August 15, 2024
Radio Wave Special

Change Now or Miss the Boat

[Podcast] (71 Minutes) – One of the most classic encounters with a Friend of Medjugorje. This piece, recorded in December 1998, lays the groundwork for understanding Our Lady’s apparitions and messages. It is a renewal and re-conversion for your spirit.

Episode Transcript

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Thank you for joining us for Radio WAVE tonight. We have a special broadcast for you. This is an encounter with a Friend of Medjugorje from December of 1998, that is over twenty-five years ago. Now those of you who are watching the plea on, we announced it earlier today, a lot of you have been anticipating hearing this tonight. This is one of the most golden classics that a Friend of Medjugorje has ever given.


As a matter-of-fact, there has been thousands of copies of this that have gone all over the world from our Mission House in Medjugorje, from here at Caritas, and some of you may have heard this encounter before. The title of this was called Change Now or Miss the Boat and many of us here, when we hear this, it rejuvenates our spirit and renews us.


And that is why tonight we wanted to offer this to you. It’s longer than normal. It is an hour long. But what you are going to hear a Friend of Medjugorje say in this, you are not going to hear anywhere. It is unequal to anything that you will hear ever coming from Medjugorje. Those of you who are familiar with what a Friend of Medjugorje talks about and writes about know that there is no equal when it comes to the content.


His understanding of Our Lady, the messages, it gave us life for Our Lady to make Her more known, more loved and it always amazes us that there really is no one who speaks about the messages in the way that he can. But if we were to step back and really look at this, you had Jesus and the apostles and what was left to us from the apostles was really not much.


You had Thomas and you had Simon and you had Nathanial and others who walked with Jesus, and yet we really do not have even a written record of the things that they spoke about and wrote about and even of the twelve that walked with Jesus we have very little of the things that they wrote about with the exception of perhaps John.


The majority of what we understand about Christianity actually comes to us from Paul, who was not one of the twelve apostles. And this is something that we for years have seen a Friend of Medjugorje’s role in the Medjugorje world, he speaks about Our Lady differently. His understanding of the messages is different.


He made many sacrifices for Our Lady. Really holding nothing back from Her. And this is why we believe he is able to speak about the messages in the way that he can. And so we pray that tonight’s broadcast will renew your spirit as it does ours. Here is a Friend of Medjugorje.




The messages of Our Lady as most of you know, because most of you, I would say are seasoned and have been around the apparitions for some time, or either associated or understand a little bit more than what most people would be, that was, would be just simply first introduced to the apparitions.


So I don’t want to go into the story of all of those things, but I’d rather just touch on maybe some other subjects that Our Lady is shown and what it is that she’s doing in Medjugorje. There are a lot of questions that can arise, and we actually see a falling off of the movement. There is so much confusion concerning Medjugorje and so much time that has passed.


You had the euphoria at the beginning of the apparitions when everybody embraced them, everybody was for them, there was no negative aspects of it. But we know satan, in time, always builds those things and he builds tragedies in it. And there have been some associated with Medjugorje, and some truth to these things.


But the enemies to God, to Our Lady in league with the devil will use these things to take innocent souls away from being exposed to the grace that is offered through Medjugorje. And that is one of the tragedies for us, being in agony, sometimes, that people have no interest. You all have loved ones who could care less if you go to Europe, to a little tiny village, to Medjugorje or not.


And there’s nothing you could say to them because they have either heard something negative already, or because they are not interested in religion, or they are not open at all to the truth of what Medjugorje speaks of. And today the problem is just that, but it’s no different than what it has always been.


It’s interesting that if you just image in your mind, in your heart, Jesus standing in front of Pilate, and Jesus says to Pilate that He has come to testify to the truth. And here it is, this Roman standing there saying, “Truth, what is truth?” Why would he say something like that? You would think he would say, “well, I’m King of the Jews,” or all these accusations I have.


King, you would think you would say something like that. But his reaction with exclamation points, “Truth. What is truth?” “Truth” is the problem in the world today. Very few people really understand truth. We have the scriptures [that] tell us that anybody who comes close to God will be persecuted, who walks His way. It is a guarantee, you will get persecution.


And we can say that the closer you get, the more you align your life with truth, the more difficult your life will become because the world lives on untruth or deceiving itself. Our Lady tells us February 2nd, 1990, She says:


“…For nine years, I wanted to tell you that God, your Father is the only way, truth and life…”


The only path of truth is God. She says also on September 25th, 1986, she says:


“…Therefore, I am calling you, so that by your prayer and your life you help to destroy everything that is evil in people and uncover the deception that satan makes use of. You pray that the truth prevails in all hearts…”


What is the problem with truth? I thought when I first went to Medjugorje, I had truth. I thought I knew truth. I would have argued with you, but I can tell you I knew nothing about truth. I didn’t know what true love was. I didn’t know what living the Commandments was. I didn’t know all these things.


The truth of really what God was saying, what he stood for, I really can’t say I understood because I had been so deceived by the world and its path. And today we are in the same boat. Many people, even in the Medjugorje movement still do not understand real truth. So, what is truth? Our Lady says on June 16, 1983:


“…I have come to tell the world that God is truth. He exists…”


On July 25, 1996, Our Lady says:


“…Little children, you speak much about God, but you witness little with your life. Therefore, little children decide for conversion that your life may be true before God…”


“For our life to be true before God,” what does that mean for us to do? It means that once we acknowledge, and what Our Lady is saying, that “God is truth. He exists,” then we have to deal with this truth. That truth leads us to what? His word. If God is, truth, the Word and see what it says.


On August 25, 1996, Our Lady says:


“…I call you a new to carry the word of God in your hearts and in your thoughts…”


Or, in other words, “I call you to carry truth and your thoughts and in your hearts.” What is truth? Truth is God.


