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Part 6 of 6: Her Salvo to Fight

Part 6 of 6: Her Salvo to Fight

October 9, 2024 A.D.


The better understand what you are about to read, in the previous Part 5 of 6, released on October 7, 2024, a Friend of Medjugorje ended his writing with these words:


“Bishops it is your pick: be a drone of the bee hive, which does little, or be a worker bee that does almost everything for the hive. By your choice your flock will flourish or die.  You dislike Trump, yet you better help get Trump elected. He is the only one who will be able to save your neck. A Cardinal tells you what I explained, that Trump is your life raft. Chicago’s late Cardinal George’s words in 2010, are becoming truer each passing day. He said:


“I expect to die in bed…

…my successor will die in prison…

…his successor will die a martyr in the public square.”4


↓ Remember that you are one of millions following across 190 countries, who are reading this writing from a Friend of Medjugorje. When you are finished reading, make your voice heard and leave your thoughts at the end. ↓


satan does not want you to see these four pictures…


↑ President Donald Trump with his family, at the Republican Convention, August 27, 2020. They stood in front of the White House near midnight, while Christopher Macchio sang the Ave Maria. You can press play to listen.


↑ The Church celebrates September 8, as Our Lady’s birthday. A few weeks ago, on September 8, 2024, Donald Trump posted this.


Trump, tweet with St. Michael, September 29, 2024

↑ On September 29, 2024, the day on which the Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels, Donald Trump posted this.


↑ You can press play to listen to Trump’s words and the singing of the Ave Maria.


To grasp the above, be sure to listen to a Friend of Medjugorje’s broadcast, God Raises Up the Man of the Hour, which was first released 7 years ago and has turned out prophetic. You must listen to this and get everyone you know to listen to this and spread it. You can listen online and read the transcript here.


Part 6 of 6

Her Salvo, to Fight!


By a Friend of Medjugorje


What you are about to read is astonishing.  This is what Our Lady led me to while kneeling in the front of St. James Church in Medjugorje when the apparition was taking place in the choir loft.  I was thinking about Our Lady’s 25th messages and I opened my Bible and pointed to the very end of the words in the Bible.  I read the verses and I was immediately illuminated as to what these verses meant.  This happened around 1989.  No one had seen it, not even the visionaries, nor anyone else knew about it.  I wrote about it in 1989-1990.


One should contemplate that Medjugorje is mystical; it is Biblical. The last verses of the Bible, the very, very last verses of Revelation Chapter 22 of the Bible are exactly what Our Lady is doing with Her messages in Medjugorje. She is giving a message once each month, twelve times a year. She has all the nations coming to Medjugorje. She is giving us medicine through the messages and apparitions. She has made it very explicitly clear that Her messages are medicine to heal the world, to heal the nations, especially the once a month messages to the world. We know Medjugorje is a tree that fruits out to nations all over the world. These messages are rejected by people who are too intellectual, saying “they are too simple.” They are simple because they are very clear. They are ‘crystal clear’ and they are issued from God’s throne. Our Lady said:


July 25, 1985

“…listen to my messages and then you will be able to live everything that God tells me to convey to you…”


When you look at the last verses of the Bible, it is explicitly clear that it speaks of Medjugorje, of the refreshing life-giving messages, of the simple ‘crystal clear’ messages from God, conveyed to you through Our Lady, once each month to change and heal the individual, who makes up the family, who makes up the nation and nations make up the world. Our Lady’s ‘crystal clear’ words are the medicine flowing out of Medjugorje to all the nations, to give healing and life to all the world, to give and lead to eternal life. One should stop now, close your eyes, and pray to the Holy Spirit before reading the following last few verses of the Bible and then read Revelations 22:1-2:


“…the river of life-giving water, clear as crystal, which issued from the throne of God and of the lamb, and flowed down the middle of the streets. On either side of the river grew the trees of life which produced fruit twelve times a year, once each month; the leaves served as medicine for the nations.” (Revelation 22:1-2)


A priest who was in Medjugorje in the early years told me that one of the visionaries told him that Our Lady showed them a vision of a street lined on each side with trees.  The priest said the visionary he was talking to described the vision to him.  The trees were indescribable.  The beauty was like nothing on earth.  The priest asked about what the leaves looked like.  The priest told me he was told they were again indescribable.  Every leaf was sparkling.  The Medjugorje visionary he spoke to said it was Heavenly.


