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August 14, 2009 A.D.
We are not able to grasp the greatness of the times in which we live. Time is a word Our Lady in Medjugorje has repeatedly used. “You are in a time of Grace.” “Use this time well.” She refers to time in various ways. In tonight’s Medjugorje message Our Lady refers to time again by saying, “also today,” three separate times. What is Our Lady saying from this Medjugorje mountain? What does this mean? With all our daily actions of life we are not to forget “also today” Our Lady is here with us, calling us to make Her part of our daily life, but also so is satan. Are we accepting Her? Or are we allowing satan’s illusions to deceive us into thinking, we are ok in our spiritual life? The reality is satan does exist, and he is active. Our Lady in Medjugorje said,
May 12, 1989
“Now is a time of special graces, but satan is very active.”
While satan is often hidden, he cannot hide during Our Lady’s presence. The exposure of satan during the moment of apparition is often a sign that reminds us of the Church’s teaching that there are two ways to make it to heaven – the fear of hell or the love of God. Our Lady’s message tonight clearly states the one She desires for us to be is the “love of God.” But if that’s not enough to motivate the slothful soul, the apparitions exposing the reality of satan can serve to motivate souls in the “fear of hell” in order to convert and to be saved.
In The Love of Our Lady,
From Medjugorje Tonight, August 14, 2009, Ivan’s Prayer Group on Apparition Mountain
Tonight is the Vigil of Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven, a very beautiful feast of Our Lady, and one that is particularly beautiful to celebrate in Medjugorje. In 1988, it was on this feast day that Our Lady named the following year the Year of the Young People, from August 15, 1988 to August 15, 1989. Just before that year was completed, Our Lady said that She wanted one more year dedicated to young people, but not just for the youth, but also that it be a year of the family. That was 20 years ago this year and we can’t help but wonder what was accomplished in Heaven during those two years that Our Lady specifically asked to be dedicated for the youth and the family.
After the immense crowds left from the Youth Festival just over a week ago, Medjugorje became somewhat quiet again, but the swell of crowds have returned for Our Lady’s feast of the Assumption, though not quite so large as a few weeks ago. It is beautiful to be here in the village for a few months and see the ebb and flow of pilgrims, just like the ocean waves that are constantly coming in and then receding. Medjugorje’s seasons are marked not only by the changing weather patterns, but by the feasts that are celebrated in the church that moves pilgrims’ hearts to be present to share in the joy of these different feast days And so there is a constant changing of faces, from one week to the next, but each new set of faces bring with them the same enthusiasm and longing to encounter the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Tonight on the mountain of apparitions in Medjugorje, there were many thousands of pilgrims present. Toward evening there were some clouds gathering that threatened rain, but the rain never materialized, and in fact most of the sky was filled with bright stars throughout the evening. Singing began at 9:00 p.m., and then Ivan led his prayer group and the thousands present in the Rosary up until apparition time at 10:00 p.m. Immediately upon Our Lady’s arrival there were four to five different people, all separate from each other, that began to howl, scream or pitifully moan. This was frightening to many people who had never been exposed to anyone under demonic influence, but for those who have been coming to Medjugorje over the years, it was not surprising. Click to play audio of possessed people during the moment of tonight’s apparition in Medjugorje Click to stop audio of possessed people during the moment of tonight’s apparition in Medjugorje (0 / 92 seconds) What was particularly unsettling was the fact that most of the crowd was not aware when the apparition began as it was dark and Ivan could not be seen. Only those who are right up next to Ivan can tell the moment the apparition begins. The howling and screaming from these different people in the crowd began simultaneously, at the exact moment Our Lady began to appear. And almost all diminished by the end of the apparition, with the exception of one who continued to scream and cry until a priest came and began praying over her. And then there was silence and peace making it possible for everyone to hear Ivan and the translators explain what had happened in the apparition tonight. But even with the agitation caused by these individual demonics, the apparition was beautiful and Our Lady’s presence was strongly felt by many people.
