Do not miss this opportunity to spend a few hours in reflection with the founder of Caritas in St. Louis, Missouri – Friday April 12 and Saturday April 13…
Updated Friday April 12, 2013 A.D.
Do not miss this opportunity to spend a few hours in reflection with the founder of Caritas who has been intimately involved in the events of Medjugorje for more than 27 years. Hear insight like you have never heard before, from the Medjugorje perspective. The Virgin Mary is speaking to the world to educate and enlighten us about the current world we live in… and the the future of the world. Being informed means to be ready.
Friday night’s gathering, April 12, in St. Louis, will only be for those who have finished reading the book, They Fired the First Shot, so that everyone present will understand and be connected with the discussion. There will be a question and answer period during this meeting concerning the book.
Saturday’s gathering will be in the same location as Friday’s talk, but will be open to the general public. Times and location below:
Location – St. Louis, Missouri
1.) Friday, April 12 at 6:30 p.m. (Only for people who have read They Fired the First Shot 2012 )
2.) Saturday, April 13 at 8:30 a.m. (General Public Welcome)
Location: Comfort Inn-Westport, 12031 Lackland Road, Saint Louis, MO 63146
Contact: Patty Renschen, Ph. 314-849-7099
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All requests or questions for scheduling A Friend of Medjugorje must be submitted by clicking here.
– Or by calling 1-205-672-2000 and ask for Joan. After hours press extension 316. Leave contact info with phone number, name and short clear message of request in city and state. For requests outside the United States, dial 001-205-672-2000 to schedule.