A new book that is a shocking, sobering, and disconcerting look at what lies ahead of all of us in the very near future if we, as a people, do not summon the will to change our ways, rejecting the increasingly oppressive measures being taken against us in our nation. Based in real facts that are just now coming to light but woven together as only A Friend of Medjugorje can do with the wisdom from Our Lady‚’s messages, the new book entitled, They Fired the First Shot 2012, is a revelation for our time. As one who had a preview of the book said,”I don’t feel that I am the same person I was yesterday after reading this book. Everything has changed…myself included.”
A Friend of Medjugorje has stated he feels Our Lady is behind the writing of this book very strongly as with other important writings authored within the last 25 years.
Our Lady said on February 2, 2012:
“Pride has come to rule.”
They Fired the First Shot 2012 gives the blueprint of how evil intends to rule. The plans have been made. The implementation is not just around the corner, it is here.