Time flies and with it society seems to have no limit to the depth its degradation. One wonders what would have happened to us had Our Lady not begun appearing daily in Medjugorje in 1981. Surely Her daily apparitions are a direct effort by God to change man’s direction…
Time flies and with it society seems to have no limit to the depth its degradation. One wonders what would have happened to us had Our Lady not begun appearing daily in Medjugorje in 1981. Surely Her daily apparitions are a direct effort by God to change man’s direction and now we see many lives changing and that Our Lady has been successful in Her calling out to the world and finding souls who would listen. Had She not found souls, as Abraham did not in Sodom, would we already not have experienced the same fate as Sodom. How Abraham must have labored. How he must have tried to find just fifty, then forty, thirty souls with no success. Yet Our Lady of Medjugorje has and is being successful, through Her love, to save the world. We all do not comprehend to what degree the privilege is of knowing and being a part of Our Lady’s plans through Medjugorje. What a privilege it would have been to walk out of Sodom with Lot. Our Lady now leads us in the same way, except Her path is to lead us out of a sinful life to become pure, holy, and to live light. We are called to leave our old life, to start from today and walk away from every obstacle which keeps us from Our Lord. That does not mean to walk away from difficult relationships. These trials perfect us, calling out for us to be heroic in our love, even in the midst of meanness or hatred. Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages help us and point the way. It is our map, our direction.
Caritas Field Angel Newsletter – Vol. 7
Adoration in Medjugorje – June 23, 2007
Our Lady always points us to Her Son. Some of the most profound moments in Medjugorje are the nighttime Adorations on Wednesday and Saturday nights. Here thousands of pilgrims stand as the King of Peace, Jesus comes before them during Adoration.
23 thoughts on “Our Lady leading us out of our sinful lives”
In your presentation, you said,”And he did violate the Constitution. The Supreme Court today, especially Barrett, must violate the Constitution”, BUT you never explained HOW Lincoln violated the Constitution OR HOW you would expect Barrett to violate the Constitution and WHY it is needed. What do you mean? What benefit would be derived by “violating the Constitution by using the Declaration of Independence”? PLEASE EXPLAIN. How can we write Barrett and ask her to “violate the Constitution” when we have no idea what that means, why it is necessary or the benefits to the USA?
DearestFOM: – In Radio Program Dixie Loves All The Nation;[The] Catholic Church [IS] Rebelling Against Church Dogma;And IS It Is Worth Stating Again What I Emailed To The USCCB;And Quote It – “MANY Of The Hierarchy In The Catholic Church WILL ANSWER To God For The LOSS Of MANY Souls.!”!-Our Lady Informed George Washington In 1777 That NO One Will Defeat The Country Of The Americas After The Independence Of And For America.!Sodom And Gemmorah Could Have Been Saved By 10 Righteous People;And So The U.S.A. Has 70 Million Conservative Christians Who WANT RIGHTIIOUSNESS In A Godly Formed Country;And It WILL PREVAIL-(U.S.A.)-;EVEN IF We Have To Ce cede Into A NEW Conservative Republic Of A Righteous New U.S. Republic.!;Under OUR Own POTUS Trump;Who WAS Cheated;And Defrauded Of His POTUS Election;And Fraudulently;And Deceitfully Denied His Elected POWERS Over The Old U.S.A. Before Righteous Citizens Of The Old U.S.A..! QUESTION 2020 Election Results For TRUTH Of[THE]TRUE POTUS Of OLD U.S.A..
I attended the Lansing Michigan protests. I saw dozens of Catholics carrying the virgin mary icons and praying the rosary. BLM showed up trying to start fights. I talked with many and I told them if the left and right do not unite for freedom millions are planned to be purged using the trojan horse weapon medicine vaccine funded by Trump. Biden will finish the conquest,30 million Christian Russians, murdered, +50 million in WWl & WWll warpurged. A devoted black man selling Christian ball caps who presented prolife banner’s said abortion killed more black people than anything else. I walked over to him and said that abortion is not the number one killer. The lies of the devil are the number one killer and YOU CARITAS DEVOTED TO OUR LADY SHOULD DISCERN BEFORE YOU ATTACK THE CHURCH BECAUSE THAT IS THE GOAL OF SATAN, DISUNITY, DIVISION, HATE AND MASS MURDER. In Roman’s, In a time of hunting & killing Christians, Paul, while in prison named other Christians to be hunted down.why? https://www.theflameoflove.org/elizabeth_kindelmann.html
Thank you Friend of Medjugoje you have hit the nail on the head again with three great broadcasts about the USA 2020 election. I watched most of the election results come in live. Before I went to sleep President Trump was in the lead in most of the disputed States election results. I could not believe it when I woke up and found Joe Biden was massivley in the lead. I knew there was something very wrong going on.The Democrats are so corrupt and have made no secret of the fact that they were going to steal the election. I am praying so hard for the USA, and ask Almighty God that his will is done, but if the USA falls into the hands of the Democrats they will kill many innocent babies in abortion, Christians will be persecuted, the whole world will suffer a great persecution. The reign of satan will begin. May God bless you and all of Caritas, may Our Lady be our protection and comforter.Thank you again.Maria
A Friend of Medjugorje ,God bless you for spreading the messages of Our Great Queen! It is profoundly important. May she protect our beloved country and give us the graces we need to fight the good fight.With Love and Gratitude, Lindsay DiBenedetto from NJ
Thank you Friend of Medjugoje you have hit the nail on the head again with three great broadcasts about the USA 2020 election. I watched most of the election results come in live. Before I went to sleep President Trump was in the lead in most of the disputed States election results. I could not believe it when I woke up and found Joe Biden was massivley in the lead. I knew there was something very wrong going on.The Democrats are so corrupt and have made no secret of the fact that they were going to steal the election. I am praying so hard for the USA, and ask Almighty God that his will is done, but if the USA falls into the hands of the Democrats they will kill many innocent babies in abortion, Christians will be persecuted, the whole world will suffer a great persecution. The reign of satan will begin. May God bless you and all of Caritas, may Our Lady be our protection and comforter. Thank you again. Maria
You’re asking for us to send a letter to the SC. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to form a petition for all listeners to sign?
