
Praying and Waiting in Hope

Praying and Waiting in Hope

Wednesday August 16, 2017 A.D.
11:30 PM Alabama Time

We are continuing to receive responses to a Friend of Medjugorje’s response to the critical feedback titled, Response to a Feedback, which was published on August 9, last week. Following are just a few:

August 11, 2017

“Excellent! Thank you for all you do. May Our Lord continue to bless you and yours, and Our Lady protect you in Her mantle.”


August 11, 2017

“Thank you for all you do! Evil prevents many from understanding the meaning of Medjugorje. This was a Spirit inspired response and explanation.”


August 12, 2017

“Great response! Thank you for your support of our president and his Godly agenda.”


August 15, 2017

“I am from Uganda, the Land of Martyrs, in East Africa. Given the state of how the world perceived Donald Trump during the campaigns, it is obvious that his election was a miracle. We pray and trust Our Lady who intervened for the good of the universe will guide President Trump.”

C.K., Uganda

The feedbacks we continue to receive daily are mounting the anticipation of reaching towards the goal to launch Mej v3.0. A single heart changed through this site will make a ripple effect in their family, region, nation and the world. Hearts change when they read how to apply Our Lady’s Messages through a Friend of Medjugorje’s epistles, and hearts are changing…

August 13, 2017

“To the Community of Caritas and especially A Friend Of Medjugorje,

“Thank you so very much for all you do in putting together what is to be a truly remarkable feat for the new Mej v 3.0. I can’t wait to see it! I have kept up with Caritas, and a Friend Of Medjugorje for a number of years now, even becoming a Field Angel. I must admit that over the years my personal belief in The Messages would sometimes wan and almost go out, due to conflicts, stresses, and mostly persecution from those whom I cherish, love and serve. Also, I have had for the most part, unknowingly, the sin of unforgiveness. Then I read A Friend Of Medjugorje’s writing titled, “Harboring Anger And Resentment Will Eat You Up”.

This has had a major effect in totally changing my life and how I look at the world. I am so much more at peace than I have ever been in my whole life. Yes I still have conflicts, stresses and a lot of persecution, but now I have a new path to take.

One last thing I would like to share for, I have hope, encouragement for those who like me feel they are alone in their walk and support Of Caritas and Our Lady’s messages. I have read in the responses how many people are missing the regular features of Mej.com. I too greatly miss them. I think Our Lady is still working behind the scenes, though. I was at a Rosary Rally a couple of months ago in Houston, Texas and met a group of Caritas supporters from Orange Texas who are also members of a CSPG (Caritas Constitutional Small Prayer Group). For me this was a renewed effort to pray and sacrifice even more to spirituality support this group. I thought that there were no groups anywhere near me or even in Texas. This gives me hope that Our Lady is still working even behind the scenes for her children.”

Special Blessings Of Our Lady,


August 10, 2017,

“I’m so excited to see how close the goal is! I miss mej.com and a Friend of Medjugorje’s Radio WAVE talks. Can’t wait for the new site! God bless you all! Thank you all for everything!”

M.I., Canada

August 10, 2017

“Please accept this donation as the tithe of the crops my family and I grew this year on our small hobby farm. It isn’t much, but we know every little bit helps. We pray for Caritas and Friend of Medjugorje in this time and for the swift release of MEJ 3.0…”


August 11, 2017

“Thank you Caritas and Friend of Medjugorje for all your hard work and love on behalf of our Blessed Mother.”


August 11, 2017

“I have been praying for extra funds to send and an unexpected check… arrived today; so very glad to be supporting an apostle of Our Lady and Her cause. Keep speaking the truth and I will keep you all in my prayers! Thank you and God Bless.”


Your donation to Medjugorje.com allows for hearts to change. Thank you for all of those who have given; the testimonies we receive are the fruit of your generosity. Your donation brings souls to Our Lady’s Heart. We are being inundated with responses and feedbacks, and while it is not possible to publish all the feedbacks today, your words of encouragement and kindness are a blessing of Our Lady’s love and we are very grateful. Thank you! Please continue to pray every day for a Friend of Medjugorje, the Caritas Mission and Mej.com. The latest update for the Mej.com goal is below. Thank you!

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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