November 25, 1997

“…Therefore, pray, pray, pray that your hearts may be open and sensitive to the Word of God…”


Why do we have to be sensitive to the Word of God? Here we are, were going to Mass. Many people hear the Word of God every Sunday. And yet Our Lady is saying, you have to be sensitive to the Word of God. You have to pray, pray, pray to be sensitive to God’s Word.


So that through being sensitive, you may come to the truth and to coming to the truth, you can come to realize God’s existence in every point of our life throughout the day.


She says January 25, 1998:

“…Today again I call all of you to prayer. Only with prayer, dear children, will your heart change, become better, and be more sensitive to the Word of God…”


What is it that we are doing all our prayers, and we are supposed to be having our act together, that Our Lady is telling us as her children to be sensitive to the Word of God. What is it that we are missing?


If we are going to be sensitive to God’s Word, then His Word leads us to what? The Commandments. Our Lady tells us on, some time in 1984, 85, She says:


“…It is necessary to respect the Commandments of God in following one’s conscience…”


We can’t just follow our conscience. We can’t say I feel this is right. I feel this is a truth. The difficulty today is everybody has truth.


You can meet throughout the day, hundreds of people who will tell you something that is right and something that is wrong because for them it’s their right. For you, if you disagree with it, it is your wrong.


So, there are so many variable truths because this truth today in society is relative to one’s own belief. Relative means I’m a relative to a brother, or a son is a relative to me.


But if truth, if my truth is relative to me, it’s my truth. This is a relationship to me, but your truth is relative to you. So you can have a truth that I disagree with, but it’s true for you, but it’s not true for me. It is relative truth.

And this is the problem with society today. Everybody goes by their own truth. And this is why we have so many people disagreeing even about points. Abortion or no abortion. People aren’t getting an abortion because they think it’s wrong, most people. Most people are ignorant. If they really fully understood, fully comprehended what they were doing, very few would do that.


So, their truth around them supports what they do. People do not want to just be evil. Many evil acts that we would describe as evil, that people do out there, if you asked them, they would say, oh, there is nothing wrong with that. No one likes to be really evil except in someone who has in full conscious gives themselves over to satan. But because they have their own relative truth, they can commit evil, and it is their truth and it is okay for them. So, Our Lady comes and tells us, we have to base our conscious and God’s Commandments, which we find in God’s Word to bring us truth, not relative truth, but “the” truth, which is based on the existence of God.


So, as we walk through these channels from God’s existence, He is truth, to His Words, which give us the words, which gives us the Commandments. Which annihilates all different opinions between ourselves when we really get down to what is truth, then we can come on to a common ground and find out how we are supposed to live.


September 25, 1992


“…in a special way satan wishes to destroy your souls. He wishes to guide you as far away as possible from the Christian life as well as from the Commandments to which the Church is calling you to live and to obey…”


Or rather, I am sorry…


“…so that you may live them…”


On October 25, 1993, Our Lady says:


“Dear children, I cannot help you if you do not live God’s Commandments…”


So we go from truth, who is truth? God. To His Word, to His Commandments. To what do we have to do once we know that truth? We have to obey it. We have to come into obedience.


Many who we see in the movement, including ourselves many times, wasn’t always obedient to these Commandments? Sometimes through ignorance. Sometimes through just pure violation.

So, Our Lady tells us January 16, 1986:


“Dear children, I pray you obey and live your Mother’s invitation because only out of love am I calling you in order that I might help you…”


Only through obedience. Obedience to what? To the Commandments, the Commandments in God’s Word. God’s word is truth. He exists.


On December 25, 1987


“I call you today with great…”


And remember, Our Lady doesn’t say any words. If you were here last year or you have heard any time we speak about what Our Lady’s words mean, they go beyond what they say.


If Our Lady says “great,” you can bet it is not the same definition of our “great.” She doesn’t exaggerate what She means.


The depth of the intention of what She says goes beyond the word. If Marija receives a kiss, it is beyond the kiss. She feels, she feels it. And She [Our Lady] says “love,” Marija feels this. This inundates her. So, if Our Lady says “great,” She means simply that times ten.


“…I call you today with great seriousness to obey me and to do as I’m calling you…”


On February 25, 1988, Our Lady says:


“…I want you to obey me and not permit satan to seduce you…”


April 25, 1994


“…If you do not pray, if you are not humble and obedient to the message I am giving you, I cannot help you….”


So, it is real simple. It is obedience. Obedience to what? To God’s Commandments. What are His Commandments about? God’s word. What does God’s Word about? Truth. And what is truth? God.

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So, we go back to where we started a few moments ago when Our Lady says:


“…I have come to tell you truth. God is truth. He exists…”


It is strange to me that Our Lady would go all this length to say all these things to us if there is so much good in the world. What is it that we are having to be taught for 17 years, that we have gotten so far from truth?


The Jesus we’re taught today or the Jesus we understand, most of us as Christians, is not the Jesus that we really understand.


We have this, this whole thing even about what love is. Through the sixties much was said about love. The flower children, love, you saw that, peace, love, peace, love everywhere. And that was always associated with seeing Woodstock.


Many things were violently opposed a God, but many of those people felt that was true. And what were they singing the whole time? Peace, love, hug, kissing, do whatever you want to, the whole revolution that came with that, of no modesty. It all went down the tubes, all truth went down and yet they were speaking things from God, peace, love, all this got mixed up.


satan seduced many people and it reached even down into Christianity to a depth that we aren’t recognizing or that we haven’t recognized until Our Lady came and began to show us.


And some of it began to choke us. We didn’t think, we were affected here in the community, and we were. So, this whole thing was peace. Just love. Everything goes. If you really love anything can happen. You be you, I’ll be me, we all love each other. Hugs and kisses.


