Monday, June 11 – Pilgrims walk toward Apparition Mountain to be in the presence of Our Lady at Her apparition at 10:00 pm tonight. The trail, known as Apparition Trail, has literally had millions walk its path. The stories of conversion of pilgrims who have walked this trail are countless. The dirt path is woven deeply in the hearts of people from every nation upon the earth.
To the followers of Our Lady:
It was a pleasant night, while several thousand people, who had climbed Apparition Mountain to be with Our Lady, quietly prayed and waited for the few moments when Our Lady would be present to them in a special way through Her visitations with Ivan. Many pilgrims had climbed the hill in the early evening, willing to wait hours for Our Lady’s apparition, while also getting the closest places to where She would appear. Others climbed the mountain, after dark, arriving just moments before Our Lady. Most pilgrims arrived somewhere in between. Around 8:30 p.m., pilgrims were led in singing, for nearly an hour, the beloved songs of Medjugorje, which led up Ivan’s announcement, at 9:30 p.m. that we would begin praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s visit. Once the Rosary was finished, the prayer group led the crowds in saying the seven Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s. After, silence settled over the crowd as everyone present, entered into the depth of their hearts to encounter Our Lady in prayer. Following is the description Ivan gave after the apparition this evening, on top of Apparition Mountain, during his prayer group meeting.
Tonight, June 11 Pilgrims climbing Apparition Mountain
So many people, through the years, have climbed Apparition Mountain for Ivan’s Prayer Group that often viewed from a distance, the people appear as ants. The crowds will continue to grow as the anniversary, June 25, approaches..
“Tonight, when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She said, “Praised be Jesus, my little children.” And after, Our Lady, for a long time, prayed with Her hands extended over all of us, and blessed all of us with Her motherly blessing. She also gave a blessing for all of your religious articles, Rosaries, everything that you brought to be blessed. Then Our Lady especially prayed for all the sick people present. I recommended to Our Lady all your petitions, families, intentions, and especially for the sick. Our Lady continued, “especially tonight, to pray for peace in the world.” After that, I prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and Glory Be. And after, Our Lady while leaving, said, “Go in peace, my little children.”
The Community of Caritas in Medjugorje
On Behalf of Caritas of Birmingham
Marija has told us the angels vie to be called upon for a task by Our Lady. To do so, Marija says, is one of the greatest moments of the angels state of being. Marija has said when the angels accompany Our Lady to the earth, they are in awe, staring at Our Lady.
What, then, are we to think that Our Lady has come to ask us, you as an individual, as a family, “especially tonight to pray for peace in the world.” What are we to think of this task? Contemplate, think, who are we to participate in a plan Our Lady says is, “…a great plan for the salvation of mankind…” Jan 25, 87. You, especially tonight, can make Our Lady happy, very happy, by responding to Her request, especially tonight, to pray for peace in the world.
With fondness and love for Our Lady,
June 11, 9:00 PM – Medjugorje Pilgrims sing, pray, and wait for the apparition to Ivan. This was the scene tonight one hour before Our Lady appeared, with the light of the village of Medjugorje shining in the background. For those who have experienced this scene, you know what it feels like waiting for Our Lady while sitting upon the mountain. The warmth, love, awe, and littleness of realizing how privileged you are just to be there.
A Friend of Medjugorje
Dear Family in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
“Praised be Jesus & Mary!
Every Monday we have all-day Blessed Sacrament Exposition and my guard, together with my husband, is 5-6 pm, and at 6 pm, we have a Benediction. Today, I was inspired to be with our Lord Jesus to read Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, for the second time, so I came before 1 pm. I can remember clearly that when I prayed the Rosary for peace, I glanced at my watch and it was 3:30 pm Central Time (CDT). I offered this prayer, as always, for the intentions of Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace and Reconciliation. Oh, what a heavenly coincidence! God bless for providing us a heavenly connection with Our Lady.
My reading and understanding of the book is more intense, convicting me, humbling me, realizing more that my sins of commission and omission had helped weaken the Ark. My lamp, hidden, had added to this darkness.
Please, dear Caritas family, pray for us more, your Field Angels, to be strong to realize what Our Lady’s plan is for us and to be faithful to Her call more than ever. We live in obscurity, but now through this MAJOR writing, ‘the dawn from on high has come upon us, shining on us who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and guiding our feet into the Way of Peace’.
P.S. My husband has started reading with his own copy.”
In the Two Hearts,
Aurora, IL
“I think it is wonderful to give us the messages from Mother Mary. I am very pleased with your website. Like Jesus said, blessed are the ones who believe and don’t see. This is our faith. My prayers for the world will continue.”
