
You Cannot Spread Medjugorje?

Medjugorje: a place upon the earth touched by a grace to be made into an idea to be propagated across all the earth.


SKU BK1085

If the Virgin Mary is appearing, it is a given the apparitions will be opposed. The most clever adversary of any appearance of the Virgin Mary will be satan himself; cunning, father of lies, master of deception.

Therefore, should it not be the case that the followers and foes would be confused in regard to all aspects of the apparitions of Our Lady while waiting for the judgment of the Church?

A Friend of Medjugorje brings clarity to conflicting beliefs as to whether the apparitions of Medjugorje can or cannot be followed. Are the visionaries banned from having their apparitions in churches? Are the clergy and laity banned from hosting conferences and attending meetings on Medjugorje after the October 21, 2013 letter on behalf of the Pro Nuncio to the United States? At first glance, many thought so. But after reading You Cannot Spread Medjugorje?, you will be strengthened and your faith will be given the ability, the verbiage, and evidence to protect Medjugorje and Our Lady’s plans. You will be able to show that the clergy, laity, and others can believe in Our Lady of Medjugorje’s apparitions, and all can host the visionaries, and can attend events. How? Why? Because the Church says we can, providing one stipulation. Reading You Cannot Spread Medjugorje? you will learn that stipulation and much more of why Church approval of Our Lady’s apparitions, to this point in time is not God’s will.

Weight 0.15 lbs
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