
Our Lady Needs You

Our Lady Needs You


August 10, 2012 A.D.


Today’s apparition of August 10, 2012 took place on top of Apparition Mountain during Ivan’s prayer group. After having many days of very intense heat in Medjugorje, today was just slightly cooler. This evening, as pilgrims began gathering on the Mountain, and as the sun faded from view, giving way to the darkness of night, pilgrims were greeted by the stars which overlooked them on the mountain, as they awaited the Queen of Peace, and a welcomed cool breeze set in. The Rosary was prayed by the prayer group, and Our Lady appeared just before 10:00 PM. When She appeared, a demoniac howled in the distance, but the howling faded away to peace, and silence covered the mountain in the presence of Our Lady. The apparition lasted 5 minutes. After the apparition Ivan said:


“Tonight I would like to share with you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. Tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’

Then Our Lady said:

‘Dear children, I came to you and introduced myself as the Queen of Peace, because my Son sends me. I desire to help you, dear children; to help you have peace. But so many times I said to you, I repeated to all of you my children: ‘I need you dear children.’ With you I can realize peace. Therefore also today I call you pray for peace, pray for peace in the world, pray for peace in the families, return prayer into your families and put God in the first place in your families. The Mother prays together with you and intercedes for all of you before Her Son. Pray, pray, and persevere in prayer. Thank you also today for having responded to my call.

Our Lady then for a while prayed especially over you. In a special way She prayed over the sick present here. She then blessed all of us with Her Motherly Blessing and blessed all religious articles brought for blessing. I recommended also all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick and everything you carry in your hearts. Our Lady knows our hearts best and what we want to say to Her. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, Go in peace, my dear children.

Sunset in Medjugorje August 10, 2012

A beautiful sunset in Medjugorje is a reminder of the great beauty of Our Lady, a beauty unmatched by any part of creation and even all of creation combined. In a special booklet titled, “The Marian Mysteries of the Rosary,” A Friend of Medjugorje writes, “There has never been a more beautiful soul created by God. And God gave Mary to us, knowing that if we only take the time to contemplate Her beauty and goodness, our souls cannot help but be elevated towards holiness, light and joy…”


Everyone seeks beauty, but today most people seek the wrong kind of beauty and for the wrong reasons. On March 25, 1985, the interior locutionist, Jelena, asked Our Lady why She is so beautiful. Our Lady responded:


“I am beautiful because I love. If you want to be beautiful, love. There is no one in the world who does not desire beauty.”


Father and son in Medjugorje August 10, 2012

This little boy has not lived a single day without the daily presence of Our Lady on the earth. One day his parents will look down from Heaven and rejoice in their decision to bring him to this apparition. The grace of just one apparition of Our Lady is enough to set a heart on the path to Heaven. How many of today’s parents will look back with great regret years from now knowing they could have gotten their children in front of Our Lady in the time of grace, but didn’t?


Sunset in Medjugorje August 10, 2012

With Our Lady’s mountain apparitions, Ivan has very often described Our Lady as leaving in an “illuminated Sign of the Cross” or in the “light of the Cross.” Who is this light? Her Son, Jesus. Just as without the sun we would have no life on earth, so too without the Son, Jesus, we will have no life in eternity and no happiness here on earth.

Though this picture here is of a sunset, Our Lady is calling us to also look at what is rising. On September 25, 1998 She said:

“…Little children, you seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning sunrise, God calls you to convert and to return to the way of truth and salvation…”


Lights in Medjugorje August 10, 2012

The flashlights of pilgrims light up the trail as they descend from Apparition Mountain after Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan tonight, August 10, 2012. These little lights, little suns, remind us of who we are called to be – little lights, little examples of Jesus, the Son. No amount of darkness can dispel light, but even just a tiny little light can disperse a great amount of darkness. As darkness grows in the world today, we are called by Our Lady to be light, that our small individual lights become unified under Her mantle to disperse the growing darkness.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

38 thoughts on “Our Lady Needs You”

  1. What memories! What consolation! Such peace just reading and looking at the pictures in the article! How I long for Medjugorje. A taste of Heaven, through our Mother Mary. Thank you for your efforts to produce this web site. God (and Mary) only knows the good you are doing to mankind. They will repay you hundredfold. Let us never give up praying, even through our sinfulness. If we wait to be sinless to pray, then I, in the first place, will never have the opportunity to say one single Hail Mary! Thanks God that He loves us as we are, sinners. Mary please keep bringing your Joy to so many joyless hearts.

  2. Mother Dearest I lift up my Country, India that her leaders may forget their selfish ways of making money and devote their time and energies to working for the Poor and down- trodden sectors of the population. It is no coincidence that India got her Independence on 15th August 1947, on which day we celebrate your Assumption into Heaven. Mother Mary make it possible that India may soon acknowledge Jesus as the Only Way to the Father.

  3. Thank You Mother Mary, for this web site, My faith continues to grow to see pictures & how the apparitions continue. The Blessings we all recieve. Again thanks



  5. Thank you for bringing the message of our dear Mother once again. Thank You Mother Mary for reminding us once again to pray for peace. Indeed we feel privileged to be called by You, our Divine Mother. Thank You very much! We love You !

