City: Rio Rancho
State: NM
January 25, 2023 is such a powerful message to what is said about disobedience. We have fallen into so many traps of believing and doing things in our own families that has caused so much friction and division. Divorce has become the norm. Marriage is considered a trial for some and if it doesn’t work you get a divorce. I believe our lady also said “faith is extinguishing itself”. This because prayer is not in the family as it should be. Respect has been lost for the dignity of the body. Blame for abortion comes to the doctors but the truth is the woman is the first to decide on actions and when the reality of becoming a mother hits the mind the hearts feelings and emotions are scattered in fear. No obedience to the creation of mankind. The first sin has multiplied itself over and over to this generation. Consequences for actions are disregarded and blame, blame, blame. May God help us to see the evil of our ways that have led the world to believing anything goes as long as it is “right for me”. Our government has become its own god in all its dealing in immoral values and our church leaders have lost their way. Just as many of us do; praying for a return to God’s love, mercy and His commandments with a deeper reverence and respect for all of His creation.
January 25, 2023
“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
February 15, 2023
Destroying America to Destroy the World: Part 3 of 5
[Podcast] (24 Minutes) – BLM, racism, a Friend of Medjugorje exposes once again, another lying voice which is for the purpose of dividing us, in order to weaken us.
Episode Transcript
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We begin Part Three of the Special World Report, with a Friend of Medjugorje by first recapping what was learned in Part 2.
For every 10,000 black people arrested for violent crimes, three are killed. For every 10,000 white people arrested for violent crimes, four are killed. So, more white people are killed, on ratio per the population, than black.
A study from the Michigan and Maryland State Universities assessed hundreds of fatal police shootings in 2015.
“Fifty-five percent of the people fatally shot in America by police are white, more than double the number of blacks, 27%.”
Why is it important to know these statistics? So that you can make a decision and come to a conclusion of the events we’re seeing now that can bring you to truth, because circumstances being promoted are a lie.
“It’s not systematic racism.”
What does this have to do with the Virgin Mary? Everything! We’re in battle with the impure spirit. Our Lady told us that when Obama was inserting the Deep State. This precedes the Secrets! Divine Intervention is coming. It’s not just go to church and just pray and ignore the situations. You have to understand the situation, because Our Lady says, “…look around you and [understand] the signs of the times…”
You believe the media? They’re liars!
The media, every day, gets their own talking points. They plan it. They strategize it. The democrats own them. You don’t believe that? Listen to this clip.
This is a manufactured crisis and a crisis manufactured by the Trump administration.
This is a manufactured crisis, Bill.
How he manufactures crises…
Folks, the President has manufactured a political crisis for himself.
Our greatest responsibility is to serve…
…our Treasure Valley Communities.
The El Paso Las Cruces Communities
We are extremely proud of the quality, balanced journalism that CBS 4 News produces…
We are concerned about the trouble with irresponsible one-sided news stories plaguing our country.
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So, let’s go to Rodney King. What happened in that situation? He started attacking the police, and they said that he was throwing the cops around like rag dolls.
What happened? The video went crazy. Everybody burned things down…and they charged all the officers, and what did they find out? Thirteen seconds of the film was edited out illegally.
What about George Floyd? Is there a parallel in these two situations? Rodney King? Thirteen seconds taken out? What details of the story are we missing?
Cup Food owners say the video from the store, which they’ve been asked not to release…
You decide. Thirteen seconds from Rodney King, once it was shown, disproved everything. History repeats itself.
But all of this could have been avoided very simply. How?
You’ve got Rodney King and two others with him. Nothing happened to the other two because they were obedient.
Let’s jump back now with Floyd. There were two other people in the car. The cops tell these other two people to go against the wall. They go against the wall and sit down. Nothing happened to them. Obedience is the problem! You want to get rid of what you think’s racism and all these things? Just obey.
If you’re Christian, even if you’re not practicing, and do you believe the Bible, you have to believe what I read to you now.
“Let everyone obey the authorities that are over him, for there is no authority except from God, and all authority that exists is established by God, as a consequence, the man who opposes authority rebels against the ordinances of God. Those who resist thus shall draw condemnation down upon themselves…”
Did the two people that got out of Floyd’s car get in deeper trouble? Did they escalate themselves? You answer the question.
