Following is Marija’s description of what took place in the apparition tonight, at 10:30 p.m. in the Field. It was a long apparition, lasting 7 minutes, 38 seconds.
Following is Marija’s description of what took place in the apparition tonight, at 10:30 p.m. in the Field.
“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady come, I recommended each and every one of us, I offered Our Lady also all of our prayers for this nation. And Our Lady extended Her hands over everyone of us. She watched us all and She prayed one Our Father and then She blessed us all. Our Lady stayed with us a long, long time. When I offered our prayers for this nation, for conversion, to come back to God, Our Lady answered and said “Thank you. I need your prayers. I need, dear children, everyone in this world be my extended hands.” And Our Lady began one other time to pray. And before Our Lady blessed us with a final blessing, I asked Our Lady for tomorrow and Our Lady said “Same time, same place.” And Our Lady blessed us all. Our Lady was happy, She’s happy tonight.”
It was a long apparition tonight, lasting 7 minutes, 38 seconds. Marija said that when Our Lady came tonight, She was facing her directly, but at the moment when Our Lady began looking at everyone present, She actually turned Her body around to the left to see everyone on that side of Her, and then turned Her body to the right to do the same on the other side, which was a beautiful gift for all those present at the apparition tonight. It was moving to hear that Our Lady gave a message in response to Marija telling Her of all the prayers said for our nation. The above message will be translated from Croatian into English for a more exact translation and will be available tomorrow.
Final preparations are made in preparing for the Vigil prayer later on in the evening on July 3, 2009. Over two thousand candles were lit creating an awe-inspiring site that could not help but move hearts to conversion upon seeing it.
A beautiful picture of the scene tonight in the Field just before the time of apparition. The crowds are growing each day for the apparition. The moon was brilliantly lit up lighting up the ground below, and one could see pilgrims spread out through the whole expanse of the Field.
The Medjugorje visionary Marija in ecstasy tonight, July 3, 2009 for the Vigil Prayer Gathering to usher in the Birthday of the United States. Tonight Our Lady said, “I need your prayers.” Though it was a solemn gathering tonight, there was an undercurrent of joy felt among the people who were so happy to have the opportunity to be with Our Lady in the apparition tonight.
7 thoughts on “Our Lady says “Same Time, Same Place” for Apparition on July 4th, 2009 in the Field at 10:30 p.m.”
Alain, the cattle man that a Friend of Medjugorje was talking about was Gearld Fry. He passed away in 2018.
What is the name of the calf condition reader in this broadcast?
Alain, the cattle man that a Friend of Medjugorje was talking about was Gearld Fry. He passed away in 2018.
I so believe this and so does some of my family. But some of my family do not believe. It ranges from laziness, to indifference, to total non belief. I keep praying and praying for the conversion of these family members, as well as the whole world. Dear lady, PLEASE beg for Jesus’ mercy on us, even though we don’t deserve it.
Exactly what I’ve always felt in my heart and am trying to build among our clan. It’s difficult when you have outsiders joining your clan who do not believe…
Thank you for this very timely broadcast, in fact your topics always ring so incredibly “dead on” at my house! Four years ago Our Lady led me to find you and my eyes ears, mind and soul are seeing far and clear for the first time. Our house is divided literally on the TV issue but with prayers and your powerful beautiful teachings of Our Ladys words, I will learn that my nagging will never be the answer. Praying that 2015 will be TV free. God Bless all of you always.
Over 3 years ago I read the book “I See Far.” I stopped watching television. Since that time, my eyes and heart have seen many things which I would have otherwise missed. I spend more time in prayer, reading the Bible and other books. I am still in my daily conversion process and I believe with all my heart everything Our Blessed Mother says to us in her messages.When I share my conviction about television most people say that I am crazy or eccentric. This makes me sad for the beauty they miss.