
Our Lady’s Formula for Victory: “Pray, Pray, Pray”

“What is the reason for the apparitions lasting for so long?”


The question must be asked, “What really is happening in Medjugorje?” What is the reason for the apparitions lasting for so long? Some explain: “Our Lady is saying the same thing as past apparitions.” We state: “While She is repeating what She said in past apparitions, Our Lady is also saying inconceivably more.” Our Lady has been urging, inviting, and coaxing us along for years, training us for a reason. Fr. Jozo has said, “Medjugorje is always bigger than you think it is.”

Enter more fully into the mystery of Medjugorje through this booklet and begin to understand the greatness of the call to participate with Our Lady in this special time for the salvation of mankind. The reading of this booklet will illuminate insights and surprise you as to how big Our Lady’s plans are.

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