Updated Friday July 9 10:40 PM: Medjugorje.com reaches total goal today with incredible response, stays online !!!
July 10, 2010
Total Funds Reached Since Thursday July 8: $33,652.88 !
Total With Matching Funds Reached on the Last Day Friday July 9 at 10:40 PM: $208,000.00 !!!! Praised Be Jesus and Mary !!!!
With incredible response from supporters from all over the world, Medjugorje.com reaches the goal and stays online !!!!
Thank you to all of our Core-Group members who gave, especially those who gave more than once. Your love and commitment for Our Lady, and for the conversion of souls is an inspiration to all. Also, those who dedicated prayers to seeing this goal reached, thank you, because without prayer, this would not have been possible. Thank you !
We realize that there are some who still want to give. We encourage you to do so. With the boost of the $50,000 matching funds, we cannot guarantee those funds to be available next year. Many of our present Core-Group members gave in equivilent to 10-15 or more people, if each one gave 14 cents a day. This means we still need Core-Group members to be signed-up to make up the 4,000. It is critically important to have the committment of 4,000 Core-Group members giving 14 cents a day. In that way, we won’t have to be raising funds each year. So please enourage others to join the team and become Core-Group members. Anyone who is still inspired to give, we ask that you please do so. We do not want to be “in the business” of raising funds, but rather, “in the business” of spreading the messages of Our Lady. Thank you for making that happen !
We ask you to continue to keep the future of Medjugorje.com in prayer, so that we can continue to bring you life-changing material, FREE to users all over the world.
I just gave a donation of $27 online but what I wasn’t able to say was that it is from our children. We are already core group members. We donate 14 cents a day for my husband and I and our 5 children (one being in Heaven). When I asked the children to pray for Caritas and the website to raise money they instantly went to their piggy-banks. They gave generously being 9, 8, and 6 years old. They cherish Mary’s messages and wanted to help. Our prayer is that tomorrow and the day after we are still able to come to this site to be encouraged and taught.
A. S.
Staples, Minnesota
My Brothers in Our Lady,
Sending you my mite. I get messages from you over the internet… Thank you for sending our Queen and Mother Mary’s messages to me and my family. She is loved very much by the non-Christians in India too. Here in Chenna, we have very strong devotion to our Mother. However, there is very bad persecution of Christians in two of our states – Karnataka and Orissa. Pray for us to Our Mother. We will pray for your work.
In Her Protection,
Chenna, India
Dear Caritas,
Please find enclosed a check for $52 for another annual Core Group Donation… I hope you are all well and that God just can’t stop blessing you!!! You’re in my prayers every day. I want to thank you for all you give and do for others. I found you when I needed so badly to not feel alone and lost and God let me find you, because He knows you were just what I needed!!! What an awesome God!!! Please don’t ever go away!!!
Nevada City, CA
Thank You so much for your life-saving info, and your website!
Dear Caritas,
We pray all is well with you all of you. Miss you. Please send 3 copies of the new book and please use the rest to keep online. This is our lifeline to Medjugorje.
God Bless,
Alvin, Texas
Dear Caritas Family,
Thanks for your great job and effort to keep this web site. Your hard work will be rewarded in so many ways and touch so many people. God Bless you all.
Oakland, California
This past year you have helped make great advancements to Medjugorje.com, as you can tell by the evidence of the site itself. With this budget it would be difficult to explain all that we are planning during this time, much of which is behind the scenes at this point, but will manifest through the site throughout this next year.
You who have contributed, becoming Core-Group members, have assured that millions of people in the future will be able to receive a myraid of Medjugorje information FREE anywhere in the world, from entire printed and/or audio downloaded books such as Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, How to Change Your Husband, to information on the Ten Secrets, the latest within an hour or two of an apparition, Medjugorje Headlines, Current Information, Medjugorje Witness, Christian Worldview, Sending in your petitions that can be laid right at the feet of the Holy Virgin Mary during Her apparition in Medjugorje, Radio WAVE, Mejanomics, all of which are currently active daily or weekly, aside from the the historical information, information on the visionaries, introductions to Medjugorje, Billboard program, Search the Messages, and much much more. And now, a new special spiritual project through the newly released book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen (read to know the project). And many many more spiritual projects and available spiritual material. Thank you!! Thank You!! Thank You!!
