
Will You Be An Apostle?

Will You Be An Apostle?

Published June 3, 2014 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s June 2, 2014
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

Many pilgrims gathered behind the Blue Cross starting at 5:30pm June 1st in preparation for Mirjana’s monthly message on June 2nd. Despite the pouring rain in the evening and scattered showers throughout the night, many more pilgrims came to await the Queen of Heaven’s visit to the earth with joyful expectation. The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s June 2, 2014 monthly message on the day for nonbelievers through Mirjana:

“Dear children, I call you all and accept you as my children. I am praying that you may accept me and love me as a mother. I have united all of you in my heart, I have descended among you and I bless you. I know that you desire consolation and hope from me because I love you and intercede for you. I ask of you to unite with me in my Son and to be my apostles. For you to be able to do so, I am calling you, anew, to love. There is no love without prayer – there is no prayer without forgiveness; because love is prayer – forgiveness is love. My children, God created you to love and you love so as to forgive. Every prayer that comes out of love unites you with my Son and the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit illuminates you and makes you my apostles – apostles who will do everything they do in the name of the Lord. They will pray with their works and not just with words, because they love my Son and comprehend the way of truth which leads to eternal life. Pray for your shepherds that they may always lead you with a pure heart on the way of truth and love – the way of my Son. Thank you.”

Mirjana said that Our Lady blessed all of those present and their religious articles. Mirjana also said that Our Lady was determined or decisive.

Will You Be An Apostle?

by A Friend of Medjugorje

Our Lady’s message today is extensive. This writing will focus primarily on Our Lady’s first two sentences in regards to Her acceptance of us and our acceptance of Her. There is a time coming, as Our Lady’s children, that those who have loved, who have forgiven and whose works have become prayer, will then achieve being an apostle. They will do miracles, miracles just as the first apostles of the early Church, as She said today:

June 2, 2014

“…apostles who will do everything they do in the name of the Lord…”

A small number in the infancy of the Church who converted sinners, healed the sick, cast out demons, whom Jesus had gathered to His Heart, within 300 years, took over the Roman Empire! This remarkable feat is to be duplicated today. In regards to Our Lady, so few have understood this plan and so few have truly united to be completely one in Her heart, despite the fact that She calls all. Our Lady said on May 25, 2014:

“…Small is the number of those who understand and follow me…”

Many who went to Medjugorje converted and became impassioned in their faith, but now have fallen away or have grown only to a limited level. They do not enter into the deeper levels of conversion because of the price they would have to pay, in regard to changing their lives to set out in a different direction:


“I know that many will not believe you, and that many who have an impassioned faith will cool off…”

That area of discomfort in which you must work hard on your conversion, where you come to a point of conviction that causes problems for you, has caused many to cool off. There are many who are weak in their conversion and do not accept Our Lady, except with limitation, as to Her call. These will not become apostles, though they will say they know Her. Those obstacles you resign yourself to being blocked by, that you do not attempt to scale over, were not obstacles that stopped the early apostles. They conducted their lives in such a way that no obstacle stopped them and they led others the same.

Recently, a woman, who in the past went on pilgrimage with us, called to again sign up to go to Medjugorje. The next day, she wrote back saying she could not go because her spiritual director, a priest, said Medjugorje is still being investigated and told her she could not go with our group because public pilgrimages are forbidden. She called to say she would, therefore, not be going. Will she become an apostle of Our Lady? No. Why? How can she be counted among the number?

May 25, 2014

“…Small is the number of those who understand and follow me…”

She does not have the wisdom to understand that Our Lady is here to spiritually guide us into Apostleship. Nor does she have the wisdom to understand that when a shepherd does not have understanding in his guidance, or he gives faulty direction through ignorance, he is leading one away from a source of grace that will lead to deep communion with God and Our Lady. He has not been accurately informed that the faithful are free to go to Medjugorje with organized groups privately. One should get away from such direction. Spiritual direction is a direction you spiritually walk. If one is directing you away from Our Lady, then you need to walk away from that one’s direction. Yes, it is uncomfortable. Yes, it will take conviction. Our Lady knows this. It is why Our Lady has said:

February 20, 1985

“I give you advice…”

March 25, 1989

“…I call you, little children, to listen to me and to live the messages which I am giving you…”

February 21, 1982

“…I will guide you on a sure way.”

