The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje
Have you ever had to use your credit to buy something? [YES!] Anybody here other than me who had bad credit? You don’t have to raise your hand, it’s okay. I know you’re here.
Let me just tell you this. I know you’re here. But let me just be the brunt of this joke. I had bad credit. My credit score was so low. My credit score and my thermos stat had the same number: 75.
When you’ve got bad credit, news travels fast. They wouldn’t even take my check at church.
Um, Brother Harvey, we’re so happy to have you here as a member of the wonderful ?? Church of Christ. We have an ATM machine in the lobby, would you mind taking this check and you go out there and see if it works for you first. I said I’ll do that.
Did you ever have credit so bad, did you ever have to put your bills in somebody else’s name? I had my electric bill in my dog’s name.
We are in a catch-22 for many people. They’ve gone down the wrong road. Most of the population is focused on consumerism. Our Lady gave the message that you’ve heard many times, June 25, 1989. You would not have this message. It wouldn’t have been recorded unless I was shoulder to shoulder in Ivanka’s annual apparition. Nobody put it out. Nobody talks about it. And it’s a prophetic message She said. What’s going to happen. Think about that. I was in awe. Our Lady said:
“…Pray because you are in great temptation and danger because the world and material goods lead you into slavery. Satan is active in this plan. I want to help each of you in prayer. I am interceding to my Son for you.”
So you heard the pastor, that he’s in debt, everybody is in debt, everybody is buying everything and they’re getting loans, literally almost everybody. Every time you put something on your credit card, you’re taking a loan. And the biggest percentages of the people doing it don’t have the money. And there is a small percentage, out of convenience. But the majority, basically, they go into the bank, “Hey, I need $75.00. I want to buy these shoes.”
My Dad always said the best credit you have is bad credit, so you can’t burn money. And he didn’t say this one time; it was drilled into us.
If you don’t have the money, you don’t buy it. And that is how, from 1989 to now, many people are enslaved. They youth today have fallen into the net of satan.
Our Lady said in 1989:
“Dear children, I again ask you to pray for all the young people of the world because they have found themselves in a difficult situation…”
August 15, 1988, Our Lady said:
“…young people found themselves now in a very difficult situation…”
The youth today have no skills, very few of them. Every thing has been given to them and they expect it, and even the parents expect to give them what they want.
Going back to my father, about credit cards, if you can’t buy it, don’t get it. Don’t have any debt. The youth and the young adults are over their heads.
I was working at 14 years old. There was no situation that our parents gave us any money. Never. No allowance. We were expected to wash dishes, do the chores, and it was the best college education. The immigrants who came from Italy and other places to America, they built it. They were poor. And it was a good thing. The youth today, and even grown up people today, have the belief they should have everything: the car, the house, get a big mortgage. This is not what made America great. Sweat, hard work. Eating just grits in my family, if we got one piece of bacon for breakfast, once or twice a week, we were grateful for.
Paul Harvey was a man of wisdom and everybody tuned into him, millions of people. No matter where I was, I stopped to listen to him. He explains hard work and what it took and why our nation grew a place that everybody wanted to come to America. He expresses this to you now.
America’s preachers tell me that there is no sermon which is looked forward to with less enthusiasm than a sermon about sin. Well, that’s probably true.
If we’re talking about a secular sermon on the subject of hard work. There is no gospel less popular than the gospel of hard work.
I can ask you today, I could ask you right now to demonstrate your faith in America by handling poisonous snakes and many or most of you would.
I could outline a fundamental Christian code of conduct which strictly forbids the use of stimulants or sedatives or the wearing of jewelry and many would, willingly and without question, accept and be bound by such abstinence.
Our leaders could readily rally you to fight and die for your country as they had many times and, and you would, even again.
But if Paul Harvey or any politician should state that our only chance for survival is to get off our dead centers and get to work, well, I’d be lucky if you let me finish.
But I’m going to test my luck today. You see I don’t happen to be running for or from anything and that does make a difference.
The pregnant skyline of America was set in place one brick at a time. Now that represents a lot of calluses.
America the beautiful is not an accomplished fact guaranteed to remain intact. God shed His grace on thee, to be sure.
But, this was wasteland when God had it to Himself. He handed man a hoe and said you want another Eden, all right earn it.
And all that is necessary for the weeds to take over again is for you and me to lay down that hoe.
Now Americans, the problem is less acute today than it has been. We’re on the right track right now, but if we sit down on that track I’m afraid we’re going to get run over.
We tell our young people how our country was carved out of the wilderness. No it wasn’t. Our nation was not carved out of the wilderness.
Our nation was hammered and hoed and chopped and dug and sawed and clawed out of the wilderness by bare-handed men who asked nothing for nothing.
America did not start out with an agricultural production that’s the awe and envy of the world.
