October 26, 2018
Radio Wave

All Our Lady Gets from the Church is a Red Light

All Our Lady Gets from the Church is a Red Light [Podcast] Radio Wave October 25, 2018 – Time to run the red light which the Church puts up about Medjugorje? A Friend of Medjugorje makes the case that it is not only the time, but absolutely necessary.

Episode Transcript


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Today is Thursday, October 25, 2018, and this is Radio WAVE.




Broadcasting across the world from the Radio WAVE Studio at Caritas, Alabama. This is Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Were you thinking about the 25th yesterday? Were you thinking, “Can’t wait till the 25th? You’ve heard us talk about this. Maybe some of you may be new and you don’t know about that. But in the village of Medjugorje, it was a tradition, when they saw someone, and something was coming up, it could be a wedding, it could be Christmas, it could be any event, they would say, “Can’t wait till the 25th.” And of course, that was in reference to the Birth of Christ.


So, today’s the 25th. We, here at Caritas, look forward to that, especially from the void from the second of the month to the 25th. That’s the longest stretch we have. Because just after today, there will be another message in a few days on the second of the month, which will be November 2nd.


We are living in a moment that none of us can comprehend, nor understand, not only Our Lady coming, but why is there so much silence about Her?


We have a letter than came in yesterday from Vandiver, Pennsylvania. It says:


“Dear sir, None of the Catholic churches in our area for eighteen years, have never confirmed or even mentioned in their homilies, anything about Medjugorje or any of the Virgin Mary’s appearances there. They often talk about Fatima, Lourdes, and other visionaries. What is going on?”


And he signs it with his name.


What’s going on is they didn’t recognize the Christ when He came. They wanted to go to the prophets. They even went to John the Baptist. But they would never go with Jesus, and they’re not going to go to His Mother today. Why? Because all of Lourdes, Fatimas, Guadalupe, all these have led up to this point. Because this is the Time of Mary, and very few people recognize all these were the preceding Prophetesses, because all these other apparitions were prophetic in the nature that they were preparing for just like the prophets came before Jesus, preparing for the Messiah, of the Messiah of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, Who preceded the Messiah.


I don’t want to make that too complicated for you, but simply put, all these other apparitions that’s happened throughout history has a purpose of building a devotion and a love for Our Lady. Through those, and each one of those apparitions, She became more known and more loved by more people. And Fatima launched a big billboard for Our Lady. But it’s not the climax of everything.


Our Lady’s climax is happening now. This is the pinnacle. This is the peak. This is everything we’re going to have to have from the apparitions, that therefore, She’ll never come back to the earth in the same fashion. She said that. I interviewed Marija, asked her in different ways. And Marija responded back three ways. “These are the last apparitions.”


I said, “Marija, what do you mean?”


She said, “These are the last apparitions where we can speak to Her.”


I said, “There will be no more apparitions?”


She says, “No. This will be the last apparitions where we can talk to Her, She can talk to us, and we can reach out and touch Her.” And She answers her questions.


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So, this is never going to happen again? No, but it doesn’t mean Our Lady won’t be here. She won’t come like this ever again in these public apparitions. And that defines us now, after years of interviewing her, that there’s an efficacy that’s going to be left on the earth. And that’s why She said, in one of Her messages, “…When I will no longer appear…” “…My eyes and my heart will be here…” (March 18, 1996) Our Lady’s getting an efficacy. We’ve talked many times about that. And many people are missing the time of grace, and those who are going to be the most guilty of not propagating this, not putting this forth, is the pulpits.


We need to have a movement called “the green light.” We demand to spread Medjugorje. We want to go in every parish and give it away. The messages speak about them. How come we’re banned from that? How come we can’t do that? There’s absolutely no reason we should be stopped. And I’m one man that is fed up with it. They do it in Medjugorje. They don’t talk about the messages. And that’s why Our Lady said today what She said. Because they’re not interested in the messages. They’re interested in themselves, and they’re full of themselves on the altar and, “Look at us.” Shrine-holders. I’ve battled this for years. I’ve been told to leave Medjugorje. I didn’t get chosen by anybody except but the Virgin Mary. That’s Who called me, and that’s Who’s calling you. You don’t need permission. It’s time we say, “Enough!” Thirty-seven years!


So, Ted, that’s why he asked the question.


