Mary of Nazareth, the humble little Jewish girl, who once played in the soil of the earth, who loved to smell its flowers, now is exalted above the angels and chosen to come daily to the earth in order to save it. She wishes to bring freshness and innocence back to the earth. The following message is as though Mary remembers Her time upon the earth and that sweetness that surrounded Her while in prayer.
January 27, 1986
“Every second of prayer is like a drop of dew in the morning which refreshes fully each flower, each blade of grass and the earth. In the same way prayer refreshes man. When man is tired, he gets rest. When he is troubled, he finds peace again. Man renews himself and can, once again, listen to the words of God.
“How the scenery is beautiful when we look at nature in the morning in all its freshness! But more beautiful, much more, is it when we look at a man who brings to others peace, love, and happiness. Children, if you could know what prayer brings to man! Especially personal prayer. Man can thus become a really fresh flower for God. You see how drops of dew stay long on flowers until the first rays of sun come.”
With Love in This Holy Season,
Pictures from Medjugorje
Our Lady said:
“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things…”
A visit to Medjugorje in this time of grace is a visit to encounter the Living God.
In October, the smell of harvest speaks and spurs one to reflect about life and death, where one has been and where one is going.
The sites of Medjugorje are ordained by God as conversion ground. Everything speaks for the one who listens; a place where the voice of God is heard in the heart.
Through sight, sound, touch, smell, and so many other things, Medjugorje speaks as with voices from Heaven.
To walk these vineyards is to encounter these mystical messengers which speak to the heart.