October 24, 2024
Anti-Establishment vs. Establishment
[Podcast] (30 Minutes) – How is God renewing the Church? A Friend of Medjugorje talks about “the establishment” that cannot be worked through. God has to work from other means.
Episode Transcript
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“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
And you are listening to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Where does “renewal” come from?
That’s what we’re going to hear about tonight as we look closely at our nation and the Church. There’s a synod going on in Rome right now, and all of the bishops are together and all the Church leadership is coming together to look at how the Church is going to be renewed in this time.
We’re looking at our nation right now. We’re looking at the elections and so many things which can change the future of our nation.
On December 9, 2016, a Friend of Medjugorje spoke to pilgrims here at Caritas. It was actually a short question and answer, and what a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about answers the question, “Where does the renewal come from?” “Where does change come from?”
We aired this shortly after he originally spoke these words, and the title of that broadcast was Anti-Establishment vs. Establishment.
We’re sharing it with you tonight as we look at so many things across our world, that you take these things, that you take a Friend of Medjugorje’s words, you take his understanding of the messages and the apparitions, and you apply to not just the Church, but you also apply them to the nation, your business, anything, how you affect renewal and change.
And so, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, December 9, 2016.
Somebody asked the question, “What do we do when we go back home? How do we tell people? How do we address that when they’re against it?”
And you don’t have to worry about those things. If you’re always anticipating what you’re going to say, you’re messing with the Holy Spirit.
Be versed in the messages. Be in prayer. Fast. Sacrifice. Do your penance. Live the four basic messages, which is peace, penance, fasting, and prayer. You do that, and you’re striving to pray with the heart…Our Lady didn’t say if you pray with the heart, to be an apostle. She said, if you strive to pray with the heart, then you’re going to have these words for you available, and you’ll amaze yourself.
I was reading, Mirjana said, she asked Our Lady some questions about all these people coming to her for advice, and Our Lady said to her, “Do not worry about it. Don’t think about what you are to say. I’ll tell you what to say.”
And after that, somebody came to her and asked her a question, and she answered it, and then she realized how she answered it, that she amazed herself. She said, “I was really amazed at what I said,” because it’s not her.
And so, that’s one thing you have to understand to be an apostle…And don’t think anything or doubt or second-rate Our Lady’s call to be an apostle. It’s nothing less than to be apostles. Why? Because the Church is very, very ill. It’s very, very sick. And the rescue for it is not going to come from within the framework of the Church. It will not happen, and it’s not happening. Where do you see the birth of it?
And we’ve got more meetings. We’ve got more encyclicals. We’ve got more things. We got all this through the 70s. We’ve been trying to bring a solution to the question of the ills, and Our Lady says, “Sin is multiplying.” (December 2, 2016) This is fresh words. “the purity of the soul is less important,” “…my Son is being forgotten…”
And then, She adds to that, as after a pause, because there’s a dash there,
“…honored all the less…”
And yet, we’ve got more stuff, more things printed from the Vatican, more things coming from the bishops, and here, She’s saying this. What does that mean? What does that tell you?
For one thing, we’re going to do the work, they’re going to get the credit, God gets the glory.
Our Lady ends this about always praying about your shepherds.
Our Lady said,
November 2, 2012
“…Pray for the shepherds because none of this would be possible without them…”
We’re called to do what we think we want them to do. We always say, “I want to get my priest. I want to get a priest doing this. I want him to do…”
Don’t go through them! Our Lady’s not going through them! Where do you see bishops hollering out, “Hey, anybody in my diocese that wants to promote Medjugorje, you go all out, I’m all for it.” You don’t have that, even those who believe in Medjugorje, because it’s not supposed to be. They’re tainted. Their mentality is not structured right in the Church for what Our Lady is here for, to heal the Church.
Many would say, “Anathema! How can he say that? Why do you say that?” I’m saying it, because I see it in the message. I’ve seen it for years. I’m not backing down from it.
There are bishops that are in confrontation with Our Lady. Why? Because it’s supposed to be that way right now, because Our Lady’s coming to contradict everything not right in the Church. Not their power, not who they are, but what they’re not doing.
I believe in the bishops’ power more than they believe in their own power. They have power. They don’t use it. And they’re not going to use it, for a lot of reasons: political correctness, being chastised, being out of the flock of the nation’s conference of bishops. And a lot of it is the mentalities and what plagues the Church.