“None of the Catholic churches in our area for eighteen years have never confirmed or even mentioned in their homilies anything about Medjugorje or any of the Virgin Mary’s appearances there. They often talk about Fatima, Lourdes, and other visionaries. What is going on?”


What is going on is a crime. It is scandalous. And that’s why they will wake up one day and read August 25, 1997. “…Now you do not understand, but there will come a time when you will lament for these messages…” And also another message that She says, to the effect, “Live my message so that you won’t have to repent of what you could have done but you did not want to.” (August 25, 2013)


Ted, they don’t want to speak about Medjugorje because they’ve got their plans. They’ve got their evangelization committees. They’ve got all these stupid things happening in the diocese that don’t amount to nothing, and about people in different cultures that has nothing to do with bringing people to the Catholic Church.


I can tell you, our mission here has brought more people into the Catholic Faith than the whole diocese here, 75, 80, 100 churches. I lay it on the gambling table. I lay my cards out. And we may have, in your diocese, and all these people, have all these committees, for what?


We’ve got the answer, and the answer is Medjugorje. Case closed. And we’re going to get bolder now. Because it’s Louis de Montfort who said so, that we would fly across the world. “She will raise up apostles of the latter days.” And we will be amongst the priests. In other words, without care. We need them for the Sacraments. They need us for the witness of evangelization because they’re not doing it. Is that too hard to speak about? Just look at Medjugorje! You don’t hear nothing about the messages. They’re not going to stick their neck out for it. I have. This community has. We’ve done it for years.


So, this letter from this man saying he hears nothing is identifying a crime when you can go in there and find all kind of leftist material, socialist justice books, all kinds of ministries, all kinds of things that don’t produce anything, and all Medjugorje material is banned, and you can’t speak about Medjugorje. That’s a crime, and you will pay for it. And everybody ahead of the Church or your committees that have blocked this or stopped this or are against it, you are in deep error because Our Lady is here to correct the scandals in the Church, but not even that, the other scandals you’re not even aware of.


Mary is rejected. “Oh, we’re for Fatima. We’re for Guadalupe. Put your little things on your mirror in the car.” But the real Mary, the real time, the real moment is here, and She has been predicting it all the way from the 90s when She said on June 25th through the 90s, “This is a particular time.” (June 25, 1993) That means there’s no other time like this time we’re in. We’ve never had this in 2000 years, two millennia of Christianity. It’s never happened, and it’s happening right now. And She came to the earth today to speak, and it seems like a simple message, but it got underneath my skin because of what She said.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s October 25, 2018 monthly message to the world:


“Dear children! You have a great grace of being called to a new life through the messages which I am giving you. This, little children, is a time of grace, a time and a call to conversion for you and the future generations. Therefore, I am calling you, little children, pray more and open your heart to my Son Jesus. I am with you and love you all and bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



For you who follow Medjugorje, you have found a diamond, something of the highest value we could ever dream to be as far as a period of time in history, second only to the time Christ walked the earth. “Well, what about when Mary walked the earth the first time?” Well, She’s here a second time walking the earth because Jesus is going to come back a second time. And this is 100% in preparation for His coming. When? That’s what we don’t know. But I tell you, and I stake my life on it, that She’s here in preparation for the lead up of the Second Coming of Christ Himself. And these messages are very significant, very important. What’s the purpose of them? To teach you how to fly. Our Lady wants to have light inside of all of us. She wants us to have a new life, She wants us to have it through the messages, and She wants us to understand She’s giving these to you. This is our manual. This is how to climb out of the mess we’re in right now and go through the purification that the earth is about to go through.


And so, you find this diamond. You recognize it. Ted’s starving for it. How many Teds are out there wanting their priest just to say something or get out of the way and call somebody from the congregation at the end of Mass to talk five minutes about Medjugorje. This should be happening all over the place, every parish in the world.


So, if you feel like giving up, you’ve got to remember, we are called to fly. Our Lady’s given us messages to teach us. And that’s what Louis de Montfort said. “They will fly across the world, every nation, on silver wings.”



There’s a light inside of all of us. It’s never hiding, you just have to light it. It’s the one thing that you’ve got to trust. It’s like a diamond, you just have to find it. So if you ever feel like giving up, yeah, just remember that,


We were all meant to fly. Spread your wings across the universe. It’s your time to, it’s your time to shine. There’s a light inside of all of us. Soon you’ll find that it’s your time to fly. Your time to fly.


