil on you.” Seeing the utmost importance of forgiveness in order to enter heaven, and the large number of people who took the jab under duress and now regret it, and the ” infinite ocean ” of Christ’s Mercy, can we dare hope that those who forgive the evil inflicted on them will receive healing? I pray so. Our Lady has also said, ” in the future you will see why it was important to have large families” Thank you so much for your faithfulness to Our Lady’s messages and helping us have better discernment!

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4 thoughts on “Destroying America to Destroy the World: Part 5 of 5”

  1. State: Indiana
    Country: United States
    Thank you FOM & COB. This 5 part Special World Report was very powerful and enlightening. I have no doubt in mind that Our Lady is here with us and will guide us in the days to come through you. This movie that is mentioned in Part 5 seems very informative. I’m not sure if you can share the name of the movie or not, but if you are able I would very much like to watch it. Thank you once again for sharing this World Report. God Bless you all 🕊️✝️🕊️

  2. City: Caledonia
    State: Mn.
    Country: USA
    What movie was THAT. Our Lady said recently ” forgive those who INFLICT evil on you.” Seeing the utmost importance of forgiveness in order to enter heaven, and the large number of people who took the jab under duress and now regret it, and the ” infinite ocean ” of Christ’s Mercy, can we dare hope that those who forgive the evil inflicted on them will receive healing? I pray so. Our Lady has also said, ” in the future you will see why it was important to have large families” Thank you so much for your faithfulness to Our Lady’s messages and helping us have better discernment!

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