It was seeded first by sod-busting farmers who fought Indians and ranchers and cold and heat and drought and bugs and flood and one another.
The fruited plain sprang forth from barren acres only after they had been watered with a lot of sweat.
I guess what I’m saying is that the more history I study, ours and others, the more certain I am that there is one fertilizer essential to the survival of civilization, and that fertilizer is sweat.
And I don’t mean perspiration, I mean the kind of steamy, streamy, salty sweat that’s run from a man by hard physical work.
Somehow the sweat gets into the soil of a farm and everything there abouts grows tall and strong and tough enough to stand against any storm.
But the day the sweat dries up, the soil dries up, and whole civilizations are buried in dust.
We have a situation—give me this. You owe this to me. You have young people going to get a job, the one’s that are even going to look for work, they want $15 an hour, $18 an hour, $20. Many restaurants we know right near here, they’re paid $20 an hour. They expect and think they’re worth that kind of money. Look how many young people do not work.
If you see Publix or Winn Dixie, have you noticed the sack boys and girls working there, many of them are being hired that are handicapped while the healthy youth expect everything, their car and attitude like gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.
There are so many people out there who are not working and they don’t want to work.
All they want to do is waste time. I’m going to play a clip that I found that he says the youth and the young people and young adults are in a rage.
They’re angry because they can’t get what they want to get and they don’t want to work for it and the guy that talks about it, justifies it.
What he is going to say, I reject, completely, because he is justifying these people. You owe me. So listen carefully what he says:
So, we have real issue. Young people are enraged so it turns every cut, every movement into an opportunistic infection.
They look up; they see wealth, exceptional wealth across my generation and people in certain industries, and they are really struggling.
Their purchasing power’s going down. We get very concerned with housing and traffic once we own a housing, housing permits are sequestered from young people.
Housing prices have gone from 290 [thousand] to 420 [thousand] in the last four years. We’re doing it on their credit card.
Young people have every reason to be enraged and every issue they see, they look up, they get angry and they see someone doing better than them and then everyday it is speedballed in their face that they are failing. That they are not doing as well as everyone around them. We have lost the script.
Why is it that so many of these young people that you’re talking about seem to head into life, after going to a four-year school, or two year school or whatever, head into life with a lack of financial literacy? They don’t know anything about money or the growth of money. All they know is the absence of money.
I think we need to have in our curriculums in high school, a class on adulting. My kid, I see it in my house, my kid can do integers and basic calculus but he doesn’t understand the interest on his credit card. So there’s just some basic kind of financial literacy that we’re not teaching and when you start replacing civics with computer science, you lose a sense of the country and you start learning about programming. And when you don’t talk about basic financial literacy, but I think, effectively, we just don’t have basic skills for young people. We’re not, we’re teaching them advanced things but we’re not teaching them the basics of what a mortgage is, what interest rates mean. So I think we could use just a basic class on adulting, junior or senior year.
What an idiot. This guy is an idiot. He’s saying his son can do calculus, but he doesn’t know, and this is in high school, doesn’t know and understand the interest on his credit card.
What in the world does a high school kid have a credit card? That man, his father, he’s telling the colleges and schools should be teaching that.
No, that comes from the father. And the mother. Where did that credit card come from? This man is a fool.
And he says they are enraged. They are talking about mortgages. You owe me a house.
And he said the houses are so expensive. And this guy justifies this. If you buy, with your credit card $60.00 pair of shoes, you’re going to have to pay for that.
And then this guy says the interest is crazy. Yeah, its crazy. It’s crazy to get a loan because that’s what you’re doing.
You’re taking a loan for those shoes. It doesn’t make any sense.
If you don’t have the money to buy it, you’re going to have pay it somewhere and all that interest the father was complaining about. He’s stupider than the kid.
Listen again from this father talking about his son having a credit card in high school, and he doesn’t understand interest.
my kid can do integers and basic calculus but he doesn’t understand the interest on his credit card.
I paid for my first car. I saved for two or three years for that and paid for it.
Again, my Dad said you never go in debt. Well, how do you get a house? I went to a trade school for three months.
I wasn’t going to stay there two or three years. I learned in three months enough of welding to do what I needed to do.
I bought an old truck, started a business, made enough money to buy a brand new one ton truck but it didn’t have a bed.
And I made it and welded and put it together.
And I started making money. And I grew.
I hired labor and I rented a house. I wasn’t going to get a mortgage.
And from there I went out into the country where I am right now to buy five acres.
And then we bought a mobile home. All our friends [said], “I wouldn’t live in that.” Well, they got mortgages. They got a subdivision. They had to pay all this interest.
I didn’t pay anything. I started building our house that many of you have come to. I spent eight years building the house and as the money came in, instead of paying a bank and all the crazy interest, I bought the windows.
And because of no debt, I was free. The first night we slept in the house, it was so peaceful.