A little help is all it ever takes. Somebody else to tell you it’s worth fighting. A single step becomes a leap of faith. That’s when you realize you started flying. So don’t you ever say you’ve given up. No, there’s no looking back.


‘Cause we were all meant to fly. Spread your wings across the universe. It’s your time to, it’s your time to shine. There’s a light inside of all of us. Soon you’ll find that it’s your time to fly. Your time to fly.


Just reach out. Don’t give up until you’ve touched the sky. Just reach out. Don’t give up until you’ve realized.


That we were all meant to fly. Spread your wings across the universe. It’s your time to, it’s your time to shine. There’s a light inside of all of us. Soon you’ll find that it’s your time to fly, fly. It’s your time to, it’s your time to shine, shine.


Soon you’ll find that it’s your time to fly, fly. Spread your wings across the universe. It’s your time to, it’s your time to shine, shine. There’s a light inside of all of us. Soon you’ll find that it’s your time to fly.



“…it’s worth fighting. A single step becomes a leap of faith.”


That’s what Our Lady’s asking. She’s turning us away from everything of the world and it takes a leap of faith. I didn’t do what I did, many of you who have gone through conversion didn’t do what you did without stepping out into what looked like darkness, but it ended up being in the light. Because the world shows you, if go the way of Our Lady, is dark. That’s the mentality of the culture. Yet, it leads to the light and a better way to live, and you start touching the sky because you have the light in your heart, and you can fly.



When I first read this message, for me it was a, “Wow” message because I feel like it’s almost as if, you know, when Our Lady first became Mother of God, it was the Magnificat, St. Elizabeth, that recognized that Mary was the Mother of God. And that became the prayer that we prayed in recognizing Who Our Lady was, bringing Jesus into the world. And this, for me, is a message that is like the Magnificat of Our Lady in these years of Her reign. We just finished the first year of Her reign, and for me, this is what this message says. It calls us to, “…a time and a call to conversion for you and the future generations…” And a Friend of Medjugorje had us look up “generations,” and Our Lady has never said that before.


So, I just want to know what your comments are. Did you feel that, or what would you say to something like that?



Well, from the beginning of our community, one of the strongest things we had was about generations and community and “What was this place for?” And then, when Our Lady came in 1988 and said, after an apparition, Marija turns to me and my wife and says, “She wants to start a community here.” And we were shocked. We were thinking something like a Catholic neighborhood. But a community, we had not the concept, except that was what we were doing with our family. Our family was the first community here. And after She said that, it was almost six years where it seriously formed. It began to form, but before it really became what we recognize as it is today, it took almost six years for that to take place. But Our Lady did that.


And so, when Our Lady tells us about generations, you go back to Scriptures.


Our Lady said, June 25, 1991, on the tenth anniversary, to “look in Sacred Scriptures for the true reason I’m coming.” And when you look at Genesis, Our Lady sees this about generations.


Genesis 12, verses 2 and 3 says,


“I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you. I will make your name great so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.”


Our Lady gave a special blessing today. She says, “I give you my motherly blessing.”


“…You have a great grace…” She said, “…of being called to a new life through the messages…” She didn’t say through the Bible. “Oh no. That’s heresy! You can’t say that.” Well, then you don’t understand what’s going on. We have forgotten the Bible, that’s a quote from Her. “You have forgotten the Bible.” “I’m coming here to give you a preface to the Bible. I’m coming here to teach you about the Bible through the messages, because you’re modern. You don’t relate to the messages written by ancient man in the way he lived. You’re electronic. Your brain is lit up constantly. You’re multi-tasking to where you can’t even think, nor let God or prayer into your heart.”


So, you’re called to a new life, because you’re living wrong. How? “…through the messages which I am giving you…” “…I am giving you…” You don’t hear these messages being given out through Medjugorje. We’re the only one giving them out in Medjugorje, and we’re persecuted for it.


You say, “What?! In Medjugorje?” Yes, in Medjugorje. If you’ve never been there, and you didn’t know that, you don’t know what we’ve gone through to be what we are today. We’ve given away millions of messages in Medjugorje. Does the parish do it? No, it’s too risky for them. “The bishop will get mad.” I put my neck on the guillotine constantly, the Community’s neck on the guillotine constantly. And we live for the messages, we testify to them. Our Lady told me personally, “You witness, with your life.” How can I lie about Her? How can I be quiet anymore? How can I hear Ted write, “We hear nothing,” and I’m going to be silent anymore? Forget it! We’re about to go everywhere. We’re on the verge. We feel the push. We feel the pull. We are to go out. We are at a green light. The opportunity is through the scandal in the Church, and the bishops say, “We don’t know what to do. Let’s go to Baltimore in November and come up with some more stuff.”


