No Middle Ground

No Middle Ground

June 8, 2020 A.D.

Donald and Melania Trump Pray at Pope John Paul II Relic

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump kneel before a 1st Class Relic of St. Pope John Paul II on June 2, 2020, at the National Shrine of John Paul II in Washington D.C.

A Friend of Medjugorje has a close relationship with Medjugorje visionary, Marija, that spans over 34 years. He knows her family well and Marija’s husband and family well, going to family reunions, weddings, funerals, etc. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is Marija’s uncle by marriage. Through this relationship, a Friend of Medjugorje has met and spent time with Archbishop Vigano at Marija’s house. A Friend of Medjugorje has always considered him not only a holy priest, but a very brave priest who speaks truth even at the cost of his life. Having that serious relationship as mentioned, a Friend of Medjugorje penned the following epistle to you who read this, you who seek truth, you who are willing to suffer to speak truth. This is THE WALK of a Friend of Medjugorje. Our Lady said:

March 18, 2012

“…I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit…”


by a Friend of Medjugorje

Archbishop Wilton Gregory

The Archbishop of Washington D.C., Archbishop Wilton Gregory, Issues a Statement on President Trump and First Lady Melania’s Visit to the National Shrine of St. Pope John Paul II:

“I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree. Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights and dignity of human beings. His legacy bears vivid witness to that truth. He certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.”

Archbishop Wilton Gregory with the Deep State
Children of the Dark


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano with President Trump
Children of the Light

An Alignment is forming of who is who
Identified by Light or Dark
No Middle Ground

A Great War is taking place in the Spiritual realm
between Light and Darkness.

It is now manifesting into the
physical realm on earth involving:
Men of the Light
Men of the darkness.

If the darkness conquers and wins over the Light, then massive numbers will be slaughtered. If the Light conquers and wins over the darkness, then massive numbers will be brought to the Light and all races will experience a long period of peace and harmony. As brethren, mankind is in a moment of choice—one of Life or death, Love or hatred. Who is Love? Who is hatred? A letter written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano makes it clear.

A letter to President Trump from Archbishop Vigano cuts to the bare truth, without dancing around with apologies of saying what needs to be said. Archbishop Gregory condemned President Trump for going to pray at the St. Pope John Paul II Shrine in Washington D.C. President Trump did not respond back to Archbishop Gregory, at least not publicly, because he did not have to. Archbishop Vigano, who was the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America (who loves America), wrote a blistering letter telling the President that he (Vigano) and Trump are on the same side of fighting for truth. Vigano wrote in his letter:

“Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness—whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days—have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans.”

In the book, They Fired the First Shot 2012, it states:

“Evil has come to rule. Heaven [Our Lady], on February 2, 2012, told us it was so. For evil to secure itself, its ability to continue to rule, it must make radical moves now while it has a foot in the door. The intention of those on the verge of consolidating their power is to push for it now, knowing that once their evil intentions are exposed, to retreat is to face defeat. Evil must make its moves now (2012) because Christians are waking up. Those who possess evil intentions, which rule in their hearts, have a limited time to make radical moves. The more moves they make, the more naked their intentions become and, therefore, the quicker they must move to the next step, in order to bulldoze resistance before it builds any momentum to resist and stop them.”

They Fired the First Shot 2012, by a Friend of Medjugorje

Vigano continues in his letter to the President about revealing the deep state:

“They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions.”

Archbishop Vigano shines light on the falsehood of the riots. He said:

“We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population. The same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony. It is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state and who expresses those goals faithfully and with conviction. It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom.”

Archbishop Vigano filets the Obama/Clinton deep state infrastructure and their cabal accomplices, telling President Trump the attack (by Archbishop Gregory) on him recently, because of his visiting the National Shrine of John Paul II, was really about legitimizing violence and crime with an agenda to dominate the world.

“For the first time, the United States has in you a President who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship. Your participation in the March for Life and more recently your proclamation of the month of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, are actions that confirm which side you wish to fight on. And I dare to believe that both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons. For this reason, I believe that the attack to which you were subjected after your visit to the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II is part of the orchestrated media narrative which seeks not to fight racism and bring social order, but to aggravate disposition; not to bring justice, but to legitimize violence and crime; not to serve the truth, but to favor one political faction. And it is disconcerting that there are Bishops – such as those whom I recently denounced – who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side.  They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of schools, out of families and perhaps even out of churches.”