This ain’t Jesus. This was not Jesus. Jesus, if you really look at His personality and who He was as a Man and as God, it is incredible to think, you know, really what He did.


He stood for a gentleness. He stood for pure love, pure love to the highest degree. There was no sin in Him who was God. No violations, nothing He did ever was wrong.

Now, picture this. Make a whip, get a cord and make a real whip. If you were doing that, you had intentions to beat something, unless you were just going to play. But if you had intentions to do something with this and you make this whip, what is your purpose?


Jesus did this. And we already knew He was upset. Now here’s Somebody who is love, Who is sitting there. And I doubt if He says, [SNAP] and it is in His hand. In fact, I know He didn’t do that because He made it.


So, He’s sitting there twisting and making a whip. And He’s tying these cores together and He fashions this so He can strike. Love. He who is love, the King of Peace, the King of Love. Peace! Love!


You do what you want. I do what I want. We all love each other.


Jesus has got this whip in His hand and He’s watching in the temple, everything being sold. Was He just going to play with this?


“In the Temple precinct, He came upon people engaged in selling oxen, sheep and doves and others, seated, changing coins.”


Oxen, sheep, doves, others, His people.


“He made a kind of whip of cords and drove the sheep and oxen alike out of the Temple and knocked over the money changers tables, spilling their coins.”


Now our Jesus today, what is painted by many people who don’t have a clear view of what real love is, that Jesus was always gentle. He was always peaceful.


Jesus lost his peace!. He didn’t go to a table and He said, “Excuse me, I don’t want this to hit your toes, but I gotta turn this over because I want this to go in scriptures and I want to make an example. So, I’m going to just gently dump this over and the coins, just excuse Me just a minute. And let Me get this whip and let Me drive these, come on.”


Jesus was ANGRY! Real ANGER. Love! This is not a game. “Oh no. I dropped that table on his toe. I’m Jesus. I shouldn’t be doing that.”


He beat the animals and drove them out. Jesus. It doesn’t say if He hit people, but I imagine it was pretty chaotic.


This Man who people model on so much of Christianity today that we can just let go of everything that we want to and everybody can have their own relative truth and we don’t have to get upset, says here He made a whip and He’s beaten animals. He’d be arrested today, abusing animals in public.


If you do that right now, you would be arrested. I read last year, somebody doing something to a donkey, over in Westover. He was arrested for animal abuse and it wasn’t that bad what he was doing.


So what is the truth? The truth of love is not what we all understand it to be. In the scriptures it also says, Jesus looked over the crowds and he knew what was in the heart. And it says He grew angry.


I didn’t say that. The Bible said that. What is the Bible? God’s Word? What is God Word? It is truth.


So, Our Lady is having to come into the world to give us a better perspective, to lead us to the scriptures, to make us understand what really is truth. Truth is living in God’s Commandments.


Oh, I’ll live the Commandments. I’m praying three hours a day. We all are. We are in the Medjugorje movement. We want to live truth. Our Lady says:


“…let your life be true before God…”


Can you say today, my life is true before God? I’m totally obedient. Answer that to yourself. I will give you a moment. Can you say my life is true before God. I’m obedient.


I am not talking about sin. I am not talking about falling down and getting back up, like I heard the song play a little while ago. That’s okay. It’s okay to sin and fall. Not that God wants it. It’s okay because there are provisions to get rid of that. The Crucifixion paid all that. That is solved.


What I am speaking about is not that. If you are sinning, I am not speaking if your life is true before God.  I am speaking of are there areas in your life that you are not changing or you don’t want to change or it’s too hard to change knowing that is not what God wants you to do?


That can you say my life is true before God. You can sin and say my life is true before God and run to Confession. Peter sinned. I’ve sinned. You all, we all sin. That was the purpose in salvation on a Cross.


That is not the difficulty and that is not the problem today. That is all solved.


Today, the problem is a great heresy, an untruth, a falsehood. And what is that heresy? Rationalism? Because even us as Christians are affected by this relative truth.


We will go by most of the Commandments, but when will comes infringing on a little bit about, well, I don’t know about that, or I want to keep that subconsciously suppressed so I don’t have to deal with it, then I spill over into my truth, my relative truth, sometimes maybe not even recognizing it.


Rationalism is the worst heresy we have today. In fact, rationalism is the worst heresy we have ever had because the sickness in the world today is rationalism.


Jesus and all the might of Heaven, with the angels, with the Virgin Mary can’t do one thing, if they all appeared to one soul, one singular soul who is rationalizing what he is doing away.


He [Jesus] can’t do anything. The mighty light of the Son, God, shining on someone who rationalizes his sins away or his wrongs as “that’s okay, or I’m a victim or this is a problem,” it doesn’t even squirm.


God can put it in a soul that it is wrong, but he pushes it away. Well, you know, and yet he may, he may consider something else a sin because he can rationalize it away.


Sin cannot stand in the light of God. When someone knows, that has that relative truth and they rationalize it away and someone else has it and knows it is a sin just a little bit, just a little bit of God’s light, that sin in him squirms.


He can’t stand it. He’s got to do something with it. He’s got to deal with it. He’s got to get it away from him. So, the problem with truth today is we don’t recognize sin.


And this is the nitty gritty of the message. This is when it really gets fun.


This is when I can sit there and watch a good show on television and a commercial comes on and it advertises another show which may be a lewd scene, lewd, and I’ll watch it, but it opposes my faith, it opposes my religion, it opposes what I am for, but I watch it.


Because I am rationalizing away that I’m waiting for the show to come back on, and so it is not sin.


And yet, the scripture says, “Put nothing defiled before your eyes.” God’s Word says that. Nothing defiled before your eyes.


Few would disagree that Jesus said, “I tell you he who commits, or rather he who, you’ve heard of the sin of adultery. I tell you, he who commits it in his heart, commits the sin.


