February 10, 2022
Radio Wave Mejanomics

Bad Discernment

[Podcast] (29 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje shares a letter sent about a bishop and he tells how out of touch some of the church membership is with Medjugorje. As an added proof, he shares something Our Lady tells us, to renew our body, our mind, our spirits – something not coming to us from the church leadership.

Episode Transcript


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“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these  things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Everybody knows June 24, 2021 Our Lady’s apparitions met the date of forty years. We know that’s a biblical number because it’s throughout the Bible. There’s so many things to contemplate about Medjugorje speaking to us. Just the fact that we have a Being talking to us from Heaven for forty years, and doing it every day, and having conversation…Why did that happen? Don’t you think that God saw what happened on the earth and what was coming? The communications? That the Church would be overrun? And we’re at that point. Everything’s in decline. We’re in the post-time of what Our Lady came for. What did She come for? To lay out a plan. She said, had She not come, the world would have destroyed itself. She said, literally, the whole world is in a whirlpool, and it’s sinking, “And I’m here to save it.” And the number of people following Medjugorje and the number who have fallen away from Medjugorje who’s even been there is miniscule. There is going to have to be an atomic bomb that Our Lady drops. And for all of you who follow Medjugorje, you know that’s the Secrets. And it’s going to be devastating, because a lot of people know about Medjugorje. They’ve heard about it, but they don’t do anything. They don’t look into it, because they’re not praying enough to be lured to it.


I got a feedback from Melissa in Beaumont Texas a couple of days ago. She says, quote,


“I got to ask our bishop yesterday why the Church is not speaking on our Blessed Mother’s apparitions. He said, quote:


‘It is not a focal point.’”


See how the Church is out of touch with what’s going on? I mean, you’ve got scientifics. You’ve got miracles. You’ve got all those things happening. You’ve got documentaries from news like 20/20 ABC. And there’s no focal point. He didn’t deny the apparitions. He said, “It’s not a focal point. Don’t be focusing on that. What are you doing there?” Why would a bishops say something like that? “It is not a focal point,” he said. And then, she says,


“He stressed what the focal points are…”


And then he says,


“…‘But Her apparitions, messages, are not a focal point.’


These bishops are so nuanced that they mundane everything that’s happening. He didn’t say there weren’t apparitions. I assumed that he said to her, “The Virgin Mary, She intercedes for us, and it’s real nice,” and he cuts it in two when he says, “Her apparitions, messages, are not a focal point.” “Don’t focus on that. Don’t be looking at that. Don’t be an apparition chaser. That’s what you are.” And you wonder what’s happening in the Church? A lot of the people in the Church are being blocked because they would mess it up. If they started speaking about the messages, they would be nuancing the messages. “There’s nothing you have to do.” Really?! Our Lady said,


“I’m giving you messages as never before in the history of the world.”


“Had I not come, the world would destroy itself.”


“satan rules.”


“I am here to crush him through you, the people.”


But that’s not a focal point. Don’t focus on that kind of stuff. That’s movies.


I’m astounded that the bishops don’t realize, and a lot of people, and even in Medjugorje, do not understand that we are in an antichrist system. It is built. These high-tech, multiple billionaires are really going to the left, and everybody that speaks out for what’s right are getting banned from the platforms through the internet. I’ve had several things banned on YouTube and Amazon because it doesn’t fit their agenda, which is an antichrist agenda.


So, the bishop says that the focal points are not apparitions and messages. And then, she asks him,


“I asked why the Church is not speaking about the times we live in…”


Which I’m just talking about. It’s right there in your face. So, she’s asking him,


“I asked why the Church is not speaking about the times we live in, the power that satan has right now…”


And she says,


“…He agreed things are bad, but that ended the conversation…”


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When she talked about satan. See, they don’t want to talk about the devil. This is typical and prevalent across all the world throughout the Church. Our Lady has told us to listen to every word She gives to us. “I want you to live these messages. I want you to put them into life,” which means you’ve got to change the way you walk. This is nauseating, and you can duplicate this with many bishops across the world who have stymied and crushed Medjugorje being spread. Really, it’s astounding that the proof in Medjugorje people that stay with it and the conversions that go through it, you would think, “Okay, I’m the bishop. Everybody in my diocese, propagate Medjugorje.” There would be an explosion of conversion! It works! The very shepherds who should be the ones, at least just open it up.