  6. Catherine Calamari

    It is so gratifying to hear what others who are in Medjugorje at the time of an apparition to share with us what they experienced during that time. Please, share more of that with us so that we can get closer to the full experience. Hearing what the Blessed Mother has to say to us is everything! Hearing how others feel during Her Apparitions is so important to us who are not there; somehow it brings us closer to being there! Thank you, those who share to experience with us!

  7. Thank you our beautiful Blessed Lady for all your love and help whenever I ask you to intercede for me to your son, Jesus. Thank you also for sending me these inspiring messages to live my life by. I thank you for always being there for me. Thank you Medjugorje emails for sending me messages from Our Lady.

  8. Ana Liza Aquino

    We were there on this 10th of August and we really felt your presence our Dear Mother. Thank you for loving us and we will follow your messages and continue praying.

  9. Thank you Mother Mary for teaching us your children on earth, the right way. It is a great pleasure to read your lovely messages each time i get them.I also say thank you to Caritas who send me the touching messages all the time. These messages keep me increasing my faith.

  10. Lisanne Mc Creanor

    I was at this apparation and yes, it did occur this way- word for word. A beautyful description that would transport the reader there. I heard the demon scream – I along with everyone there prayed and it immediatly disappered – it was eerie but yet still peaceful as we knew we were in Our mothers presence.

  11. If the people in this life knew about the love of Our Lady for us, this whole world would be a beautiful flower in God. Beautiful eyes, so thank you mum for loving us like you do and thank you Jesus for loving us. Your always in my heart and I love you and our Mother to Amen YOURS FAITHFULLY js

  12. Catherine Calamari

    The goodness of God has no end! What wonderful things we learn from our Blessed Mother; I will always remember the way to be beautiful…..lOVE. My daughters , Karen and June, and I will be with the Blessed Mother and Her Merciful Son, Jesus in Medjugorje in October. We will keep them in our hearts and prayers until then. It is comforting to know that through Our Lady’s Apparitions we, from so many countries around the world, pray for Peace and for one another! It is with great humility that I often send The Blessed Mother’s Special Prayer to others in need: “Dearest Mother of God, I give your Special Motherly Blessing to all those in need; please, may it bring them Healing and True Peace, now and forever. Amen.”

  13. Saint Therese or “The little Flower” once said, “Have no fear of loving the Blessed Virgin too much, you will never love her enough.” Let us remember this, and not fear. For when we love the Mother we love the Son.

  14. ”The Beautiful Blessed Mother Mary” has been so good to me and my family, my husband Kevin and I went to Medjugorje Sept/2011 and had a very spiritual visit. I wish we were there last evening during Her apparition with Ivan. She is never far away from my heart, I consecrate my family everyday to ‘the ”Sacred Heart of Jesus” joined to the ”Immaculate Heart of Mary” and I know Mary and ‘Jesus’ are looking after them ”Two Hearts beating as one”, Thank You for letting me share this with you. Rosemary and Kevin Flood

  15. Exquisite! I was brought back to the night of June 24th, 1991, the 10th Anniversary. We could feel Her presence. To love Her with Her Son is to love much, and radiate that beauty to others in our lives as we live in the Light of Truth and witness to it.

  16. It is simply LOVE that moves and brings sinfulness back to repentance. Mother’s Love is God’s Love. It is most difficult to Love like Mother Mary did. She saw it all happen and still She forgave all His enemies through that same love as Jesus said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Praise to the Father, Son and Their Holy Spirit who helps us to LOVE as Jesus and Mary did, and it was the Will of the Father. Very difficult. Mother Mary, Jesus Pray for us. Amen.

  17. Thanks my dear friends for sending these messages to me and to the whole world. Actually this is a great miracle. Our Mother coming to the world and giving her Love to us. Thanks my Lord Jesus, for sending her to us. Such a love of our Lord. We were not suitable for this love of God, please help us to make our selves for love you offered for us. You said that you were praying with us. Thank you Mother for giving us such a confidence. We were praying with you , and try hard to be Holy.

  18. Friend of Medjugjore thank you for the beautiful words and reflections. I appreciate the time and care you all put in relaying the messages of our Blessed Mother Mary Queen of Peace. I look forward to coming soon to Medjugjore in 2013. I ask for prayers for employment so I can go next year. Thank you.

  19. 1) IF YOU WANT TO BE BEAUTIFUL,LOVE. 2) WITH EVERY MORNING SUNRISE, GOD CALLS YOU TO CONVERT. I am gonna ponder upon these two amazing messages forever. They are very special to me because today is my 15th birthday. And also, I want to thank our Lady as even in Chennai, after many scorching days, today (Aug 10) is very cool just like Medjugorje. I also thank our Mother for giving us this pleasant climate since today is my school’s (ST.DOMINIC’S A.I.Hr.Sec.SCHOOL,ST.THOMAS MOUNT) annual sports meet. It was a grand success. HAIL HOLY QUEEN!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

  20. Just reading the message I received peace in my heart and felt love at the same time, along with sadness that our Lady wants us to pray for Peace in the World, and maybe we’re not praying enough. I will make changes in my life to pray the rosary more for peace as our Lady wants us to. I pray for peace in my family as it seems like there is so much stress and doubt. Pray for California and the earthquakes so we will be prepared to help others.