We’ve got the stuff you need. You’re rejecting it. You’re closing it. You put a red light on us. We’re going to start running a red light. You want to ticket us? Go ahead and give a ticket. Will we pay it? We’re not even going to show up in court. Peter and John showed up in court because they were forced to. And they said, “Don’t you ever do that again. We’re going to scourge you.” You can scourge us. You can condemn us. You can squash us. You can do whatever you want to do. But that time’s over. I’m finished with this stuff. We are not going to be silent anymore. The Mother of God is here to save the world, and you’re worrying about saving your reputation, or “I can’t say,” or “I can’t associate with Medjugorje.” Garbage! You’ve got garbage in your parishes! You’ve got garbage that’s in the diocese, many times communist material, bad material, promoting of all kind of stuff that means nothing, and you don’t let the message in! You are at fault! You’re in deep error! You don’t even recognize the Messiah has sent His Mother for the Messiah to come for the second time.


She continues:


“…This, little children, is a time of grace, a time and a call to conversion for you and the future generations…”


And that’s my answer. The first time She’s ever said this. What does that mean? “I will bless you.” She asked for a community. “All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.” We’re realizing who we are. We’re realizing why Our Lady asked for a community to be established here. Because we are a prototype. We recognize that. We can’t deny it. We’re not going to lie about it anymore, and we’re not going to be quiet. We can’t. You can’t silence us, and you won’t silence us. You say, “Well, we’re not trying to do that.” Then give us a green light, because we’re going to be running the red lights now that you put up.


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So, Ted, you go to your parish priest and say, “I’m going to give these private revelations out. I’m going to give this material out. I have to go in the parking lot.” You say, “That’s radical.” Jesus was radical. He went into the synagogues, they said, “Be quiet. You can’t do that. You can’t speak that here.” He did it anyway. Do it anyway! The world’s going to hell. The Church is going to hell. And we’re going to be silent when we’ve got the answer? And you don’t, whoever you “don’ts” are? We don’t care anymore! I’m not going to be quiet. We’re going to be bold. We’re going to be humble too, because we know where you have jurisdiction. We know we’re going to be obedient to the Church. We won’t defy the Church. We love the Church. We love the bishops. We love the priests. They don’t love themselves, and they don’t carry out their duties. We demand it, we expect it, and we’re going to call for it.


You’re giving us millions of reasons why to leave you and stop coming to you in the Church about what to do, because Our Lady has given us millions of reasons and many things in these messages. These messages have millions of meanings in one message. They’re here till the end of the world for eternity to help us be there. They have millions of variations. They speak to us in every kind of way there is. All we have to do is bow down and pray and ask Our Lady to help us comprehend these messages. They are the medicine for the world. They’re flowing from the throne of God. They’re pure. They’re clean. They’re given once each month, twelve times a year. You’ve read that. You’ve heard me say this for decades. This isn’t something new. Now, other people may be finally starting to pick this up, and that’s good. And so, all we need from Our Lady is one good reason. We don’t need millions, but She’s giving messages that will speak to millions, hundreds of millions, actually billions of people to the end of the world of how to live Christianity in a pagan world that’s going to crush now the antichrist system that will come back and resurrect, although it’s mortally wounded, and how, through these messages, we will survive.


And what I can say today, Our Lady gave one good reason: “…You have a great grace of being called…” She told you that today! You priests, you bishops, you cardinals, Pope Francis, “…You have a great grace of being called to a new life…” “Oh, I’m going to live the life I’ve got now. I’m just going to repair the life I have now. We’re going to try to correct things.”Nothing is correctible now. We’re past that time. Nobody’s going to legislate themselves out of this mess.
“…to a new life through the messages…” That’s where the new life is coming through, and we’re not getting that into the parishes. We’re not allowed to. We have a stigma against us. “Oh, those are those Medjugorje nuts.” Always remember, a mighty oak tree was once a nut.


“…through the messages which I am giving you…” She’s giving us these, what? The messages. What are the messages for? It’s to call us to a new life. What is it about? A great grace that’s being granted to you. And what is this time? It’s a time of grace!