He [Jesus] gives us the basis to understand that the act doesn’t have to be carried out. Just the thought you’re guilty of this sin. Sin. S-I-N. It is a sin to entertain it.


Then how do we rationalize watching an adulterous act on television? How do you do that? We can’t condone that. Oh, you can. And it won’t be sin for you if you rationale it away.


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You have to see that. You have to allow that to enter it. You have to put something defiled before your eyes you have to let that enter into you. That’s entertainment. We’re taught it’s basic Church teachings.


Ask the priest here that if you give into a temptation, you entertain it, then that is where you commit it. The temptation is not the problem. That can be rejected. And if a bad thought, at the same thought of a lewd commercial comes on television that you entertain for 60 seconds, if you allow that same thought in your mind and imagine that whole 60 seconds and you’ve entertained it, you commit a sin.


What is the difference? Oh, I can rationalize away.


I tell you; I don’t understand the PG ratings. I don’t comprehend that. Now, before I had a relative truth, I did. I didn’t think nothing about it. I rationalized it away.


Now through Our Lady’s messages, through what She is showing me, I don’t, I can’t even grasp it.


How can an adult who, 17 years of age can see a movie and that’s okay, but it’s not okay with that parental guidance to be with an adult? Or if it is PG 13, that everybody above 13, below 13 has to have their parent with them and everybody else doesn’t, when Our Lady keeps saying, “look little children.”


If it is a sin for a nine-year-old, it is a sin for me. We rationalize it because we’re adults, we can better handle this. We can better handle a sin? It is fermented in us. It is birthed in the kids. We rationalize it away.


But it gets worse. Our Lady shows us. Many problems in society today, many, many things. It is not connected to San Francisco and the lifestyle there, or New York or where people are doing really great sin.


These sins have been with us always. Why is it so public? Why is it we can’t do anything about it? Why is it we can’t stop abortion? Millions of people are praying for this. Elijah closed heaven up for three years and one man’s prayer, Elijah opened it back up again.


How did he do that? How come we can’t do that? Because we don’t know truth. You expect God to hear my prayers to stop abortion or anybody else’s for that matter, when I leave Mass and I go and get ice cream, or I go out to eat on a Sunday. “I’m not going to work, but I certainly will give my money to pay somebody else to do the same.”


Thou shall not work on Sunday.


Just as long as I don’t, it is okay. Just as long as I don’t commit adultery, physically, it is okay.


That is not what Jesus said. The truth, if you have done it in the heart, you have committed the act.


It is a stronger thing to pay somebody to work for you than having the thought of adultery in your heart.


Reason it out. Which is worse? To think about it in the heart or to actually pay somebody to work? You are physically doing that, the other it is just a thought. And if that is a sin, then the other is not? We rationalize it away.


It took almost eight years for us to understand this. We work hard here. Sunday is a nice day. We love going to get an ice cream on a Sunday.


We all get in a car, or the van, load a bunch of us up, we go down and we get it. Think nothing about it.


Until we begin to pray. Our Lady said, “pray so that you will know truth.” We didn’t know truth. We didn’t know stopping at Texaco buying gasoline on Sunday because everybody else was doing it, we didn’t know this was wrong. Until we began to pray, and we wanted truth in our life, and we wanted our life to stand true before God. And then Our Lady just lets us see it.


How can we do that? When we are not supposed to be working on Sunday, that we can rationalize it away, “we won’t do it, but it’s certainly okay for us to pay somebody else to do it.”


This troubled us. It was really difficult. We started to begin to realize, it is really difficult to be a Christian today. Because what we had to come to terms with, as either one, rationalizing that away, “Well it’s Sunday, you know, we work so hard. It is no big deal. It’s okay. It’s just, it’s a minor thing. You know. People should stay at home. We do, do that, but what’s the big deal we’re out on the road. We just stopped. Okay.”


It’s easy. So easy to pass that off as nothing but in thunder, Our Lady says, “let your life be true before God.  Live His commandments. Live His precepts. Our life in this community was not true before God when we get ice cream because it was S I N. Sin. And the light of God shining on that, made it where we couldn’t stand it anymore. We had to stop.


June 25, 1989, Our Lady tells Ivanka:


“satan has special plans to enslave you through materialism. He is active in this plan.”


We were hooked. We had flights going to Medjugorje on Sunday. We were paying people in airports, people going out to eat. We were active in all this.


We were enslaved. We didn’t even know how to get out of this once it was recognized.  We didn’t want to rationalize anymore how to do this and we became tortured.


We had to really pray how not to work on Sundays. It was incredible. How much a hold and how much we were strangled by this one thing.


It was really difficult for us. We had to pray. What are we going to do when we have to travel on Sunday and we have to put fuel in the car or the truck?


What are we going to do? We have to go to Mass and we need gas. We were so dull. We were so stupid. We didn’t realize we just go Saturday night and get fuel. We just had to be a little bit more advanced and checking what we were gonna do.


We go to the grocery store and prepare for supper. You think about things in advance. Your whole life’s ordered this way. You just got to change a little bit the way you think.


You know, my angel was just, I could just imagine him saying your just so stupid, Terry.


And we began to make these changes in our life. We began changing all the flights and the torture was that we couldn’t do it that next day.


And this is one of the painful things in the Medjugorje movement. It’s because sometimes you are so enslaved, when you get the Word of God and truth and what you are supposed to do, you can’t just simply change everything overnight.


And that’s what pain is about. That is what tribulation is about. To continue doing something that you can’t stop because you made a decision ten years ago, putting you on a path of wreckage and destruction and seduction from the devil.


And you don’t change those situations tomorrow. Next month, next year, those things take a long time to work out.


And so, the truth is that we realized in this Commandment we weren’t living, our life wasn’t true before God.


And once it was illuminated in our hearts and we began to do this, we realized, I would never break the Commandment, thy shall not kill. I wouldn’t do that.