But this bishop in Texas and his position is causing people to go to hell, because with many people we have so many testimonies that they met Our Lady, Her messages, Medjugorje, what She’s calling for. And they said, “I was headed to hell.”


There are many people across dioceses everywhere that have gone to hell that, if they had been introduced to Our Lady and Her love, She could have saved them.


But, “That’s not the focal point.” See, that’s condemning some people to hell. The bishop may take issue to that, but I’m saying that, because I’ve seen it. It’s a big, big, big mistake not to allow Medjugorje to flourish. “Oh, I’m not stopping it.” Yes, you are. You’re doing exactly what Revelation said. “Either be hot or cold. Don’t be in the middle.” Because this is a middle statement. “I’m not against it. It’s just not a focal point.” You’re in the middle, and you nauseate Jesus, and for the souls that are being lost from this nuance position, as Scripture says, Jesus will spew you out of His mouth. In other words, He’s going to vomit.


So, let’s read some of these messages, how powerful they are, what they say, because they’re not the focal point. Our Lady’s not doing anything. Why is She saying it?!


January 27, 1986

“Every second…”


Now, if She said that, She means a second.


“Every second of prayer is like a drop of dew in the morning which refreshes fully each flower, each blade of grass and the earth…”


And then She tells us why it’s important. Because man is worn out. He’s dulled out. He doesn’t know where to go now. The world’s falling apart. What do we need? We need to do what nature tells us to do. We need to be refreshed. She continues,


“…In the same way…”


Talking about dew refreshing the blade of grass and the earth,


“…In the same way prayer refreshes man. When man is tired, he gets rest. When he is troubled, he finds peace again. Man renews himself and can, once again, listen to the words of God…”


Did you catch that word? “…can, once again…” If you say “again,” something’s not right before that. We’ve got to regain something, She says. “…once again…” Just those two words are profound! Once again, to do what? To renew himself,


“…and can, once again, listen to the words of God…”


We’re not listening to the word of God. We’re listening to the cell phones. We’re listening to the computer. We don’t want to put any focal points on that. The focal point is that bishop’s cell phone. How much does he focus on that? How much does he talk to it? How much did he read the message on that? But if you pray three hours a day, that’s what She’s asking for, for everybody, whether you’re a priest, bishop or layman. You renew yourself,


“…and can, once again, listen to the words of God…”


We are not hearing the words of God. We’re the peasants in the pew. We are not getting fed. And you know where Our Lady says to go, over and over and over, to go to the chapel. Go to the church. And that church is what came out of God Himself.


When creation happened, it wasn’t around Him. There wasn’t any dirt around. There weren’t any solar systems or stars. That came out of Him. And Our Lady, throughout the years, forty years, points to one thing that came out of him that will heal you and refresh you and will bring to you a divine rest.


Our Lady says, after “…once again, listen to the words of God…” She says,


“…How the scenery is beautiful when we look at nature in the morning in all its freshness!…”


See, it does something to you.


“…But more beautiful, much more, is it when we look at a man who brings to others peace, love, and happiness…”


And then She says,


“…Children, if you could know what prayer brings to man! Especially personal prayer. Man can thus become a really fresh flower for God…”


I’m telling you, and recommending to you, to focus on what Our Lady just said.