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Jesus didn’t come, “Okay. I can convert people. I can show them incredible miracles…” It’s interesting what Peter and all the apostles saw. They saw incredible…leprosy, people’s nose falling off, healing. People who couldn’t see, were blind, people that knew that hadn’t walked their whole life. They knew some of the people in Jerusalem. They knew these people!
You know what they were most amazed at and what put the fear of God in them, what miracle they saw?
The fig tree!
When Jesus wilted the fig tree, the apostles came out, and they couldn’t believe it. It was an amazing thing for them. They walked by, and they were in fear.
So, there’s a mentality in the Church that can’t be cured within the Church even with miracles, just like Jesus didn’t go to the Sanhedrin and say, “Okay, I can do all these miracles. I can show it to the Pharisees, Sadducees. I can convert them, and then they’ve got the structure, and they’re going to heal the Sanhedrin and all this other stuff and help bring in the Messiah and His new way.” He didn’t go to the establishment. Does that sound familiar? Jesus rejected the establishment. Too many regulations. Too many laws.
You know what the Scripture says, when they challenged Jesus? He says, “You burden the people with all your restrictions, all your laws.” Because out of the Ten Commandments, and more derivatives and more derivatives, just like the EPA and everything else that we’re all sick of and we’re all suffering from, Jesus confronted them on that.
The establishment can’t be changed. Once it reaches a certain level of corruption, you can’t fix it except destroy it.
And so, they felt that threat. They rose up against Jesus furiously. They hated Him. They had every reason to believe in Him. But they believed in their own power. They believed who they were. “We’re the shepherds of Jerusalem. We’re shepherds of Israel, of the Jewish people.” We have the same thing now, both politically, religiously, in the organizations, and people don’t see it. Even this late date, where it’s very evident. I saw it 20 years ago, I was challenging that. And I don’t back down from anything, say, because I know that the messages are truth. And it’s very evident to me, through prayer, this is what the messages are saying.
You’ve heard the message, in the beginning, Our Lady starts off, and She says, “My children, my apostles.”
She ends the same message saying, “My Son chose His apostles, His shepherds.” (March 2, 2015)
So, He has His. We recognize that. They have the power of Christ. They have the power of the Sacraments. They have the power to do these things, which we have to have that.
But it’s not them who’s going to change the direction of the world. It’s not their decisions, no more than Jesus didn’t go through the entrenched establishment 2,000 years ago.
And so, we see this secularly, playing out politically. We see it even in the Church now, because it’s secular humanism that’s got to be changed and the Church as well.
Secular humanism’s growth is a result of the weak Church, of those in the Church not acting on it. It’s their fault. And we inherited that because of our sins, so we’re at fault. We can’t just be pointing the finger. We are the ones that have to change. You get the shepherds of who you are.
Years ago, I was in Williamsburg, and they have people there that portray, in the colonial days, exactly what was going on in Williamsburg. And so, we sat in a courtroom where they had the debates, and Thomas Jefferson was in there. He’s dressed up like that. This guy eats, breathes, thinks Thomas Jefferson. He becomes his personality. He studies him so much that he knows how he would answer a question. And so, it was a challenge. And we would sit there, and we could ask him questions. And somebody asked Thomas Jefferson, “What do you think about President Clinton?” because he was in office at that time.
And he says, “Who is that?”
See, they only think about to the date of where they are in 1777 or…that was maybe 1775, something like that. So, he couldn’t answer that.
And the person asked back, “You know, his corruption, and he’s lying right now about some things going on in the presidency.”
He said, “Well, I don’t know about this Clinton guy you’re talking about, but what I can say is this, is you get who you are.”
It was a profound answer.
So, who’s elected is who the people are. And I remember a poll at that time, I came back to it, that 51% or 52% of Americans believe Clinton was a liar. And so, we got a president that was a liar because that’s who we were, the majority of our people.
And so it is, this tells us and teaches us from these things throughout history…And that’s another thing. People don’t know history. And it’s revised. History’s constantly changed. We don’t go beyond the civil rights right now, era, for our history. Everything stops there, and all the names and the greats are from that point, not before that. It’s part of erasing and changing history so that you won’t know history.
It’s amazing what people don’t know. It’s incredible.