This whole thing is set up anti-Scripture, anti-Christian.
We’ve got more examples of the loss of power of discernment. There’s pictures out there of white people on their knees in front of black, begging forgiveness.
Listen to this next clip of two black women, what they have to say to white people.
White people, stop it. Stop it. Y’all are bowing and kissing people’s feet. Are you stupid?
If you’re a Christian and you’re white, and you accept that kind of demonic behavior, you need to repent. It’s against the Sacrifice that Jesus paid on the Cross. It’s demonic, and it has to stop.
It’s idolatry. Stop it! Repent if you’ve done that, if you’ve apologized for the color that the Lord has made you, and by God, if you’ve ever knelt down in front of the black man or any man, repent. It’s demonic.
That, my friend, is the power of discernment. They’re talking Bible right there. White guilt because God made you white? Diabolical.
We now begin Part 3 of the Special World Report, with a Friend of Medjugorje. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy. During this portion of the broadcast, there will be several research resources mentioned.
This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.
In the beginning days of Medjugorje, 1981, Mirjana and Jakov were experiencing people saying, “You’re liars.” You know what Our Lady said?
“My angels, do not be afraid of injustices. They have always existed.”
In other words, She’s saying accept it. This our position, and this is who we are.
Well, many people cry out, even whites, “What about Black Lives Matter?” It’s a lie, a total lie. In the Ferguson situation, there was a black man. He was involved with the Black Lives Matter movement. He was part of it. And he’s going to tell you all about it right now. His name is Chaziel Sunz.
Around the time, going into 2016, I started to notice infiltrators coming into the movement, which is already, it’s been like this for a long time, but I actually started to see it, all online, making fake pages. And these fake people part of the black movement, or whatever you want to call it, were basically feeding off our emotions, trying to get us involved in things that we’re not involved in, trying to get us to believe in things that we weren’t familiar with, pushing us to be more Left and democratic. A lot of the black leaders are straight leading us to our demise. They have us doing their dirty work, I mean, the far Left’s dirty work. How they’re getting us is, they’re playing us emotionally. And they’re basically saying how racist and how messed up guys on the far Right and the neo-Nazis are because they need all the help that they can get. Anybody who doesn’t like Donald Trump, they’re basically trying to get you to fight for a war that is being started on American turf very, very soon, and they want us to be a part of their side. What I’m trying to get the black population to understand and over stand, and this is critical, is the movement has been compromised. Okay? Everybody needs to know that. The RBG movement has been compromised. BLM, if you are not caught up to BLM, it is not even a real black organization. It never was, but now things are about go ahead and hit the fan.
If you have any kind of brain, you know BLM is endorsed by the Soros and the Clinton family. If you have any kind of a brain, you know that those same people, they’re exploiting the black plight to make money off of you. They’re using your emotions and, based off what has happened to you, they’re using that against you so you can join these evil, demonic people to help fight the people on the far Right, or not even the far Right.