Our Lady came around 10:00 PM and stayed for almost 8 and a half minutes. Following is Ivan’s description of tonight’s apparition on the Vigil of Our Lady’s Assumption, August 14, 2009:
“Most important from the meeting with Our Lady tonight is that Our Lady came very joyful and happy and She came with three angels. In the beginning She greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then, for a long time, Our Lady especially prayed over all of you present who are sick. She then blessed us with Her motherly blessing and blessed all that you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed here over all of us with Her hands extended, I repeat once again, with great joy. Then I recommended to Her all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way the sick. Our Lady then said:
“Dear children, also today, also today in my great joy, I desire to call you through this time: Open yourselves to the Holy Spirit. Open yourselves, this is a time of grace. Dear children, may a river of love flow in your hearts. Pray, pray dear children, together with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”
Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. And Our Lady left, in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”
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63 thoughts on “Tonight in Medjugorje Our Lady Came With Three Angels in Great Joy While Several Demoniacs Scream and Howl in Their Grief of Our Lady’s Presence”
Thank you friend of Medjugorje for your blessing from GOD with wisdom. I have read the bible 11 times but does mean i know all but I have noticed thru out history and in the old testament that people get too comfortable and forget GOD’s blessings and GOD punishes us with his wrath which I see happening today. I have never, in all my years of watching each administration, seen such corruption as in this biden’s administration. We need much prayers. I have notice a new trend in the Catholic church that has brought many people closer to GOD and that’s the ACTS retreats for laymen and in the prisons. I have seen miracles in the prisons in Dallas Texas where the HOLY SPIRIT brings together mexican gangs, black gangs and white supremist together as brothers. Santos Gonzales Sr
May the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and His Mother Mary, have mercy on us and lead us to the Truth. Give us the strength and courage to do what is right. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
May the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and His Mother Mary, have mercy on us and lead us to the Truth. Give us the strength and courage to do what is right. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
May the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and His Mother Mary, have mercy on us and lead us to the Truth. Give us the strength and courage to do what is right. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Hearing the cries of the possessed people shook me to the core. I have never been able to got to Medjugorie but now it is my prayer to be able to.
I was at this apparition with my Son. It was on this trip that I fully understood the urgency for prayer. I thank God for allowing Our Lady too be among us, guiding us back to her Son. We can return too God through Fear or Love. That is what I brought home with me. These times we live in are very serious times.Our Ladys presence was very real at that apparition.
Thank you for the beautiful article and message from Our Mother. I was in Medugorje at Mirjana’s apparition Nov. 2, 2008 and I heard someone making sounds like these. I did not know what it was then, but now I know. I am thanking the Father in heaven for sending Jesus and Mary, and for the dear priests! Thank you Jesus and Mary! May their peace reign in our hearts and grow more powerful every day.
Thank you for the beautiful article and message from Our Mother. I was in Medugorje at Mirjana’s apparition Nov. 2, 2008 and I heard someone making sounds like these. I did not know what it was then, but now I know. I am thanking the Father in heaven for sending Jesus and Mary, and for the dear priests! Thank you Jesus and Mary! May their peace reign in our hearts and grow more powerful every day.
I was thrilled at the miracle. My dear nother. How many times have I offended you my dear. Yet you are there at my side. I am sometimes not aware my dear mother. Pl do forgive me my dear mother. I thank God for having given you as my mother. The seven sorrows I recite daily, really pierce my heart. What hardships you have undergone on earth, especially to see your only son being crucifed for my sins. Dear mother bless all of us and pl grant us peace and pl do pour some of your graces on all
I wish I was there at the apparition hill with the visionary Ivan. I remembered that when my husband and I were there in 2006, we heard the same sound in that 90 sec audio. It happened during the consecration at the 9 p.m. mass in St James church. It came from a person near the front door of the church. This is a reminder that the devil exist and should not be taken for granted. Let us Pray, Pray, Pray as what the Blessed Mother asked us to do. Thank you.
Thank you for enabling us recieve our lady’s messages.The messages personally touch me dearly and have enabled me reflect on my life. Pray for me mother mary to love you more.Pray for my children and for my husband’s change of his heart.I long to be in Medjugorge and be part of that great experince of devotion and love for mother mary.
Thank you for enabling us recieve our lady’s messages.The messages personally touch me dearly and have enabled me reflect on my life. Pray for me mother mary to love you more.Pray for my children and for my husband’s change of his heart.I long to be in Medjugorge and be part of that great experince of devotion and love for mother mary.
What an inspirational and somewhat frightening email. The sounds of the demonds were unbelievable and Our Blessed Mothers messsage was profound..Thank you
Because of this great miracle, I am doing what God has told me to do to pray for people who is under the influence of the devil . Am happy God gave his mother to us to help us. I am really so greatful, my faith, my love have strongly increased. Thank you Lord and Mama Mary for your unequal love for us.
