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Our Lady of Medjugorje’s March 18, 2022 Message Through Mirjana

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s March 18, 2022 Message Through Mirjana


March 18, 2022 AD

English | Hrvatski | Italian | Francais | Deutsch | Espanol | Polski | Korean | Russian | Magyar | Portuguese … more languages ​​coming soon …


Mirjana June 2, 2011

Medjugorje visionary Mirjana, June 2, 2011. Before coronavirus, thousands would flock to Medjugorje every month to be present with Our Lady during Mirjana’s second of the month apparitions. Those monthly apparitions to Mirjana ended on March 18, 2020. A Friend of Medjugorje built the infrastructure for the propagation of the second of the month messages, which is told in this story here.


Be sure to listen to the Radio Wave broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje titled, Our Lady is Driving the Plane , as he speaks about this message below.


Our Lady appeared to Mirjana in Medjugorje. The apparition lasted six minutes and ended at 1:40. Following is Our Lady’s message through Mirjana:



March 18, 2022

“Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to—full of strength, faith and trust—look towards my Son. Keep opening your hearts to Him and do not be afraid, because my Son is the Light of the world and in Him is peace and hope. That is why, anew, anew I am calling you to pray for those of my children who have not come to know the love of my Son. So that my Son, with His light of love and hope, may also illuminate their hearts. and you, my children, that He may strengthen and give you peace and hope. I am with you. Thank you.”

Mirjana added that Our Lady blessed everyone.



18. ožujka 2022

„Drag djeco! Majčinskom ljubavlju vas pozivam da puni snage, vjere i pouzdanja gledate prema mome Sinu. Njemu otvarajte svoja srca i ne bojte se. Jer moj Sin je Svjetlo svijeta iu Njemu je mir i nada. Zato vas iznova, iznova pozivam da molite za onu moju djecu koja nisu upoznala ljubav moga Sina; da moj Sin svojom svjetlošću ljubavi i nade obasja i njihova srca, a vas, djeco moja, da osnaži i dadne mir i nadu. S vama sam. Hvala vam.”

Gospa je sve blagoslovila.



March 18, 2022

“Cari figli! With maternal love I saw invito a custore verse mio Figlio, pieni di forza, fede e fiducia. ApriteGli i vostri cuori e non temete. Perché mio Figlio è la Luce del mondo ed in Lui è la pace e la speranza. Perciò vi invito di nuovo, di nuovo a preache per i miei figli che non hanno conosciuto l’amore di mio Figlio affinché mio Figlio con la luce del Suo amore e speranza illumini anche i loro cuori e rafforzi voi, figli miei, e vi doni peace and hope. I sleep with you. I saw ringrazio.”

La Madonna ha benedetto tutti.



18 March 2022

« Chers enfants, avec mon amour maternel, je vous appelle à regarder vers mon Fils – pleins de force, de foi et de confiance. Ouvrez-Lui vos cœurs et n’ayez pas peur ; car mon Fils est la Lumière du monde et en Lui se trouvent la paix et l’espérance. C’est pourquoi, je vous invite à nouveau – à nouveau – à prier pour ceux de mes enfants qui n’ont pas connu l’amour de mon Fils. De sorte que mon Fils, avec sa lumière d’amour et d’espérance, illumine aussi leurs cœurs et qu’Il vous fortifie, vous mes enfants, et vous donne paix et espérance. Je suis avec vous. Je vous remercie. »

Mirjana a ajouté que la Gospa vous avait tous bénis.


18. März 2022

„Liebe Kinder! In mütterlicher Liebe rufe ich euch auf, mit voller Kraft, Glauben und Vertrauen zu meinem Sohn zu schauen. Öffnet Ihm eure Herzen und fürchtet euch nicht. Denn mein Sohn ist das Licht der Welt und in Ihm ist Frieden und Hoffnung. Deshalb rufe ich euch von neuem auf, von neuem für diejenigen meiner Kinder zu beten, die die Liebe meines Sohnes nicht kennengelernt haben, dass mein Sohn mit seinem Licht der Liebe und der Hoffnung auch ihre Herzen erleuchte, und euch, meine Kinder, stärke und Frieden und Hoffnung gebe. Ich bin mit euch. Ich danke euch.“

Die Muttergottes hat alle gesegnet.