Yet, I was breaking the Commandment of the Sabbath. In God’s eyes, really what’s the difference? Oh, is keeping the Sabbath holy, we can measure this is not that big of a deal? That shall not kill is bigger? We know that’s bad?


Why would we measure working and eating out or doing what we want to on Sunday, or even excessive pleasures, down here and thy shall not kill up here is different?


We don’t. For us, now it’s just as serious as killing somebody because we no longer rationalize it away. And we have become sensitive to the Word of God through prayer.


We can’t stand it, so much that we check what we’re supposed to do preceding Sunday to make sure we’re not caught off guard and we’ll have to do.


Yes, there are provisions. You know, Jesus was, this was one of the charges against Him. He said, when your ox in the ditch, you could do things.


There are things that have to be done sometimes on Sundays. You say we had all this. We had to from a spiritual philosophy. Well, medically, what if some emergency comes up?


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My wife just broke her arm on Sunday. We had to go down. Jesus healed on Sunday. But this is the first argument who people want to rationalize this away. Oh, well, you know, you got to have the police force. You got to have all this.



If everybody started living, this Commandment became true before God do you know, that’d be a lot of wrecks out there on the highway that wouldn’t happen. There would be stores closing down. There would be a lot less activity. And the only things that would be happening on Sunday is those things when the ox got in the ditch.


But that’s not happening. So, do I continue? And I go forward and participate in this? When I’m at an airport on Sunday, I don’t do it now. But when I used to be, and when this was really revealed to me through prayer and I’m walking through on Sunday morning, I see everybody running everything just like there’s, there’s no question what it is that we’re doing. It’s easy to rationalize that away.


But then I realized I’m going to stand before Jesus. And not one of these people in the airport are going to be there standing beside me. And Jesus is going to say, you knew about the Sabbath and yet you continued.


This is a serious thing. This isn’t a matter of an   infraction. You full well knew, and yet you did it. But it’s hard. It doesn’t matter how difficult it was. It doesn’t matter. I’m not called to make things cushy for myself. I’m called to live God’s commandments and if the repercussions of that are great difficulties or losing my job or whatever I have to do, then simply I have to live the Commandment.


God feeds the sparrow. He’s got to figure out the other side, I’m living him and I’m living true. I’m living the existence of God in my life. Let Him work out the rest.


So, it was a great difficulty, and even this Commandment. And this has just been one aspect of what Our Lady began to show us through Her messages and what She was saying, “I will guide you. Obey me.”


I had to either reject it, and the community also, or accept it. And it wasn’t easy accepting it.


Most people would laugh today. Most Christians would laugh saying it is a sin to go out and get ice cream on Sunday. “Oh, it’s too extreme.” Rationalize it away. Oh, come on.


And it will never be sin for you if that is how you look at it. In the light of God, and with all Heaven’s angels and saints, will never be able to convict you.


So, Our Lady seeks from you “pray, pray, pray to be sensitive to the word of God.” What happened to us when we did this? Something happened that never happened in my whole life. I can vouch as a Catholic from birth, I never experienced what happened to us a few months later. Without realizing it, without even knowing what was going on, all of us in the community began to look forward to Sundays. Why?


Because God seeing that we really wanted to live His Commandments, and in every area we could physically change, we did with our whole hearts, He began to give a grace that as a Catholic, I never had received before. A newfound grace, JOY, on a Sunday.


And we longed for that one day. And we still do. I had been blocking the grace of the joy that comes from living for God on Sunday, my whole life. And I’d never, never had experienced it. And we had felt that for several Sundays until we realized it’s because we are living the Sabbath.


I was in Ireland last year. We finished a talk. It was twelve midnight. The people who had put us up, the host family had put us up in this place for one of their, his sister, I think. She moved out with them so we could have the whole place, but there was no food there. So, they said, “well, we’ll just go to Mass and well go out to eat.


Well, this was last year. We were really coming in, fresh into this and trying to figure everything out. And I just, I didn’t even let it wait.


It is midnight and I say, what was the guy’s name? We just don’t want to go out. We don’t want to go out to eat on Sunday. And I was going to drop it at that. And he said, well, there’s no food there. There’s nothing there.


I say, that’s all right. We fast on Fridays. See, we’d already learned our philosophy. If we can fast on Friday, why can’t we just do it on a Sunday if we are caught in this situation?


Most would say, oh gosh, we gotta go out to eat. We gotta eat. Well, if you fast on a Friday, what is the difference? We just add another day.


So I says, it’s no big deal when he said, there’s no food there. I said that’s no big deal. We fast on Fridays. We’ll fast tomorrow. It is fine with us.


Well, it bothered them, I guess. And they didn’t plan for this, but they went ahead and had us over the next afternoon for supper. And I would say we had a three hour supper. And I didn’t know this until a few months later, I was thinking about it, the engagement of conversation, the joy, we felt, the interest we had, I’ll never forget this meal.


But I didn’t know why. I just thought it was just, I didn’t even see a grace attached to that until months later that I realized and thinking about it, it happened because we protected the Lord’s Day and He made good to us in grace that we had a grace. That we had a grace filled meal, not just in food, but for our spirits. And all of us were fed. They, we in our spirit.


So, you see these things come. Down the road, Our Lady is asking you to do something, and you think it’s going to cause me so much misery. And it’s true. It will.


It’s a loss of something from the world. But you can’t imagine when you empty that cup, what Our Lady will fill it with.


Now, why is all this so important? The scriptures, I didn’t even plan this scripture, this is just right here. It says, “but he who acts in truth, comes to the light to make clear, to make it clear.” What I wanted to read you is this.


When the apostles were brought into the Sanhedrin and Gamaliel does this thing in defending them that they, if they’re not from God, then they’ll fall apart. If they are, from God don’t fight God.