Our Lady knows there is a lack of sound spiritual direction in the church today. God, Himself, ordained to send His own Mother to guide man back to Him at a time when the church is incapable of doing so. God is intervening into the world because the church has ceased to convict the world. The church membership has allowed the world to taint and influence them, leading the church to become too familiar with the world’s ways. The church is very sick. It is in great need of direction for the formation of everyday life towards holiness. It does not know how to guide man, or how to teach not to divorce, how to live without modernism infecting it, how to build true infrastructure for the sacrament of community. It does not even know what community is anymore. These are among just a few problems in the church. Man has lost his way because the church has lost its way. It does not recognize Our Lady, who She is, why She is coming. Those who may object saying the church has not lost its way because Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it, fail to see that God is doing exactly what He promised for the church, through Our Lady’s apparitions at Medjugorje, so that the gates of hell will not prevail.

Over a year ago we received a call from a family member of a young man who was headed to hell by the life he was leading. This family member wanted to send the young man to Medjugorje. Reluctantly the young man decided to go, but then a priest, a respected friend of the young man, gave him direction not to go. Thus, an ensuing battle took place between our and the family’s direction vs. the priest telling him not to go.  Very bad direction. The young man decided not to go. We kept fighting for him to go, right up to the morning the flight was to leave for Medjugorje. His salvation at peril, he was all but dragged to the plane; all the while the priest gave the opposite direction. We were bold because we understand Our Lady’s call, Her words. We knew this young man’s condition was bad. We understand Her gospel in the context of the historic and final times of the church, of Her call to prepare us for the coming back of Her Son.

In Medjugorje, the young man, who was told not to go, heard and recognized Our Lady’s call. He experienced conversion. He came home praying the Rosary. He experienced a process of conversion. He kept his Rosary close. Not long afterwards, he was killed in a car wreck. We have a crisis in the church, a crisis which numbs, and many of those who could do something, do not, and often get in the way of one’s opportunity for salvation. It is Our Lady who says:

August 25, 2013

“…I do not desire for you, dear children, to have to repent for everything that you could have done but did not want to…”

An American bishop recently allowed 19 seminarians from his diocese to go to Medjugorje after a benefactor came forward to offer to pay their way. They went with their bishops’ blessing. But Medjugorje is “not approved!” We have duplicity in the church when this good bishop who has recognized Our Lady’s voice, sent his seminarians to Medjugorje and blessed them while others are interpreting “not approved” statement as a condemnation and no one can go to Medjugorje, cannot go to conferences, cannot attend apparitions. This is false. This is wrong. This is a lie against the Holy Spirit. We know of many priests who are “underground” Medjugorje followers, who received their calling to the priesthood through Medjugorje, but who must remain silent because of the resistance they recieve. But only the apostles of the latter days, as St. Louis de Montfort described them, will recognize the time of Mary and Her words. They did not recognize Jesus as the Christ or as the Word, and today it is the same, as the following describes:

The Gospel of Mary

Our Lady’s apparitions are to prepare the world for a time of peace and victory, but these same messages will be used by those in the ultimate battle in which, through the Gospel of Mary, She, the Woman, shadowed not even by the greatest angel or saint, and in the light of Her Son, will crush the serpent’s head, and Who at His glorious return, will cast the serpent into the eternal flame forever.

He who chokes at the words “Gospel of Mary” does not know Her. Jesus said you do not know Me because you do not know My Father. If you knew Him, you would know Me. Because you do not know Me, you do not know He who sent Me. If you do not accept Mary’s words, you do not accept Her Son’s Words. If you knew Her Son was the Word, you would recognize Her words and Her Son Who sent Her. “His” Mother said that She would give messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world. In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh.

For you who do not accept Her words, how then do you accept the Word? Mary’s Gospel, the echo of the Word, given in a new way, a new understanding, are immense in that their effects will affect all creation until the final battle in which the serpent’s head will be crushed, never to rise again. Whether the final battle be ten years or one thousand years from now, we are being given a gift, a grace, incomprehensible in this moment, that will give passage to many future Christians to survive amidst the great tribulation, the suffering under the anti-church, until Jesus, in the glorious moment, comes back.

