July 2, 2012 A.D.
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July 2, 2012 Message Out of Misery Comes Something Beautiful Prayer for Nonbelievers Send Your Feedback
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s July 2, 2012
Apparition and Message Given to Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers
“My children; again, in a motherly way, I implore you to stop for a moment and to reflect on yourselves and on the transience of this your earthly life. Then reflect on eternity and the eternal beatitude. What do you want? Which way do you want to set out on? The Father`s love sends me to be a mediatrix for you, to show you with motherly love the way which leads to the purity of soul; a soul unburdened by sin; a soul that will come to know eternity. I am praying that the light of the love of my Son may illuminate you, so that you may triumph over weaknesses and come out of misery. You are my children and I desire for all of you to be on the way of salvation. Therefore, my children, gather around me that I may have you come to know the love of my Son and thus open the door of eternal beatitude. Pray as I do for your shepherds. Again I caution you: do not judge them, because my Son chose them. Thank you.”
Out of Misery Comes Something Beautiful
A Friend of Medjugorje
he definition of transient/transience—is a state of being that is passing, not durable, not lasting. We have built a world with an earthly mentality that this is our home. We have made a home of the earth that is equivalent to a run-down shack that is fronted with an attractive façade, but behind not worth living in. Is Our Lady’s message today, therefore, telling us that we are to think only of eternity, and not to be concerned with “this your earthly life?” The answer is yes and no. Yes, our whole focus is eternity. From the time we are born, unto our death—we are born to be born into eternity, a constant beatitude with God and its heavenly inhabitants. So, “yes” to this. But “no” to the notion that we live this life to negate life on earth, keeping our heads in the clouds. This is not the mentality we are to have. The culture and life of society itself is under self-condemnation and judgment in this time. Our Lady’s presence speaks of its sickness. But we must qualify that when Our Lady says to set out into the future towards eternal life that we must realize this journey begins here in the earthly life. And if preoccupation with transient things of the earth that one is absorbed by can cause the loss of eternal beatitude, an earthly life built on the beatitude will give way to eternal beatitude. The earth’s societies are worn out and are unhappy earthly places, as Our Lady says,
June 25, 2012
“…this tired world…”
Our Lady wants the world to be beautiful. Our Lady has told us She comes so
March 25, 1986
“… that in the whole world may come the Kingdom of Love…”
With purity of soul possessed by the love of God we can be illuminated by Jesus to triumph over our weaknesses and come out of our misery of the earthly life that today is built on everything transient. We are to build an earthly life on what is lasting, for a beatified earth, an earth where its inhabitants dwell in a pre-beatitude before entrance into eternal beatitude. The earth is turning into a Sodom. As it was purified, Our Lady comes to do to the earth, turning each heart into a garden that will manifest out physically upon the earth. A passage through a garden of life not built on transient things that are passing, but physical changes that will bring to reality on earth the kingdom of love. Please pray for the giving of the United States of America to Our Lady on July 4, 2012 during Her apparition here. It is important to the whole world.
With Love of Our Lady,
Our Lady called the Community of Caritas into being in 1988 in the Bedroom in the founder’s home. Our Lady commissioned the Community of Caritas in a bold message in 1995 when She told our founder, through Marija, to “get hearts close to my heart and lead them to God, to a way of salvation.” The way of life of the Community of Caritas has become known as “A Way of Salvation.” Our Lady’s message today is a call for community, when today through Mirjana She said, “You are my children and I desire for all of you to be on the way of salvation.”
–-Mej.com, Caritas of Birmingham, Operated by the Community of Caritas
Remember Radio WAVE at 12 Noon Central Time USA. To listen live, or for your local online broadcast time click to visit here.
At the end of the apparition on June 2, 2011, one year ago, Mirjana tilts her head upward to follow Our Lady into Heaven, if not with her body, then at least with her eyes and her heart. Thirty-one years of apparitions and Our Lady continues to make her daily and monthly visits to her six visionaries—with no end in sight, at least for the time being. She continues to give profound words of guidance and direction that bring so much solace to our souls. We thank God for this great gift, especially as we see darkness spreading throughout the world. How grateful we are to Our Lady for being the light of hope for us all.
