
Brand New Radio WAVE Player Released Today: Thursday September 7, 2017, on Medjugorje.com

Brand New Radio WAVE Player Released Today: Thursday September 7, 2017, on Medjugorje.com

September 7, 2017 A.D.

In the beginning years of the Community of Caritas, and for several years after, a Friend of Medjugorje gave retreats within the community in order to form and shape the community’s understanding of Our Lady’s messages and how those messages applied particularly within community life, and to set a direction for the future. These retreats were treasured by community members, who were seeking to deepen their understanding of how to live Our Lady’s messages.

As the years went by, the ability for a Friend of Medjugorje to stop frequently with the whole community and “retreat,” even if only for a few hours, became more and more difficult with the growing demands of the mission and community life.

In 2007, with the launch of the first ever Radio WAVETM broadcast, we believe Our Lady restored those treasured “retreats” to the Community in the broadcasts, except now they are shared by anyone in the world who joins in to listen. With so much “fake news” in the media today, many say they have turned off their radio and thrown out their television. They now wait to hear what a Friend of Medjugorje has to say about the “news” and events happening in the world to get the proper perspective and understanding – to get the truth.

Tomorrow, September 8, 2017, marks the 10th anniversary of the launching of Radio WAVETM. A very special broadcast will air tomorrow, September 8, 2017 for this anniversary.

Brand New Radio WAVETM Player


Today’s release is a brand new “player” for the Radio WAVETM broadcasts. As with all the other launches, one of the main purposes for launching this new player is to give you a better tool for studying and evangelizing Our Lady’s messages as Her apostles.

Aside from the attractive design, there are several new, very functional features that make the new player a tool that far exceeds the capabilities of its predecessor. The New Player released today is available particularly for past broadcasts. A Friend of Medjugorje has had the community testing the new player for several days, and we are excited for you to experience the changes.

Easier to Use

The New Player itself and each of its features are bigger, making it easier on the eyes. The bigger buttons are easy to use, and a great improvement over the old player for stopping and starting the broadcast, tracking its progress by time, changing the volume, downloading the broadcast, choosing the listen through podcast, etc. As with the entire Medjugorje.com site, the New Player also now works on all mobile devices. See an image of the new player below.


Major New Feature: Transcripts

We are very excited to tell you we now have transcripts available for most of the 2017 Radio WAVETM broadcasts! Part of the functionality designed and built into the New Player is that you can now read right along with the transcript as the broadcast plays. Simply click on the “Transcriptions” button on the bottom, right-hand side of the player, and a transcript of the broadcast will appear beneath the player, as seen in the image below.


Transcripts Follow the Audio!

Another incredible feature of the New Player is that the transcript follows along with the audio of the broadcast word for word, literally highlighting in yellow the exact word being spoken at that moment on the broadcast! You can also click on any word within the transcript, and the player will move the audio back to that exact point so you can re-listen to it. If you were interrupted and had to leave the program, you can easily find where you left off. The transcripts also include the lyrics to all the songs played during a broadcast! See the image below of an example of highlighted text as the transcript follows along.


You will find that currently, transcripts are available only for past broadcasts from the beginning of 2017 up to the June 1, 2017 broadcast, but a Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community are committed to getting transcripts completed for all past broadcasts over time and staying up to date with transcripts for the newest broadcasts.

If you are listening to a live program, obviously there will be no transcript until after the broadcast airs. It will normally take several days or more to have the transcript posted for a new broadcast that has just aired. Many people have asked for transcripts of a Friend of Medjugorje’s Radio WAVETM broadcasts over the years. It is always a joy for us to be able to make happen the requests we receive. Thank you for your prayers and your patience.

Major New Feature – Language Translation for Transcripts

The foreign language translation feature we launched on Day 8 also works with the Radio WAVETM player transcripts! The translation functionality cannot translate the actual audio from the broadcast, but foreign visitors to Medjugorje.com can now read the transcripts in their own language and follow along!

Though not quite as perfectly as with the English language transcripts, the text of the foreign language transcripts still follows along by highlighting in yellow the words being spoken in the broadcast. As seen in the image below, for any broadcast that has a completed transcription available, simply click on your desired language in the language bar, and the transcript will be translated immediately into that language.


As with everything else on Medjugorje.com, a Friend of Medjugorje is committed to continually improving the capability and functionality of every feature to further equip the growing number of those around the world who are making a firm decision to be an apostle of Our Lady. This player should be used and spread to as many people as possible.

Thank you again to everyone who has helped make today’s release possible through your prayers, fasting, sacrifices, and financial giving. The Radio WAVETM past shows can be accessed in the same place as before through the menu item on the lower left part of the main menu on the homepage as seen in the image to the right. To go immediately now to Past Shows, use the large Radio WAVETM Past Shows button below where you can select a past show and use the New Player.

screen shot mejcom

In the Love of Our Lady,


On Behalf of a Friend of Medjugorje

Caritas of Birmingham

Operated by the Community of Caritas

Visit the Brand New Radio WaveTM Player  by Clicking the Button Below:


<!– Put Back Button Here –>
<button onclick=”goBack()”><strong>&larr; Go Back</strong></button>
function goBack() {
Brand New Radio WAVE Player Released Today: Thursday September 7, 2017, on Medjugorje.comwindow.history.back();

Visit or revisit the previous days’ launches below:

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

1 thought on “Brand New Radio WAVE Player Released Today: Thursday September 7, 2017, on Medjugorje.com”

  1. Joanne Forsthoefel

    The only word and comment that will cover everything is INCREDIBLE. You all have done well. Mary probably has a huge smile on her face and giving all of you extra blessings. Thanks for all you do. God Bless.

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