The full text of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s letter follows. Study it. Learn it. Our Lady has prepared us for this walk for a long time. Our Lady said, March 18, 2012:

“…I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit…”

Spread the latest Radio WAVE Broadcast titled:

O, America

Go on Radio WAVE. It explains what is not being explained by the Church or the officials.

With Love for Our Lady,
Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

Following is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s Letter to President Trump

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Open Letter to President Trump Page 1

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Open Letter to President Trump Page 2

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Open Letter to President Trump Page 3

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

14 thoughts on “No Middle Ground”

  1. From Today’s Gospel for the Mass 6/9/2020: PSALMS 4:2-5, 7-8 “1Answer me when I call, O God of my right! Thou hast given me room when I was in distress. Be gracious to me, and hear my prayer. 2O men, how long shall my honor suffer shame? How long will you love vain words, and seek after lies? [Selah]3But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD hears when I call to him. 4Be angry, but sin not; commune with your own hearts on your beds, and be silent [Selah] 6There are many who say, “O that we might see some good! Lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, O LORD!” 7Thou hast put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.” Today’s Gospel also reminds us that we are the Salt of the earth, but are we losing our Saltiness? As told in today’s Gospel, there’s Righteous Anger, from the righteous. When we’re Godly, Our Father hears us and acts. This is the true purpose of Our Lady RAISING, Righteous persons to be in Her Small Cohort.

  2. Archbishop Vigano stands as our true Shepherd in this dreadful battle. We must protect him with prayers. Many do not know the truth of what’s happening since the media does not give away the truth. They distort most of what Trump says but we know that God has kept him there to give that extended time to pray and be ready for the waning. Once he is gone whole earth will be in the hands of the evil. Let us pray for him and for all the good Shepherds who are in the light leading God’s own.

  3. Felicita Rozario

    I am so amazed that the Archbishop is related to Marija and the letter is well worded and written surely our Lady will fight the battle for the world to be saved from the dreadful COVID-19 all other politics to leading to disaster in the world will be averted through the intercession of JOHN PAUL II. Praise the Lord. Mama Mary will crush the head of satan and all evil forces.

  4. Wow! What truth this Archbishop speaks! I will forward it and continue to pray for truth to come out into the open. I say a St Michael prayer for President Trump daily for his protection.

  5. I left a message with the Archbishop the day I read of his comment on President Trump and his wife’s league’s visit to the shrine. I am disgusted with the Deep Church and those who are wolves in sheep clothing…Thank God we have Archbishop Vigano standing up for us Children of the Light….as our spokesman. Thank you A friend of Medugorje for helping us understand the facts and truth behind what is going on and Our Lady’s Messages all these years. Sometimes I feel so alone with what I know and my own family is so blind to what is really going on. My prayers for the Intentions of our Blessed Mother, the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Mary and that God’s plan may be fulfilled. May God bless America and the Children of Light around the world!

  6. Absolutely Heaven sent ! Thank you Caritas for sharing with all. We have sparks of intense “light” popping up all over in this darkness. There is a very heroic incredible, courageous brilliant young priest in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Father James at St. James who speaks the most profound homilys I have ever heard. He tells it ALL. His latest was regarding the archbishop of Washington DC. The Truth ! He is on livestream and youtube. He sounds exactly like a Friend of Medjugorje. I need to send to my Bishop and Pastors! Thank you again for all your sacrifices, no sleep and hard work. God Bless all!

  7. Carolyn O'Rourke

    Beautiful! Thank you for sending. And thank you to Archbishop Vigano for courageously writing this letter to our President Trump. Please tell me how I can forward this to Catholic friends and family who need to read and heed. Dr. Carolyn Linnig O’Rourke,Ed.D.

  8. Maria Kurmlavage

    The alliance that will form between these 2 warriors for truth, Arch. Viganò and President Trump, gives me great hope. Our Lady’s team is magnificent!

  9. M. Raphael Vantine

    Thank you for this writing! In the absence of real clear guidance from enough strong and trusted voices in the Church, you are a bright light helping to guide those of us who wish to follow the Truth. Yes there are some, Archbishop Vigano being one… Thanks be to God…. but here in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, we recently lost our trusted and true shepherd in the person of Arch Bishop Charles Chaput. His voice was strong and clear and true! We miss him! May God and Our Blessed Mother continue to bless and guide you in your important mission!

  10. Thank you! It’s amazing, but not surprising at all, that Archbishop Vigano is related to Marija!! The children of the Woman vs the childten of darkness! Let that sink in!!

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