So, Peter was called back in to the Sanhedrin and he speaks to them about the Savior. He just starts babbling right right off. “We are not going to stop and we’re going to preach our Jesus. And we’re going to do what we do because that’s the truth.”


And then he says, “He whom God has exalted at his right hand as ruler and savior is to bring repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.”


So, sin is not a problem. Sinning and ice cream is not the problem. It’s the rationalizing it away and saying, it’s not a sin. That’s the problem. That’s what can’t be wiped away.


“We testify to this…”


Testify to what? The truth.


“So too, does a Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.”


So, obedience. Obedience to what? To God’s Commandments. What are the Commandments? The Word of God. What is God’s Word? Him, His truth. He exists.


So, this really struck me. I was reading this yesterday, when Joan was talking, I’ve never come up to listen to what she says, because I’m not interested in it. But she, she’s talking, I’m at the house reading the Bible. And I read this and I never, I never caught that. Peter saying, “whom God has given to those who obey him.”


What did God give? The Holy Spirit? What’s the Holy Spirit? He descended just before this on Pentecost and gave them truth. Who received it? Those who obey God.


So many of you right now, if you have areas in your life that you know God is asking you to change and you don’t do it because there are considerations, family, difficulties, problems, business, church, the priest won’t like it, whatever it may be, my spouse, my children.


For you to know that and have that knowledge and continue your way, thinking, I’ll do it later. You are gonna miss the boat. You just got through reading about the Secrets. I think almost everybody here read that.


As Tony said, you can’t split hairs over it. That ain’t my opinion. It’s there. It’s black and white. It’s our Pope. It’s Fatima. It’s Our Lady’s message.  If you believe it or you rationalize it away and want to reject it, go ahead. I’m not going to force you. Be left behind because there will be a second Pentecost


And who is the second Pentecost going to come down upon? “So too does the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.” If you are called out of your work right now, and you won’t do it, and you are called out of it because you know it is in violation, you are free, but God is free too where He sends the Holy Spirit. Not everybody got it on Pentecost. It came to the hundred and forty-four. They transcended it to the 3000 and then they had to act upon the truth.


So, Our Lady brings us something that is very painful. It is suffering. It is difficult. There is nobody in this room that is not in a position that they do not have to act on something.


God is always in a moment of revealing to you, through the revelations, which ceased with the death of the last apostle, but Our Lady brings new revelation about old revelation. She is not bringing new revelation. She is bringing new revelation about old revelation so that we in this new modern, world can understand what really is truth because we have lost truth.


If you don’t believe it, the next few Sundays, go to the Protestant churches and follow the people to the restaurants. Oh, hi, pastor. What you eating? Steak.


Where is truth? It doesn’t exist. Our Lady says most Christians today live pagan Christianity.


You know I find most people who oppose, and I have opposition, the mission here has opposition, we always have. Scripture says that. If you want to follow truth, you’ll be persecuted. If you want to really be prosecuted, get your life as much in truth as you can. In fact, the things that you’re called to act upon now, you watch if hell don’t come against you. Be it, family work, whoever.


But God’s not saying, okay, you gotta, you gotta do this. You gotta do that. You got to live truth. Every time we’ve been exposed to a new truth, a new thing we were doing in error, a new era of our life, we suffered dearly for it, but I can say the fruit that came from it is what we’re living today.


Many people could say, well it’s easy for you. You got this, you got your kids here. And we hear this a lot. They see the community; they see what’s going on. This… don’t be deceived. What’s happening right now in this community, the beauty of the quality of the way we live our life today is fruit.


We haven’t decided that we’re going to have a bunch of animals and we’re gonna have a farm. And we’re going to be spreading the messages. And Our Lady is going to be happy with us and we’re going to be happy.


And She comes last October saying, “I want you to be Jesus as joy.” She told us this for our community. Can you imagine the Queen of Heaven coming, asking a community, “I want you to beat Jesus’s joy.”


We feel unity here is very important. And we know the scripture says, make, Jesus’ speaking, “Make my joy complete. Be in unity.” And we felt because of the gift that we have received to obedience and unity here, not sin because we all sin. But our commitment to unity here, that Our Lady was able to give us a message like this.


But when you see this, and you think it’s easy for you, you’re looking at the fruit on the tree. You’re looking at the peach. How many years did that tree grow before it made the peach? How many years of toil and what did it take to get that peach?


A decision from the farmer to plant the tree, which was laborious, hard ground, digging, water, fertilizing, prayer, grace, the decision to plant that tree, knowing that he wasn’t going to see any good from that, all he was going to do was sweat the next year. He was going to lose some which calculates in losing money. It was going to be an investment. He would be cutting out there in the hot summertime when nothing came from it. And usually, on most fruit trees, at least before there is a good harvest, eight to ten years, of pure labor, nothing in return.


But then his neighbor comes when it’s all blooming out saying, “Wow, it’s easy for you to have a lot of fruits. You got peaches. Look at that.”


And many people come to this community, seeing the fruit thinking, well, wow, it’s easy for you. You don’t know what we went through. That the reason we are, what we are today was because of the decision made ten, fifteen years ago to live truth.


And we didn’t have all the truth. But when it came to us, we decided we were going to do it. And it was hell, the door of hell opened many, many times.


And there were points when I didn’t even think we would survive. I didn’t think I could survive. I said, God, I can’t go any lower. I can’t make it, God. I was begging pleading. Yeah, I think I said one time I would like to be a saint, but I didn’t know it was going to mean this.


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Our Lady referred to Marija some things that I needed to do for the future for here. It is a privilege to be able to hear straight from heaven, something like this. But when I got this certain message, my response was, well I already know about this. I can say, I didn’t know nothing, nothing.