You have to be in total rejection not to see the connection with all this and what Our Lady has come to do, to heal the world as a Mother and as the Woman of Revelations. For a prayerful soul, being in Medjugorje is mystical. And now one can say Biblical.


Medjugorje is of giant Biblical proportions. I have written about Revelations Chapter 22 for over 38 years. Many have not understood Medjugorje. Nineteen eighty-one, June 24, began the race:  The Woman of Revelation vs the antichrist.  Medjugorje, if it is anything, is a place of separation, a place that causes division – you from everything not of God. You will be purified by this separation. It is a call for you to decide for God or decide against God. God is giving us one last push, one last move to tell us to come, through The Woman of Revelations’ messages, to the Light, to Jesus, or to the dark and you go away from Jesus.  Many are in the middle.  You’re not going to be able to sit on the fence anymore. We are in a time of grace where you must choose which place you’re going to be for eternity. There is no way you are going to be able to be a little bit in sin and enjoy that and a little bit in the light. You’ll have to go one way or the other.


↓ When you are finished reading, make your voice heard and leave your thoughts at the end. ↓


The Queen of Peace
Is the Woman of Revelations
Who Will Crush the anti-christ
And Who will Bring the World to Peace


Do you believe or not believe or maybe believe that we are now in the time of the ANTICHRIST?  You are alive in a period the Bible tells us the moment of “Battle,” “War,” “Fighting.”  We will need “might.”  Why?  Because we have arrived at the period of the antichrist.


St. Gregory the Pope, between the years 578 AD and 595 AD, stated an exposition on the Book of Blessed Job.  St. Pope Gregory the Great explained, referencing to the most cruel persecutions of the saints by the antichrist.  He quotes:


Revelation 12:12

“Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.”


The answer to what you read above, what do you believe:






We can fully say ‘yes.’  satan/antichrist is on the earth.  How can we be sure?  Our Lady has been on the earth every day, and even many times in the same day for 43 years.  Our Lady had to get roots on the earth in 1981 and grow an army of apostles.  The world is on the road to be destroyed.  Our Lady said:


August 2, 2011

“…you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…”


“You Cannot Stop the Evil.”


The only way it can be stopped is for Our Lady to be upon the earth.  Who is She, Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, even Our Lady of the Field and the Bedroom of Apparitions in Alabama.  These titles and more are all wrapped together into one:


Chapter 12


The woman is here to crush the serpent’s head and save the world.


August 2, 2011

“…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you CAN change everything and heal the world…”


January 25, 2023

“… satan wants war and hatred…The future is at a crossroads…modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition…”


March 25, 2022

“…For years, satan has been fighting for war…”


April 25, 2015

“…be firm in this battle against evil…”


March 18, 1991

“…this time of battle with satan…”


January 25, 1991

“…satan is strong and wishes not only to destroy human life but also nature and the planet on which you live…”


There are many more messages stating ‘might,’ ‘battle,’ ‘war,’ ‘destroy,’ etc.


You all and I are aligned with what the Bible states and what Our Lady is saying to us in Her messages.  Do not think we are just going to win, without a lot of collateral damage in the war.  How many on earth will lose their soul to the devil?  Sin is on the rise.  Every day we do not do what Our Lady is asking, we lose.  The population in the world is over 8 billion people.  Every second 8 to 9 people die.  This cancer of darkness is winning the battle.  Medjugorje visionary, Vicka told me the most souls go to Purgatory.  The second most souls go to hell.  And the least amount of souls go directly to Heaven when they die.  It is not just rough, murderous, vile people.  Marija told me Our Lady showed her a very beautiful blond girl, 17 years old who went to hell.  Marija saw her fall in and the moment she touched the flames, she immediately turned into a horrible beast.  I asked what she looked like and Marija said it was not a known animal on earth.  She couldn’t describe it.


