Special Anniversary Broadcast of Radio WAVE Mejanomics.
UPDATED October 6, 2011 A.D.
On October 6, 1986, our Founder, A Friend of Medjugorje, received his first personal message of Our Lady through Medjugorje visionary Marija. The message was in response to a question asked about this area in Alabama asking for “the same conversions taking place in Medjugorje, be allowed to take place (here) and that it be ‘Divinely’ spread throughout the whole region.” Our Lady gave an affirmative answer to our Founder, telling him that by prayer and humility, “… you will attain what your desire is…” This October 6, 1986 message, is our foundation message for our Mission and Community. It is the first message we live in our witness of “a way of salvation,” and this year marks the 25th anniversary of this message, and hence, the Caritas Silver Jubilee, that has been featured on Medjugorje.com.
Many times we see the hand of Our Lady, guiding events that we could have never planned. For example, when Radio WAVE first began in 2007, we had no idea that our 100th broadcast would take place on June 25, 2010, the 29th anniversary of the Medjugorje apparitions. For the 100th Radio WAVE broadcast to fall on the date of the anniversary of the apparitions, was a special sign that Our Lady was guiding A Friend of Medjugorje and his desire to bring the messages of Our Lady to every corner of the world.
About two years ago, we began Radio WAVE Mejanomics, which was a weekly show, every Thursday, with the intention of helping people to see how to direct their future towards a new way of life Our Lady is leading us to. With the release of the book It Ain’t Gonna Happen, it has become one of the most looked-to sources for finding how to read the world events taking place today, and what they mean for us as individuals. There is so much fear in the world today, fear of the future. But, Our Lady tells us that “the one who prays is not afraid of the future.” How does one not be afraid? How does one reach security? This has been the focus of Radio WAVE Mejanomics, every Thursday, over the last two years.
When A Friend of Medjugorje first began Radio WAVE Mejanomics, we had no idea that our 100th Mejanomics broadcast would fall on Thursday, October 6, 2011, the 25th anniversary date of the Caritas Silver Jubilee message! Again and again, we have seen the hands of Our Lady guiding our founder and this mission in ways that only Heaven can arrange. And so it is that we announce a special broadcast, a one-hour Mejanomics Special broadcast. This is a special show you do not want to miss. Radio Wave Mejanomics 100th Show Special: You’re 1 Phone Call Away from Losing Everything. To listen to the broadcast, click to visit here. Spread this to all your family and friends!
In the Love of Our Lady,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas