March 18, 2017 A.D.
Several thousand people were at the Blue Cross for Mirjana’s apparition this afternoon. Several pilgrims from the Caritas March Pilgrimage went up to the Blue Cross at 4:00 a.m. this morning to spend their day in prayer, preparing to be in the presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary. By 12:00 noon, there was still a lot of space on the side of the mountain and surrounding the Blue Cross, but then the crowds began to arrive and a continuous stream of pilgrims arrived at the Blue Cross up to the time of the apparition. Mirjana arrived at the Blue Cross around 1:35 p.m. Our Lady arrived about 10 minutes later and the apparition lasted almost 4 ½ minutes. The following is Mirjana’s annual March 18, 2017 message from Our Lady. More languages follow below:
“Dear children! My motherly desire is for your hearts to be filled with peace, and for your souls to be pure so that in the presence of my Son you could see His face. Because, my children, as a mother I know that you thirst for consolation, hope and protection. You, my children, consciously and unconsciously are seeking my Son. I also, as I passed the time on earth, rejoiced, suffered and patiently endured pains, until my Son, in all His glory, removed them. And that is why I am saying to my Son: help them always. You, my children, with true love, illuminate the darkness of selfishness which all the more envelops my children. Be generous. May both your hands and heart always be open. Do not be afraid. Abandon yourselves to my Son with trust and hope. As you look towards Him, live life with love. To love means to give oneself, to endure, and never to judge. To love means to live the words of my Son. My children, as a mother I am speaking to you: only true love leads to eternal happiness. Thank you.”
Be sure to tune in to Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje, as he discusses Our Lady’s message today. To listen to the March 18, 2017 broadcast titled, Our Common Thread is What?, visit here
„Draga djeco! Moja majčinska želja je da vaša srca budu ispunjena mirom, a da vam duše budu čiste da biste u nazočnosti moga Sina mogli vidjeti Njegovo lice. Jer, djeco moja, kao majka znam da ste žedni utjehe, nade i zaštite. Vi, djeco moja, svjesno i nesvjesno tražite moga Sina. I ja sam se, prolazeći zemaljsko vrijeme, radovala, patila i strpljivo podnosila boli sve dok ih moj Sin u svoj svojoj slavi nije otklonio. I zato kažem mome sinu: Uvijek im pomozi! Vi, djeco moja, istinskom ljubavlju rasvijetlite tamu sebičnosti koja sve više obavija moju djecu. Budite velikodušni. Neka vam i ruke i srce budu uvijek otvoreni. Ne bojte se. Prepustite se mome Sinu s povjerenjem i nadom. Gledajući prema njemu živite život s ljubavlju. Ljubiti znači davati se, podnositi, a nikada ne suditi. Ljubiti znači živjeti riječi moga Sina. Djeco moja, kao majka vam govorim, samo istinska ljubav vodi k vječnoj sreći. Hvala vam.”
“Cari figli! Il mio desiderio materno è che i vostri cuori siano riempiti di pace e che le vostre anime sino pure affinché alla presenza di mio Figlio possiate vedere il Suo volto. Perché, figli miei, come madre so che avete sete di consolazione, speranza e protezione. Figli miei, voi, coscientemente ed incoscientemente cercate mio Figlio. Anch’ io mentre trascorrevo il tempo terreno gioivo, soffrivo e con pazienza sopportavo i dolori finché il mio Figlio nella sua gloria li ha eliminati. Perciò dico a mio Figlio: Aiutali sempre! Voi ,figli miei, con amore veritiero illuminate le tenebre dell’egoismo che avvolgono sempre di più i miei figli. Siate generosi. Le vostre mani e il vostro cuore siano sempre aperti. Non temete. Abbandonatevi a mio Figlio con fiducia e speranza. Guardando verso di Lui vivete la vita con amore. Amare significa donarsi, sopportare e mai giudicare. Amare significa vivere le parole di mio Figlio. Figli miei, come madre vi dico: soltanto l’amore veritiero guida alla felicità eterna. Vi ringrazio.”
„Liebe Kinder! Mein mütterlicher Wunsch ist, dass eure Herzen mit Frieden erfüllt werden und dass eure Seelen rein werden, damit ihr in der Anwesenheit meines Sohnes Sein Antlitz sehen könnt. Denn, meine Kinder, als Mutter weiß ich, dass ihr durstig nach Trost, Hoffnung und Beschützung seid. Ihr, meine Kinder, sucht bewusst und unbewusst meinen Sohn. Auch ich, während ich die irdische Zeit durchgangen bin, habe ich mich gefreut, gelitten und geduldig die Schmerzen ertragen, bis sie mein Sohn in all Seiner Herrlichkeit entfernt hat. Deshalb sage ich zu meinem Sohn: Hilf ihnen immer! Ihr, meine Kinder, erleuchtet mit wahrer Liebe die Dunkelheit des Egoismus, der meine Kinder immer mehr umhüllt. Seid großherzig. Mögen eure Hände und euer Herz immer offen sein. Fürchtet euch nicht! Überlasst euch meinem Sohn mit Vertrauen und Hoffnung. Während ihr Ihn anblickt, lebt das Leben mit Liebe. Zu lieben bedeutet, sich hinzugeben, zu ertragen aber nie, zu richten. Zu lieben bedeutet, die Worte meines Sohnes zu leben. Meine Kinder, als Mutter sage ich euch, nur die wahre Liebe führt zum ewigen Glück. Ich danke euch.”