That’s how it’s supposed to work. You don’t tell your kids and use credit cards. It’s your job, not the college, to teach them because they’re going to be teaching you how to get a mortgage and everybody is enslaved now.
If you’re out there and you live in a subdivision, if you get a house that’s valued at $300,000 and you pay down $150,000 and you sell, you got $150,000 of equity that you could get another trailer and land.
Go buy four acres and be out of debt.
I’m telling you, the world is going to change. Our Lady said:
November 6, 1982
“I have prayed. The punishment has been softened.”
Then Our Lady says:
“Repeated prayers and fasting reduces punishments from God.”
Our Lady didn’t say there’s not going to be any punishment. She’s saying there is going to be punishments from God that is coming to us. And after She says, “reduces punishments from God,” She says:
“But it is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisements.”
So this is coming. Get out of the subdivision. How are you going to eat? Where’s your water?
The world is going to change. What is it going to? To an agrarian life.
You heard what Paul Harvey said. The farmer. The fertilizer—it’s sweat. That’s where you’re going to get your food because Genesis said that.
God turned to Adam, “By the sweat of your brow shall you eat.”
Everybody wants everything now. And they get a big mortgage. The plan should be brick by brick, while you’re living in a trailer.
By that principle, you gain the ability which gives you security in the future.
I don’t care how nice your house is. How much equity you get. Its far better [to] make a little shack. Get a used trailer. Build something just [on] four or five acres.
You can eat. You can survive on it.
Get yourself out of debt right now. Stop your credit cards and teach your kids.
I can say our family and my brothers and sister were poor. And that was good for us.
Going back to the message, punishment from God, this is coming. We know that, you know it. Are you acting on it?
I’m telling you, do what you’d never think by reading prophecy. Ivanka, you’re going to be enslaved. From 1989 and now here is this stupid father saying my kid doesn’t know what the credit card interest. It’s almost laughable but its sad.
Flee from the city. Go out and get your chickens. Get you a pig. Get your shack and as you bring in money, you build your wealth.
Going back again to this November 6, 1982, punishments from God.
“But it is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisements.”
And this is the kingstar, Our Lady says this:
“Go on the streets of the city…”
Don’t go on the country, go on the streets. Where are the streets? In the city.
“It is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisements. Go on the streets of the city. Count those who glorify God and those who offend Him. God can no longer endure that.”
Did you catch that? Did you see what She said? Our Lady didn’t say go to the countryside and see who glorifies God.
The agrarian life glorifies God. Agrarian is a wholesome way of life.
I’ve been over to France many times speaking. And in all the places I went to, the holiest place where the people were very, very Catholic and very holy [was in] Brittany.
It’s agrarian. They feed the rest of the country.
Why is that? How do we know that? Because it says in Genesis, this is how you are going to live.
Paul Harvey said fertilizer is sweat. There are many people like that man, that father, blaming, not teaching about mortgages and how you do this and interest.
Our Lady says August 14, 1989
“I would like to see…”
This is Our Lady saying this.
“I would like to see in the future parents in the families work and pray as much as they can with their children.”
What are they doing? They’re working. She wants the families to work. And She goes and says:
“…and pray as much as they can with their children so they can from day to day strengthen their spirits.”
This is not just about the United States. It’s the whole world.
September 5, 1988, Our Lady says:
“May your weapon be prayer. With prayer with the heart you will overcome satan. Your mother invites you to pray for the young people and the whole world.”
This is a problem. I go to Europe. I go to places. They’re sitting in the restaurants, on the streets. They don’t do anything but look at their cell phones. They’re not building any kind of life.
I want to play a song for you that covers much of what you’ve heard, this advice of Our Lady.
There is a road in this life we all have to travel. There’s going to be scars. There’s going to be battles.
We’ll roam. We’re going to be lost. But all these things, these principles, will always lead you home.
Home is a place that you own. Not the bank. Its sacred. My home is sacred and I’ve always thought the road that I walk with Our Lady and how I did the house and the way I built it was pleasing to God. And I felt it was sacred.
Being out, hard labor, during the day, many times I would be working on the house until midnight.
And I can tell you now there was moments the presence of God was there. Maybe I’ll tell some of the stories, but I won’t do that. But there were very spiritual moments. You didn’t have to imagine, you just had to have a place that you say is your home. After this song, I’ll make an announcement to you.
There are roads in this life that we all travel
There are scars and there are battles where we roam
When we are lost or wherever we may go
They will always lead you home
There are roads that have lead me to another
To a friend or to a lover I have known
For every turn is a year that I have grown
As I walk along these roads
Some are long and some are weathered
Some will lead you through a storm
When you’ve gone astray you will find your way
As you walk along these roads
There were times when I stumbled and I wondered
But every choice and every step I don’t regret
Cause I have lived and I have loved like no other
I won’t fear what lies ahead
Some are long and some are weathered
Some will lead you through a storm
When you’ve gone astray you will find your way
As you walk along these roads
There are roads in this life that I have traveled
There are scars and there are battles, this I know
Cause I’d be lost, but no matter where I go
They will one day lead me home
They will one day lead me home
And for you looking for a home, this place, this mountain, this valley, those who have been here before, it’s your home spiritually.