Isaiah said, “Come reason with me, says the Lord.”  We can reason out our battles with Our Lady to take souls away from satan.  satan also has his battle, his trap – his army of people who populate the world.  How can we as individuals change society?  Our Lady said:


June 27, 1988

“…Help the others to change their lives. I [the Woman} give you might…with this might, you can bear everything. May this might make you strong in everything. You need it; that is why I give you might.”


The Woman of Revelation upon the earth as never before in Her apparitions tells us the medicine, the antibiotic to defend yourself is available:


February 19, 1990

“…prayer is the best medicine to defend yourselves against evil…”


Our Lady said on September 9, 1988:

“…Prayer is medicine that heals.”


From 1981, June 24

Not One Pope

Not One Cardinal

Not One Bishop

Has Said:


Declare to the WORLD THE WOMAN OF REVELATION has manifested Ground Zero in Medjugorje, Her Pentagon, Her messages, a salvo to fight.  Not a peek of Her many plans have been initiated by the upper power.  Only the peasants in the pew have propagated Our Lady as much as they can.  If the popes, cardinals and bishops had followed Her plans, the world would now be a Heaven.  How long?  43 years, and next to nothing from the upper power of the Church. Their silence is a barricade to the Woman of Revelation.  So She could wear the crown of the Queen of Peace.


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February 25, 1995

“…I invite you to live with love the messages I give and to transmit them to the whole world, so that ‘a river’ of love flows to people who are full of hatred and without peace…”


If you are still not convinced that Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace, is in this, our time, “THE WOMAN” in the Bible, then when will we have the Woman of Revelation?  There are no more doors again to open Heaven, for Our Lady to appear again on the earth. Why?  Because Our Lady has made it very, very, very clear.  These are the last apparitions on earth.  This is the finale.


May 2, 1982

“…I will not appear any more on this earth…”


One consolation – Our Lady said She will always be close and can do more for you than your earthly mother can do!  There will be no Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, etc., ever again.


The next event, be it a year or a century or centuries, Our Lady of Medjugorje has prepared the road.  Our Lady said on March 17, 1989:




Now Revealing
Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 15

I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And being with child, she cried out in her travail and was in the anguish of delivery. And another sign was seen in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his head seven diadems. And his tail was dragging along a third part of the stars of heaven, and it dashed them to the earth; and the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bring forth, that, when she had brought forth he might devour her son. And she brought forth a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred sixty days.


We are in the Biblical Moment of Revelation 12!


What more needs to be said?

Friend of Medjugorje

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More guidance from a Friend of Medjugorje: The above translation of Genesis 3:15 is from the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible, translated by St. Jerome beginning in the year 382. satan has caused confusion over this verse in the Bible. Out of 10 Bible translations, three Catholic and seven Protestant, this verse was changed from “she” to “he” except for in two of the Bibles. For over 1000 years, St. Jerome’s translation, as shown above was the official text of the Church, used in the Roman Rite. While some scholarly work is of value; God gave the Bible to man, not to modern scholars who with an attitude of superiority, grant authority to themselves to be changers of Scripture. Genesis 3:15 is a perfect example of scholars invalidating and rationalizing the change of “she” to he will crush thy head…wait for his heel.” The argument scholars use in eliminating “she” is that St. Jerome translated from Hebrew and Greek to Latin, the language of the common man, and that it was a poor translation. Other scholars in the 15th century changed the pronoun to “he” because it was inclusive of both “he and she.” Today’s modern scholars, to be “more inclusive,” are inclined to say, “he or she.” Now there are scholars saying the proper translation is neither “he or she,” but rather “they.” If these scholars are so advanced in their intellect to gerrymander Scripture, why did the Holy Spirit leave Genesis 3:15, as what was stated above, for more than 1000 years? In their arrogance, today’s Scripture scholars, in essence, are stating that the Church was wrong for over 10 centuries, centuries in which the Vulgate influenced the life of the Middle Ages, inspired the Renaissance with its art and architecture, as well as the life and culture of other centuries. This verse is about the Woman, the Holy Virgin Mary, and whether Jerome perfectly translated it from Hebrew and Greek to Latin or not, he (Jerome) had an oral understanding, very close in real time to the inspired writers, which gives even more credibility of knowing “Her” because of living within two or three or so lifetimes from the death of John (John died around the year 100 AD, Jerome was born in 347 AD). So serious was St. Jerome in working on this translation, that he translated the entire Bible within the cave of the Nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem, over the course of 30 years. He wanted to surround himself with the holiness of that Sacred Place and be influenced by the “Word was made Flesh,” as he prayed through his translation, whereas scholars do their work most often in rooms at sterile universities. The Church has always held the tradition in seeing Our Lady in this Bible passage and it is self-evident by the many statues and paintings of the Virgin Mary with Her heel standing on the head of a serpent.