As men confined in mortal bodies, limited in so much humanness, we are not able to see Mary as God sees Her. We can pray to comprehend, to rise above the confines of the flesh in better knowing Mary, but we will never know and understand Mary as She is known by God. She, who is in the midst of the Trinity, comes on the second day of the newborn millennium and says:

January 2, 2000

“Never as much as today, my heart is begging for your help! I, your Mother, am begging my children that they help me to realize what the Father has sent me for…”

Shudder, O man, that She Who alone can dwell deep in the midst of the Trinity where no being can dare go, not even the angels, and now She is before you begging! How man, have you responded to Her words? — End of “Gospel of Mary”

Because of the lack of understanding on how to deal with sin in the church, there is a lack of understanding of how to deal with sin in society. Recently, in California, a law was passed requiring two people to sign a consent form before they can go out together on a date. Yes, a boy and a girl going out to get a milkshake must sign a consent form to date. Man must begin making behavior rules and laws by the thousands as a result of removing God and His ways from a society. The Church has failed in using its power of conviction to keep God in the public square by the lack of or poor witness of its church leadership and members. When we allow God to be removed from our schools because of our poor witness in living the principles of Christ, what is left but for satan to come in and shoot the place up. School shootings are less about the shooter, than the fact that God is no longer welcomed in schools.

If Christians were strong, those controlling the public square would be shamed and convicted in their efforts to remove God. Christians living in truth and in the fullness of their faith receive respect and adulation, and they hold accountable even the un-churched. Today, there is no respect for the church. Obama tramples right over it and only words come from the voices in the church. Little or no call to act. Why should we even wonder why our schools are under such attack? How can there be respect for the Church when a large portion of it is banning Our Lady of Medjugorje? Medjugorje is the answer that God sent to the world to save it and it is rejected outright, or more subtlety under the guise of “let’s be cautious,” meanwhile, not only are many people going to hel,l but all of society. Our Lady says today very plainly:

June 2, 2014

“…I call you all and accept you as my children. I am praying that you may accept me and love me as a mother…”

Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana, said of Our Lady today, June 2, 2014, that She appeared determined and decisive. And yet, we allow consideration of spiritual directions from those that conflict with Our Lady’s way as having legitimacy? It is Our Lady’s decisiveness and determination vs. the waffling on Medjugorje whereas “not approved” can mean “you cannot go” to some people while to others it means “you can go.”

It is clear, perfectly clear, that Our Lady will not contradict the church. She is the model of obedience, the shining star of this virtue, and She just appeared today, knowing thousands would attend Her apparition, would travel from around the world to get there, would spread Her message into every diocese of the world. If what is said today from the spiritual leaders within the church who are interpreting “not approved” as condemnation, then Our Lady would be telling us to be disobedient against the Church! She will not guide us to be disobedient; therefore, what She says is not disobedient. She knows that the church gives freedom to Her apparitions, unless they have been officially condemned, which they have not. The following statement is expressly clear in contradiction to what is being interpreted by those who state one cannot attend Medjugorje apparitions, gather for conferences, etc.:

On February 2, 1997, Mirjana gave an account of Our Lady’s visit with her and of Our Lady’s guidance, which follows:

“Please tell everyone that Our Lady’s apparition to me on the second of the month will now be like the regular apparitions to Vicka, Ivan, Jakov, and Marija. Our Lady said that whoever wants to be present at that apparition can come. Our Lady said that much prayer is needed for those who have not yet come to know the love of God. This is all.”

Be “aware” and, therefore, “beware” for you who do eternal damage to souls when you dissuade, them and turn them away from the only answer upon the Earth today that can save it. Your not accepting Our Lady has a price which you will pay, though you will not have enough spiritual wealth to pay back the debt you tally up in not accepting God’s plans for the world’s redemption, His plans through Medjugorje.

March 18, 1996

“…Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted….”