ThankYou, Thank You, Thank You for this truthful words that give courage, hope and light as Our Lady wants everybody to have. Once again the news are the worst place to get the news. The lying voices are screaming loudly their supposed victory but it is fake. Fraud is surely going to be proved and declared soon to ensure peace. But everybody’s action is needed to encourage the supreme court to act boldly and firmly. Oh God !! grant us to be your apostles through Mary and in Mary !!!
We are entering the time saw by both St John Bosco (the vision of pillars and the great storm and the ships) and Anne Cathrine Emmrich (the period of church in eclipse as well as the true pope fleeing Rome. ( note the description reminds me of only one pope and one thought dead and reminds me of St Hyacinth how he a Polish saint brought the two pillars of the church out of Russia when invaded by the Tartars. The cloisum with the Eucharist and a statue of Mary).
FOM’s explained many times over many years, how we won’t receive expected justice through the courts, so what does this mean, now that ACB is a Supreme Court Justice? For starters, recognize many of satan’s battles are like the shell game, built upon distraction, leading one’s attention here, while something else important, happens there. They still believe Local Gvt. Provides Means to tie up economy, Lock-Down People & Create Fear. We also know Certain Fake Media Reports, Ignite & Loot Cities, like the Flip of a Switch. What we don’t Anticipate, are ways to Suppress these Actions, While We Educate Constitutional Sherriffs. We miss something like the Vast, Think Tanks, Used by the Opposition , because we’re subject to a limitations of available Leadership, at Our Local Level. FOM, said Caritas is paid for by the Masses. Now we must ask Our Holy Mother, to Plunder satan’s Kingdom, just like the Israelites did, before leaving Egypt for the Promised Land. TRUST She will Provide It.
As Father Altman has already stated, “The number of Catholics who voted for Obama is 0.” So I say that the number of Catholics who voted for Biden is 0.
Excellent broadcast!
What a RadioWave show tonight. Oh my gosh-unbelievable how well it was presented. The information was intrinsically poised to demonstrate all the connections that originated with our Founding Fathers and with Our Lady. Now to totally absorb it all. Well done. Take care and God must Bless All of you abundantly all the time. Love Joanne
Thank you for these Christmas messages—-what a joy it has been to listen to them. The world needs peace—-our Lady loves us all so very much as does her Son, Jesus. She must be sad when she sees the world as it has become. Let us all be apostles and spread the love and peace of Our Lady and Her Son, Jesus Christ.
I feel in my heart that this Christmas will be a special one. The Babe is calling out to us to spread the good news, and to set the captives free. Change will come to our families, nation, and world if we say yes to “love”. Only with love will we remove the shackles and bondage of sin. May the peace and Joy of this Blessed day reign in our hearts, and the “love” of the Babe, our Lord Jesus, transform our hearts. Merry Christmas, Anthony
This is the best Christmas present I could have received. Thank you, God and Mary, for the encouragement, hope and love You show us through Your messages. Thank You and please bless the visionaries, Your apostles and all who are striving to live the messages. Thank You for Caritas of Birmingham. Thank you, Caritas, for being so faithful and sharing so much love and dedication over the years. Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to be part of this, unworthy as I am. Thanks for all Your blessings!
Thank you, Thank you Mary, Thank you Jesus, Thank you God of the world, Thanks for spreading the word. May you (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) always be adored, praised, glorified and loved by all.
Dear Medjugorje Family, Peace to all and a Blessed Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for sharing these Christmas messages with us. I feel as though you may be on to something wonderful here. I’ve listened to you for many years now and enjoy your programs very much, but this is a fresh and new approach. I do agree that the environment that we find ourselves in today is very troubling. Yet, in this season of Christmas there is hope. Everyone can feel the tension in our midst these days.