I never dreamed that the pit was so low. And when you think you’re at the bottom, it just got lower the next day. And I didn’t know that it was gonna turn it into a month, and that month would turn into a year. And that year turned into years.


But I tell you if God is a good Father, He’s purifying us. The tribulation that’s coming has happened to us now are either some in the community, in the process at this moment. The joy we have is January 16, 1986:


“Dear children, I pray you obey and live the Mother’s invitation….”


Why? Why does She say, I pray you live this. Why? The invitation? Because we’re in the time of grace, everything Our Lady says here, everything in this book, I invite, I invite, I invite. You don’t have to do what you are doing now. But if you do do it, you are going to suffer. Why? Because you must be purified of all the untruth in you, everything that Our Lady says is evil in you She wants destroyed. The accumulation of evil that I can see now, in hindsight, in my heart, I was flabbergasted. I never knew that much.


My first trip to Medjugorje, I was praying. I was finishing up my Pieta prayers. I was really wanting a spiritual life. It was back in ‘86, 12 years ago. I’d been hungering for this. And I thought I was at perfected. I wasn’t even at zero. I was in minus mode.


What happened after that shocks me, how much I really realized that I thought I had a purified or I thought I wasn’t doing that I still need purification on.


So, what I said earlier is this is where the pain comes in, but I can say the good times in my life, those moments when it went good for me, when everything went my way, when everything was perfect, that didn’t build my character. And it didn’t help me. That made me slack. That makes me lazy. Pain is of great value. It’s what builds character. What I have in me as far as character came from pain, came from tribulation, came from suffering. It molds character. If you had got to what you do, something, it turns you into a new being. You’re purified, undefiled.


It is what purgatory is about. That you can enter into the presence of God. And if we can enter into heaven without feeling this passage from this life to the next, by living the message, so too, can we go ahead and be purified in the time of invitation. So to suffer, because everybody’s going to suffer, for your own sake, leads to nothing. Many people’s problems today, they suffer for their own sake. If you’re going to suffer, suffer for God’s sake. It’s worth something. There’s power in that. The scriptures say that. If you’re going to be persecuted, if you’re going to suffer, suffer because of God, not for evil doing. Or in other words, not for being disobedient.


So there has to be a real, a real awakening, not for the rest of the nation, for you here. There has to be a real spirit that you look and pray to the Holy Spirit.


I didn’t read this message.


“Dear children, tomorrow night, pray for the spirit of truth…”


You need the spirit of truth to see all that is in you is not truth.


We pray on this elevator. I was watching us and I always hated this elevator. I’ve always been upset that they made us put it in, but as part of the code, you have to do it. So, it’s such a waste for us.


Now, some of you might say disagree, if you can’t walk good, but for us in the community, I mean, we’re always running up and down the mountain. We just, we’d rather have steps here. But we want to, I just hated the waste of time. So, we initiated three Hail Mary’s.


If we are standing in front of that, waiting, so you’ll see us praying three Marys. This is what we’re doing. We turn something of waste into some value.


But the three Hail Marys is for one singular purpose. It is for the manifestation of the will of God and the strength and desire to carry it out. Just because we know the manifestation of God’s will in our life, are we going to have the strength and the desire to carry that out?


That’s the question. And I have learned myself that I have to pray to have strength once God makes known what He wants me to do, that I’ll carry it out because it’s difficult. And we in community are held much more accountable than those who may not be here. So, it’s hard and we need strength and we need the desire to do that.


So, while you’re here praying for the spirit of truth, you have to pray also for the strength to carry it out. Our Lady gave a message that is incredible. She says, “pray for the strength to listen to my message.”


Imagine those words, not strength to live it. She says that other times, but strength to just listen to what She’s telling you. Why do I need strength? This is easy. This is simple. Pray. Because once you begin to pray and you pray and you pray and She begins to show you the errors rin your life, you are going to have to have strength to carry that out.


It’s easy to rationalize that message away. “Oh, I don’t do that. Or I don’t, I don’t want to do this.” And so, it brings us back to rationalism and this is probably the sickness too, in the Medjugorje movement.


And it, and it’s winding down. There’s no question. People aren’t responding. The apparitions and everything with them are going like this for now. Our Lady is getting shorter. She’s saying repeatedly, ”Dear children do not forget that I’m your mother and that I love you.” That’s not a message.


You say, when your little boy is going out to play out in the yard. That’s a message when your little boy is grown up and he’s gone to a job in another place and you may not see him for a year, or to the army and maybe never see him again.


Our Lady is getting clear indications that her apparitions a winding down and with what you just read. What I didn’t write in that was Sr. Lucy being alive this many years. The Pope whose health was very serious just a few years ago, when Our Lady gave a message on the mountain to Ivan that said “pray for the health of the Pope or my beloved son.” And it was clear. She was referring to the Pope. Why? Because the pray, pray, pray, ’97, ’98. ‘99.


And what has he said? He says, I want to live and bring the Church into the new Millennian. So, with Sr. Lucy’s death, with this Pope’s death, with the death of the apparitions, we better have our seatbelt on we better make sure we’ve changed those voices to send us or rather, those areas in our life that those voices  spoken to our hearts have told us to do.


How do I recognize that voice? Our Lady said, “follow your conscious,” but most consciousness have their own truth. So that’s checked by what? By the Commandments. Base your conscious on God’s Commandments and then change. Because we know those Commandments, once obeyed are God’s Word and His truth.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Mary, we never could have imagined before you came, how putrid our hearts have become, while our view, even of ourselves may be of a nice fragrance, but by spending time in front of the Cross,  a cross, even that you said on Cross Mountain, you pray every day for the sins of the world, that you bring us to a recognition of sin. And that by doing so, purifying our hearts, that we might come to the light through truth. We’ve all been guilty of looking at society, seeing its faults, never recognizing the contribution we ourselves have made. So, the great sins of society by our small sins, thinking a little of ours and much on the others.


