“…Be Ready…” Our Lady of Medjugorje spoke these words to the world April 2, 2013
April 10, 2014 A.D.
“…Be Ready…” Our Lady of Medjugorje spoke these words to the world April 2, 2013. She comes to teach us a way of life through Her messages, giving us instructions as a Mother, waiting for us to respond. Why is attending the “How To” New Communities Convention, April 29 – May 1, 2014 a priority for many after reading They Fired the First Shot 2012? As people continue to register daily for the “How To” New Communities Convention, April 29 – May 1, 2014, they shared with us a few reasons why they are dropping everything to attend:
“This year when I heard about the Convention, I felt a very strong pull to come. I turned to my husband and said, “I think we should go to this Convention.” He looked at me and said, “I think so too.”
“My husband and I live in the country in New York where I’m finding that They Fired the First Shot 2012 is spreading like wildfire. We have land; we’re country people and know a lot about self-sustaining life. We’re coming to the “How To” Convention to connect with others around the U.S. looking for community.
“We feel so strongly about the importance of this Convention that nothing is stopping us from coming, not even my oldest son, who is getting married May 9th. I don’t know what God’s got planned for us at this Convention, but we’re coming, leaving Our Lady to look after the details of the wedding.”
– P.M., New York
“After reading and listening to the messages through Radio WAVE over the past year, I feel the desire to help others form communities and to form the community I’m in myself. I feel this Convention will allow me to do that.”
– M.B.
Come to the “How To” New Communities Convention, April 29 – May1, 2014 and begin to build a future; restore Christian principles in our nation first in your life, then your family and for our future. Bring your family, your prayer group, and your neighbors.
Print and fill out the forms below and fax to Caritas at 205-672-9667, or mail to:
Caritas of Birmingham
c/o “How To” Convention
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, Alabama 35147
This form below cannot be filled out online. You can print out and fax to Caritas, mail, or call Caritas at 205-672-2000 someone can sign you up over the phone.