18 de marzo de 2022

““¡Queridos hijos! Con amor maternal los invito a mirar a mi Hijo llenos de fuerza, fe y confianza. Ábranle sus corazones y no tengan miedo, porque mi Hijo es la Luz del mundo y en Él se hallan la paz y la esperanza. Por eso los invito nuevamente, nuevamente a orar por aquellos hijos míos que no han conocido el amor de mi Hijo; que mi Hijo ilumine sus corazones con Su luz de amor y esperanza, y que a ustedes, hijos míos, los fortalezca y les dé paz y esperanza. Yo estoy con ustedes. Les doy las gracias.”

La Virgen bendijo a todos.



18 marca 2022

„Drogie dzieci, Matczyną miłością was wzywam, abyście pełni siły, wiary i zaufania patrzyli na mego Syna. Jemu otwierajcie swoje serca i nie bójcie się. Bo mój Syn jest Światłością Świata i w Nim jest pokój i nadzieja. Dlatego ponownie wzywam was, abyście się modlili za te moje dzieci, które nie poznały miłości mego Syna; aby mój Syn swą światłością miłości i nadziei oświecił też ich serca, a wam dzieci moje, by dodał odwagi oraz dał pokój i nadzieję. Jestem z wami, dziękuję Wam.”

Matka Boża wszystkich pobłogosławiła.



2022년 3월 18일

“사랑하는 자녀들아! 온 힘을 다하여, 믿음과 신뢰를 다하여 내 아들을 바라보라고 엄마의 사랑으로 너희를 부른다. 그분께 너희 마음을 열어드리며 두려워하지 마라. 내 아드님은 세상의 빛이시며 그분 안에 평화와 희망이 있기 때문이다. 이 때문에 나는 아직 내 아들의 사랑을 아직 체험하지 못한 내 자녀들을 위하여 기도하라고 다시 또다시 너희를 부른다. 그리하여 내 아들이 그분의 사랑과 희망의 빛으로 그들의 마음을 비추어 줄 수 있도록 말이다. 이렇게 할 때 내 자녀들아, 그분께서 너희들도 굳세게 해 주시고 너희에게 평화와 희망을 주실 것이다. 나는 너희들과 함께 있다. 고맙다.”



18 марта 2022

«Дорогие дети! С материнской любовью призываю вас, исполнившись силой, верой и доверием, направить взор на Моего Сына. Ему открывайте свои сердца и не бойтесь, ибо Мой Сын — Свет мира, и в Нём — мир и надежда. Поэтому снова и снова призываю вас молиться за тех Моих детей, которые не познали любви Моего Сына. Пусть Мой Сын и их сердца озарит светом Своей любви и надежды, а вас, дети Мои, укрепит и дарует мир и надежду. Я с вами. Спасибо вам».

Богородица благословила всех.



2022. március 18

„Drága gyermekek! Édesanyai szeretettel hívlak benneteket, hogy erővel, hittel és bizalommal telve nézzetek Fiamra. Nyissátok ki Neki szíveteket és ne féljetek. Mert, Fiam a világ világossága, és Benne béke és remény van. Ezért újra, újra hívlak benneteket, hogy imádkozzatok azokért a gyermekeimért, akik nem ismerték meg Fiam szeretetét. Hogy Fiam szeretetének és reményének fényével beragyoghassa az ő szívüket is, titeket pedig gyermekeim megerősítsen, és békét és reményt adjon nektek. Veletek vagyok, köszönöm nektek.”

A Szűzanya mindenkit és mindent megáldott.