And yet we know they could never exist. The rot that they promote could never happen if we lived light. We had this as a truth by studying history that 50 years ago, these people never would have come up to the surface because of the spirit of righteousness and people and their indignation never would have allowed it. They would have formed whips, their anger, such a thing, and attacking the fabric of life, of a holy life, a Christian life never would have been permitted. And yet, with all this defilement, right into our homes, to pleasures and entertainments, that Jesus himself, we see would be disgusted upon entering our house.


So we ask here to clean our house, clean our hearts. We expose it, lacerate it, do with us as you may, but open us up to the spirit of truth. Grant to us, the strength and the desire to live that truth, no matter how much difficulty it costs us, no matter how much money it may cost us, but to really live truth and to know that by doing so you will carry that yoke of the burdens and your promise that it is light. Bring us to this light, bring us to this truth. We give our heart to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.


We pray in these days to put Her into the fabric of our life, following Her in every step that She’s showing us through Her messages and seek these truths with these words to Her:


Hail, holy Queen

Mother of mercy

Our life, our sweetness and our hope

To thee do we cry out poor banished children of Eve

To thee do we send out our sighs

Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.

Turn then most gracious advocate,

Thine eyes of mercy towards us.

And after this, our exile

Show unto us the blessed fruit

Of Thy womb, Jesus

O Clement O Loving O Sweet Virgin, Mary,

Pray for us oh holy Mother of God

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Bering to the altar that you appeared on, our hearts. We leave them in the Bedroom, the sanctification that you indicated through your apparitions of the family, the purity and holiness of what you wish to walk of all those who visit this afternoon. We asked for special grace to these prayers, a gift of peace and the determination to live Your words based on God’s Word. Our Lady Queen a Peace and Reconciliation. Pray for us.


Just one thing. My wife and I was in Rue de Bac and I’d always heard from the nuns, you know, the nuns being raised, they always tell your stories about the saints and all this stuff and its so exciting.


I remember them talking about Rue de Bac, in Paris, France, where the Miraculous Medal was given. And, as a kid, I was always mystified by this. I never dreamed I’d be going to Europe almost 60 times now, you know, and visiting so many shrines and places and pray and a speaking at places like this. But my wife and I was in Paris. And, on our first trip to the chapel where the Miraculous Medal was given, you know, I’m sitting there looking at all the sites and at this site, this happened, you know, and here is where Our Lady appeared holding the globe and you’re sitting there and you’re just marveling at that and you think, wow.


It means so much, you know, over a hundred years later, what happened there. It was so mystical. I was just in awe. And then, you know, Saint Catherine was left, or brought out of a bedroom, down the hallway into the church. And here sits Mary in this chair on the altar. And St. Catherine says she could hear the rustling when she knelt down and put her arm around her hands, right on Mary’s leg. And she could feel the fabric and she could hear audibly. You know, Our Lady it was really a real dress.


And so my wife was standing there and we’re looking at the relics, this left there. And we think, wow, look at that. You know, I heard about this one when I was a kid, Annette. Because she was raised Protestant. So this was, she never had that background, that formation. And I’m looking at this chair and I said, wow, this is unbelievable. Look at that. You know, and we looked at it and we’re marveling in awe of this, a hundred years later, that’s our view of, of the past.


And we realized, you know, Our Lady appeared on our bed for three months. She had 12 stars around her Head. And we’re looking at this chair.


We don’t even know, as many people as Peter, and the apostles what you have in the present. We won’t have the understanding what people a hundred years, two hundred years from now will have. And the view they’ll have. You have to pinch yourself. It’s completely mystical.


People are going to wonder how we even were able to live, all of us, what we did during these days. What do we do in the moment of the day, when Mary appeared upon the earth? You are going to a live into the ripe age, those who are young, where people will be saying and wanting to hear stories, well, what was it like during those days? During the time of grace what was it like?


So, we open our bedroom up with not so much that we can really see, or that we even had the perception of the magnitude of really what’s taking place, even in this valley, because I don’t. I’m too close to it. I’m too centered around it.


People will better be able to contemplate it than I ever will be a hundred years from now. I only say this, that you go in a frame of mind, and place in yourself in the future. And what will people think? Because Our Lady has clearly said these are Her last apparitions on earth. After this, there’ll be no more. These apparitions will carry that weight. The last apparitions to the end of time. These are her last touchable relics. And we’re all able to benefit from that.


So what does that mean? A mighty grace. Something we can’t merit.



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For a more in-depth information regarding the apparitions and messages of metric. Gloria, please contact us at Caritas of Birmingham. 100. Our Lady queen of peace drive stare at Alabama stare at is spelled S T E R R E T T, Alabama three five one four seven USA. Or call us at two zero five six seven two 2000 us.


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3 thoughts on “Change Now or Miss the Boat”

  1. Country: Usa
    Just have a question for FOM, you have a podcast about Q on your site . Im thinking Q might reference Quenn. From following along the Qanon sites it looks like the world is in for a possible awakening and Jubilee of debt forgiveness. Just wondering how this Q podcast on your site is related to Q.

      1. Wow! Thank you! Amazing insight FOM on Q audio! Couldn’t stop listening to your Audio. I learned a lot! You have a great gift and insight way ahead of future events.

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3 thoughts on “Change Now or Miss the Boat”

  1. Country: Usa
    Just have a question for FOM, you have a podcast about Q on your site . Im thinking Q might reference Quenn. From following along the Qanon sites it looks like the world is in for a possible awakening and Jubilee of debt forgiveness. Just wondering how this Q podcast on your site is related to Q.

      1. Wow! Thank you! Amazing insight FOM on Q audio! Couldn’t stop listening to your Audio. I learned a lot! You have a great gift and insight way ahead of future events.

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