For Immediate Release
July 27, 2016 A.D.
The church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray where the Catholic priest, Fr. Jacques Hamel, aged 84 died, martyred at the altar of God.
A Catholic priest was murdered yesterday morning in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, France while saying Mass, just five miles from the place where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. Two members of ISIS killed the priest after taking several members of the church hostage. The dramatic scene ended as French police killed the terrorists. This vile attack within the very sanctuary of God has the world reeling with disgust, but still with no answers. These attacks that continue to happen, almost daily, are beyond the scope of what governments are capable of fixing.
A Special Broadcast
Thursday night, July 28, 2016, join the Caritas Community as we speak with a Friend of Medjugorje on how to make sense of all of these events. Our Lady recently said on July 25, 2016:
“…I see you lost… you do not have prayer or joy in your heart… put God in the first place and not man…”
We have asked that a Friend of Medjugorje answer some difficult questions about the state of the world that many people have called or written to us about, and in particular, this event which took place only 5 miles from the honored site where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. It is a broadcast you will not want to miss, a broadcast so important, that we have moved the Mejanomics broadcast from 12 Noon to 7 PM.
Be sure to tune in at 7 PM Central Time USA. Spread this to everyone you know, your friends, family, prayer group members, mail lists, co-workers, even those who you may think would not be interested, as it is sure to be a broadcast of conversion.
To listen live, or for your local online broadcast time, visit here.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
IMPORTANT P.S. The July 21, 2016, Mejanomics, This is a Call to Confrontation, is a must-listen as a prelude to this coming Thursday’s Special broadcast. Be sure to listen or download here.
The attack, which took place yesterday, leaving an 84 year-old priest dead, lies only 5 miles from the exact site where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. Is there a message that we need discern from this? A Friend of Medjugorje will tell us this Thursday night at 7 PM Central Time USA.
Rouen, France, the base of this cross marks the exact spot where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, located only 5 minutes from the site of the horrific death of a Catholic priest by two terrorists in the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. A Friend of Medjugorje, whose patron is Joan of Arc, has visited this site many times, reading of the account of her trial and execution, which was one of the most documented trials. Joan of Arc’s intercession was very instrumental in his personal formation and conversion. His deep love for France and Joan of Arc, are sure to inspire his words this Thursday night, when he tells of the significance of this recent martyrdom of a priest, only a few miles away; a point that should not be over-looked. To listen to the Mejanomics special, at 7 PM Central Time, visit here…
6 thoughts on “Priest Martyred by Two Terrorists”
This holy priest ..his life is a legacy to us all..God bless him always..
Thank you for this reporting. I understand the church is not far from St. Theresa, the Little Flower’s home in Lisieux, France. Our Carmelite parish priest mentioned it today at Mass. I understand France is a target for ISIS as she was the Eldest Daughter of the Church. This is because France was the first of the countries (nations) established by the barbarians after the fall of the Western Roman empire in 476 to become Christian and Catholic. – I also heard Germany is another target. Both countries currently do not have a strong Catholic identity but are religious. the eldest Dauther
We implore God’s mercy! I ask myself the question, “would I have jumped from the pew in that Church to defend the priest”? Even at the cost of my own life..what would I be willing to do for my priest and not only our priests but for anyone. It is utterly crazy that we do not have one report that mentions a person running to save this elderly priest. Would we run to save ourselves or sacrifice it for the sake of another. Our Lady, pray for us! Make us worthy Apostles!
This church was on a terrorist hit list. Terrorists do not abide by any religion’s Golden Rule, including their own. A nun escaped to find authorities, who shot the 2 terrorists dead. Prayers for all Churches, priests, church officials, pope, religious orders, and first responders !
Sad indeed. May his soul rest in peace.
It was with much sadness the news we all received of the horrific attack on a brother priest who was carrying out his duties for his parishioners. We all need to come together to denounce such atrocities committed in the name of religion. Carried out by those who have been indoctrinated by a flase and perverse understanding what religion is about. All faith groups should denounce this firmly. May he rest in Peace.