Friend of Medjugorje


To read Part 5 of 6, titled You Have Blood on Your Hands… visit here.


To read Part 4 of 6, titled Empirically Proven: “Absent of Deceit” visit here.


To read Part 3 of 6, titled The Church is Leaving Holy Wisdom and Embracing the god of Intellectualism visit here.


To read Part 2 of 6, titled The Mocking of Our Lady’s Revealed Private Revelation: Elements that are to be Ignored?, visit here.


To read Part 1 of 6, titled The Suppression of Medjugorje:  Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot, visit here.


↓ When you are finished reading, make your voice heard and leave your thoughts at the end. ↓


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

17 thoughts on “Part 6 of 6: Her Salvo to Fight”

  1. A “Friend of Medjugorge” might be the next to be “excommunicated” by Pope Francis. IDK, but Bishop Strickland was. “I am the way, the Truth and the life.” John 14:6

  2. City: Fredericksburg
    State: Texas
    Country: USA
    I am very concerned about the recent Vatican interest in Medjugorje after, basically, 43 years of inaction. The Vatican now wants to take control over Our Lady’s messages, after she expressly said not to do so. Why now? Is it because the Vatican is as concerned over the Secrets as they were over the Fatima Secrets? Our Lady requested that the Third Secret be revealed by 1960. Yet the Vatican waited until 1999 and even then did not reveal the Third Secret.
    Cardinal Ratzinger, in 1984, claimed he had read the Third Secret and said it refers to “dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore the world.” Asked why it was not revealed he said “if it is not published, at least for now, it is to avoid religious prophecy with sensationalism.” 16 years later, Ratzinger claimed that an entirely different-and far from sensational-document was the real Third Secret. Why the change? What is the Vatican trying to hide with Fatima and Medjugorje? The Visionaries need to listen to Our Lady–not the Vatican!!!

  3. City: Wildwood
    State: Mo
    Country: USA
    Friend of Medjugorje,

    Can you please share what Bible translation is it in that has the correct scripture regarding Mary crushing Satan’s head. I know most translations share it has changed. Do you know when the change occurred.
    The verse also says her seed which is Jesus Christ. So they are Co-Redemptorists.
    I appreciate your help in this as I desire to share with others.

  4. Thank you so much for that wonderful interpretation of what is happening and how I am so blessed to be involved in 3 prayer groups. Bible study for 25+ years with 8 ladies, Isabella Guild associated with the Knights of Columbus in Avon/Avon Lake and Faith and Friends at Holy Trinity in Avon ( which is doing a Consecration to the Eucharist on the 16th of Oct of this year). I am so glad I found your organization.

  5. Edmund J Koenke

    City: Mays Landing
    State: NJ
    Country: United States
    I thank you for your insight and for describing Medjugorje as mystical. My wife Mary and I have been to Medjugorje 5 times – the last time was in April this year (2024) and we renewed our vows after 45 years of marriage. I have struggled to describe our experiences in Medjugorje and have to admit that I have come up short. People have asked -why do you go back to Medjugorje so many times? I have tried to explain it as a place of renewal of spirit and several other ways however the words MYSTICAL and BIBLICAL explain it perfectly. Mary and I are looking forward to returning to Medjugorje for a sixth time next October and celebrating my 90th birthday there – God willing. Thanks for all you do and BTW I try to spared the messages and have a list of 125 persons from all over the world the I send all published messages to whenever they published – especially the 26th of the month messages.

