Christianity has liberated itself from one of the Ten Commandments. The Catholic Church members and many clergy are among those Christians. This liberation of a Commandment has now inherited not only the loss of liberty but a host of other dominoes knocking down all protections, exposing the Church to an all encompassing darkness prevailing over it.
Our Lady said on March 18, 2014:
The gates of hell are against the Church. One Commandment, a trifle violation among Christians, has led to all the woes assailing the Church and the world. We must acknowledge this Commandment and rectify our violations and change our way of life and begin to live this Commandment. Will the gates of hell overcome the Church? No! No, it’s a promise from God that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church but, because hell is at its gates, God has sent the Virgin Mary to show us that this violation causes us to violate all the Commandments. How much hell will the Church go through? A lot. The sooner we live this Commandment, the sooner we can mitigate the damage of hell rattling the gates of the Church.