Our Lady Tells Us What to Set Out Into

Our Lady Tells Us What to Set Out Into


June 15, 2012 A.D.

Tonight, Our Lady appeared at 10:00 P.M. on Apparition Mountain to Medjugorje visionary, Ivan. Today also marks the first day of the novena to Our Lady, Queen of Peace that is annually prayed beginning nine days before the Feast of St. John the Baptist, June 24th. All day long, parishioners of Medjugorje were ascending Our Lady’s mountain as part of the novena.

June 15, 2012, Apparition On Appariton Mountain with Medjugorje Visionary Ivan

After the apparition, Ivan said::

“Today, as always, I would like to describe to you tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. Also tonight, Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’ Then Our Lady for a longer while, with Her arms extended, prayed over all of you here. She then prayed for awhile especially over the sick present and She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed everything that you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady said:


‘Dear children, know that the Mother loves you. With love I desire to lead you. I have come to tell you that God exists. Therefore, also today, I call you to decide for Him. Put Him in the first place in your life and in your families and together with Him, set out into the future. Dear children, through this upcoming time of grace, I desire for you to renew my messages and to say to me: ‘yes’, ‘yes’. Thank you, dear children, for having said ‘yes’ to me.’

I then recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially I recommended the sick. Then a brief conversation followed between me and Our Lady. Our Lady then left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, ‘Go in peace, my dear children.’”

What is striking about Our Lady’s message today, is that if one were to define the new book, They Fired the First Shot, about to be released, it would be defined by the words, “set out into the future.” For years, A Friend of Medjugorje has spoken about this, written about this, over and over again, that Our Lady is leading us to a new future. Re-read Our Lady’s message again, and let Her words penetrate into your heart. – Medjugorje.com / Caritas of Birmingham

The Cross of Jesus

The Cross of Jesus on top of Apparition Mountain this evening. Today, June 15, 2012, is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A precursor to the devotion to the Divine Mercy, the Sacred Heart devotion came through St. Margaret Mary, a visionary of another time. At the English Mass in St. James Church this morning, the main celebrant spoke of how at the time of Jesus’ passion, He saw in His Heart every one of our faces. We were in His Heart. Yet, so many today refuse to acknowledge His sacrifice for us. Our Lady spoke of this:

April 5, 1984

“Dear children, this evening I pray that you especially venerate the Heart of my Son, Jesus. Make reparation for the wound inflicted on the Heart of my Son. That Heart is offended by all kinds of sin. Thank you for coming this evening.”


The Statue of Our Lady on Apparition Mountain

In the silent prayer up on top of Apparition Mountain several hours before Our Lady’s apparition, the sun shown on Our Lady’s statue. She seems to be pointing to Her own heart, the goodness of which we will celebrate tomorrow, June 16, as it is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These two big feast days, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary always fall within a week or two of the anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje. Medjugorje is a place that God ordained for the meeting of hearts, something that we should continuously give thanks to God for:

July 25, 1999


“… I call all of you, little children, to give thanks to God here with me for the graces which He gives to you through me. I desire for you to comprehend that I want to realize here, not only a place of prayer but also a meeting of hearts. I desire for my, Jesus’ and your heart to become one heart of love and peace…”

For the Novena Prayers to the Queen of Peace Visit Here

For More on Medjugorje Visionary Ivan Visit Here

For More on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje, Visit Here

For More on Saint James Church in Medjugorje, Visit Here

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

8 thoughts on “Our Lady Tells Us What to Set Out Into”

  1. Isabel a. FRAGA

    My dearest mother, What would I have done without your love and guidance. You saved our lives. My life without you and Jesus Christ is nothing. Thank you for coming into our lives. Thank you so much and I say yes, yes, and yes

  2. Dear Mother Mary, Please pray to the Lord that He send down all His graces for all the unbelievers, heretics and sinners, so they will be converted and give Jesus the love He so deserves. The United States needs His healing hand more than ever. In Jesus and Mary, Jennifer

  3. Dear Mother Mary, please help all of us grow closer to Jesus. Dear Mother, help our Church, our leaders, our Holy Father, all bishops, priests and religious, who have so many snares set for them. Protect all of us under your motherly mantle of protection. O Blessed Virgin, answer all of our petitions! We ask you to bless all families, marriages, friends, and loved ones. Heal the sick, help the dying, console those in depression, free us from addictions. Mary, Mother of the New Evangelization, grant us the grace always to stand up for Christ and His Church. We trust in your aid and protection. We love you! O Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us who have recourse to thee! Help us to say “yes” to Jesus, as you always did. This is our desire, to honor you and love you. Help us, Mother, we pray. Your loving son, John

  4. To the love of my life ( my mother Mariam) … I love you so much … since I was a child I always said yes to you and I will always till I die … I thank you for accepting my prayers and saved my Mom’s life through her serious surgery … thank you for all your blessings specially the way you blessed my mother through her long recovery … thank you for all your blessings helping me and my family .. thank you for being there for me … I love you so much .

  5. “Thanks Dear Mother Mary for the messages you are giving us. From deep in my heart I say “Yes, Yes” Please let me be the light to my family and friends to bring them close to You.

  6. I say Yes, Yes Yes! dear Mother , we all have celebrated the feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus on 15th. As I am a member of the society we have renewed our oath and had a good study of the Holy Bible. Thank You Mother, for your intercession and Motherly care for us. You were there for us always, when we pray to our Lord. Give your Blessings to us. Praise be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!

  7. Dear Mother, “I renew your messages and I say to you yes”. Let me be light… I give thanks to God for giving us a Lovely, Holy and Loving Mother.

  8. Thank you for being there. I am at present recovering from cancer of the bowel and with the loving power I receive from Our Lady’s messages I can offer my present gift of accepting this illness and using it to to help the people that I love. So what from a worldly point of view can be seen as negativity I see as a gift. Thank you Mother Mary. Dave

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