Go to another message,


April 25, 1993

“…Go into nature…”


Why did She say that? Because right before that, there was a sentence that says,


“…I invite you all to awaken your hearts to love…”


So, to awaken your hearts, to refresh yourself, then, She says,


“…Go into nature and look how nature is awakening and it will be a help for you to open your hearts to…the Creator…”


There is something about nature that restores man. But you can’t even have people going to the beach, put in a lounge chair, facing the ocean, looking at their cell phone. One after another.


You think it’s rare for these messages about nature and pointing toward the agrarian way of life, close to the ground?


Last year, January 25, 2021, a fresh message,


“…This is a time of awakening and of giving birth. As nature which gives itself, you also, little children, ponder how much you have received…”


See, when you’re out in nature, you reflect on that. Our Lady’s coming forty years, not to not be focused on, but to be focused on to change the world, its direction.


This message continues,


“…Be joyful bearers of peace and love that it may be good for you on earth…”


And we wonder why we are so weary, so tired, so depressed, so many difficulties.


I’m looking at all the nature messages, and this feedback saying, “Don’t be a focal point,” that I wanted to go through these messages, that every word, every letter, is a focal point.


So, I’m finishing this book, Has satan Pulled Another One on You? I want to share some excerpts to you. Quote, what I wrote,


“There is a great interest in studying the effects of man being in nature today, all because of devastating effects of the technological world…”


Did you catch that? Devastating effects from the technological world?


“…all because of devastating effects of the technological world is having on people: self-harm, clinical depression, deterioration of physical health and well-being, and mental issues. What’s happening right now, the scientific research is on the rise of man’s grappling with the issues, and it seems like all the roads lead back to God’s creation…”


Not some going back. All of it goes back to God’s creation,


“…and the world of nature…”


I continue from the book,


“…For instance, two South Korean studies looked at eleven- and twelve-year-olds…”


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These aren’t older people. These are just kids.


“…who are borderline technology addicts. After trips to the forest, in two days each, researches found both lowered cortisol levels and significant improvements in measures of self-esteem…”


See, technology does not build up your esteem. And this is showing that nature does do that. And you think there’s something that Our Lady’s focused on nature throughout the forty years? And to say it’s not the focal point, and this scientifically showing the opposite that can help people, and at the same time, showing that evil of the techological world, that Our Lady is here to undo it. Yes, to crush your cell phone.


So, I pick back up where I was.


“…an improvement in the measure of self-esteem, and those benefits lasted for two weeks!…”


Continue reading,


“…Time in the forest also led them to report feeling happier, less anxious, and more optimistic about their futures.”


Just two trips in the forest! You think there’s something to Our Lady? “Don’t focus on that, people. You’re wasting your time.”


Here’s another excerpt. Quote,


“Another example has to do with natural killers. Immune cells called NK cells…”


I’ve read about this before, and I’ve studied it before, and it’s natural killers for your immune system to protect yourself.


“…These specialized cells protect us from disease agents and can like cortisol, be reliably measured in a laboratory. NK cells send messages to tumors and virus-infected cells to annihilate them…”


It’s like a rocket. It’s a missile. It blows it up.


Continue reading,


“…Factors like stress, aging, pesticides, can reduce the NK count. A study in Japan wanted to know if nature could increase your NK cells and thereby help you fight infections and cancer.


“In the first control group, Tokyo businessmen, on three consecutive mornings went on a two-hour hike within nature…”


There is that word. “But don’t focus on that, people. Don’t even believe the science now.” Continuing,


“…The second control group of businessmen took a two-hour walk in the urban area on three consecutive days…”


So, in other words, you’ve got a group going to nature, hiking it, in the woods and in the forest, and then the other businessmen walking the same time in the city.


“…At the end of the third day, blood testing control group one showed their killer cells had increased forty percent! The boost lasted seven days. A month later, their NK count was still fifteen percent higher than when they started…”


So, you’re telling me that you can go into nature for three days, consecutive, for a two-hour walk, and it’s going to last and benefit a month later?