So, we have to be reading, not just the messages, you have to be reading our forefathers. You have to be reading about the saints. You have to be reading about all these things. But one thing, through these messages, is Jesus didn’t go through the Sanhedrin to establish what He wanted to establish. When they thought they should, the people thought that He should, the Sanhedrin would be the method to go through. Go convert them! They were unconvertable.
It’s almost unthinkable, it’s irrational, so many millions, hundreds of millions of conversions, worldwide, connected to Medjugorje, that people would never be able to go there that’s transformed…
Medjugorje’s in every diocese of the world, and you could probably say almost one person, at least, in every parish in the world, somebody knows or is converted through Medjugorje, that the bishops haven’t said something or jumped on this bandwagon. It’s not about being approved or not approved. What did they do with Fatima? Fatima wasn’t approved the next day. People had to be allowed to believe into it until it got approved. So, it doesn’t have to be approved to be practiced and looked at.
So, don’t get stuck—and I see people all the time…I had somebody just recently, “Well, I’m going to go to my priest. I’m going to go do this,” or, “I want my bishop…”
Forget that! You’re just wasting and spinning your wheels. It’s not going to happen. The establishment is not what this is going to come through. It’s going to come through the anti-establishment.
I had a cardinal tell me, we’ve got good people doing bad things. And it’s not always something identified as something bad. It’s just neutral things or it’s nothing.
Remember years ago, we had the movement called, “Renew”? And they got this whole formula set down, and they got the textbooks, and they got everything planned out. That’s not the Holy Spirit. We don’t need that. You, as an individual, can do more than what Renew did, as one person, the whole nation did.
What did it renew?
Jesus, here, is being honored less! Something didn’t cause a hiccup in that and change it around. We’ve continued down this spiral that we’re sinking in. And it’s Our Lady Who says, “I am here to draw it out of that whirlpool.”
So, once you’ve got these things understood, you see the messages in another light, don’t waste your time going to the establishment. Yes, you’ve got to get baptized. Yes, you need the Eucharist. Yes, you need the Mass. You need…All these are part of it. But it’s based on what Fr. Faricy told me, because we’ve launched so many things, so many initiatives that other people have taken, and we know it came from here. We’ve had national talk show hosts, material, people calling us, “This is verbiage from…” because a lot of our verbiage is a new thought process. It’s a new way of thinking, because Our Lady gives us a new way of thinking. She shows us how to see things in a different light that we didn’t have before. And so, and that’s exactly what the words were.
“…He will have the words of light for you…” (December 2, 2016)
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There’s things and verbiages we’ve put out there that hasn’t existed because in a modern time and the way we think of things in a different way, there was no reason for it to. Now, we have to challenge the whole system.
And so, one mistake I see over and over and over is people think, “Well, Our Lady says, I want you to work in the Church. I know you think you’re too small in this matter.”
See, we think too small because we think, “Okay, what She did in Fatima, and then She’s gone and we got the First Saturdays devotion and the devotion to the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus…” This ain’t that.
Our day is immersed, every day, all day, through the night, constantly, into the message. That’s all we do. We’re very blessed to have a life that our life is based all day long in the messages. I don’t know how many hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times, that the word “message” or “Our Lady’s messages,” is spoken here every day. It’s everything we do.
So, that’s a grace for us and a blessing for us. But what I can say because we’re immersed in this, doesn’t mean we understand everything going on. Medjugorje is bigger than we can know. We don’t have the vision to see into the future completely. But we see enough to know that this is preparing for the Second Coming of Christ. And the Church has always backed down from that. “Well, you can’t do that. Every age does that.”
We were just talking about this on Mejanomics yesterday. And we’ve got a disqualification, every time you hear about something about, “Well, if you hear this, it’s in the Bible, Revelation 19:11-16, Destruction of Pagan Nations,”
“The heavens were opened, and as I looked on, a white horse appeared. Its Rider was called the Faithful and True. His eyes blazed like fire. He wore a cloak that had been dipped in the blood, and His Name was the Word of God. The armies of Heaven were behind Him riding white horses and dressed in fine linens…”
I always thought Jesus was a cowboy.
“…pure and white. A name was written on the part of the cloak that covered his thigh: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
So, you go from that to Matthew, when he talks about the same thing about the antichrist that just precedes that, Matthew 24:21,
“For at that time, there will be great tribulation, such as has not been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor will ever be. And if those days were not shortened, no one would have been saved, but for the sake of the elect, they will be shortened.”