This ‘evil’ needs people to collaborate with it and contribute to it, to reject Our Lady by interpreting Medjugorje’s not approved status as, therefore, you cannot go, cannot participate, go to conferences or apparitions, etc. In reality, Our Lady’s plans, if thwarted by evil, will achieve evil’s plans to destroy the world. It is Our Lady who says:

August 2, 2011

“…evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…”

To use condemnation power where no condemnation exists is to be in aid of darkness’ plans to destroy the world.

But what if a shepherd tells one not to go to Medjugorje? Do not put these apparitions in the context of the church’s past, as when St. Faustina was asked by Jesus to do something, but then her spiritual director did not give her permission to do it. When Jesus next appeared to her, He told her she did the right thing by following the director. St. Faustina was bound by a spiritual director. She was, therefore, bound by a spiritual direction. She was, therefore, bound by obedience and did do the right thing by obeying the direction (spiritual direction) before obeying a vision of Jesus. Our Lady’s work, through Medjugorje, is rebirthing the Church and bringing about a new springtime for the Church. The Laity is not bound by obedience as in a religious congregation, unless they accept to be under a lay congregation or type of confraternity, and one that is not heretical. No matter what direction or message the laity may believe in, or think they’ve been given as in the past, they are only bound to obedience where a bishop or priest has jurisdiction. We must recognize this is the reason Our Lady is working outside the perimeters of the Church. Our Lady cannot save the world today from the spirit of modernism and consumerism that is within the Church. Our Lady, instead, is working Her plans outside of the Church, a Church that does not give Her the freedom She needs today to exercise Her authority that God has given Her in the world. By “rite” of baptism we have the “right” to evangelize our Christian faith even with devotions that which are “not yet approved,” unless the devotion is condemned. That holds true in answer to Our Lady’s call, a call none of which trespasses on the jurisdiction of a bishop or priest, except when they venture beyond their jurisdiction. To stop devotion, conferences, Medjugorje apparitions, or people attending them can be done only by condemning the apparitions which then would give jurisdiction to stop attendance and devotion, etc. The faithful would then be bound. But that has not happened and, therefore, no authority can be used in a way that exercises the powers that would be granted when condemnation has been given to do the above, as is now happening. There is no authority to do so except by an abuse of authority. There can be stipulations required where people attend the apparitions, conferences, etc., such as by announcing that “the Church has not formally approved” the Medjugorje apparitions and thereby people cannot take the credibility of the apparitions, conferences, devotion for granted. This stipulation is complied with by making the statement above when announcing an event. To be clear, all of these events can, therefore, take place. Nowhere can the faithful be stopped from going to Medjugorje, nor can the Medjugorje visionaries be stopped from having their apparitions around the world attended by the faithful, nor can conferences, etc., be stopped unless Medjugorje is condemned.

As we approach the 33rd anniversary of the apparitions, the escalation to stop Medjugorje should be a sign, knowing the Sanhedrin became more determined to stop Jesus the closer His moment came to the fulfillment of His plan. There were the crucifiers, and the crucified; those who worked against God’s plans and those who worked with God’s plans. Have no fear that the Church will ever condemn Medjugorje. It will not. It cannot. It is a plan for the salvation of the whole world. We do not speak for the Church. We speak for our consciences and for the light God has put in our hearts, that darkness is under judgment and will be crushed and that a new day is dawning. We are to be determined and decisive. It’s one way or the other. Decide. There is no middle ground. The Earth will soon go through death throes. Something new will be birthed. Our clause we abide by is not legalistic as by the letter of the law, but rather the clause we abide by is the spirit of the law. Be decisive, firmly resolved, know your rights through your “rite” of baptism and make love the center of your actions as without love you cannot achieve anything. As Our Lady said today,

June 2, 2014:

“…There is no love without prayer – there is no prayer without forgiveness; because love is prayer – forgiveness is love. My children, God created you to love and you love so as to forgive. Every prayer that comes out of love unites you with my Son and the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit illuminates you and makes you my apostles…”

You are to be granted the grace to be made into an apostle. But, you can only be granted that if you forgive, and forgive even those who interpret that you cannot evangelize, be devoted to or attend Our Lady’s apparitions. But don’t let it stop you from being an apostle of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje.

