
The more we understand how satan works, the better able we are to protect ourselves from his influences.



Just as Our Lady has a plan in motion to lead multitudes of souls back to God in this time, so too does satan have a plan to destroy souls and bring them into his possession. Certainly we are living in a time like no other in which satan has dominated man. Signs are all around us to prove this. The more we understand how satan works, the better able we are to protect ourselves from his influences. Through Our Ladys messages, She reveals his shameful face and shines light into the darkness of his world and his ways. Every person living on the face of the earth has been influenced by satans evil ways and as Our Lady removes our blindness, as Christians, we must change our ways of behavior to be that which honors God in everything we do. This booklet is a real navigational tool, where many, before reading, thought they were on course.

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