It Ain’t Gonna Happen! – A Return to Truth

Why are people getting out of debt? Will the economy recover? Does Our Lady of Medjugorje speak to issues of the day like the economy, money, jobs, housing? Find the answer here.


SKU BF108 Category

For those who don’t think Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje speaks to issues of the day like the economy, money, jobs, housing…

For those who don’t think Our Lady is appearing to fundamentally change the world and the system by which it operates…

For those who place their security in worldly systems of retirement, pensions, and 401Ks, and think Our Lady does not have something to say to you…

For those who think life will continue as normal, and that the tumbling stock markets will recover, that bailouts will work, and that everything will return as previous, guess what?

Can the current world economic system co-exist with Our Lady of Medjugorje’s apparitions? The answer to this question is not only surprising, but scary.

What would you do to not become a slave? Should you act now? Is it okay to wait? Will the system recover from its present state? The answers can be found in this book. The results can only be found in your reaction…

Weight 0.97 lbs
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