Special guest, Marija Lunetti, visionary from Medjugorje, on Radio WAVE, discussing Mirjana’s 2nd of the month message from Our Lady with A Friend of Medjugorje.
Special guest, Marija Lunetti, visionary from Medjugorje, on Radio WAVE, discussing Mirjana’s 2nd of the month message from Our Lady with A Friend of Medjugorje.
The founder of Caritas with his wife is in Italy this week with Marija, discussing plans for the July 1-5, 2008 apparitions in the Bedroom and Field at Caritas. Marija receives the 25th monthly message from Our Lady. Mirjana’s recent December 2, 2007 message was grave and serious, and is a call from Our Lady to respond with seriousness in reflecting how we, as Our Lady’s children, are failing in putting God in the first place in our lives.
Join Marija with A Friend of Medjugorje in discussing not only Mirjana’s recent message given yesterday, but also, what Our Lady is asking from us and preparing us for in the future. You won’t want to miss this.
The December 3, 2007 Special Broadcast can also be downloaded by clicking here.
3 thoughts on “Medjugorje Visionary Marija, Special Guest on Radio WAVE Tonight-Dec. 3rd 2007”
I find it interesting that some people would own a dictionary but be very myopic with only a few words to work with. I also find it interesting some would own the Bible with decades of experience but be myopic in selecting a few key passages to support their myopia. I bring this up because I hear many talk of the coming correction or end times or the next coming chastisement. World War 1&2 was really the Christian purge and what is unfolding in America seems to fit the script – American Christian verses Russian Christian setup by hell. Cartis seems to talk about the material world a lot, poverty, silver, land, etc. But I wonder if you see the Spiritual Poverty that was spread into America since WW2? In one legend of Saint John it said he turned sand into diamonds but his wisdom and grace was not material in was the WISDOM of holy spirit that removed the devil from the eyes who were tricked by falsehoods. Was it wise to make JP2 a saint and not follow the traditional 100yr wait but why?
I agree! I played really hard as a child, and now, I work really hard as an adult. So sad to spend a childhood staring at an iPhone. Very sad. We need virility, not softness!!! God Bless!
I agree! I played really hard as a child, and now, I work really hard as an adult. So sad to spend a childhood staring at an iPhone. Very sad. We need virility, not softness!!! God Bless!