“…In contrast the study showed the businessmen who walked in the same amount of time in the city, their NK levels did not change at all. The researchers believed the boost in the NK cells in the first control group came from the aromas and from trees and from other things in nature.”


How much damage has been done by being nuanced or crushing Medjugorje, stopping it, ignoring it, and how many people could have been helped for these last forty years? Physically and spiritually!


The day one I started opening Medjugorje, people were saying, “I was headed to hell, and the material you put out and the messages you put up and what you focus on, Our Lady, turned me around.”


That’s not the only research and the studies that I wrote about. It duplicates that, finding the same thing over and over. Our Lady said,


February 25, 2020

“…You are so flooded by earthly concerns, you do not even feel that spring is at the threshold…”


I know a part of the country is cold right now, but now, spring is coming.


Our Lady says after “threshold,” something really incredible.


“…As nature fights in silence for new life…”


You want a new life? Where it’s quiet in the forest? Or be in the agrarian life? Being in a rural area? Remember Cain is the father of cities. Our Lady’s profound words,


“…As nature fights in silence for new life, also you are called to open yourselves [to] prayer to God, in Whom you will find peace and warmth of the spring sun in your hearts…”


Going into nature is a major, major part of Medjugorje’s walk.


A psychologist said,


“When you engage in nature, it leads to mindfulness. It’s passive. The world is coming and going. It’s so good for depression. When you walk out in nature, it’s like wearing rose-colored glasses. In nature, everything is a little more positive. There’s a little more connectiveness.”


After the study of the natural killer cells, the Japanese government began creating “Forest Therapy Trails.” They coined it in a phrase that says, “forest baths,”


“which means to let nature into your body through all five senses.”


On July 25, 2001, Our Lady gives some instructions to how to make good use of your time. Time is fleeting. Everything’s fast today. Our Lady said, once, “You’re not time’s master.” So, in this message, She gives instructions, good advice.


“…Make good use of the time of rest…”


Go to bed? Get on the sofa? No, that’s not what She says.


“…Make good use of the time of rest and give your soul and your eyes rest in God…”


How are we going to do that? She tells you now.


“…Find peace in nature and you will discover God the Creator…”


We’ll have more belief in God.


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Our souls need to be renewed. Our bodies need to be renewed. Our outlooks, all the negative we see. When you’re in nature that came out of God, so you’re looking at God. I’m not talking about New Age garbage. I’m talking about the Being of God speaks to you. When I moved into the Valley where Caritas is now, and I bought my land, I was over all the mountains, deeply praying. And God drew me and motivated me that this be a sanctuary that would bring peace to people. I had no concept about Medjugorje. It wasn’t going on at that time. I was there in 1977. It was four more years before that would happen. And look what happened through the prayers? And many people come there now and are healed, soul and body. Maybe not in the way that you think, but you benefit from that.


Right now, at Caritas, we’re in a nine-day novena because Our Lady gave a message She wanted us to do this. We have ten different sites, like the Cross on the mountain, the Field, the Bedroom, and other sacred places. In these days, every day, you get your little baggy. Even the kids have it. You pick out of a piece of paper, saying, go to the Grotto la Pluie up in the mountains, or to the Field, or St. Joseph Spot. It’s refreshing. And everybody’s going different ways, and they stay at that spot and do a Rosary.


A lot of difficulties, a lot of depression can go away if you follow what Our Lady says. Any bishop that says to you that the messages or the apparitions are not a focal point, has no discernment at all. These messages have never been given in this way and never again. When the choice comes from a bishop to say something like that, opposing Our Lady, shake the dust from your feet. That’s what Jesus said. “When you go to a town and bring the Good News, and they reject, just shake the dust off.”


October 25, 1995, Our Lady said,


“…Today I invite you to go into nature because there you will meet God the Creator…”


Not maybe. If you listen to the bishop. “Don’t focus on that.” Who are you going to listen to?