am so inspired when i raed a bout the messages of mother mary ,she loves us indeed.kindly pray for me mother mary ,teach us to love Jesus and to love you. theresa
What a wonderfull gifts from Our Holy Mother Mary: to read her, today’s messages. Thank you very much. I never stop praing that someday I will have the opportunity to go to Medjujorje. I PRAISE YOU, LORD JESUS, FOR GEVING US YOUR HOLY MOTHER. ALLELLUIA! I will try to help and send a donations when i will have enough, and I know the Lord will provide. I thank you so much for all your hard work for promoting Our Holy Mother’s messages. Rose
What a wonderfull gifts from Our Holy Mother Mary: to read her, today’s messages. Thank you very much. I never stop praing that someday I will have the opportunity to go to Medjujorje. I PRAISE YOU, LORD JESUS, FOR GEVING US YOUR HOLY MOTHER. ALLELLUIA! I will try to help and send a donations when i will have enough, and I know the Lord will provide. I thank you so much for all your hard work for promoting Our Holy Mother’s messages. Rose
I am eternally grateful to those who make it possible for us to read our Lady’s message and share with others. As well as to the chosen servants of God who continue to do his will in building the kingdom of god weather is convenient or inconvenience. Praise god for the gift of faith. Thank you Jesus for giving us your mother at the foot of the cross, and thank you holy mother of God (my mother) for the graces obtained through your holy intercession. Amen.
I am eternally grateful to those who make it possible for us to read our Lady’s message and share with others. As well as to the chosen servants of God who continue to do his will in building the kingdom of god weather is convenient or inconvenience. Praise god for the gift of faith. Thank you Jesus for giving us your mother at the foot of the cross, and thank you holy mother of God (my mother) for the graces obtained through your holy intercession. Amen.
Thank you for the messages that Our Mother gave us. Even though I are far from Medjugorje I feel the message was also for me. She prayed for us this is very encouraging, she is our mother and she continues to care about me. I really love Our Mother and I pray that she may continue to intercede for me in life. She knows what is best for me this time and she will present that to her Son in Love.
How I am so grateful for the words of encouragement and love that Our Blessed Mother gives us. What hope I feel in Her Words. Blessed be God forever Who doesn’t abandon us!!
How I am so grateful for the words of encouragement and love that Our Blessed Mother gives us. What hope I feel in Her Words. Blessed be God forever Who doesn’t abandon us!!
Satan the great deceiver has duped so many into to the belief of his non existence. Pray without ceasing love be love with love evil shall be overcomed. If we listen God continues to send us personal messages of conversion the love of family and our personal responsiblity to love our neighbors. The cryful suffering is our opportunity to pray for the poor souls. We have the opportunity the time is now we must respond. Be the voice in the wilderness be the bright light to the nations. Mir
I am always so very grateful for your site and your updates, pictures and detailed articles. But I must say that this audio blew me away! I couldn’t listen to all of it and immediately began praying for those people, all people like them and for protection for myself, my husband and our property. I felt their pain peirce right into me. Those poor, poor people!! This is a magnificent testimony. I will pass it on with love and prayers. Love to you all.
I am always so very grateful for your site and your updates, pictures and detailed articles. But I must say that this audio blew me away! I couldn’t listen to all of it and immediately began praying for those people, all people like them and for protection for myself, my husband and our property. I felt their pain peirce right into me. Those poor, poor people!! This is a magnificent testimony. I will pass it on with love and prayers. Love to you all.
Peace to all of the Medjugorye family in Christ! I would like to thank all who keep us updated on the messages of Our Lady, you are all going a long way in making the messages a reality in our lives. My heart goes out to the poor souls on Apparition Hill, it was heart-rending to listen to them let us all pray the Rosary for them for their complete deliverance and peace in their lives. Like Our Lady says let us fast, pray the rosary,go to confession live the messages and we shall overcome!
Praise and Honour to the Divine Mother,Who willingly accepted the Divine plan of God for the redemption of human race from abyss of Sin.
Thank you for the beautifull artical and especially the photos of the apperition site. I know that there are people that I would say are “Under the influence” of satan. I myself have been a witness to this. That goes to show that there can be many that walk among us everyday that can be under the influence of satan and we would never know it. It is a time to pray and keep our guard up and always follow our intuition about the people that we meet.
thank you so so much for including the link concering the poor possessed, it drives the point home that we need to pray more, especially here in the usa. i love the blessed mother so much, and i just signed up for the 14 cents a day give-a-thon. anything to help the blessed mother. pls help dawn bob & shaun * david and annette your suffering children. thank you for assisisting w/my job delema and remaining w/me during my working life. thank you blessed mother for my wonderful family & my crosses
Thank you for an inspiring article. My wife was most fortunate to be in Medjugorje a couple of years ago. she brought back many inspiring experiences. We have been growing closer to Jesus and our Blessed Mother since then. The howls and screams brought chills to my spine and I know Satan is real and tries to lead us astray, directly or indirectly. However, it makes me and my wife pray more fervently, not only for us, but for all those who are in need of conversion. Praised be Jesus!