  6. City: Dunbar
    State: WV
    Country: United States
    For the first time I heard during Holy Mass “he will crush the serpents head with his heel” I was stunned with disbelief. A statue of Mother Mary in the Catholic church is crushing the serpents head with her heel and we were told it is he. No one kneels to recieve Holy communion in our church. I kneel on the floor for Jesus though they do not provide a place to kneel. I was told I can not kneel because it brings division and the bishop asks for us to be in unity. Yet we kneel before our pope. If it was not for Mother Mary that brought me back to the Catholic church, I would of left so many times. I go to recieve the Sacraments. It is sad to say I do not go to be fed spiritually.

  7. City: RANDLETT
    State: OK
    Country: United States
    I truly understand now why the blessed mother wishes us to pray for our shepherds. Though i really don’t wish to (because of their arrogance and lack of faith) i will obey the blessed mother’s request. I am proud to be one of her humble apostles. May she continue to fill us with the graces we need to assist her in this battle. Though we may have to suffer for a while we know it will be all worth it when we witness her triumphant parade in heaven and on earth. God bless the blessed Virgen Mary of our blessed savior, lord and King, Christ Jesus.

    1. City: Duson
      State: LA
      Country: United States
      We NEED to pray for our shepherds every day. They are being attacked by the enemy and they represent Jesus Christ and they bring us our precious Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. What would we do without them. Love Peggy

  8. City: Harwood
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    TRUTH is not new. It does not change. Your words, A Friend of Medjugorje, are TRUTH! I have went to Medjugorje 3 times, all 3 times with Caritas of Birmingham! I can see the writing on the wall. The Church has failed in spreading Our Lady’s Messages to the World. Many Churches ignore the Fact that Our Lady is appearing daily in Medjugorje. That is why they were lost when the Pandemic spread like cancer throughout the World. The Vaccine was Evil and our Church encouraged everyone to take the Poison! The Church could not see the Evil! Even now, they cannot see the Evil in our Government! We are living Revelation! Our Lady gave us the Answer to our problem years ago, in the field in Alabama. Our Lady told Marija, “ Form and make Prayer Groups to pray for the healing of ourselves, our families, and our Nation back to God.” I was there! She prayed over us and Blessed us! Why does the Church find this hard to believe? Her blessings have given us the strength to reject the things of this World and live the TRUTH! May God continue to bless you, A Friend of Medjugorje and The Community of Caritas!

  9. City: Newtownabbey
    State: Co Antrim
    Country: N. Ireland
    Thank you Friend of Medjugorje for keeping spreading Our Lady’s messages. The work is so important and helps people like me to appreciate what our Holy Mother is trying to do through us. Please God keep working at it. God bless you and your family and all those in your Community.

  10. City: Beaufort
    State: South Carolina
    Country: USA
    In my ignorance of trying to simplify my life I confess that I have been caught up in technology and the unfortunate reliance on a cell phone for communication in my current life situation living between two residences. However, using this “evil device” I was able to read Friend of Medjugorje’s parts 1-5 before the Blessed Sacrament during my Adoration Hour in Our Lady’s Chapel. And now because of “storm” concerns I was able to read part 6!!! Thank you FOM and God bless you and the entire Caritas Community guiding us “peasants in the pew” to hope and confidence and joy through these times. Powerful, powerful, powerful reads!!!! My Mass intentions as of late are for our enemies in the government and in our church.

  11. DeANNA Z Dupree

    City: Morgan city
    State: Louisiana
    Country: United States
    O’Jesus, teach us true sorrow for our sin, we Adore You O’Christ & we bless You. Because by YOUR HOLY CROSS YOU have redeemed the world. O’Lamb of GOD, who takes away the sin of the world, have Mercy. GOD BE PRAISED! ~Amen…

    1. City: Grove City
      State: PA
      Country: USA
      I never knew Alabama was in the Bible! The Woman fled to a place in the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God. It has to be Caritas – where else would she go? Also she flew on an eagle which is the United States.

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