Two hundred and thirteen times coming down from Heaven to this place, this valley, in the Home, and the Cross, at the Tree.
It is sanctified even with the angels, many times, many messages and some things Our Lady told us, we are waiting for, for the future here.
I want to invite you to a special birthday party, but not just a birthday party of Our Lady, bigger than that.
Because after all this time, nobody is doing very much [to] celebrate Our Lady’s August 5th birthday.
We’ve always kept this for Our Lady and it’s not caught on.
Our Lady said in 1984: “Never have I cried in sorrow as I have in joy today” on my birthday. Incredible.
She walked with Jesus to Calvary to the Cross and She said that the joy of Her tears surpassed Her sorrow. Why would She say that?
I want to tell you something. Forty is biblical. Jesus was in the desert for 40 days. Moses was on the mountain for 40 days.
The Israelite’s wandered 40 years in the desert and many other 40 times.
So this day when She revealed in 1984, and this August 5th coming up now is 40 years from the time we learned about this.
We know this is Our Lady’s 2040th birthday. What does that mean? Let’s measure what’s happening in the world right now.
Something is going to happen. The world is on the brink of destroying itself.
Is this 2040th birthday a present from God? Maybe something with the secrets, we don’t know, but one thing we know, something has to happen.
The evil and satan. And one thing She said in 1984, satan was binded that day, August 5, 1984.
So, I’m inviting you from across the United States to come here August 5, 2024, to give ourselves to Our Lady and give Her the gift of pilgrimage to come here.
You can call Caritas for hotels, where to stay and we’ll give more information. It will be a three-day pilgrimage. The celebration will be on Monday, August 5th.
Another thing I want to announce to you, the youth, teenagers, have little if anything, skills.
There are no apprenticeships out there. It used to be a lot of time you go to summer camp.
We’re going to open the Community for youth to come here and spend a month or two months here.
They’ll be working. They’ll be praying. They’ll be learning many skills that they will never have. They’ll be housed.
It will be a game-changer. Their mentalities will be changed. They’ll be bathed in prayer, holy work, and be exposed to skills they never would have had.
It will be 15-16 year old’s and up. You can call Caritas about that. We’ll put out some information on that.
Also, another thing we’re opening this summer if you’re retired. We always have people coming here helping in shipping and they love it.
So were inviting you for that to call. You’ll have a place to stay. You’ll be fed. So, you can call Caritas about that too. You can call 205-672-2000.
We wish you Our Lady, we love you. Goodnight.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
6 thoughts on “Brick by Brick”
City: Charlottesville
State: VA
Country: USA
Beautiful and inspiring broadcast!
A friend who just bought 5 acres told me they were going to build granny cottages on their farm and we are thinking the same. I think these are about 400-500 sf. mini homes for retirees to live out their days. So many are excellent gardeners but have limited income. Some come prefabricated with monitors and whistles and bells you would find in a retirement or nursing home.
But there is a company in Virginia called Helmuth builders that makes sheds for $9,000-19,000 (420-840 sf. ) that can be converted into living space bit by bit and just need to put in a septic with well and electric hookups. There is a nice variety of composting toilets on the market today. Many men in their 60s and beyond can still do manual labor as my 89 year old dad hand dug a basement under a bath addition at my sister’s house. He passed at age 95.
City: Century
State: Florida
Country: United States
hi bless to be retied on 1 aug . i just wanted to thank OUR LADY ON HER BIRTHDAY. that why i wanted to go be there. in love of HER WHO LOVES john
City: Clovis
State: CA
Country: United States
What a wonderful opportunity for the youth! I look forward to hearing more about it! Our youth do not need public schools or universities. They need Jesus and Mary!!
City: Puebla
Country: Mexico
Dear Community From all the ideas Our Lady has inspired to a Friend of Medjugorje, to open the Community for youth is, in my opinión, one of the best!!! Please, when it happens, share with us, people in other countries, as much as you can from this experience!!!
I heard a nun talking about on the Blessrd Mothers 2000 Birthday in Medjugorje a great gift was given on that day 3500 hundred people there went to confession with Priests and there confessions were unbelievable. It was like they were experiencing an illumination of conscience. The people and Priests were crying and it was a beautiful day for the people and Priests that day. A beautiful gift for the Blessed Mother all those souls coming back to Jesus on her Birthday! FOM do you know this to be true?
Dawn, yes a Friend of Medjugorje did know about this. Actually, he was one of the only people to preserve this story and propagate it.