To Listen Live at 11 AM Eastern Time
on Oct. 15, 2016, visit here…
This is a formal invitation to respond to Our Lady’s call to come, and as individuals or with your prayer group to pray the Patriotic Rosary at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, October 15, 2016, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The location of this prayer event will be at the Independence National Historic Park at the People’s Plaza—in front of Independence Hall and next to the Liberty Bell.
How can it be said that this is a “response to Our Lady’s call?”
This event is not being done under the local diocese or under the Catholic Church. The apparitions of the Virgin Mary of Medjugorje have not been approved or condemned by the Catholic Church. We, at this event, do not take for granted the credibility of the apparitions. We wish to state that clearly. We are praying for ourselves and our nation’s healing, privately as free individuals, with no pretense that this event is tied to the Catholic Church or under its jurisdiction. We are exercising our rights as citizens and our rights of those who are Catholic and devoted to these private revelations of which the Catholic Church grants when not condemned.
It was Our Lady who said in the Field of Apparitions on July 3, 2012 to do exactly what we are announcing. Our Lady said in the United States of America, in Alabama, after ardent prayer for the healing of the United States and millions of prayers and fasting for 24 consecutive years what action we should take.
On July 3, 2012, on the vigil of the celebration of our nation’s birthday, Our Lady said:
“Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.”
If you love Our Lady…
If you follow Our Lady…
If you love your Motherland…
If you listen and follow Our Lady’s messages…
why would you and others not respond to this unified call before the most critical presidential election in our nation’s history?
The grace necessary to heal this land is at a needed point of America going irreversible into darkness or stepping out on the path toward the light, toward recovery.
Every prayer group in the nation should come. If you do not belong to one, start one now, even if it’s a prayer group by phone. Print this announcement and give it to others as a means to spread this call to all and to form prayer groups and to come to Philadelphia on October 15, 2016, to be with others who think the same as you do to pray for our nation.
This prayer at Independence Hall is not a symbolic gesture. Rather a causation of the heart to result in an effect of the heart of Our Lady interceding and bestowing graces upon our country and its Christian way of life. We will gather, rain or shine, to invoke Scripture’s promise:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
We have the promise of Scripture.
We have the promise of Our Lady.
“…pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.”
“This nation” refers to the United States of America. If America is safer, the world will be safer. If America is unsafe, the world will be unsafe. Our Lady’s own words reveal a lot in the role of Heaven for the plans for peace. “What if I already have plans October 15, 2016?” This question can be answered by a question. What good are all future plans without the healing of our nation?
Several very remarkable events are coinciding with the October 15, 2016 Patriotic Rosary and Consecration of our nation at Independence Hall.
• The prayer gathering is proceeded by a 9-day bread and water fast for our nation. We set the above date not realizing, that nine days before, we had scheduled, months before, our annual 9-day bread and water fast for the healing of our nation, beginning on Thursday, October 6 and ending on Friday, October 14, 2016. It will end the day before the gathering in Philadelphia, adding a greater dimension of grace through the sacrifice of fasting by believers around our nation. Fasting opens the heart to conversion and deepens prayer more than anything else you can do. It is so important to Our Lady’s plans being fulfilled. Our Lady said:
September 26, 1985
“… Thank you for all the sacrifices. I wish to tell you, dear children… Especially live the fast, because by fasting you will achieve and cause me the joy of the whole plan, which God is planning here in Medjugorje, being fulfilled…”
We call you to join us in the 9-day bread and water fast so that Our Lady can achieve Her plans for our nation. (See more information at end of writing.)
• Another factor that was unknown to us when choosing the October 15th date is that 15,000 public square Rosary rallies are being held around the nation on this same date by Fatima devotees who are coming together to pray. This unplanned collaboration of prayer is a sign of hope that Our Lady is raising up an army of prayer warriors in this hour of great need for our nation’s future. There will be tens of thousands praying the Rosary the same day we will be at “Ground Zero” of our nation’s birth, offering the Patriotic Rosary.
In these remaining days before the Presidential Election, what are you doing to call down God’s mercy and graces upon our land? Our Lady is looking for those who will collaborate with Her. In gathering at Independence Hall, we will be praying with Our Lady for the dreams of our Fathers, for our sweet land of Liberty, for the return of our nation back to God.