What I have read with my own eyes and comprehend with my heart is simply too beautiful to be true. Grace time is something that I deeply thank to our Savior; our Celestial Mother visit on the daily basis is extraordinary. May Virgen Mary to accompany me and my children all the time; and send angeles to protect me when I deliver the Body of Christ to the sick people down here in Alta Verapaz. With love and gratitude.
Thank you for this article.I was in Medjugorje for the anniversary of the apparition this year.I was at the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament one evening and behind me was a woman from Italy.She was shrieking blood curdling screams like I have never heard.Many encircled her and started to pray over her. This went on for 15 minutes, obviously a demonic possession. Thank you for the audio. Sr. Elizabeth
If demoniacs were present in the Bible, there is no reason that they aren’t present in today’s world. The Catholic religion still has a group of priests that are exorcists and this only confirms that the Catholic Church also believes in the need to heal people who are possessed. Thank God for these priests; thank God for these apparitions; thank God for Mary’s messages which encourage us, correct us, and teaches us. Pray – my heart goes out to Her and to Medjugorje where I was once so far.
If demoniacs were present in the Bible, there is no reason that they aren’t present in today’s world. The Catholic religion still has a group of priests that are exorcists and this only confirms that the Catholic Church also believes in the need to heal people who are possessed. Thank God for these priests; thank God for these apparitions; thank God for Mary’s messages which encourage us, correct us, and teaches us. Pray – my heart goes out to Her and to Medjugorje where I was once so far.
Thank you for the beautiful photos. I love this place you show. I can feel the warmth and love of this wonderful place. How blessed we are to have you take us there through message updates and photos.
God gave the power to his disciples to send away the demons, the same took place on Aug. 14th, It was a blessed day for all of us not only for the pilgrims gathered in that holy mountain. May God Bless all with his mighty power. Hail Mary…. G.D.Gijo
I got tears in my eyes after hearing those poor souls who are possessed by demons crying out. I have so much compassion for them and I am glad you gave us the opportunity to hear that. Our Lady and her angels are crushing the head of Satan and destroying his power. The Mass, the rosary, fasting and holy hours really beats back the demons. Our Lady was driving out the demons from those poor souls on the hill and that is why they were screaming. Thanks for the article.
Thank you for sharing this. I have been praying for a deeper love and understanding of Mary. My prayers have been heard. I feel so close to my Mother. I have also been praying for Mary to reach out to my 21 yr old son…Well, he agreed to go to Mass with me on Sunday. My prayers have been answered. May Mary, Jesus and St Pio touch his heart.
This message was very powerful. My husband and I went to Mass tonight and Our Lady was celebrated even though it was our Sunday Mass. I was so glad because I felt something strong calling me at this Mass. Please keep spreading this message as I will so people will realize there is the Devil. Keep us in your prayers we have been to Medjugorje once 7 years ago I wish to return someday.
I love this site and you always keep everyone informed about what is happening there. Thanks for that. The sounds of the howling and screaming sent chills up my spine. I immediately said a Hail Mary. Maybe, that is why the three angels were with our Lady, to help and protect all of the ones present. Like our Blessed Mother says, “PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Thanks again for the wonderful article. Linda
Thank you for this article and news about Our Blessed Mother’s recent apparition. It is very disturbing to hear the demoniacs. It is important that satan be “exposed”…How beautiful and joyful to read about our wonderful Mother Mary coming and her message to all of us. May we all pray even more, convert even more each day. Thank you.
Thank you for this article and news about Our Blessed Mother’s recent apparition. It is very disturbing to hear the demoniacs. It is important that satan be “exposed”…How beautiful and joyful to read about our wonderful Mother Mary coming and her message to all of us. May we all pray even more, convert even more each day. Thank you.
The demonic sounds were frightening. Yes, Satan is alive and well. We must never let our guard down. We must remember always to stay close to Mary Our Loving Mother and pray to Her for protection and guidance. Many thanks for sharing this message. God Bless
The howling of the demoniacs was disturbing. I think it was also a clear message Satan really exists we need to take this to heart & change our ways. Praise be Jesus
Thankyou for this article, today has been a lovely in our parish, we prayed the Rosary at Our Lady’s statue and recited other prayers, and then we processed to our church St Hilaire, and mass was said and Our Lady of Lourdes was crowned as Queen of our parish the sun has shone all day and although very hot has been a very inspiring experience God Bless you all M
Thankyou for this article, today has been a lovely in our parish, we prayed the Rosary at Our Lady’s statue and recited other prayers, and then we processed to our church St Hilaire, and mass was said and Our Lady of Lourdes was crowned as Queen of our parish the sun has shone all day and although very hot has been a very inspiring experience God Bless you all M
I am so thanksful for Our Lady interceding for all of us, and allowing others to hear the sounds of evil. So many people think that it is not real and we are just palying a game. With this message and sounds others will know that it is very very real, and it is time to pray, pray ,p pray. A servant of Jesus and Mary. susan
I am so excited that I can be included in the happenings of something so far away and so immediate! God is so wonderful to His people.