  21. Cynthia/Odilio Fernandes

    We anxiously look forward to our Mother Mary’s apparitions and receiving her messages, which we share with people who are not aware of Medjugorje. We would desire to be the light of the world to bring peace to families, our country and the whole world. Jesus is our joy and salvation and through Him, our families will see His light and be saved.

  22. Beautiful!!!! Thank you, Mother, for all the love you continue to give us and call us to give to others. Thank you for keeping us in your protective mantle. I pray that my children would come to know Jesus and His love for them. I don’t know how to get them to you, except for prayer. I know you hear my constant prayers for them. Praise be to God, our Father. He has allowed you to come to us. I desire that my children would be able to go to Medjugorje, but if that is not to be, they will come to conversion through your Motherly intercession. I love you. Help me to repent and to be more faithful. Bless all the priests. Give them more love and perseverance. Strengthen their faith. Help us to keep our lights glowing – together with your help. I love you, Mother.

  23. I have never been to Alabama but would like to , one day. It must be Thrilling and exciting to be in the presence of Our Lady; unspeakable joy. These pictures are awsome and it looks as if there are thousands and thousands of people who journey there.

  24. I feel the sacred and motherly love of this most beautiful Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank her for her patience and loving guidance.

  25. I hope someday go to Medjugorje a beautiful sanctuary of Our Lady I knew that our Mother will be with us bringing Her lights and beautiful face. She’s our Queen we must pray the rosary for the peace of Syria. Our Mother needs our prayers and world will have peace and conversions will become to our church. I trust on my Mother had made miracle on life She’s never abandon us, She’s watching us and protecting us of sin and evil. The Lady never gets tire and is waiting for us.

  26. Thank you very much for alerting us of the Greatest News of the day. My husband and I, by the grace of God, and your witnessing, didn’t miss out on the Second Greatest Moment in Time, when Love descended upon the earth. We grew up with devotion to Our Lady, from a strong Marian country. But also with an entitlement mentality,” Mama Mary help me this, give me that..”, not discounting that as Our Mother, She will do everything for her children. Now, we can show Her how much we appreciate amd love Her, more than ever, to be resolute in helping Her. Yes, Mama Mary, here we are, we pray for your intentions, pray for peace, we pray that God will be glorified in our lives, that His Kingdom will be done on earth, in our hearts, as it is in heaven. Thank you,Mama Mary for giving us your love, prayers and protection,Our Sweetness and Our Hope. We will always remember, that You are Our Mother and we love you, too. Caritas, we thank God for your lives. In Two Hearts, Your field angels

  27. Due to being very ill, I haven’t been able to go to Medjugorje this year, but Our Lady as been with me all the time, helping me and comforting me, strengthening me, thank you Holy Mother, Queen of Peace, for everything you have done for me, without you your children would be lost, but with you and your Son Jesus in our hearts, we have everything, thank you Holy Mother and thank you Jesus, for reigning in my heart, my heart is a fountain of love for you both, please Holy Mother pray for the United Kingdom, it is in need of much prayers,

  28. Jacqueline Sitte

    I believe that it is so good to be reminded how we must learn to keep the light of Christ present in our world. It is a most necessary time, as the world is not paying homage to Christ and God’s plan to bring the USA, and all of the world needs to be cracked open that Father Creator, His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the company of Our Most Blessed Mother Mary. Our world is upside down, & the ways of the people over the world no longer seek God and His will for our world. Even I, forget at times to pray., or tell myself I’ll do it later. I need to listen more frequently to the directives of My Savior. How wonderful it would be if today’s small children would be presented with being given the gifts of Jesus within their hearts that might stay with them to bring Christ into our broken world. At times it seems the church is broken as well. Everything seems to have changed & yet the change came slowly and is planting it into many parts of the world. Let our lights be open to all.

  29. Living in the ultra-liberal state of California, one has definite knowledge that satan is alive and at his terrible work. GOD is being removed from everything possible. Christians are under attack from all corners; (abomination), abortion,etc. , are at the forefront of the media. Here, as in all AMERICA, we must pray that the November vote removes the present president and his socialist-marxist agenda. GOD, and christian values, that framed this country, must be preserved and re-instated at all levels; or we are doomed.

  30. How I would love to be in the presence of our Queen, as I cannot visit I am so grateful for this site. God bless you all <3 xxx

  31. What a lovely message of such love and hope that we are never alone in this dark world. Thank you for bringing us the lovely photos as well…may we be strong where we are weak by the grace of God our Father in Heaven Amen:}

  32. The quote of Our Lady:”I am beautiful because I love” … these are truly words to live by … thank you, Ivan, for being a true servant of God.

  33. Mary Ann C Golden

    I’ve been there three times and it is more beautiful than you could ever imagine. Imagine the stunning beauty of our Mother Mary.

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