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I want to make this simple. The Left is going against the Right. It’s a huge civil war that’s being planned out. It’s happening right now. What they want is for everybody to choose a side, consciously or subconsciously. And what I’m saying to these people is, my people, is you’re setting yourself up to get slaughtered. There are hidden powers who are controlling the narrative, and they’re brainwashing you to feel a certain way about the system, about white people, about every race, and about yourselves. BLM has always, and from the very beginning was, being promoted, being paid for, by Soros and Clinton. If you think that these people, they care about the black man’s plight, all of us, man, y’all pay attention. This is all to get as many numbers as they can on their side to fight this civil war that they’re planning out that they’re already being prepared for. You’re going to have to choose a side. Don’t set yourself up to get slaughtered. This is all a big setup. It’s huge propaganda, the biggest propaganda that can be happening right now. And what I want people to understand, the Democratic Party, are using black people to fight their war, with ANTIFA, it’s getting very, very deep. This group is being paid for by, you guessed it, the younger Rothschilds, the Clintons and the Soros. And the media’s downplaying this group. They’re not telling people about this group. But, people on the far Left are trying to get black people, and as many people who are part of the far Left, to join their side. And what they want to do is, they want to take the guns away from the people on the far Right. Their whole plan is to even the playing field, because the people on the far Right, they deal with guns. They have all the guns. And right now, as it stands, the people on the Left are set to get slaughtered. That’s why they’re pushing gun laws. They’re pushing gun laws for the simple fact that, if you’re able to take somebody’s guns away…I don’t care what people feel about Trump. This isn’t…I’m not reacting on feelings right now. I don’t want people to come and be talking about how they feel. This is happening. This is happening right now. What’s going on right now is so much bigger, so much bigger than the race issue. So, which side are you going to choose? Which side are you going with, if you’ve got to choose? The smart side? I’m sure not about to go over there with Hillary and the Soros. C’mon. You’ve got to use your brain. As much as you feel however you feel about the Right, they are straightforward. The people on the Left are lying to you and trying to get you to do their dirty work and get slaughtered. You’ve got celebrities being endorsed by these because they know the best way to get negroes is through entertainment. We’re entertained. But these white people on the far Right? They’re ready. They’ve got their guns. They’re ready to go. They’re ready to go, while we’re sitting up trying to be cute. This is serious. This is 100% serious now. They’re coming after you, white, black, Mexican, they are coming after us. This is what’s going on. Go on and arm yourselves.
God bless.
So, that peels the onion more where it’s getting to where there’s nothing left. You have heard enough, and there is enough to see that we all walk closer to truth. And when we’re walking toward truth, we become more one. As I said before, it’s not about races. It’s about obedience. Everything is predicated on that. Millions of laws. There’s 280 or something nations, thousands of cities and states, thousands of neighborhoods. Even your neighborhood has homeowners’ association, which has rules, and you can’t violate them.
So, really, we have billions of laws. And it’s just real simple. Our Lady said, May 25th,
“…Return to God and His Commandments…”
And what happens from that?
“…the Holy Spirit [will] change your lives and the face of this earth…”
It was also in the Scriptures I read to you about obedience. Don’t rebel against God’s ordinances. And what is it? Just ten laws. If everybody goes back to that, everything renews. It’s that simple.
Now, we’re asking you to get a pad and a pen for some research items. It’s important that you know that we are not endorsing these sites, but facts are facts. They are just for your information, just for your education.
So, the first one is the
The second is “The Beast as Saint,” and you can find that on YouTube. “The Beast as Saint.” And to clarify this, it’s not the beast as a saint. It’s just simply, “The Beast as Saint.” And you have to spell that out correctly.
Also, we wanted to warn you, there is language, bad language on these, and so, again, just have discernment as you’re listening to them.
And lastly, just to call out to really encourage you to reread They Fired the First Shot 2012, even if you’ve read it, and you might have read it several times. But if you haven’t read it in this time, you’ll be amazed at how much it will speak to you as the events that were foreshadowed and prophesied eight years ago are now taking place today, and how much was stated by a Friend of Medjugorje without him having any knowledge of the future except through what Our Lady was revealing to him through Her messages. So, They Fired the First Shot would be your third resource.
So, again, the broadcast is not over. Stay tuned, for the best is yet to come.
Everything is predicated on the Ten Commandments and obedience. That’s the simple solution for the whole world. That’s the solution for the situation we have now across our country. And what you’re about to hear will clarify these points.
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As a parent, are you worried about what kind of society your children will live in? No matter how you structure your future, all is at risk. Money won’t protect you. Position won’t save you. Your children’s future is nil. Our nation must change its direction, but what is stopping it? You are. It all depends on you.
What we’re masking here is we’re masking the breakdown of the family, and it’s happened across American society, Hispanic, black, white, Asian. But it really happened in the inner-city black community, and we should be able to have this conversation, because we can’t solve a lot of these problems until we can solve this problem.
William Yates wrote of what happens when the proper order of things break down. He writes,
“Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loose upon the world.”
[Unquote] Everything in the world has a God-ordained order. It is a sign of God, of His presence. Everything that is disorder is from satan. Disorder is a sign of satan, of his presence. God could have made the universe in chaos, yet did not, nor does it run with disorder. He made it in order. God is a God of order. Everything of order has a center, a “head.” Where there is no center, there is anarchy, as Yates wrote, and “things fall apart.”