In the Name of Love, through Our Lady’s Way of the Truth,
A Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

P.S. Our Lady’s message given today has many aspects to it that cannot be covered in one writing. For more in-depth and different insight, be sure to listen to the Radio WAVE show with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing the June 2, 2014 message of Our Lady. To listen to the June 2, 2014 Radio WAVE show titled, “You Still Have All of Me”, visit here…

Pictures from the June 2, 2014 Apparition

Mirjana in Medjugorje June 2, 2014

Mirjana prepares herself in silence, minutes before the apparition this morning in Medjugorje, June 2, 2014. Each encounter with Our Lady comes with great anticipation. Anticipation which draws thousands to sit in the cold rain on the ground throughout the night. What does Mirjana’s witness teach us about the magnitude of this moment. Mirjana, who receives Our Lady on the second of each month, said in 1992:

“I know in advance when the Blessed Mother will be appearing and I prepare. My heart is so filled with longing that to just wait for her is my life.”

Mirjana describes Our Lady:

“I see Her in three dimensions, just as I see a normal person who is with me. She is a close to me and as intimate, more intimate, than even my own mother could ever be with me.”

Make a resolution to accept Our Lady every day into your life by being in prayer during the moment of Her daily descent when She comes among us to bless each of us, Her children.*

Mirjana in Medjugorje June 2, 2014

Medjugorje is the village of Our Lady in which She chose to remain. She is there every day, “among us,” drawing and uniting the whole world. Our Lady wants us to know She is with us in our everyday life. The way we accept Her is through forgiving, praying and loving. This is the way we are to be active in changing the world. A Friend of Medjugorje said:

“The world is not what happens thousands of miles away from you. The world, your world is what affects you every day.”

To bring unity to your world, you must start in your family. Our Lady said on August 29, 1982, concerning reports that the apparitions have divided the priests in Hercegovina:

“I have not desired your division. On the contrary, I desire that you be united. Do not ignore the fact that I am the Queen of Peace. If you desire practical advice: I am the Mother who has come from the people; I cannot do anything without the help of God. I, too, must pray like you…”

Mirjana June 2, 2014

“Our Lady tells us to die out of love as Jesus did. She wants us to let our selfishness, wants and desires die, to be only love, and to give completely everything though love of God. She is not necessarily referring to material things or money as this may be easy, but rather to give oneself. This is the highest degree of love.”

A Friend of Medjugorje, from his writing, “In Front of the Crucifix With Our Lady,” 1991

In this way you will become apostles of Our Lady, who,

“…will do everything they do in the name of the Lord…”

Our Lady's Apparition to Mirjana June 2, 2014

Peering beyond the veil of the Temple, Mirjana becomes as John as he watched Our Lady ascend into Heaven with the angels.

“God, all-powerful and all knowing, knew He would be betrayed…Even in the beginning, He foresaw the wars, the infidelities, the murders, the impurities, the greed and the jealousies that would consume man. And at the moment He breathed life into Adam, He knew there would be Calvary; there would be the Cross; there would be His Blood poured out for man’s ransom and his salvation. Yes, God foresaw all of this. And yet He smiled. For in the midst of all this destruction, there would be one perfect Flower, a Creature of His own, a soul so pure, so beautiful and lovely, so filled with the best of Who God is, the creation of this one Creature, would be God’s consolation. The creation of Mary. A mystery so deep and so wide that if we had a thousand years to contemplate it, we still could not comprehend the love that formed the Woman Who was given to us by God as our own Mother.”

By A Friend of Medjugorje from his writing “The Marian Mysteries of the Rosary,” 2005 

Mirjana's apparition of Our Lady June 2, 2014

Mirjana, profoundly moved, peers into Our Lady’s eyes as Our Lady gives Her message on this day of nonbelievers, June 2, 2014.

Mirjana's apparition of Our Lady June 2, 2014

Our Lady says today, “… I call you all and accept you as my children…” We all know we are sinners and we often fail Our Lady in living Her messages. Yet, She still accepts us “as my children.” We, on the other hand, are often guilty of not accepting each other, not forgiving, not reconciling, not loving. Our Lady said on November 20, 1988, in the Bedroom of Apparitions here at Caritas,

“…may everything that you do bring you toward me. Let everything that you do and everybody you meet be an encounter with God.”