Milwaukee, WI
“Just looking at the pictures, I can feel the presence of Our Lady and be able to actually be there would touch me to the depths of my soul. Let there be peace unto this world.
La Grange, TX
“Caritas – I love you – you remain in my prayers … May our beautiful Mother Mary keep y’all safe…
Sacramento, CA
“I responded to Our Lady’s request. I prayed two hours before the apparition, and I prayed especially tonight for peace in the world. I hope and pray that I made Our Lady very happy. I also prayed for the 50 members in my group in facebook”
Eskasoni First Nation, Nova Scotia
“The people shown in your evening picture tonight, June 11, 2007, have received a call from His Spirit to be there. We must be patient for the time He calls us as he promises He will. To be used by God to accomplish any work to bring Him glory is a high call. Our Friend’s latest work about us sleeping is truly a positive step to show where we have been.”
In Him,
Lake City, MN
“Last year, June 24-25, we sat on Apparition Hill as the day moved from June 24 to June 25. Very few, five to 10, were present on the Hill as most were present for Adoration at the church. We could hear the singing plainly. As we sat praying for the conversion of the world, I looked around realizing that we had a once-in-a-lifetime gift. We were present on Apparition Hill for the 25th Anniversary in intercession for the world. Powerful thought. Thanks for such a great pilgrimage last year. I look forward to returning soon.”
Perkinston, MS
“The picture of pilgrims on Apparition Hill overlooking Medjugorje was wonderful and brought back memories of having been there! Thanks.”
Oakville, Ontario
“May God bless you abundantly Caritas of Birmingham. Thank you very much friend of Our Lady.”
Eskasoni First Nation, Nova Scotia
“Thank you, for uniting us here in Canada with everyone around the world for this time of Apparition of Love, of Our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace!”
Thank you & God Bless
“Wow – THANKS SO much for this reminder and the times – I set my alarm for 3pm to start prayer in preparation for 4pm. This is just what I need from you guys – please do MORE of this kind of thing as it is a MAJOR blessing for me and I feel so connected with all that is good and holy.”
Chattanooga, TN – USA
“Our prayers with Our Lady to peace, peace in Lebanon and all regions….may the blessings of Our Lady,keep us in true faith…Amen”
Jouneih, Kesrouan – Lebanon
“Thank you SO much for the most recent reminder from We just arrived home from the ER with my elder son who has pneumonia. We received the email just one hour before Our Lady’s arrival! So we’ve decided to say our family rosary early today to welcome Her. Thank you for making us (especially those of us who have never been there) feel so much a part of the reality of Our Lady in Medjugorje. You’ll never know, this side of Heaven, how thankful I am. Peace and blessings to all of you.”
Jacksonville, FL – USA
“Dear Friends in Jesus Mary & Joseph, Peace be with you. I have just returned to Calgary from Medjugorje last Tuesday evening with a group of 20 pilgrims.Just when you think you can\\\’t have a better and more grace filled pilgrimage then the one the year before, Our Lady surprises you with more great and beautiful gifts!! It was a great pilgrimage and we thank God with all our hearts. The graces were abound!! We need to thank you again for all the wonderful work you all do. As my husband was not able to join me this year as he send our two daughters with me and he helped care for our 5 grandchildren while their mothers made their first pilgrimage there, he was so happy to receive your emails and to know exactly what we were doing and what was happening in Medjugorje. As a matter of fact, he read some of the messages before we did!! It is just great and we bless you all and send our thanks. I have put all my pilgrims on to your sight and they will hopefully sign in. We picked up many books to bring home and many of my pilgrims also. Mu husband & I are just reading the new book and we pray that it touches many many hearts to conversion and awareness of Our Lady’s messages. May God continue to bring you all strength, perserverence, good health & happiness. Faithfully in Jesus & Mary, ”
C. &. M. P.
Calgary, Alberta – Canada
2 thoughts on “Our Lady Asks Especially Tonight, Pray for Peace in the World-Ivan apparition”
I always look forward to Radiowave broadcasts. You speak the Truth and it is most unfortunate that there are not more people who are aware of this and listen. We are facing a great chastisment because of turning our backs on the Truth. Yes! Jesus is the only Truth! How can we spread this to more people including leaders in our churches, to hear this message? I try, but am told I am crazy. The only thing I can do is pray for conversion of souls and an opening of hearts that only can be brought about through the Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless you in your ministry in being steadfast in sharing the message of Medjugorje and Mary, our Loving Mother. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Happy New Year Caritas! OK….I just got chills hearing about the crowds at St. James for the vigil Mass – wish I was there! What a beautiful closing song for the program -such beautiful and thought provoking lyrics. Have a blessed New Year!