Pilgrims await Our Lady, Friday, June 22, 2007
Following is the description of Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan on Apparition Mountain during his prayer group meeting on June 22, 2007.
Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. At the beginning She greeted us with,
“Praised be Jesus my dear children.”
And after, Our Lady, for a long time, prayed over us with Her hands extended. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly Blessing. And after Our Lady prayed especially for all of you tonight who came. I then especially recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed in a special way tonight for the conversion of sinners. I prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and Glory Be. Our Lady left in the illuminated sign of the cross saying,
“Go in peace, my dear children.”
Our Lady’s “Dear children,” Pilgrims, young and old alike, came to be with Our Lady tonight.