Every time we hear these Bible verses, I always hear from the pulpit, “Well, we really can’t look at this at the end of the world. We have people in the past predicted these things, and you know, they were wrong. And so, what we want to tell you is you’re going to be meeting Jesus. He’s going to be coming to you at your death.”
An over-emphasis of just your individual death that you’re going to…It’s true. But when does it come?
If no now, when?
Woman of Revelations, twelve stars about Her head, the moon underneath Her feet.
That’s the Bible!
Did you know that, there is ten Bibles, six of them Protestant, four Catholic, and only one of them has the accurate translation of what we heard in Mass yesterday.
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, the woman’s seed will crush your head…”
That’s not the Bible verse. That’s not the Bible verse that we carried for 1,600 from St. Jerome, 200 years A.D. And you older people remember what it used to be.
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and she will crush your head…”
The serpent’s head,
“…while you strike her heel…”
The Bible’s been changed, out of these nine Bibles that say, “He will crush your head,” that changes everything. That changes Woman of Revelation Chapter 12. When did that happen? 1970. What was happening then? Everything was changing. Revise history. This is the most profound change in Scriptures that you’ll find. Because I remember that growing up, and I couldn’t find that. I recently found that, how that came about. St. Jerome translated it. It came straight from the Bible. We live by it as the Catholic Church for 1,800 years? And now, it’s changed so everybody’s got this, “Well, it’s Jesus Who’s going to do it.”
No. It’s the Woman. And that’s what She’s here for today. This is the Biblical verse that explains Medjugorje and also makes Revelation 12 start to make sense because they will tell you, most theologians, “Well, this the Church. This woman’s the Church.” Give me a break!
We had a black guy here that delivered our mail. He’s a Baptist preacher. He came here and saw we were a bunch of Mary worshippers. He was preaching everybody every day out there. This was when we had the Caritas house over here. Real boisterous loud voice and you know, like, he didn’t say you were going to hell, but that’s what he was saying. “You Catholic worshippers of Mary,” and stuff.
And so…what was his name? Larry. Larry would come up there every day, and everybody would come up to me and say, “He’s keeping us out there ten minutes, and he’s just jumping all over us. What are we going to do?”
I said, “Just be love to him.”
So, he came down, and then, every now and then, he’d challenge with a question. We’d answer back. We went on about a year or two, and he softened to us a lot. But he needed a car. So, he asked us, he says, “Will you pray to that Mary for me to get a car and see what can happen?”
The next day, he drives up, and he’s screaming, he’s got this big laugh, he says, “Come here! Look at this! Look at this window right here! Look in that window! Who is that?”
We said, “That’s a sticker of Our Lady of Guadalupe.”
“Mother Mary gave me this car!” It was a new car he had. It had been used, but it was his car.
So, he became a believer. I ended up going to his church preaching to all these kids and had them up there doing the Hail Marys and everything. And everybody’s saying, “Amen, amen, amen.” [LAUGHTER] But all we did was be love.
But I tell you this story because one time he came here, and Marija was here, and they sent him across the street. She’s in the kitchen. And he was real humble, like in fear, in front of her. And he says, “You know, I don’t know about this Mary stuff.”
And Marija says, “You don’t have to. You don’t have to. All She’s asking is you just pray. You just pray.”
And he was totally disarmed by that answer. He thought she was going to try to convince him to do this and believe this and believe that and believe that.
And he said, “Well, what does She look like?”
And she explained the twelve stars, how she sees them.
He says, “Well, are they light?”
And she said, “It’s a light that you cannot compare to anything in the world.”
And he was hooked into this.
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But I say that only because, they see Her with twelve stars about Her head. Where is a woman described in a book of the Bible with twelve stars about her head? And yet, the theologians, still, to this day, mostly will say, “That’s the Church.”
It is not the Church. The Protestants will tell you, “It’s the Church.” No, it’s not mother Church. It’s the One Who says, “I am the Mother of the Church.” It is She.
If not now, when?
Revelations, chapter 12. This is it.
We’re living the Bible. Private revelations is revealing public revelations. And that’s what’s giving all the hierarchy of the Church a problem, because this is rivalling public revelations. They keep saying it’s private revelations. We have no problem with that! But why cannot we have, theologically, private revelations revealing public revelations? Don’t the priests every Sunday do that? Does the Pope not do that? Do the cardinals not do that, the bishops not do that? That’s what they’re doing every time they talk about public revelations and trying to give you their insights of these revelations.