Our society’s full of death. Everything’s going downhill right now. But Our Lady gives us a way, a positive way. She says,


March 25, 2019

“…In nature seek God who created you, because nature speaks and fights for life and not for death…”


Seems like everything around us is dying. But if you go into nature, you don’t see that. You see life, new life, this spring that’s coming to us.


I want to end this broadcast with a special message. It’s always been special to me because I was the first one to hear it in the world aside from Marija. And it happened December 25, 1988. There’s a word in this message, and She uses it twice, and out of forty years and in all the messages, She has never said this word before except that one time.


Marija was at our house. It’s December 25, 1988, and it’s near midnight. Marija had an apparition. So, it started on Christmas Eve and went into Christmas Day. And Our Lady said,


“…Today I give you my Special Blessing. Bring it to all creation…”


That word, “creation,” has never been duplicated in the apparitions. I was very intrigued by that because I knew I never saw the word before.


When She said,

“…[I’m giving] you my Special Blessing. Bring it to all creation, so that all creation will know peace…”


How do you bring Her Special Blessing to creation? I read that at midnight. I was stunned when She says, “…Bring it to all creation, so that all creation will know peace…” How do you do that? And I sat there and thought, and I pondered that, and I went outside, after midnight, with my flashlight, making the Sign of the Cross on the large trees out there in front of our house. I’ve always felt Our Lady never used that word again, that it was because what She knew She was creating there in creation, the Cross, the mountains, Grotto la Pluie, Creek of Revelation and other sites. And most of our day, for most of the Community, is in nature. And our working is in that. And I pondered this very deeply when She said that that night, and I’ll repeat it again because it’s very profound.


“…Today I give you my Special Blessing…”


She said that. It was just a blessing. A Special Blessing.


So, when She gave that to me, and I know She gave it to me because She says, “bring.” The next word is “bring.” So, I’m supposed to do it.


“…Bring it to all creation so that all creation will know peace…”


That’s why we’ve got a lot of trees around our building. But that was already in my heart, and I’ve always felt this is one of the most beautiful things She’s done for us, because that Valley is blessed. It has the Special Blessing. And She gave it to man to be spread.


So, Our Lady has a lot to say. This book is going to open up a lot of eyes, going to shock people, and it’s going to make a lot of people upset for what has happened to them or to their family members or their friends.


Bless creation when you go in nature. Nature is calling you. The soil is calling you. With that, it will go better for you.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


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11 thoughts on “Bad Discernment”

  1. Debra Goodlander

    City: Lockport
    State: New York
    Country: USA
    Thanks again Friend of Medjugorje for a powerful message. Please, all who read this send me the Special Blessing of Our Lady for my and my family’s conversion. I went against my conscience and was vaccinated but am refusing the booster in New York. I am losing my job but I am happy. God is merciful and is giving me another chance and a new direction. I am praying and acting. God bless you all and I send to all creation Our Lady’s Special Blessing that I received from a friend who went to Medjugorje with Caritas in 2018. I was in Medjugorje in 1989 and Our Lady brought me into the Church in 1990.

  2. City: Cleveland
    State: TX
    Country: United States
    Nothing is by chance! My family and I just prayed two rosaries. Then picked tree messages. The last message said to fast for the bishop. Then I came to listen to this radiowave and its our diocese of Beaumont bishop a FOM is talking about. Will be praying more and fasting for our bishop.

  3. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    Thank you FOM for making my latest comment the subject of this radio wave. I know you can imagine how I felt after hearing that from our bishop. And it had been a very trying week. After speaking to our son’s school principal that week, we have decided to no longer enroll our son in Catholic School. The school has operated more on a private level versus a Christian level. It’s a difficult decision, but I will be home schooling our son. I pray that I will be able to manage that as well as my business. Also, you are right, there are so many religious leaders that are leading the people astray. Last year I gave our priest a print out of one of the transcripts on our Blessed Mother’s messages as well as the book “They Fired the First Shot.” When I inquired some time later, our priest had not read the book. And when he had asked me if I was vaccinated in another conversation I responded that it went against my Christian beliefs. The Father looked at me in bewilderment and I looked at him with the same bewildered eyes. I am looking forward to a pilgrimage to Caritas God Willing in the next few months. Thank you for all that you are doing and for caring so much for all of us. God Bless everyone!