August 25, 1994
“Dear children, today I am united with you in prayer in a special way, praying for the gift of the presence of my beloved Son in your home country… I pray and intercede before my Son, Jesus, so that the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled …”
Dolores, from Rosenberg, Texas, wrote to Cartias when the Patriotic Rosary at Independence Hall was first announced:
“God bless you for this prayerful endeavor for our country. I will be with you in spirit as I am leading one of the 15,000 Rosary Rallies that day, at noon, that will be happening that same day. This is led by America Needs Fatima and we do this every year. How unbelievable that you would choose the same day as the Rallies are being held. Only heaven and Our Lady can be at the helm of this taking place on the same day. Heaven will be deluged with prayer that day. That is so exciting, a real ray of hope in this sometimes hopeless time. Thank you and God bless you richly for all you do.”
Rosenberg, Texas
See You in Philadelphia,
P.S. Bring your own blanket to sit on for the event.
Sites You will want to Visit while on the Grounds of Independence Hall & the Independence National Historic Park:
{source}[[iframe src=”!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d1529.3327782676492!2d-75.150026!3d39.94887!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x89c6c8836b121acd%3A0x4084dc5af8ba126a!2sIndependence+Hall%2C+520+Chestnut+St%2C+Philadelphia%2C+PA+19106!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1474369736760″ width=”800″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border:0″ allowfullscreen]][[/iframe]]{/source}
• Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence was signed
• The Liberty Bell Center
• Independence Hall Visitor Center —
• National Constitution Center History Museum —
• Old St. Mary’s Church — Old St. Mary’s Church was established in 1763 and was the first cathedral of the Diocese of Philadelphia. George Washington, John Adams and other members of the First Continental Congress attended St. Mary’s for Sunday Vespers in 1774.
American History You Never Learned, by a Friend of Medjugorje. Order online here, or visit here to download free.
The following is taken from one of A Friend of Medjugorje’s most popular books, American History You Never Learned, written in 1993:
If you were in Philadelphia at Willing Alley on July 4, 1779, you would have seen the Continental Congress stroll by — all the officials and heads of the new government, the major officers of the army and of the navy. You would have seen a tremendous sight because that July 4, 1779, was the first official public religious commemoration of the Declaration of Independence. These people were not going out to sales, barbecues, or fireworks demonstrations. They went out to thank God. The scene must have been electric. The newborn nation was represented there and so, too, again was Our Lady there at the beginning. Since this is Her land, it seems, through Her intercession, the first public religious commemoration should be the highest form of prayer on earth. So if you were there you would have seen George Washington, along with all the other officials, give thanks to the Almighty God by attending…Holy Mass…at the church named after Our Lady,…“Old Saint Mary’s…” What must have been in Washington’s thoughts as he may have pondered about the beautiful woman in Valley Forge.* Surely, in the church of Our Lady, he must have thought about it.
Old St. Mary’s Church | Mass Times: |
*Valley Forge was the military camp where the American Continental Army spent the winter of 1777-78. No battle was fought at Valley Forge. Yet, it was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. The army was in dire straits with so many of the soldiers ill, without proper clothing, shoes and food. An amazing story was uncovered that was printed in “American History You Never Learned” that a beautiful heavenly Woman appeared to George Washington in an apparition to encourage and strengthen him in this battle for Independence. Calling him “Son of the Republic,” the “Woman” showed Washington three decisive battles that would threaten the future republic of the United States. The first was the Revolutionary War, the second the Civil War, and the third appears to be the time in which we are living today.
Accommodations, Hotels, etc…
Wyndham Philadelphia Historic District (approx. .3 miles from Independence Hall)
Rate: $169.00 + tax per night (must make reservation by September 26 to get special rate. Mention Medjugorje Pilgrimage Room Block for October 15 event)
Phone Numbers: 215-923-8660 or Central Reservations 1-877-999-3223
Address: 400 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Website address:
Hampton Inn Center City Convention Center (approx. .3 miles from Independence Hall)
Ask for best available rates.
Phone: 215-665-9100
Address: 1301 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Days Inn in Historic Area near Convention Center (approx. 1 mile from Independence Hall)
Rates: $179.00 + tax to $199.00 + tax per night
Address: 1227 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone Number: 215-496-2700
Four Points by Sheraton (approx. 1 mile from Independence Hall)
Rates: $189.00 + tax to $209.00 + tax per night
Phone Number: 215-496-2700
Address: 1201 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Embassy Suites Hotel Philadelphia Center City (approx. 1.8 miles from Independence Hall)
Ask for best available rates.
Phone: 215-561-1776
Address: 1776 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
The Windsor Suites (approx. 1 mile from Independence Hall)
Ask for best available rates.
Phone: 215-981-5678
Address: 1700 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA
Double Tree by Hilton Philadelphia Airport (approx. 10 miles from Independence Hall)
Ask for best available rates.