This thread of order you will find from the outer reaches of the universe to the smallest particles known to man. God’s order is magnificent and where you find it disrupted, you will find satan.
Our Lady said:
August 15, 1983
“…Every disorder comes from satan…”
These threads of order also apply to society. Just as the universe is made up of smaller units called atoms, so too society is made up of smaller units called the family.
satan, with all his strength, all his intellect, all his might, wants to destroy that individual small make-up of family, the small mirror of all society, in order to bring disorder to all of society.
Society’s cure lies within the relationship and attitude of the husband and wife toward each other.
These writings are about that order through which, if followed, divine order will come and marriages, families, society, and the world will heal. satan in his cunning used his best trick in the Garden of Eden. The plan by which he attacked man successfully the first time, he has carried out now in the present age.
It is precisely this reason why Our Lady on August 30, 1981 told the woman who suffered cruelty at the hands of the husband to [quote]:
“Let her remain close to him and accept her suffering. Jesus, Himself, also suffered.”
This message cannot simply be passed off as, “Oh, but this is just an isolated case,” because every message of Our Lady’s is of grave importance; statements of truth, of a correct way to live, and of Heaven’s desires. The messages do not apply singularly, even when given singularly as was the case with this message.
Abuse is wrong! We are not dealing with the fact that it should never take place, that is clear. Rather we are dealing with once it does, what our reaction should be, and Our Lady tells us clearly.
…when you suffer, pray, live purely, and put it in God’s hands. God will remedy. He will rescue…
On March 28, 1985, Our Lady said,
“Dear children, today I wish to call you to pray, pray, pray! In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit…”
We have to reinforce the role of the nuclear family. When that starts happening, we’ll have less dependence on government for food. We don’t have to worry if the schools get shut down because families will educate their children.
We believe this country has a future. We intend for our children to live and thrive here. That is what we are defending.
It is very important to note that obedience is more important than being right. How many of the saints, so many times, were in the right and their superiors wrong, yet they always were joyfully obedient…children may sometimes see that their father may not be perfectly right in a certain circumstance, but through the wife and her example they will learn that they still must obey. It will teach them (the children) to obey a teacher, a policeman, the government, etc. when it is not perfectly right. Order can still be maintained even in the midst of imperfections. The children will comply when they grow up if they were shown through example to respect and be obedient. Therefore, respect and obedience will be maintained even when there are imperfections which will be found in every government, every institution, and every family. But even if there were perfection, order will not be maintained where there is disrespect and disobedience, and anarchy will ensue. It is worth repeating – obedience is more important than being right. Of course, love has to be its foundation to produce good fruit. However, even if love is not found, there still can be no excuse not to obey.
What you just heard was a book I wrote in 1994-95. It has saved tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of marriages and families. The book is called, How to Change Your Husband, and many, many letters through these decades have come in because it gave the road map to peace.
This ends Part Three of the Special World Report, with a Friend of Medjugorje.
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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1 thought on “Destroying America to Destroy the World: Part 3 of 5”
City: Rio Rancho
State: NM
January 25, 2023 is such a powerful message to what is said about disobedience. We have fallen into so many traps of believing and doing things in our own families that has caused so much friction and division. Divorce has become the norm. Marriage is considered a trial for some and if it doesn’t work you get a divorce. I believe our lady also said “faith is extinguishing itself”. This because prayer is not in the family as it should be. Respect has been lost for the dignity of the body. Blame for abortion comes to the doctors but the truth is the woman is the first to decide on actions and when the reality of becoming a mother hits the mind the hearts feelings and emotions are scattered in fear. No obedience to the creation of mankind. The first sin has multiplied itself over and over to this generation. Consequences for actions are disregarded and blame, blame, blame. May God help us to see the evil of our ways that have led the world to believing anything goes as long as it is “right for me”. Our government has become its own god in all its dealing in immoral values and our church leaders have lost their way. Just as many of us do; praying for a return to God’s love, mercy and His commandments with a deeper reverence and respect for all of His creation.
January 25, 2023
“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”