How joyful and sad. I can not stop crying for those poor souls. We/I need Our Mother So much. Thank you for sharing this with us. I will pass it on to my family and friends. God Bless you all.
The howling of the demoniacs was an awful thing to hear. I know the devil exists. I have experienced his ‘subtle presence’ as well his more obvious presence in a woman who lived near us at one time, and the effects he had on those around us, but I have never heard that before. I wish I could get to Medjugorje, but I can’t. I believe though, that God hears prayers even though we are far from Medugorje. It is so important to pray for the abolishment of all the subtle ways of the devil too.
The howling of the demoniacs was an awful thing to hear. I know the devil exists. I have experienced his ‘subtle presence’ as well his more obvious presence in a woman who lived near us at one time, and the effects he had on those around us, but I have never heard that before. I wish I could get to Medjugorje, but I can’t. I believe though, that God hears prayers even though we are far from Medugorje. It is so important to pray for the abolishment of all the subtle ways of the devil too.
Well it just go’s to show satan can not with stand the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God and one can see people still do get possed. The biggest trick the Devil ever has done was, to convince us he is not there but as one can see when the Blessed Mother appeared, he responded. Thanks be to God for our Holy Mother
Well it just go’s to show satan can not with stand the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God and one can see people still do get possed. The biggest trick the Devil ever has done was, to convince us he is not there but as one can see when the Blessed Mother appeared, he responded. Thanks be to God for our Holy Mother
I too look at these pictures and remember being there three years in a row several years ago and feel called back by our Lady.While there your in heaven,you can feel the love and the peace in your heart None of us wanted to leave.
What a wonderful article on Medjugorje! Every time I feel a call to revisit that little village where heaven reaches down to embrace the earth, I just have to return. I have been 5 times already, yet through this story I feel that Mary is calling my name once again.
I enjoy your website very much, it is so inspiring. I have been to Medjugorje twice, each time I open your site, I feel like I am back there again. God bless you all in your hard work, I will send donations when I can. Love in Jesus and Mary, Elizabeth
In HONGKONG it is already Saturday 15 August – I remembered the Assumption of Our Lady, so I went to Mass!!! How I wish I could be present in MEDJUJORJE, and I can feel OUR LADY’S LOVE and COMPASSION for me, my daughter KATHY, MANDY and even our PETS! May she reign in our HEARTS forever. Please HEAL us in every way, spiritual, temporal, Health & our Relationships, Career, Abundance! THANK YOU OUR LADY, JESUS, GOD!!! Please continue sending us your loving and protecting messages!THANKS
In HONGKONG it is already Saturday 15 August – I remembered the Assumption of Our Lady, so I went to Mass!!! How I wish I could be present in MEDJUJORJE, and I can feel OUR LADY’S LOVE and COMPASSION for me, my daughter KATHY, MANDY and even our PETS! May she reign in our HEARTS forever. Please HEAL us in every way, spiritual, temporal, Health & our Relationships, Career, Abundance! THANK YOU OUR LADY, JESUS, GOD!!! Please continue sending us your loving and protecting messages!THANKS
Hello, Thank you for the update and the article – Nice! “Tonight in Medjugorje Our Lady Came With Three Angels in Great Joy While Several Demoniacs Scream and Howl in Their Grief of Our Lady’s Presence” Am confused… Are you saying that these demoniacs were present in human form and heard by the people there? Best, Evelyn
Hello, Thank you for the update and the article – Nice! “Tonight in Medjugorje Our Lady Came With Three Angels in Great Joy While Several Demoniacs Scream and Howl in Their Grief of Our Lady’s Presence” Am confused… Are you saying that these demoniacs were present in human form and heard by the people there? Best, Evelyn
thank u for this.i am going to medjugorje soon,and i will be more prepared now if such things were to happen on the mountain,last year at the time of apparition,someone fired fireworks,i thought was so disrespectful,but i understand more now,the devil does exsist,and they cant help it,but our lady still came happy and joyful with 3 angels,as she understands more than anybody about the devil.we must pray for these people..