Tonight at 7:00 PM Central time, Part 5 of the Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping will air live online on’s Radio WAVE.
The freedoms that we have enjoyed since the founding of our nation are rapidly diminishing before our eyes. Our Lady has come to warn us of these dangers. Judith McGeary, with Liberty Ark Coalition, will be our special guest live, joining A Friend of Medjugorje to discuss how United States citizens are being set up to be controlled in the future through a system that is being forced upon this nation. The controls put upon man by this system will greatly harm the ability for you to direct your life, for you to live according to the Church and Holy Scriptures and even will prevent your ability to feed yourself. Sounds amazing. It’s well underway in being instituted. It is a system among many others, which are manipulating the masses to accept greater and greater controls over them. The system of NAIS, the National Animal Identification System, is in great contradiction to the spirit of where Our Lady is leading Her children. You will become aware of what many do not understand or see as “signs of the time” in our midst.
5-Part Series Available to Order Now!
The 5-Part Series on Radio WAVE, about Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping is now available to pre-order. It is a total of 10 CD’s for a value of $50.00 that we are offering at a discounted rate to get into as many hands as possible. The discounted price is $19.95. Click Here to place your order for the 5-Part Series of Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.
Click Here to listen to the 5-Part Series of Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.
Click Here to order the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.
1 thought on “Part 5 and New Release”
Re: “Do You See the Lie?” downloadCould you please make available a written transcript of your “downloads” as some computers are not able to upload.We do not want to miss important information from you.Many thanks and may God bless your work.