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13 thoughts on “Out of Misery Comes Something Beautiful”
After a 20 year re-birth of my faith peppered by spiritual darkness, moments of great joy and sorrow and an overpowering realization of Our Lady’s love for all of us, I have come to realize They are indeed in charge. Open hearts, perseverance, patience and loving trust in Our Lady and Our Lord pave the way for joyful futues.
After a 20 year re-birth of my faith peppered by spiritual darkness, moments of great joy and sorrow and an overpowering realization of Our Lady’s love for all of us, I have come to realize They are indeed in charge. Open hearts, perseverance, patience and loving trust in Our Lady and Our Lord pave the way for joyful futues.
We were blessed to visit Medjugorje on the anniversary of the apparitions last month. I think that I am just beginning to understand the love that our Mother Mary and God has for his children, and the seriousness of the call he is sending through Her. I thank the Caritas’ dedicated website; without which I wouldn’t have known enough about Medjugorje. Medjugorje is a very personal call, a call to each one of us. Let us pray that God will soften our hardened hearts so that we may open the door to Jesus and decide to choose Him, every day. God Bless.
I have just learned about Our Blessed Mothers apparitions, I have felt so blessed and touched by Her messages, I felt the Holy Spirit thru Her messages God so loves us, because of Her all I have done is cry because I realized the love She has for us, I pray with you for Her intentions, our family’s and our Nation may God hear all of our prayers and read our hearts that Love Him, Jesus and Our Mother so much! I pray for all of the pilgrims and I ask our Blessed Mother to take me next year to be there in person to get some of Her out pouring love. I love them so much may God Bless all of us and our family. Betty
Sorry I could not be with Caritas to experience Our Lady this year. I will try my best next year. I have plans for my whole family to go there next year. I hope Our Lady will still appear next year. I love the message thank you for posting it online for all to see. St Patricks Rosary Shrine Day with the Rosarian priest Fr John and Fr Anthony was on July 2 here and we all felt Our Lady’s Love by praying with pilgrims from Toronto and Merlin and Chatham-Kent area JMJ
This is inspiring .It encourages me to pray.I am happy that I am a Catholic
This message helped me the most of all messages. I felt very helpless and depressed, and after reading this message, I felt a huge burden being lifted off of me. It gave me the strength to try harder to accomplish the difficult tasks in my life. Thank You Mary.
This most significant message from our Heavenly Mother was very timely and most needed for me today. My love and gratitude to Mother Mary, for helping me make further progress on my journey of recovery, conversion and transformation. My special prayers for my loved ones and the world to heed Mother Mary’s important guidance and for all people to make their own personal progress on this journey on Planet Earth.
Thank you most Blessed Mother! Thanks for the love of God our Father.Mother, we want the eternal beatitude when we read your messages. We can understand how much we have to be prepared. Now we were learning to understand the transience of the earthly values. May all men understand this by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Thanks and May God Bless You all!
The prayer from Our Blessed Mother was awesome. Just so beautiful. It should make one think about our life on this earth and what we want for ourselves in eternal life. Life with Jesus and Mary. I want that. I felt her love and her invitation to forsake all the bad things in our lives and try to do the right things to make this earth a beautiful place again like Our Lord wanted it to be when He created it. I will try to do as she asks of us. I will pray for Her sheperds and try not to judge them, for God has chosen them. I love the Blessed Mother and Jesus so much and I am so grateful for the constant love we receive from them and her apparitions. Praised be Jesus. Love, Shirley
In all these years that I have been listening to the Blessed Mother’s messages, there has not been even one time, when a message did not touch my heart. Each single message had in it exactly what I needed personally. God is merciful to send us Our Lady. It shows how much we need it right now. May God bless you. Juan.
I feel like the Blessed Mother is talking directly to me. I needed to hear this message. I feel blessed because of it. So timely and needed.