“…a time and a call to conversion for you and the future generations…”


Did you know that the Bible relays that God crushes His people? He purifies them over a long period of time. We’ve been crushed for 30 plus years, and the visionaries themselves 37 years. We’ve been suffering. We’ve been silent. We’ve been squashed. We’ve been put off into the corner. No more, because we’re going to have the green light from Heaven. It doesn’t matter whether you give it to us now. All the red lights are going to fall. And what does that mean when the Bible relays God purifies His own people over time? And it follows with this, relaying that the wicked He will strike instantly. Woe to you, woe to you, woe to you.


So, we have millions of variations of meanings of these messages, but we only need one good reason, and that was the message today.


“…I am calling you, little children, pray more and open your heart to my Son…”


And that’s the good reason to follow the message for everybody.



You’re giving me a million reasons to let you go. You’re giving me a million reasons to quit the show. You’re givin’ me a million reasons. Give me a million reasons. Givin’ me a million reasons, about a million.


If I had a highway, I would run for the hills. If you could find a driveway, I’d forever be still. But you’re giving me a million reasons. Give me a million reasons. Givin’ me a million reasons, about a million.


I bow down to pray, tryin’ to make the worst seem better. Lord, show me the way to cut through all his worn-out leather. I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away. All I need is one good one to stay.


Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare. It’s like that I’ve stopped breathing but completely aware. ‘Cause you’re giving me a million reasons. Give me a million reasons. Givin’ me a million reasons, about a million.


And if you say something that you might even mean. It’s hard to even fathom which parts I should believe. ‘Cause you’re giving me a million reasons. Give me a million reasons. Givin’ me a million reasons, about a million. 


I bow down to pray, tryin’ to make the worst seem better. Lord, show me the way to cut through all his worn-out leather. I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away. I just need one good one to stay.


I’m bleedin’, bleedin’. Can’t you give me what I’m needin’, needin’. Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith. But I just need one good one, good one. I just need one good one.


I bow down to pray, tryin’ to make the worst seem better. Lord, show me the way to cut through all his worn-out leather. I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away. But I just need one good one, good one. Tell me that you’ll be the good one, good one. I just need one good one to stay.



You’ve got the good reason today.


“…You have a great grace of being called…a call to conversion for you and the future generations…”


It’s the Magnificat. Isn’t it pretty incredible that every end of the Rosary and the end of the apparition, the first thing the visionaries say is the Magnificat. And it contains these words: “And His mercy is from generation to generation…” Do you think She had that message today, saying, “…for you and the future generations…” that She’s not thinking about what the words of the Magnificat are when She said it to Elizabeth?


“And His mercy is from generation to generation upon those who fear Him. He has shown might with His arm…”


That’s what Our Lady showed us today. She gave a message once, “I will give you might. You need might.”


On June 27, 1988, Our Lady said:


“…Help the others to change their lives. I give you might, dear children; with this might, you can bear everything. May this might make you strong in everything. You need it; that is why I give you might.”


You think this is not forgotten, that Our Lady said that in 1988? And She talks today in the context of the Magnificat, where She says:


“…generation to generation… those who fear Him…He has shown might with His arm…”


Our Lady is here to deliver that.


“…He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their hearts…


That’s what we’re talking about. “He purifies His people over the long term,” the Bible relays to us, “And the wicked He strikes instantly.”


“…He scatters the proud in the conceit of their hearts, and He put down the mighty from their thrones…”


What the mighty is today, and what the mighty are tomorrow is a switching of places, and that’s why it’s a green light time.


We’re not to be sent away empty as the Magnificat talked about, those who are arrogant. We are the servants of the Mercy, and we are to show that to everyone. And so, what happens to us? We get purified. That’s what He does to those who He loves. Those who are arrogant, those who are spoken about in the Magnificat, they will be wiped out instantly.


This is coming. We have to keep our head above the water. We have to remain calm with the storm. Our life is war. It’s fighting. It’s like drowning in the sea. Your voice for the messages, through your life first, secondly through speech, becomes the driving force of Her plans to change the direction of the world. So, we have to pray to God, in front of His altar, to keep our heads above the water because we are being purified for a special reason. And that’s for the conversion of the entire world.



I’ve gotta keep the calm before the storm. I don’t want less, I don’t want more. Must bar the windows and the doors to keep me safe, to keep me warm.