In the Love of Our Lady,
For All Those Who Still Wish To Give and the Join the Team of Being A Core-Group Member:
There are three ways to donate.
1. Online – you can do so by clicking “Donate”.
2. Calling Caritas at 1-205-672-2000 (outside of the U.S. dial 001-205-672-2000). Call Caritas of Birmingham if you feel uncomfortable about donating online.
3. Mail in your donation to:
Caritas of Birmingham
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, AL 35147 U.S.A.
When mailing your donation please include your email address so that you can be acknowledged with a receipt. If you do not include your email address you will not receive a receipt.
The following chart shows how easily you can help Medjugorje.com stay online
Benefits of Being A Medjugorje.com Core Group Member:
• A coded coupon that will give you 10% off the Mej Mart for a year
• A privileged preview of every new program before it is released on Medjugorje.com.
• The grace to have your names presented to Our Lady in Her apparitions both in Medjugorje and when She is present at Caritas through Marija’s apparitions. That includes during the second of the month apparitions, as well as in Marija’s Chapel of Two Hearts in Medjugorje and in the Bedroom of Apparitions at Caritas.
• 2% off the already lowest prices going to Medjugorje, offered through BVM/Caritas
• 5% off of any item from the extensively stocked Caritas Gift Shop when visiting Caritas
• 5% off of any items from the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje. 90% of the materials available in the Caritas Mission House are free to pilgrims, but for those other items, 5% will be taken off
* Medjugorje.com Core-Group Members are prayed for on their birthday, during apparition time by the Community of Caritas.
What is the importance of giving and where does your donation go?
22 thoughts on “Medjugorje.com Reaches Goal to Stays Online !!!”
As one of Our Lady’s favorite hymns says, “He has sounded forth the Trumpet that shall never call retreat….”
As one of Our Lady’s favorite hymns says, “He has sounded forth the Trumpet that shall never call retreat….”
As one of Our Lady’s favorite hymns says, “He has sounded forth the Trumpet that shall never call retreat….”
Sept 8th, Our Heavenly Mother’s Birthday, after Mass and Rosary I received her words in the bookThey fired the first shot’ with JOY and Thanksgiving. Praise Be God to Love us so much to give us liberty to accept and pass on his will through this book! JOY JOY to the world, AVE MARIA!
Im so glad to have reach our goal. I enjoy reading about whats happening in Medjourge since I have been a pilgrim there so many times. Praise be Jesus and thank you blessed Mother. I will still like one more trip there in late May or beginning of June 2011. I will try to bring more pilgrims there This is a holy place.
Praise the Lord! Thank you for answered prayers!
I wish that I could give hugs to ALL of the Core Members who have given to ensure that the Messages of the Blessed Mother and their application to our lives, are spread through this life-giving web site of mej.com! What an answer to prayer! I give thanks and praise to our Queen of Peace who interceeded for us before the throne of God! Thank you Jesus. We love you.
Dear Ones, It is a particular grace for me to be able to thank The Two Hearts today (July 10th) for the humble generosity of so many mej.com followers as today is my birthday! Couldn’t receive a better gift! Also, thank you to our Caritas family for the prayers; I greatly appreciate it and I think my husband appreciates it even more Ha! Ha! In The Two Hearts………….
Dear Ones, It is a particular grace for me to be able to thank The Two Hearts today (July 10th) for the humble generosity of so many mej.com followers as today is my birthday! Couldn’t receive a better gift! Also, thank you to our Caritas family for the prayers; I greatly appreciate it and I think my husband appreciates it even more Ha! Ha! In The Two Hearts………….
With ALL of my heart, soul and mind, I thank our Beloved Lord who touches us in the most extraordinary ways! All who gave, and are giving, love Him and His Blessed Mother with such deep faith and generousity that to obtain your goal at this late stage, is truly miraculous. Without your work and dedication, without being able to be blessed by the messages and re-live those precious days spent in holy Medjugorie, my life would lack more than it is possible to put into words. In Christ + Sandi