Phone: 215-365-4150
Address: 4509 Island Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
For information about the 9-day bread and water fast, October 6 – October 14, 2016, visit here
Caritas of Birmingham is not acting on behalf of the Catholic Church or placing its mission under the church. Its mission is to reach all people of the earth. Its actions are outside of the church done privately. It is further stated:
So as not to take for granted the credibility of the Medjugorje Apparitions, it is stated that the Medjugorje apparitions are not formally approved by the Catholic Church.
Medjugorje Status
September 21, 2015 A.D.
No attempt is intended to pre-empt the Church on the validity of the Medjugorje Apparitions. They are private revelation waiting the Church’s final judgment.1 In the interim, these private revelations are allowed by, and for, the faithful to have devotion to and to be spread legally by the Church. Devotion and the propagation of private revelations can be forbidden only if the private revelation is condemned because of anything it contains which contravenes faith and morals according to AAS 58 (1966) 1186 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Medjugorje has not been condemned nor found to have anything against faith or morals, therefore it is in the grace of the Church to be followed by the faithful. By the rite of Baptism one is commissioned and given the authority to evangelize. “By Baptism they share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission.”2 One does not need approval to promote or to have devotions to private revelations or to spread them when in conformity to AAS 58 (1966) 1186, as the call to evangelize is given when baptized. These apparitions have not been approved formally by the Church. Caritas of Birmingham, the Community of Caritas and all associated with it, realize and accept that the final authority regarding the Queen of Peace, Medjugorje and happenings related to the apparitions, rests with the Holy See in Rome. We at Caritas, willingly submit to that judgment. While having an amiable relationship with the Diocese of Birmingham and a friendly relationship with its bishop, Caritas of Birmingham as a lay mission is not officially connected to the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama, just as is the Knights of Columbus.3 The Diocese of Birmingham’s official position on Caritas is neutral and holds us as Catholics in good standing.
1. The Church does not have to approve the apparitions. The Church can do as She did with the apparitions of Rue du Bac in Paris and the Miraculous Medal. The Church never approved these apparitions. She gave way to the people’s widespread acceptance of the Miraculous Medal and thereby the Apparitions to St. Catherine. Sensus Fidelium (latin, meaning “The Sense of the Faithful”), regarding Medjugorje is that the “sense” of the people says that “Mary is here in Medjugorje.”
2. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition
3. The Knights of Columbus also are not officially under the Church, yet they are very Catholic. The Knights of Columbus was founded as a lay organization in 1882 with the basic Catholic beliefs. Each local council appeals to the local Ordinary to be the Chaplain. The Knights of Columbus is still a lay organization, and operates with its own autonomy.
5 thoughts on “Patriotic Rosary Where The United States of America was Birthed”
I am so excited that I will be praying with all of you from across the country. Liberal California has 2,422 rosary rallys, twice as many as more Conservative Texas. Only Heaven itself could make that happen!! To know that there are so many people praying the Patriotic Rosary at Independence Hall fills my heart with hope. May God and Our Lady BLESS America!!
This is Amazing…and yet, considering it is Our Lady’s doing, how can it be anything other than God’s Will? My husband & I have been leading a “Public Square Rosary” almost every year since they began in 2007, & as you may know, it is held each year at Noon on the Saturday closest to October 13 ….when the “Miracle of the Sun” occurred in Fatima in 1917! We have often prayed the “Patriotic Rosary” there! Each year, the number of Rosary Rallies held has grown by leaps and bounds. When I heard of your Rosary in Philadelphia planned for this year on October 15, I checked to see WHAT TIME it will be prayed…and found that the time WILL COINCIDE with the 15,000 Public Square Rosaries Rallies!!! I HOPE to be able to join you that day, as I have an important cross country flight that I need to schedule for that weekend. But I am quite sure that I will be canceling our own Rosary Rally that day and directing people to join in your Philadelphia Rosary, as Drexel Hill is very close to Phila!
I will also be attending the Rosary Rally in my town. we wil be with you in spirit.God Bless all of you heading for Philadelphia. May God bless us all. Judy,
Sat 10/15/16, @ 12:00 noon, in Our Lady’s Rose Garden, Cure of Ars Parish is gathering the faithful to a Patriotic Rosary for the healing of our nation, end to abortion, and world peace. I hope to attend, if not, I will pray in union with those gathered. Our Legion of Mary is the coordinating group. This will be the second time this celebration had occurred.
I will be flying from Orlando to Manchester, NH that day…..from 11:40 until 2:30, but will be praying the rosary while up in the sky, so will be with you in spirit!