For Immediate Release
April 15, 2020 7:00 PM CDT
(MNIS, Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama) – On Tuesday April 14, 2020, a new Medjugorje book from a Friend of Medjugorje titled, The Corona Vision made its debut worldwide. The text was released ahead of the printed version of the book. In a 24 hour period of time, thousands of people from every continent read The Corona Vision. The Community of Caritas stated:
“Many who have read a Friend of Medjugorje’s books, will find that this new book has the same understanding of the Medjugorje message that one would have read 5, 10, 20 or more years ago. Not like what the Books of Acts says that, the Athenians were ‘always wanting to hear some new thing.’ The fact that a Friend of Medjugorje continues to write in the same way, shows that Our Lady is the One who is inspiring the words.”
Katie from Wisconsin wrote:
“Thank you so much for this clear, concise, beautiful summary of what you have been saying for decades. Others need to hear it now…”
A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in The Corona Vision:
“No wealth, no technology, no scientists, no inventions will be able to stop the deluge that is coming; just as in Noah’s day, it could not be stopped.”
A Caritas Community member stated:
“When dealing with the subject of the Medjugorje secrets, people either give them no importance, as if nothing is going to happen, or, they just talk doom and gloom. Being connected to the larger Medjugorje world, and knowing everything that is out there, this, we would say, is the best view of the coming events ever written.”
Dominic from Canada wrote:
“The Corona Vision is a hope filled future…”
The printed copy of The Corona Vision is an expanded version of what is available online here, and anyone can pre-order their copy, which is press-ready, with tens of thousands of copies slated for print.
Press Contact:
Medjugorje Network Information Services (MNIS)
Caritas of Birmingham (Alabama)
[email protected]
1 thought on “New Medjugorje Book, The Corona Vision, Read on Every Continent”
This writing shows is that the secrets are not something to be feared, but rather something to be thankful for . A future where God & his values are in the 1st place . A future not controlled by Godless men ,Godless scientists , Godless nations ! This is a future where the kingdom of heaven reigns on earth.