Yeah, my life is what I’m fighting for. Can’t part the sea, can’t reach the shore. And my voice becomes the driving force. I won’t let this pull me overboard.


God, keep my head above water. Don’t let me drown, it gets harder. I’ll meet you there at the altar as I fall down to my knees. Don’t let me drown, drown, drown. Don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me drown.


So pull me up from down below ‘cause I’m underneath the undertow. Come dry me off and hold me close. I need you now, I need you most.


God, keep my head above water. Don’t let me drown, it gets harder. I’ll meet you there at the altar as I fall down to my knees. Don’t let me drown, drown, drown. Don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me drown. Don’t let me drown, drown, drown. (Keep my head above water, above water.)  Don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me drown.


And I can’t see in the stormy weather. I can’t seem to keep it all together. And I can’t swim the ocean like this forever. And I can’t breathe.


God, keep my head above water. I lose my breath at the bottom. Come rescue me, I’ll be waiting, I’m too young to fall asleep.


God, keep my head above water. Don’t let me drown, it gets harder. I’ll meet you there at the altar as I fall down to my knees. Don’t let me drown. Don’t let me drown. (Don’t let me, don’t let me drown) Don’t let me drown. Keep my head above water, (don’t let me, don’t let me drown) above water.



To follow Jesus, to follow Mary, is to accept what They accepted. It’s the priceless way that you gain Heaven. You are not to shun the crosses that He gave to you.


Last week, Ivan received a message on the mountain, and it was incredible. She said:


“Dear children, also today, in a special way, I desire to call you to accept, with love, the will of God…”


What does that mean? She continues:


“…Especially I call you to pray for the sick, for them to accept their cross and will for God to be glorified through them…”


I’ve known for a long time that Our Lady praying over everybody in Medjugorje, those who’ve appealed to Her that associated with the secrets, somewhere in between or with them, however it unfolds, that you will see millions, hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions, of cures, as proof of the apparitions of Her intercession and praying over the sick. Very few people are being cured through Medjugorje. Listen to this again, this is the first confirmation in words of what I know in my heart and what I understood Our Lady was going to do a long time ago, in the future.


“…in a special way, I desire to call you to accept, with love, the will of God. Especially I call you to pray for the sick, for them…”


To do what? “…to accept their cross…” Why? Because it’s the will of God. And what for? “…for God to be glorified through them.” Can you imagine massive cures across the world? Somebody, somewhere, will know somebody who’s been cured. June 25, 2007, “…God desires the conversion of the entire world…” We will see massive incredible happenings.


And you don’t want to be a part of this? You want to close your church? You want to put a red light? You’re going to regret this. You’re going to kick yourself. You’re going to be in lamentations of what you blocked because there’s been a lot of people through 37 years who have died and gone to perdition that had Medjugorje, had the message been presented to them, would have saved them. We get letters. “I found this in the back of a church.” “Somebody sent this to me.” Or wherever it was. “I was headed to hell. Thank you for that printed material of the messages.”


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“…I call you to pray for the sick, for them to accept their cross and will for God to be glorified through them. The Mother prays for all of you, dear children, and for all of you offers to Her Son.”


She’s banking everything up. She’s ramping everything up. She’s storing all these things up! And She’s going to release it, and when it does, it will be a tremendous wave of conversion for every non-believer, Muslims, Christians, non-Christians, whoever. Because She’s the Mother of all. And it’s going to manifest, and they’re going to know it. And there will be those who reject because they hate God, and therefore they hate Her.


She’s put, today, a new emphasis on Her messages, something new. Even though you think it’s so shallow when She says:


“…a great grace of being called to a new life through the messages which I am giving you…”


If I had to describe these messages, I would call them intrinsic. That sounds odd, doesn’t it?


What does intrinsic mean? The definition of intrinsic means “something inward.” There’s something in these messages, inwardly, that reveal themselves to you personally.


Another definition of intrinsic is “internal.” It goes internally into your heart to change it. What are they? They’re genuine, they’re pure. “Genuine” is another definition for intrinsic. How should we take them? We should take them as the reality of real, as real can be.


Another definition of intrinsic is “real.” Is Our Lady just happen chance? Our Lady said, “…Nothing is by chance…” (September 2, 2016)


Another definition of intrinsic is “not accidental.” She didn’t come here today accidently and giving tokens to us. She gave something today that’s intrinsic, not by chance, and not accidental. How deep are they? It’s the deepest communication from Heaven to the earth which is another definition for intrinsic: “intimate.” And lastly, the last definition of intrinsic, “closely familiar.”