    1. Homeschooling Mom


      Making the decision to homeschool your son is the biggest step. Everyone always makes it seem a lot more daunting than it is. When you are making a decision for God, remember that nothing is impossible for God. He will be with you every step of the way.

      I made a similar decision after covid happened. I received so many comments on how difficult it must be. But I soon realized I was becoming a witness for people. Showing others how rewarding it is to see your child’s progress and to be able to relate everything back to God and His creation. It is such a beautiful thing. Also to let others know that you are strong enough in your beliefs to make a stand. That also might just be enough to push someone else to make a similar decision that might have been on the fence.

      Do not worry about how you will manage it all. Put all of your worries aside. God will take care of it all. You will wake up one day and realize that what you once thought would be difficult or impossible has become possible only because of your dependence on Him and your trust that He will provide.

      God bless.

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11 thoughts on “Bad Discernment”

  1. Debra Goodlander

    City: Lockport
    State: New York
    Country: USA
    Thanks again Friend of Medjugorje for a powerful message. Please, all who read this send me the Special Blessing of Our Lady for my and my family’s conversion. I went against my conscience and was vaccinated but am refusing the booster in New York. I am losing my job but I am happy. God is merciful and is giving me another chance and a new direction. I am praying and acting. God bless you all and I send to all creation Our Lady’s Special Blessing that I received from a friend who went to Medjugorje with Caritas in 2018. I was in Medjugorje in 1989 and Our Lady brought me into the Church in 1990.

  2. City: Cleveland
    State: TX
    Country: United States
    Nothing is by chance! My family and I just prayed two rosaries. Then picked tree messages. The last message said to fast for the bishop. Then I came to listen to this radiowave and its our diocese of Beaumont bishop a FOM is talking about. Will be praying more and fasting for our bishop.

  3. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    Thank you FOM for making my latest comment the subject of this radio wave. I know you can imagine how I felt after hearing that from our bishop. And it had been a very trying week. After speaking to our son’s school principal that week, we have decided to no longer enroll our son in Catholic School. The school has operated more on a private level versus a Christian level. It’s a difficult decision, but I will be home schooling our son. I pray that I will be able to manage that as well as my business. Also, you are right, there are so many religious leaders that are leading the people astray. Last year I gave our priest a print out of one of the transcripts on our Blessed Mother’s messages as well as the book “They Fired the First Shot.” When I inquired some time later, our priest had not read the book. And when he had asked me if I was vaccinated in another conversation I responded that it went against my Christian beliefs. The Father looked at me in bewilderment and I looked at him with the same bewildered eyes. I am looking forward to a pilgrimage to Caritas God Willing in the next few months. Thank you for all that you are doing and for caring so much for all of us. God Bless everyone!

    1. Homeschooling Mom


      Making the decision to homeschool your son is the biggest step. Everyone always makes it seem a lot more daunting than it is. When you are making a decision for God, remember that nothing is impossible for God. He will be with you every step of the way.

      I made a similar decision after covid happened. I received so many comments on how difficult it must be. But I soon realized I was becoming a witness for people. Showing others how rewarding it is to see your child’s progress and to be able to relate everything back to God and His creation. It is such a beautiful thing. Also to let others know that you are strong enough in your beliefs to make a stand. That also might just be enough to push someone else to make a similar decision that might have been on the fence.

      Do not worry about how you will manage it all. Put all of your worries aside. God will take care of it all. You will wake up one day and realize that what you once thought would be difficult or impossible has become possible only because of your dependence on Him and your trust that He will provide.

      God bless.

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