In his writing, “I Am Here; You Decide,” written in 2011, A Friend of Medjugorje states:

“Our Lady desires for you to have Her Son. When you change your whole self to become a reflection of Jesus, it is then that “everything that you do and everybody you meet becomes an encounter with God.” When you are accepted by one who knows not the Christ, the door opens for him to have an encounter with Jesus through his acceptance of you. You as a believer, you as a Christian, through your kindness and tenderness in giving love, represent God to the nonbeliever, who as Our Lady said, are those who have not come to know the love of God. You are their encounter with God. Through your treatment of them, they will come to accept your reflection of Jesus, and that will lead them to accept Jesus, Himself, as their Savior. Our Lady is standing in front of you today, waiting for your answer to Her question: “…I am here; you decide…”


There are many nonbelievers even amongst Christians today; they profess Jesus with their lips but not by their lives. As Our Lady’s children, we must be the ones to witness God’s mercy, love and forgiveness to lead everyone we encounter to the Truth of who Jesus is.

Mirjana's apparition of Our Lady June 2, 2014

Italian mystic, Maria Valtorta, described in the Poem of the Man-God, St. John’s first encounter with Jesus.  When Jesus asked him, “What do you want from Me?”, John replied, “I want You to tell us words of eternal life and to comfort us.” Our Lady’s words today, reflect this desire of John in all of us, “…I know that you desire consolation and hope from me because I love and intercede for you…” In response to John’s request to follow Jesus, He said,

“Come. But do you know what you are asking for? Who follows Me will have to leave everything: his home, his relatives, his way of thinking, also his life. I will make you My disciples and My friends, if you wish so…I will be persecuted by My enemies, even more than a lost sheep is pursued by wolves. My doctrine is even more rigid than John’s (the Baptist), because it forbids also resentment…”

Our Lady is repeating the doctrine of Her Son to us, “…there is no prayer without forgiveness; because love is prayer—forgiveness is love…” To follow Our Lady, we must understand that there must be a response to the consolation and hope She brings to us. We must change our lives, our hearts and as Jesus said above, our “way of thinking,” to conform ourselves to His Doctrine of Love, that even resentment cannot find a place in our hearts.

Mirjana's apparition of Our Lady June 2, 2014

Surrounded on all sides, Mirjana bends her head in prayer after the apparition ended today, June 2, 2014. The hands of many priests stretch out towards Mirjana to bless her. Though Mirjana is the deliverer of Our Lady’s words, we are the ones responsible for living Her words in our own lives. As Mirjana transmits Our Lady’s words to the world, we are to do the same, not with words, rather through our lives:

May 8, 1986

“Dear children, you are the ones responsible for the messages. The source of grace is here, but you, dear children, are the vessels which transport the gifts. Therefore, dear children, I am calling you to do your job with responsibility. Each one shall be responsible according to his own ability. Dear children, I am calling you to give the gifts to others with love, and not to keep them for yourselves. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


*For more on honoring Our Lady’s daily apparition, read, Will You Miss Out on the Second Greatest Moment in Time?


Prayer for Nonbelievers

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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4 thoughts on “Will You Be An Apostle?”

  1. City: Cura Carpignano
    State: PV
    Country: Italy
    Thank you for the strong message. Yes, if we do not allow God in our schools, the enemy feels welcomed. Thank you for supporting Our Lady. I have taken pilgrimages to Medjugorje 7 or 8 times. The first time was my FIRST confession, being a convert. It was awesome. May God allow all my family members to go there, too. Susanna Maria

  2. .Sheila Taaffe

    This message of Our Lady of June 2, 2014 and the article of a Friend of Medjugorge is the most beautiful message and article I had ever read. Keep up with you good work. May God bless you.

  3. Debbie Goodlander

    Thank you for this article as it has opened my eyes so that I can see what is going on. I have always known that Our Lady was in Medjugorje, from the first moment of reading about it in 1987 at Christmastime. I want to go to Medjugorje with my husband; I went only once in 1989. So it is time to go back. Please pray for us, Caritas that we may save enough to go as soon as possible with you.

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