
Poised to Take Massive Steps

Poised to Take Massive Steps


December 28, 2016 A.D.

The following letter from a Friend of Medjugorje was sent recently to the Caritas of Birmingham Field Angel list, which some of you have already received. For those of you on the MejList, it is an important update regarding the mission work of Caritas of Birmingham. Your response is greatly needed and appreciated. Thank you.

Dear Beloved Family through Our Lady,

Christmas is here. We are at the end of the year. We normally ask for the Community Plea during Christmas Season. We are postponing that normal plea, because our mission at Caritas comes before our needs. We are poised to take massive steps in propagating Our Lady’s messages, plans, and ways to the world. Forced expansion by demands of those who come, call, mail, and connect to us from around the world is outstripping our financial base, of which, through your gifts you support. We cannot afford to enter 2017 in which Caritas is crippled. We are in the moment of defining Medjugorje, communicating to the world that it is Medjugorje that is responsible for all the changes taking place around the world and that will be taking place in the future. Already we are hearing others taking credit in order to define the changes taking place, in the present, is due to various things such as – a political party, movements of men, new approaches, etc. This ignorance blocks conversion. Thinking victory is through man is a deception. All things happening emanate from Medjugorje. Everything is working toward the fulfillment for which Our Lady has come for. The devil always tries to highjack what God enacts, so that people will not see God’s hand. It is satan’s intent to give credit to man’s political parties, programs, leaders, etc., in order to stymie, even stop, man’s recognition that all is an action of Heaven. In 2017, we will be defining past, the present and future actions around the world are the result of Our Lady’s plans for the conversion of the world, of which, with this knowledge, will convert many more people to Our Lady and Her Son. If we leave it to satan to define these positive events as the work of man, the world will return back to the same pattern of looking to man to set forth the direction of the world and the path to take. We will return to a path of destruction, rather than the path that will lead our nation to reconciliation with God. Man is only the instrument. We must define the current changes to the public, that they are happening through Our Lady. This understanding will lead to the conversion of throngs of people, just as many of you learned of Our Lady’s plans and converted and stopped looking for man to change things. We have big, very big plans – some of which are ready to be implemented and others on the drawing board. Through the grace of God, they will reach deep, very deep into the general public about Our Lady’s messages, where before we could not penetrate. These are not pie in the sky ideas. We are not idealists. We are realists. We feel this is the moment to push. Our Lady said:

November 2, 2016

“…The united love of my apostles will live, will conquer and will expose evil…”

This is Our Lady’s “release” message to Her apostles to go all out. Live – conquer – expose are action verbs. This means we have a call to action. If you believe, if you live the messages, if you accept Our Lady’s call, you cannot be inactive or semi-active. You must get off the couch. This is the moment to seize.

We have a short fall of cash-on-hand to start out advancing into 2017. We need quickly to raise $150,000.00 to $200,000.00 by the beginning days of January. That is only in the next couple of weeks. If we do not receive enough gifts from you this Christmas season, we will be stymied, while satan will not, in defining man’s victories in order to deflect conversions. satan will, thereby, divert the world’s direction away from the Source of Grace that led to these changes. Our Lady has raised us, you and we, to be Her witnesses, who will point the world to Our Lady and Her intercession. If the world learns that the call of Heaven is bringing about these changes, then the world will advance quickly in changing direction.

Please consider a large gift to Caritas immediately. It may be $5.00. It may be $50.00. It may be $50,000 or $75,000. We need all to give a gift. We must run out of the gate the first weeks of January in a funded position to move quickly. You will be delighted when things manifest of what all will be launched. Please, also keep up your Field Angel monthly operations gift, as this keeps all the gears running here at Caritas.

Thank you for everything, every prayer, gift and your love. We pray you have a very Happy and “Mary” Christmas.

We Love you,

Friend of Medjugorje

Visit Here to Make a Year-End Tax-Deductible Gift
Thank you!

Or You Can Mail Your Gifts to:
Caritas of Birmingham
C/O Year End Donation
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA


We will not be answering phones until January 3, 2017, but you can also call 205-672-2000, and leave your information on extension 315. Thank you.

Visit Here to Make a Year-End Tax-Deductible Gift

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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