Our Lady wants you to come to Her. Our Lady wants you to be familiar with Her. She wants you to feel Her Mother. She said that today, “Today I give you my motherly blessing.” “…I am with you and love you…” This is intimate.


Our Lady once said that, “Heaven has never been so close to you as now.” And it’s true. We’ve never had this in 2,000 years of Christianity. And your parish, and your priest, and your bishops, and the pope, and the cardinals don’t want it out there? The future generations will read your names in history and call you crazy. “Were they insane?” “What was he thinking?”History’s not going to treat you very well. And I don’t have to write that. Every ignorant person, even the peasant, the lowest IQ, will see that you passed up a wonderous moment for a bowl of porridge. Tragic, tragic. And for you not to feel that, you become more bold, not arrogant! But you have the right, by your baptism, you’re in the priesthood for evangelization, and nobody can stop that unless the messages are condemned. And I put that up on the guillotine because I know these messages and believe them, and I don’t care where I put them, that they’re going to be condemned. Because God will stop the person who’s doing that, and because God will prevent that from happening because they are real.


And so, for future generations, you be the prophets, not saying everything’s the end of all. But the beginning of everything is beginning now for the future. It’s not the end of the world. Our Lady wouldn’t be here. Our Mother, over the earth, can’t take much more. She’s winding down Her apparitions, She’s in the last couple three years, and everything is about to come about for future generations.




The signs are obvious, they are everywhere. All that we hear about is the gloom and despair. Too many would-be prophets sayin’ “It’s the end of it all. ‘Cause mother earth can’t take much more.” The hammer’s gonna fall.


So nature has its needs, that’s a lesson learned. But it appears to me there are greater concerns. ‘Cause we can save the planet thinkin’ we will somehow survive. But father time is calling us to save somebody’s life. So


I won’t bend and I won’t break, and I won’t water down my faith. I won’t compromise in a world of desperation. What has been I cannot change, but for tomorrow and today I must be a light for future generations.


If we could find a way to preserve our faith so those who follow us see the price that was paid. Then maybe when they question what it’s gonna take to survive, they’ll find the strength to carry on in what we leave behind.


So I won’t bend and I won’t break, and I won’t water down my faith. I won’t compromise in a world of desperation. What has been I cannot change, but for tomorrow and today I must be a light for future generations.


Lookin’ in the eyes of the children knowing that tomorrow is at stake when the choice is up to them. Will they have the strength to say


We won’t bend and we won’t break. We won’t water down our faith. We won’t compromise in a world of desperation. What has been we cannot change, but for tomorrow and today we must be a light (be a light) for future generations (for future generations, yeah).


We won’t bend and we won’t break. We won’t water down our faith. We won’t compromise in a world of desperation. What has been we cannot change, but for tomorrow and today we must be a light (be a light) for future generations.


We must be a light for future generations. Yes, we must be a light for future generations. We must be a light for future generations (for future generations), for future generations.



You have everything you need, millions of reasons out of a couple thousand messages, multi-millions that will speak to you individually, as the whole world as one, or for different groups, all kind of reasons come from these messages. They have power. That’s why She said today that, “I give them to you for a new life.” It’s your roadmap to understand Biblical living.


So, you have a great grace being called, a call to conversion for you and future generations. Abraham was called to number the stars, millions of stars. Abraham is called the Father of All Future Generations. But we’re in the place of Abraham right now. Our Lady has called us as a community for communities in the future.


And in Genesis, God says,


“I will make My covenant between Me and you (Abraham) and will multiply you exceedingly. You shall be the father of a multitude of nations.”


That’s millions and millions and millions of people.


“…[I have made you] the father of a multitude of nations, kings shall come forth from you.”


The Magnificat echoes this.


“…I will [establish] My covenant between Me and you…”


What was the covenant? What was the sign of the covenant after Noah and the Flood? And we’ve given it away, and we do nothing about that?


“…As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations…”


So, Our Lady’s here with us. Will we have the strength to say, in front of the world, “We won’t bend. We won’t break, We won’t water down our faith. We won’t compromise in a world of desperation”? “What has been we cannot change, but for tomorrow and today,” also today, “we must be a light for all future generations.”That is our call. That’s my call. That is your call.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




This ends the Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at (205) 672-2000.


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