Mirjana arrived at 8:45 a.m., after spending hours before in her home preparing in prayer for her encounter with Our Lady.
Crowds of pilgrims from all over the world began gathering outside the building around 3:30 a.m., where Mirjana would have her apparition for the 2nd of the month for the day of non-believers. The gate opened about 5:20 a.m. and pilgrims rushed in to find the best spot possible to get a glimpse of Heaven on Mirjana’s face. The Rosary began about 7:45 a.m. The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries were prayed in many languages in preparation of receiving Our Lady. There was great anticipation among the pilgrims awaiting Our Lady’s message. Our Lady had given such a beautiful message in August with Motherly words of encouragement. Pilgrims prayed, hoping Our Lady would continue to help us on our walk towards holiness.
Mirjana arrived at about 8:45 a.m. and as she came in, greeting the priests nearby, including a bishop from Italy. The two decades of the Glorious Mysteries were prayed before Our Lady appeared. Our Lady appeared to Mirjana a few minutes before 9:00 a.m. and the apparition lasted about 6 minutes. Mirjana spoke to Our Lady throughout the apparition. She nodded her head many times and a few times was seen shaking her head no. Tears could be seen on Mirjana’s face. At least three times, Mirjana leaned forward towards Our Lady, as if to get closer to hear what She was telling her. When Our Lady left, Mirjana leaned very far back, watching Our Lady ascend back into Heaven. She then bowed her head in prayer, with tears falling down her face.

Mirjana can be seen here with tears in her eyes, as she speaks to Our Lady.
The following is the September 2, 2008 message of Our Lady to Mirjana for Non-believers:
“Dear children, today, with my Motherly heart, I call you gathered around me to love your neighbor. My children, stop. Look in the eyes of your brother and see Jesus, my Son. If you see joy, rejoice with him. If there is pain in the eyes of your brother, with your tenderness and goodness, cast it away, because without love you are lost. Only love is effective; it works miracles. Love will give you unity in my Son and the victory of my heart. Therefore, my children, love.
Our Lady blessed all those who were present and all of the religious articles. Once again She called us to pray for our shepherds.
The Second of the Month messages are anticipated more and more by an increasingly growing number of people. Our Lady often starts with the word “today” following the words, “Dear Children.” This is to let us know that everything, no matter the circumstances, can change beginning at this moment, “today,” when we apply the words of Our Lady immediately into our lives and actions.

This picture was taken right at the moment that Our Lady was leaving. Mirjana leaned very far back to watch Our Lady as She ascended back to Heaven.
Last week, the Community of Caritas began a 54-day Rosary Novena for love of each other in the community, for tenderness to ever be present with each other, for the children to love each other, growing in love, kindness and charity for each other. We know we cannot hope to live Our Lady’s life without love, that victory over everything only comes through love. Caritas’ name is Latin for “love and charity.” We cannot fulfill our mission without love and it is for love that we have committed ourselves to serve Our Lady, Her way of life and to transmit Her way, by witness, to others. Without love, we cannot have the victory of this being achieved. We cannot have the achievement, without our loving each other first. Our 54-day Rosary Novena is maintenance for us to uphold the principles of love that has made the Community of Caritas a powerful witness and voice to others around the world. But without love, what can we achieve? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Seeing Our Lady’s message today shows what following Our Lady will do for you. What is on Her heart, She will inspire in our hearts, even before we can see the physical words of what She inspires through the Holy Spirit. It is a joy to feel an impulse, act upon it, and then see Our Lady confirm in a message that She was inciting the action all along. It means to live seamlessly where Heaven and earth have a porthole between each other, direct from Heaven to earth. Our Lady wants you to structure your beliefs, your way, your daily life so that it is seamless, that between Heaven and earth there is an open line of communication, grace, and action on our part, and Heaven responding to our responding. Love in your family, love among those you deal with, gives you victory among those who do not love, who are in pain as non-believers. This includes Christians who have non-belief in them. That could be members of your own family, your neighbor, your brother. Our Lady once gave a message in the Bedroom of Apparitions at Caritas in which She said,
December 3, 1988
“Dear children, I give you my love, so you give it to others.”
And another one in the Bedroom:
November 30, 1988
“I wish that all your life be love, only love. Everything that you do, do it with love. In every little thing, see Jesus and His example. You also do as Jesus did. He died out of love for you…”
Our Lady was giving principles of love She wanted incorporated more fully into the family home, and then into the future community not yet in existence. It is what has made Caritas what it is and it is what will make you what Our Lady wants of you, so you will manifest to all you meet in your life these principles of love by your witness. When Our Lady wanted to teach this principle to the parish of Medjugorje to prepare them for the time She would make them a witness to the whole world She said,
December 13, 1984
“Dear children, you know that the season of joy is getting closer, but without love you will achieve nothing. So first of all, begin to love your own family, everyone in the parish, and then you’ll be able to love and accept all who are coming over here. Now let these seven days be a week when you need to learn to love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
In the Love of Our Lady,
P. S. Look on the site tomorrow for Part II concerning Mirjana’s message today.

Just moments after the apparition, the crowd awaits Our Lady’s words as Mirjana writes down the message down.

A multitude of pilgrims leaving after being in Our Lady’s presence. Our Lady has touched each of them in a special way, as She calls us all to love our brothers.
A Friend of Medjugorje spoke on Our Lady’s Message to Mirjana today. Our Lady spoke strongly of love. A Friend of Medjugorje shares with us the things that Our Lady has revealed about love over the past 27 years. He shared especially of what Our Lady has revealed about non-believers and of love in the family.
• Click Here to Listen to the Radio WAVE Broadcast of September 2
• Click Here to Download the Radio WAVE Broadcast of September 2, 2008
Click Here to continue this article with STOP LOOK LOVE Part II
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2 thoughts on “OUR LADY:STOP! LOOK! LOVE!”
Thank you Friends of Medjugorje,Hats off to the State of Alabama.You are fighting a good fight, may we all follow suit.In the love of Jesus and Blessed MaryMary Alice
Thank you Friends of Medjugorje, Hats off to the State of Alabama. You are fighting a good fight, may we all follow suit. In the love of Jesus and Blessed Mary Mary Alice