And so, we can’t have a private revelation coming to tell us…and think of the logic of it. The private revelations, we’re living something we can’t understand. I’m just amazed, and sometimes I pinch myself, that we’re in the moment in the preparation for the Final Coming. Now, they won’t say that, as I was talking earlier, because they back down from that, and they won’t do that. But you know, the Scriptures are written in a way that speaks to every generation. And we talked about this yesterday, about Nero. They said he was an antichrist. The bishops at that time, all the Christians believed Nero, in 300 A.D., was the antichrist. He was. Hitler was an antichrist. Every age has had the antichrist. Sadaam Hussein was an antichrist. And that picture of that is real.
And so, God allowed the Scriptures to speak to us of the end of the world. For Iraq, that was the end of the world for them.
You say, “Well, that’s not the Second Coming.” But if every generation’s thinking that, they’re going to be more ready to meet the one they’re trying to identify [INAUDIBLE]
So, every generation has had, “Is this the end of the world?” But we’ve never had the capability for the world to end through war and through battle. satan’s not going to snap his finger and the world disappears. It’s through destruction. And to stop it, Christ comes back and intervenes.
We know Our Lady said, in the first Iraq war, that, “satan wants to destroy nature, man, and the planet on which you live.” (January 25, 1991)
So, let’s go back 500 years ago, the Virgin Mary appears in Guadalupe. She gives Juan Diego that message. You would think, satan’s going to do this. How can you destroy the world? You know, the most powerful we got at that time was just some cannons. You can’t do it.
But if we go back to the first Iraq war, we knew the world could destroy itself. We know that could happen.
So, see, these messages mean something for us that they couldn’t mean something for somebody before us. And that’s why the Virgin Mary’s here with us, to lure us how serious our situation is and the capabilities of the world ending is real. It’s very viable.
So, you can’t enter Medjugorje now at this late date in the game without leap-frogging over a lot of cognition that you might need or what we’ve gone through and saw this step by step by step and even foresaw it before anybody else did. Because I had people say, “You’re pessimistic,” or, “You’re too doomsday.” We were doing our novenas 23 years ago about chastisement. The messages have that much to tell us about the future. Scripture says, “God never takes action in the world about His people without warning them.” You know, Noah, it was a warning. But they, foolishly, didn’t put stock into it.
And what’s going to come in the tribulation is not since Noah’s day. You had Sodom between that and other places and other things that were destroyed. World War II was a satanic war, Sr. Lucy said. And so, we know that. War is that way. But we have something so unique now that we have the Virgin Mary coming to show you that this is different, and it’s so different, that, “I’m giving you so much, and I’m with you every day, and I’m giving you hundreds and hundreds of messages. I’m giving you guidance. I’m telling you how to convert nonbelievers, all the pagans. I’m showing you how to become holy. I’m showing you how to get out of sin. I’m showing you how to walk with God. I’m showing you how to call Me there. I’ll be there. I’m telling you…” in a message, She says, “If you need me, pray, and I’ll come immediately.” (March 4, 1982) She’s got a new efficacy. She’s getting all these things. And what’s unique about this, to me, the most unique part of the apparitions, is She said, “These are the last apparitions.” (May 2, 1982)
That’s why She said, those who have walked for years with this, that “you are irreplaceable, unrepeatable.” (October 25, 2015) She can’t repeat this with another people in the future. You’re the apostles that Jesus wrote, 2,000 years ago, His Church, on the heart and manifested through their witness. You’re the people that She’s writing while She’s with us, on your heart, what She’s doing are the people who will follow you and your witness.
That was a Friend of Medjugorje, December 9, 2016 in an encounter which was titled, Anti-Establishment vs. Establishment.
Please continue to keep a Friend of Medjugorje and the mission of Caritas in your daily prayers, also in your monthly support. Literally, the entire world is coming to mej.com to read what a Friend of Medjugorje has to say about the Church, about our nation, about our world. It is of you, formed by the messages, by a Biblical worldview. It is truth, and it is work that needs to be supported.
And so, on behalf of a Friend of Medjugorje, Caritas of Birmingham, The Community of Caritas, Medjugorje.com and Radio WAVE, good night.
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