18 de março de 2022

“Dear children! With maternal love, I invite you to look at My Son with full strength, faith and trust. Open your hearts to Him and do not be afraid. For my Son is the Light of the world and in Him is peace and hope. That is why I repeatedly invite you to pray for those of my children who have not known the love of MY SON; so that MY SON may shine your hearts with his light of love and hope, and that you, My children, may be strengthened and receive peace and hope. I’m with you. Thanks.”


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

13 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s March 18, 2022 Message Through Mirjana”

  1. City: Elmhust
    State: NY
    Country: United States
    I believe that Mother Mary appeared to those children and left the message of peace for the world. The world has become a place of peoples’ power, not thinking for humanity, for poor and neglected people, the children of God. Mother Mary appears to children because they are innocent, simple, non-corrupted, truthful and courageous. She loves all people but many do not believe on her or on her son, Jesus. She is worried for the people who do not know her son or do not follow the path He led His life.
    I pray to Mother Mary of Medjugorje for a miracle for me. I pray to her that she cures my pain that I have been suffering for long time with full belief that she can cure me.

  2. City: Houma
    State: LA
    Country: United States
    A beautiful message and on my wedding day.. I was thinking about the message as we were kneeling at the alter looking towards Jesus in the tabernacle in which the word “hope” was written around it for Lent. Thank you Mary for being with us.

  3. City: BRISTOL
    State: South Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Our Lady Our Mother I trust everything you say. Thank You for continuing to appear.

  4. City: Sydney
    State: NSW
    Country: Australia
    Thank you, beautiful Mother, for your message of hope. Thank you for your graces and for being with us always. Help us all to turn back to Jesus in a world full of war, fear and hopelessness. Please give us strength for whatever lies ahead. I love you 🌹

  5. City: Thunder Bay
    State: Ontario
    Country: Canada
    When I read our Lady’s message for us today, I couldn’t help but think of the illumination of conscience we will all experience. I think she’s really urging us to help all her
    children who have not come to know the love of Her Son Jesus. Jesus’ light of love and hope will illuminate their hearts and ours who are following Jesus, Not only will the
    believers be illuminated but all of Her children so that Jesus may strengthen all of us and give us peace and hope that will help us to endure the coming trials about to befall us.
    Our sweet dear Mother ends her message letting us know that She is with us. May we listen.
    Praised be Jesus and Mary

  6. City: Arlington
    State: TX
    My prayers & intentions are for all the lost Souls & unbelievers to return to the Faith. That our Lord will touch their hearts & Souls, so they will know his Love for them and they will seek & find him, our Lord and return to him AMEN

  7. City: chicago
    State: ilinois
    Country: cook
    zdravo marijo majcice nasa moli za nas izmoli nam mir na zemlici po kojoj si ti i tvoj sin issue hodali i isusova krv je kapala

  8. City: Auckland
    State: New Zealand
    Thank you for this encouraging message of hope. I truly feel that with all that is happening in the world, it is an opportunity for us to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Now, more than ever we need to lean on Him. For those who have distanced themselves, we need to encourage. For those who dont know Him, it is a time to get to know JESUS and His infinite mercy.

  9. City: Dardenne Prairie
    State: Mo
    Our Holy Mother confirmed for me today what has been on my heart and in my prayers recently. Thank you Mother for your undying support of this lowly woman.

  10. City: Buffalo
    State: NY
    Country: USA
    FULL of STRENGTH, FAITH and TRUST look to Jesus. And DO NOT BE AFRAID.
    Thank you Mother Mary for guiding us through these times we are in.

  11. City: Calgary
    State: Alberta
    Country: Canada
    I am so grateful and thankful to Mary our mother that she comes to us and gives us these messages. I love you Mary and your son Jesus. I am on my way back to you and will try not to falter. I feel so unworthy. I am going to keep praying. I wish to love you more and more each day dear Jesus and Mary.
    with a full heart I will follow you forever. I love you. Ronnee

    1. City: St. Charles
      State: MO
      Country: United States
      That was also my focus. I pray for complete faith, hope, and love in Jesus and His Blessed Mother during this changing and tumultuous time for all of us.

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